Diversity & Inclusion

Bootcamp Grads Have Feelings, Too

Bootcamp Grads Have Feelings, Too

by Max Tiu

In the presentation "Bootcamp Grads Have Feelings, Too" at RubyConf 2016, Max Tiu addresses the stigma surrounding bootcamp graduates and highlights the importance of creating an inclusive environment within the tech community. Tiu shares personal experiences as a bootcamp graduate and emphasizes how exclusionary behaviors can stifle diversity in the tech industry.

Key Points Discussed:
- Background on Bootcamps: Bootcamps serve as alternative education pathways into tech, often offering more accessible entry for individuals who may not otherwise pursue a career in technology.
- Kaya's Story: An illustrative example of Kaya, a pharmaceutical sales representative who seeks career fulfillment and becomes interested in transitioning to tech through bootcamps. Despite her enthusiasm, she encounters stigma that makes her doubt her choices and capabilities.
- Diversity and Access: Statistics show that bootcamps enroll more diverse populations compared to traditional computer science degrees. About 20% of bootcamp graduates are people of color, and women represent 36% of bootcampers, illustrating the role bootcamps play in increasing diversity within tech.
- Challenges Post-Bootcamp: Graduates often face barriers in job applications, including exclusionary degree requirements and negative perceptions about their education and skills. These challenges perpetuate feelings of inadequacy among bootcamp graduates.
- Value of Bootcamp Graduates: Tiu argues that bootcamp grads bring innovative perspectives and energy to teams, which benefits organizations by fostering collaboration and creativity.
- Improving Inclusivity: The discussion calls for concrete changes in hiring practices, advocating for realistic assessments over traditional degrees, and the introduction of apprenticeships and hands-on learning opportunities.
- Community Support: Engagement through local tech meetups and initiatives, such as Rails Girls Atlanta, plays a critical role in supporting bootcamp graduates and promoting an inclusive tech community.

Conclusions and Takeaways:
- The importance of treating bootcamp graduates as individuals with diverse backgrounds and aspirations is emphasized.
- Recognizing the contributions of bootcampers is vital for fostering an equitable tech community.
- The talk encourages industry members to actively listen to and validate the experiences of bootcamp graduates, aiming for lasting connections and collaborative growth.

Tiu concludes with a call to action, inspiring the audience to play a part in changing the narrative around bootcamp graduates and promoting inclusivity in the tech industry.

