
Blitzbuilding product with Rails - a crypto journey

Blitzbuilding product with Rails - a crypto journey

by YiTing "Xdite" Cheng

In her talk at RailsConf 2018, YiTing "Xdite" Cheng discusses her experiences building OTCBTC, a rapidly growing cryptocurrency exchange developed with Ruby on Rails. Xdite shares insights on how to leverage Rails for fast product development and profitable business growth in the blockchain space, particularly focusing on the launch and success of OTCBTC within months.

Key Points Discussed:

- OTCBTC Overview: OTCBTC is described as an OTC exchange, likened to eBay for crypto, where users can trade cryptocurrencies in a peer-to-peer format. The exchange also operates like normal trading platforms, enabling users to buy and sell crypto easily.
- Rapid Growth Metrics: The platform achieved significant milestones shortly after launch, including 50,000 users and 1.5 billion Chinese Yuan (approximately $215 million) in Gross Merchandising Value (GMV) within the first month, highlighting its rapid traction in the market.
- Developer Transition to Entrepreneurship: Xdite recounts her journey from a senior Rails developer to founding her own business. Her experiences illustrate the importance of understanding both technical and business aspects to succeed in the entrepreneurial realm.

- Identifying Opportunities: She emphasizes the need to choose the right market topics, identifying trends such as the rise of online coding camps and the surge in interest in cryptocurrencies, which led to profitable ventures based on timing and market conditions.
- Rapid Execution: The urgency to launch OTCBTC within a month was driven by a competitive market environment, emphasizing the importance of speed and initial user feedback in the iterative development process.
- Customer-Centric Development: Xdite stresses building essential features that address customer needs rather than focusing on excessive product features, enhancing usability and customer satisfaction to reduce churn.
- Marketing and Customer Support: Their strategy included active customer engagement through platforms like WeChat and Telegram, which contributed to high conversion rates and retention through responsive support.
- Innovation and Competition: The discussion touches on how innovation is more about meeting immediate user needs effectively than simply adding flashy features, with a focus on creating a product that is significantly better than existing solutions.

Main Takeaways:

- Fast development and execution are critical in competitive tech environments.

- Success in entrepreneurship requires both technical prowess and an understanding of market dynamics.

- Prioritizing must-have features and responsive customer support can significantly enhance product adoption and loyalty.

- Building a unique solution that addresses gaps in the current market is essential for establishing a competitive advantage.

Xciter concludes that developers can create meaningful impact and wealth through entrepreneurship by understanding both technology and the needs of their target market, particularly in rapidly evolving fields like cryptocurrency.

