
A Rails Developers Intro to Ember

A Rails Developers Intro to Ember

by Robert Jackson

In the presentation titled "A Rails Developers Intro to Ember" by Robert Jackson at the Ancient City Ruby 2016, the focus is on guiding Rails developers in integrating Ember.js as the frontend for their Rails API applications. The talk emphasizes how to build a single-page application (SPA) using Ember, highlighting its compatibility with Rails for a seamless development experience. Some of the main points discussed include:

- Introduction to Ember: Robert explains that while the talk is not centered on promoting Ember as the best framework, it will provide useful insights for Rails developers eager to explore Ember.

- Single-Page Applications: The concept of SPAs is introduced, where user interactions are managed on the client-side, resulting in a more application-like experience compared to traditional server-rendered pages. Robert mentions well-known SPAs like PlayStation Now and Apple Music as examples of this superior user experience.

- Developer Experience in Rails vs. JavaScript: Robert compares the developer experience in Rails, which is user-friendly and efficient, to the complexities often faced in JavaScript development, such as dependency management issues in Node. He emphasizes that Rails provides a better overall experience for setting up applications.

- Developing in Ember: The talk outlines the basic setup for an Ember app using Ember CLI, where developers can easily generate components, routes, and templates much like in Rails. This keeps the development process streamlined and familiar for those coming from the Rails environment.

- Integration with Rails: Robert dives into how to integrate Ember with a Rails backend using the Ember CLI Rails gem. This integration allows both frameworks to work cohesively, enabling features like hot reloading and simplified testing for frontend and backend interactions.

- Testing: The integration supports effective testing strategies, ensuring smooth interactions between the frontend and backend, which is vital for deploying reliable applications.

Finally, Robert encourages developers to delve into Ember guides, API documentation, and community resources like relevant podcasts, stressing the importance of practical implementation through open-source projects. The essential takeaway from the session is that Rails and Ember can successfully coexist, providing developers a robust environment for creating modern web applications.

