Black Box Testing with RSpec and Capybara
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Black Box Testing with RSpec and Capybara

by Jillian Rosile

In the presentation "Black Box Testing with RSpec and Capybara," Jillian Rosile discusses the importance and implementation of effective testing strategies for web applications using Capybara and RSpec. She highlights how often tests become cluttered with repetitive code, which can hinder readability and maintainability. Instead of relying solely on Capybara's basic features, Jillian advocates for using advanced techniques, specifically the page object pattern, to enhance the structure of tests.

Key Points Discussed:
- Introduction to Capybara: Capybara is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that simulates user interaction with web applications through methods like fill_in, click_button, and find using CSS selectors.
- Common Issues: Simple test cases become repetitive as applications grow, leading to cluttered and inefficient specifications. This can result in tests that are not DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), making them harder to maintain and read.
- Page Object Pattern: To combat repetition, Jillian presents the page object pattern, which encapsulates the logic of interacting with web pages into dedicated classes. This approach improves test clarity and allows for easier modifications when the UI changes.
- Clean Test Examples: By creating a registration page object, the test code is simplified. Instead of redundantly specifying registration steps, methods like register abstract these interactions, leading to more straightforward test structure.
- Form Objects and Shared Logic: Jillian suggests using form objects for shared elements between different pages and potentially creating a base class for forms to facilitate code reuse while maintaining flexibility.
- Custom Method Implementation: Emphasizing cautious use of Capybara's functionalities, Jillian advises using delegation patterns for customized behavior within tests, ensuring clarity and control over element management.
- Long-term Benefits: Well-structured tests not only enhance readability but also make onboarding new team members seamless. She encourages developers to treat tests as first-class code to maintain quality as the codebase expands.

Conclusion: Jillian's talk emphasizes that adopting organized testing practices can significantly boost a team's efficiency. By implementing these techniques from the outset, teams can build a solid foundation for testing that accommodates future development needs. Connecting with her via social media and her blog, she invites others to dive deeper into these concepts and share their own experiences.