00:00:10.849 Hi everyone! This is my first time speaking at RailsConf. I have always checked the preview of Rails several times, so this time I decided to buy a slot at this conference. Today, I will talk about building products with Rails.
00:00:30.029 I am not talking about beauty products or anything like that. Instead, I will discuss how to use Rails to build a really profitable business in a very short amount of time. Specifically, I will talk about my exchange, OTCBTC.
00:00:49.079 A bit about myself: I have been a Rails developer for ten years. Before I started my own business, I took on several roles, including consultancy work, before joining Silicon Valley. Although that time didn’t go well, over the past three years, I have studied various business frameworks.
00:01:06.810 Now, I aim to combine my skills in programming with a strong business sense to build projects efficiently. Today, I will share how I did this in my journey.
00:01:22.049 Currently, I am the founder and CEO of OTCBTC. Most of the OTCBTC system has actually been built by myself. I used to be the CEO of the largest ICO platform in China.
00:01:36.000 I also organized a real estate conference in my hometown, Taiwan, called "Real Specific." So that is a little about my background.
00:01:57.630 Now, what is OTCBTC? We have two kinds of business: one is OTC trading and the other is a crypto exchange. I will give a brief introduction to both businesses. OTC trading is like crypto eBay, where you can buy crypto on our website. You can use fiat currency, similar to buying products on eBay but with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
00:02:30.659 The second part, our crypto exchange, functions like a stock exchange where you can trade cryptocurrencies. Today, I will share the story of how we built this product and achieved three hundred times growth in just two months.
00:02:53.890 We launched OTCBTC in October, and when we first launched, we had an impressive trading record: we got 50,000 users in our first month and achieved 1.5 billion Chinese Yuan in gross merchandise value (GMV). This is equivalent to the total trading volume in the first month.
00:03:34.269 Additionally, we broke even immediately in the first month and had a net promoter score, which indicates customer satisfaction. A net promoter score above a certain level means your product fulfills users' needs effectively. Our revenue and trading value growth rate also reached 20%.
00:03:54.639 Now, let me explain how we achieved this rapid growth in just one month. Personally, I spent five to six years in the tech industry. I have been a senior developer and have built various architectures that worked with Rails, but I was not satisfied with my position, which drove me to start my own business.
00:04:40.720 In 2012, I opened a Rails consultancy, but after one year, I realized I didn't enjoy it. I was doing quality work, but my clients were often not satisfied, which led me to believe I needed to find a better way to apply my skills. I sold my company and joined a new tech company as a VP of Engineering.
00:05:38.110 Here, I learned how successful companies operate and how to build architectures that make sense for businesses. After gaining this experience, I felt ready to start my own venture again. In the last year, I generated substantial profit by applying the framework I developed.
00:06:20.430 I believe developers often have the potential to change the world; they just need to understand business better. One of the most important things in the first part of building a product is choosing a good topic.
00:06:58.680 In China, I realized there was a huge opportunity in teaching coding online, similar to coding campuses in the U.S. When I started my online coding camp in 2016, it quickly gained popularity. Within just six months, I taught over 1000 students, generating around 2 million USD in profit.
00:08:05.270 After starting another business called ICO2Info with my partner, I pivoted due to the rising ICO market in China. I invested in cryptocurrency after seeing explosive growth. However, regulations became strict as the Chinese government started shutting down ICOs.
00:09:24.840 This created an opportunity, as many people needed to convert their cryptocurrencies back to fiat, which was no longer possible through regular exchanges. So, I saw a chance to establish an OTC exchange to help facilitate transactions.
00:10:01.100 I made the decision to build the OTC platform because I believed I could profit from the existing demand while providing a safer and easier way for people to trade.
00:10:43.430 My goal was to create a unique offering and deliver it quickly in order to serve customers better, so we launched within a month of acquiring our domain.
00:11:18.800 To navigate fast-paced markets in China, I understood the need for being first to market—if you don’t act quickly, competitors will emerge. This urgency was essential for our launch strategy.
00:12:14.400 One lesson I learned about building products is the importance of timing. When I started OTCBTC, I focused on the minimum viable product (MVP) concept where we needed to quickly deliver the essential features that customers needed without overcomplicating things.
00:13:51.840 As a part of my implementation model, I didn’t strictly follow typical development frameworks. For our MVP, the purpose was to solve essential customer problems first and foremost.
00:14:50.800 I also focused on gathering feedback from customers and refining our features based on what they valued most. This was crucial, as customer interactions provided valuable insights into what we needed to change or improve.
00:15:34.610 Now, about progress: Our goal was to target the needs of crypto traders specifically, making sure our platform was effective and easy to use. We avoided unnecessary complexity to keep our product focused.
00:17:17.410 Our numbers reflected our strategies; we reduced customer complaints efficiently and stabilized our platform. Over time, this led to increased customer satisfaction and a strong user base.
00:18:20.500 Through this process, I witnessed the value of a strong support team, working directly with users to better understand their experiences on our platform. We also kept refining our internal processes to enhance our operational efficiency.
00:19:05.150 Throughout my journey, it was vital to focus on the core functionalities, eliminating features that could complicate the user experience.
00:20:02.340 In summation, what I encourage others in the field to remember: it’s about continuously aligning your product features with customer needs rather than pursuing trends that may overwhelm the core purpose.
00:20:52.730 Finally, building a successful product requires constant iteration; it’s not a set-it-and-forget-it situation. Being involved with customers early on and frequently drives product improvement.