00:00:00.199 For the first talk this morning, we have Robert Jackson. You can see how good I can type on screen here. Oh yes, I'm sure you do.
00:00:13.860 Alright, so before we get started, I want to know how many in the room have used Ember before. How many have not used Ember? Just for a hint, it should be everyone else.
00:00:22.140 Okay, good, sounds good. A few things about the talk: The talk is not going to be about why Ember is actually the best framework to use. It is, but that's not the topic today.
00:00:34.739 The talk is more about how a Rails developer can get into using Ember, one of the ergonomics, how it works, the actual logistics of making it work, and a little bit about the horrors of JavaScript development.
00:00:42.600 First, a little bit about myself. I am a core team member of Ember, which is why we're not going to get into a framework shootout, because it's not exactly an unbiased opinion. I do way too much open source, to the point where I'm forbidden from taking any new hobbies unless I give up any projects on GitHub.
00:01:02.460 I work at Which Wich; it's a great place to work and we are hiring. I'll put us on the little board out there. Mike mentioned this, so come ping me afterwards if you want to talk about that.
00:01:26.580 Next, I want to make sure to always thank my family. I couldn't be here, and I couldn't do this stuff without them and their support. It's a lot of work to get up and do these things and come to these conferences. We should all be thankful for our families and the support they give us.
00:01:42.210 I also want to thank the organizers of the conference, particularly Pat Rocket, for putting on this event. This is my third Ancient City Ruby (ACR); I missed last year, but it has always been a great conference.
00:02:02.800 A few points from this year's ACR: This is the first ACR that I attended where any Lindeman did a killer job live coding this talk. You should really watch it; it was incredible.
00:02:15.930 ACR is also where I met someone I had no idea was a significant figure in the community. We sat in the back of the room and geeked out over drones for about 15 minutes. He was a huge influence on me and taught me that you can do open source without being jaded.
00:02:40.690 Ben's not here, but you should all troll him because he told me yesterday that this is why he's using Vim. That's my guess.
00:03:06.700 So yeah, that's got to be it. I think this is going to be fun now. I want to point something out: notice that the only one that actually has the proper tools is the Emacs user. See that? Notice? Okay, it's a period.
00:03:32.160 This is a great city. It's always a lot of fun to come back. You should really enjoy it if you're from the area. For those from Florida, you have no idea. This was my driveway on Monday morning, so pretty crazy. We had like seven inches of snow up in the Providence area.
00:04:02.040 I got to hop on a plane to come down to sunny Florida on Wednesday morning, and it was great. A little bit about myself, I started out not in web development. I began in standard application development.
00:04:21.840 I did that for a long time, mostly in Visual Studio. I did Visual Basic; yes, I’m that guy. I then moved on to C# and those kinds of things, which feel more respectable to most of you.
00:04:44.820 Then right around when Rails 1 came out, I started poking around at Ruby and fell in love with the language. It made my life so much easier; the conventions and ergonomics made things massively better than everything I was used to before.
00:05:22.470 In about 2014, I started using Ember mostly because our Rails app had specific compliance requirements. We had to transition to a single-page app style, and based on the perspective of Rails, I picked Ember without really evaluating a ton of options.
00:05:49.560 At that time, there weren't a lot of options; there was Angular and Batman.js, if you remember those. Batman was totally dead by now, but you can tell me later. So I got into Ember around then and have been working with it ever since.
00:06:06.690 My first few commits in Ember were all documentation, and at that time, the build tooling was all in Ruby. I've rewritten the build tooling multiple times now to change the way the project builds, and now, of course, it's JavaScript built.
00:06:42.150 Now, let's talk for a minute about the general idea of single-page apps. The idea is that, as opposed to a typical server-rendered app, it feels more like an actual application.
00:07:07.510 Single-page apps have much more state management, events, and all user interactions as opposed to the typical server-rendered HTML page, which relies on request-response.
00:07:24.169 With a typical app, when you click a link, you send a request, and the server responds by rendering more HTML. These days, you can use things like Turbo Links to make that feel snappier.
00:07:51.780 However, even with Turbo Links, you're essentially introducing a bunch of additional state management into your app whether you realize it or not.
00:08:06.329 Turbo Links swaps in new DOM elements from the next page over, but it doesn't clear your JavaScript state. If you've done anything halfway interactive with JavaScript, that state is still around.
00:08:19.130 You have to do a lot of work to reset your application's state, which can trick you into thinking you're not doing state management at all.
00:08:36.580 Another issue I commonly see is developers sprinkling jQuery over different pages, leading to a deeply nested and complex structure that is challenging to debug and manage.
00:08:59.160 In my experience, single-page apps are better for managing that complexity. Here are a few examples of real applications, all of which are single-page apps, that feel like real applications.
00:09:25.580 This includes PlayStation Now, Apple Music, Heroku Dashboard, and Twitch, which you all might be familiar with. The experience of these apps is quite superior to just working with server-rendered HTML.
00:09:58.780 It's also quite straightforward to set up an app to be locally installable for desktop or mobile. Tools like Cordova can nicely wrap an Ember app, and there are great add-ons and tooling to support that.