00:00:24.480 Hi everyone. My name is Jillian, and I'm going to be talking about black box testing with RSpec and Capybara. I'll be using examples in Capybara and RSpec, but a lot of this is applicable to testing in general or web application UI testing.
00:00:30.800 So, a quick introduction to what Capybara is: it's a DSL for testing web applications that simulates how a real user would interact with your application. It has methods like fill_in and click_button. One of the common methods you'll see is find, where you pass in a CSS selector, and it returns a Capybara element you can then interact with, such as clicking it or getting its text or value.
00:00:45.680 It also has a range of predicate methods that are useful in RSpec, such as has_content, has_css, has_link, and has_button. I'm going to go through an example using a simple registration form, and I'll describe what the HTML for it looks like. This registration form is for a shopping app.
00:01:21.520 Your first attempt at a spec for this might look like this: you're registering a user using Capybara's methods: visit, fill_in email, fill_in password, click_button save, and expect there not to be an error. This is pretty readable for a single page, and if this were the only page in your application, it might be sufficient. However, as new specs are added, like editing a user profile, we quickly find ourselves repeating the same steps to register a user.
00:01:56.079 For example, we need to visit the registration form, fill in the email, fill in the password, and save it. Then, we move on to the profile editing test. If you keep adding more specs, the code can get cluttered quickly with all the repetitive registration steps. This can make it look bad and, worse, obfuscates the purpose of your tests.
00:02:21.760 The reason this kind of repetition is common in test code is that we often think of tests as accessories to our code rather than actual code themselves. Poorly written tests can lead to the same issues we see with bad application code. These tests are not DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), making them harder to read and maintain, especially since any UI changes require modifications across multiple tests instead of just one place.
00:02:58.239 When you review your test code, you might find similar lines repeated at the top of every test. It's important to remedy this repetition, and one effective solution is using the page object pattern. Martin Fowler has an excellent blog post about this concept. The idea is to define a class for each page that encapsulates the logic for interacting with that page.
00:03:10.880 This approach makes it easy to reuse methods whenever you need to interact with that page. Furthermore, if there's a change to the page interface, you only need to update the corresponding page object, rather than changing multiple tests. This also enables optimization of slow tests, as you can quickly modify performance-related logic in one place rather than scouring the entire test suite.
00:03:58.240 Here's an example for the registration page we just looked at. It includes the Capybara DSL and stores the URL for the page, calling Capybara's visit method without needing to explicitly pass in the URL. The class contains a register method that encompasses those familiar steps: visit, fill in the email, fill in the password, and save. We've also wrapped the CSS for the expected error handling, including a has_no_flash_error method for easy reuse.
00:04:37.919 Now our test reading looks a lot cleaner. We initialize a registration page and simply call register, expecting there to be no flash error. This way, we've abstracted away the CSS selectors and UI elements, allowing us to focus on the logic of the test itself. If changes are made to the page, we only need to modify the page object, leaving our test cases unchanged.
00:05:03.680 Similarly, the user profile spec is now much clearer: it starts with user registration, making it evident what’s happening at the top. You don’t need to parse through multiple lines of code to discern what's going on. This consistency helps maintain readability. As you create more page objects for different components, your tests will become simpler and less redundant.
00:05:49.200 Next, you’ll want to consider making page objects for other pages, like the edit profile page or the order history page. The shared logic among these pages will lead to more concise and maintainable code. For instance, aspects such as URL handling and common methods for navigating pages can be abstracted into a more generic structure.
00:06:16.639 What if you have pages that share common elements but are not identical? In that case, you may consider creating form objects that encapsulate the fields and actions you want to perform. This includes fields for first name and last name and methods to fill them in. This reusable functionality across different forms minimizes code duplication and enhances clarity.
00:06:58.560 In implementing this, you can include Forwardable and delegate method calls for these fields to your form object. By doing this, you simplify your page objects' logic as they will inherently have access to the necessary functionality, further streamlining the registration or editing processes. This approach allows your tests to operate smoothly with simple and clear syntax.
00:07:23.520 We've discussed how page sections can be shared among multiple pages and how to handle similar elements that aren't identical. For instance, if you have dialog boxes that pop up, you can create a dedicated class for those dialogs to harness shared behavior. That way, your code structure remains organized, allowing for easy adaptability as new UI components are introduced.
00:08:10.720 Sometimes, you might have situations where some forms have similar characteristics but do not exactly match each other in structure. To tackle this effectively, you could define a base class for your forms, which allows for variation while preserving common functionalities among similar elements. This design will keep your page objects neatly categorized while promoting reusability.
00:08:51.120 Now, regarding the implementation of custom methods, it's crucial to ensure that you're not directly inheriting from Capybara's find method for your specialized classes, as this could lead to confusion and mismanagement of the underlying elements. Instead, consider utilizing delegation patterns to ensure you can accurately handle and customize element behavior on a case-by-case basis.
00:09:35.920 In conclusion, utilizing the page object pattern enhances the readability and maintenance of your tests. If your specs are laid out logically, new team members can easily grasp the structure and focus on code quality without getting tangled in repetitive logic. Streamlined code helps you avoid redundancy, letting you improve your test set without making sweeping changes.
00:10:13.280 I hope today's talk inspires you to rethink how you structure your tests, treating them as first-class code rather than an accessory to your application. This could offer you valuable benefits in the long run, especially as your codebase grows. The cleaner and more organized your tests are from the start, the better your team can leverage them as the application evolves.
00:10:50.720 Thank you for your time and attention today, and thank you to the organizers for hosting this talk. I would also like to acknowledge Eric and Glenn for their contributions to the materials I presented today and encourage everyone to explore the resources provided here for more in-depth knowledge.
00:11:06.160 Lastly, if you want to connect with me, here’s my Twitter handle. My blog also has additional content on these topics, and I welcome any feedback on the material or thoughts on your experience implementing similar patterns.
00:11:26.320 As we wrap up, remember that well-structured tests can significantly improve your team’s efficiency and effectiveness. Don't hesitate to implement these ideas even in a small codebase because, over time, the complexity can grow, and you'll appreciate having a solid foundation for your tests.
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