00:10:33.700 You can also create an Electron-style app to install on desktop platforms. Overall, there's a wealth of great tooling available.
00:10:53.560 Now, let's talk about what it feels like to develop in Rails. This was probably the deciding factor for me when I moved from ASP to Rails—the excellent developer experience.
00:11:35.300 The Rails setup feels like someone actually thought about the developer experience, rather than just handing you a bunch of random steps to follow.
00:11:55.670 We've all hopefully done this problem: install Rails, generate a new project, go into the project, boot up the server, and it just works.
00:12:19.990 You get a really nice splash screen as of Rails 5: 'You made it! You have arrived! Welcome, join us!'
00:12:38.520 Then you can generate a controller, which spits out some code, and you can easily modify your routes to point to the welcome index.
00:12:52.940 This whole experience just works, and you feel good about it. You know you can run tests with just one command, which simplifies the testing process significantly.
00:13:10.039 Let's talk about JavaScript development. We've all seen the delightful nuggets that JavaScript has to offer. The good parts are much smaller than the definitive guide.
00:13:35.660 These wacky things, like how NaN isn’t equal to NaN, really don’t make sense. Each language has its quirks, but I find JavaScript has some real doozies.
00:14:07.780 The dependency management in Node can be a nightmare. It's reminiscent of early Rails days when you had to install nightly builds of gems globally while each project required differing versions.
00:14:45.859 Bundler came along and solved that issue; it allowed all projects to have the appropriate dependencies. However, in JavaScript, that foundational approach hasn’t been adopted.
00:15:14.930 Now when you go into a Node project and run 'npm install,' you may find a dependency is missing that your collaborator assumed was present.
00:15:46.600 These problems can happen anywhere if someone unpublishes a gem, but the Node package management system often ends up being a giant pain in the butt.
00:16:47.750 Now let's talk about developing in an Ember app. First, you would install Ember CLI, the command line tool for building Ember apps. You create a new project, change directories into that project, and then run the server to see it in action.
00:17:28.780 You will see a nice splash page with a welcome message and links to the guides. From there, you can generate templates, controllers, routes, or run tests, which is quite similar to Rails.
00:18:01.410 This familiarity makes the experience feel unified; Ember has a comparable setup to Rails. You can generate the base controller and return a welcome page in a similar manner.
00:18:31.290 Once you've generated your components in Ember, they each have their own JS file where you can define logic, properties, and lifecycle hooks. Each component interacts seamlessly as they render on the screen.
00:19:08.320 In this case, assuming three rentals, we'd have three components representing different rental properties. Each component handles its own data management and interactions.
00:19:30.230 So, now you’re all experts in Ember! Let's move into integrating Ember with Rails and see how to build a full stack application.
00:19:54.340 For our demo, we’re going to use Rails, Ember CLI, and the Ember CLI Rails gem, which helps integrate the two. This setup allows us to combine the strengths of Rails and the streamlined development Ember offers.
00:20:25.830 As we set everything up, you will see how easy it is to get Rails 5 with Ember up and running, even skipping Turbo Links for the demo.
00:20:55.190 After installing the necessary gems and setting everything up, we'll create a Rails directory where the Ember app resides, making it convenient to manage everything in a single repository.
00:21:23.900 Next, we navigate to the frontend directory and install the Ember CLI Rails add-on. This add-on works by integrating Ember CLI's lifecycle hooks to create a smooth development experience.
00:21:55.160 Now, we mount the Ember app using Rails. This means we'll be able to serve the Ember app along with our Rails app, allowing us to leverage the Ember ecosystem in our overall project.
00:22:32.690 With this setup, the Ember CLI server will automatically start on development and proxy requests, giving you flexibility to use all the standard Ember tooling.
00:23:05.550 When you load the app in development, you'll see the Rails boot output, and once the build process is complete, you can see the Ember app load.
00:23:38.260 The integration allows for easy updates and hot reloading of your Ember app as you make changes, ensuring a fluid development experience.
00:24:20.890 After some iterations, this setup has matured to integrate the best of both worlds between Rails and Ember, allowing developers to maintain both applications seamlessly.
00:25:05.470 Next, we need to address testing. This setup supports easy testing between the Rails backend and Ember frontend so you can run integration tests effectively.
00:25:45.440 With this workflow, you can also adapt your tests to ensure that your application behaves correctly before deploying to production, so your integration testing is solid.
00:26:20.690 Running acceptance tests can help confirm the ReactJS app interacts as expected with the Rails backend, ensuring smooth transitions between actions.
00:26:57.260 In conclusion, today's talk shows that the Rails and Ember ecosystem can thrive together, allowing for robust development practices without sacrificing the developer experience.
00:27:29.450 Where can you go from here? Be sure to explore the Ember guides and API docs as these resources have been significantly improved. They are designed to enhance your learning experience.
00:28:01.720 Check out some great podcasts to stay up to date with what’s happening in the community, like Ember Weekend and Emberland, which have insightful discussions and updates.
00:28:29.270 Finally, dive into open-source projects that utilize Ember so you can see practical implementations and improve your skills further.
00:29:03.560 Now that you’re all experts, you can start your journey and take your skills to new heights.