00:00:15.040 Thank you all for being here. I’d like to extend my gratitude to the RubyConf program community for allowing me to speak today. I would also like to thank all the RubyConf organizers and all the hard work they’ve put into creating such an amazing event for us all. Please take a moment to recognize their efforts.
00:00:38.320 Hello! My name is Max Tiu, and I’m a software engineer at CallRail. I’m also the communications coordinator for Rails Girls Atlanta. You can find me on Twitter and GitHub under the username MeganTiu. I’m a proud bootcamp graduate, although I haven’t always felt confident enough to discuss it on a stage like this. It has been a significant journey to get here.
00:00:58.970 Like many bootcamp graduates, I have faced the stigma associated with bootcamps. Today, I want to address this problem collectively. The surprise that an intelligent, skilled developer attended a bootcamp pertains to a stigma that impacts all of us. This stigma manifests in various ways for different reasons, but for now, I’d like to share the story of countless bootcamp students I've met during my time attending and organizing meetups and mentoring bootcamp students.
00:01:30.880 Let me tell you about a friend named Kaya, a pharmaceutical sales representative. Kaya is unfulfilled in her job and desires a more fulfilling professional life. One day, she speaks to her cousin, who is a developer. Her cousin enjoys a good salary and seems genuinely happy. Intrigued, Kaya asks them how she can explore this career path further.
00:02:02.869 Kaya's cousin directs her to Codecademy to learn the basics and various online tutorials. She dives into the coursework, and quickly becomes excited about her progress. Feeling motivated, she returns to her cousin, eager to explore the next steps in her development journey. They mention bootcamps, and Kaya is thrilled. She thinks to herself that she has some savings and could make this new adventure a reality.
00:02:40.459 However, it’s essential to recognize that Kaya isn’t representative of all bootcampers; everyone comes from different backgrounds and motives. Many individuals seek bootcamps for diverse reasons, not just career changes. Boot campers could be aspiring entrepreneurs wanting to understand the technology behind their business or individuals aiming to save costs on developing a personal website. Some may simply be hobbyists exploring a new skill.
00:03:06.220 It's vital to remember that not all bootcamp students want to be developers. By labeling bootcampers in such a uniform way, we risk stereotyping them and failing to appreciate the diverse reasons for their participation in these programs.
00:03:30.620 To understand this stigma better, let’s circle back to Kaya. As she explores her options in bootcamps, she becomes aware of negative commentary surrounding them, such as, 'Save your money, it’s not worth it,' or 'You can’t learn enough in a bootcamp to have a real career.' This negativity leads her to question her choices and her confidence as she considers her decision to join a bootcamp.
00:03:57.810 Kaya contemplates the idea of alternative education paths and how they hold validity in access to the tech industry. The ongoing stigma often shines light on the pipeline problem: a notion that represents the unbalance in diversity within tech due to factors like education systems but fails to recognize how exclusionary behavior by current technologists contributes to this issue. When technology groups continue to exclude bootcampers, we miss out on a broader pool of knowledge and diverse voices.
00:04:44.630 Bootcamps offer a more accessible entry point into the tech industry with the average cost being much lower than traditional computer science degrees. This inclusivity is crucial, especially considering that about 20% of bootcamp graduates are people of color compared to just 6.8% of computer science students. Similarly, women represent 36% of bootcampers, whereas only 14.1% of CS students are women.
00:05:01.920 Kaya sees firsthand how the stigma can come into play during her interactions. As she progresses through her bootcamp, she engages with the developer community but begins to hear comments diminishing her experience. These sentiments leave her wondering if she made a mistake. She hears horror stories about bootcamp graduates struggling in interviews, and it becomes disheartening.
00:05:22.500 When Kaya seeks employment, she encounters clear barriers like job postings requiring a computer science degree. Even if she manages to land an interview, she feels pressured to prove herself under rigorous testing conditions that favor traditional education paths, embracing outdated practices that overlook the potential of bootcamp graduates.
00:06:01.800 The stigma against bootcamp graduates is manifested through comments that imply bootcampers lack foundational knowledge. This disregard leaves many individuals feeling unwanted and further reinforces stereotypes that can hinder their chances in the industry.
00:06:41.240 However, it’s important to emphasize that not all bootcampers are the same. Many bootcamp graduates work incredibly hard, and making broad generalizations diminishes their efforts and successes. We often stereotype based on a few negative experiences and fail to recognize the diversity within bootcamps.
00:07:06.440 To provide a better perspective, we can explore how often bootcamp graduates succeed. They can offer fresh viewpoints that can help teams innovate and improve their processes by introducing new technologies and ideas. By supporting bootcamp graduates, organizations can enhance their teams.
00:07:27.760 Bootcamp graduates can genuinely refresh team dynamics. Their eagerness and fresh perspectives invite teams to reflect on their practices, stimulating critical conversations to improve the codebase. The excitement of learning spreads, energizing the existing team and promoting a conducive work environment.
00:07:51.250 Not only do bootcamp students bring tangible skills and insights, but they also foster a welcoming atmosphere where collaboration thrives. Organizations benefit from the collaborative spirit that bootcamp graduates instill. Their diverse backgrounds produce valuable sparks of creativity that can alter the company culture positively.
00:08:16.380 In addition, welcoming these new voices bolsters a more inclusive industry. By incorporating diverse perspectives, we can create communities that embrace growth and change while making significant strides in accessibility.
00:08:46.420 It’s essential for us to combat the stigma surrounding bootcamps. By doing this, we recognize the value that bootcamp graduates bring to the industry. The diversity present in this community can drive innovation and broaden our understanding of technology. They deserve recognition and opportunities to thrive.
00:09:28.830 To dismantle this stigma, we must challenge preconceived notions. We should treat each person as an individual, considering their unique experiences and contributions. When we hold on to stereotypes, we ultimately hinder growth in our community and in the tech industry overall.
00:09:57.230 To aid bootcamp graduates in thriving, we need to make concrete changes in hiring practices. We can provide more apprenticeships, allowing new developers to learn and grow in real-world environments. This hands-on approach makes it easier for bootcamp graduates to transition into their careers.
00:10:33.680 Furthermore, practical assessments in interviews should replace outdated theories. Practical coding tests not only offer bootcampers a fair chance but also mirror real-world tasks that they'll face on the job. Valuing these real experiences over theoretical knowledge allows us to adjust hiring processes for fairness.
00:11:12.180 By engaging directly with bootcamp graduates, we can bridge the skills gap. Encouraging community contributions through workshops, coding sessions, and face-to-face interactions can help newer developers feel empowered and endorsed to explore their passions.
00:11:47.400 Creating platforms for experience sharing is vital. Initiatives like Rails Girls Atlanta foster creativity while supporting underrepresented groups as they navigate the tech space. Allowing them a chance to shine within communities enhances professional growth and triggers networking opportunities.
00:12:24.380 As we conclude, let's reflect on the overall journey of Kaya. She finished her bootcamp and is building her portfolio while volunteering at local tech meetups to pay it forward. Understanding the difficulty of breaking into this industry has motivated her to make pathways easier for others.
00:13:02.170 So, I leave you with a few takeaways: bootcampers have feelings; the stigma against them remains tangible, and it’s up to us to change that narrative. Each bootcamper comes from a different background and possesses unique goals and aspirations.
00:13:44.140 Bootcampers provide pathways into tech for those historically underrepresented. They should feel dignified in their pursuit of knowledge and career success. Most importantly, they deserve acknowledgment for their perseverance in an often daunting environment.
00:14:30.760 As we welcome bootcampers into our spaces, let us actively listen and validate their contributions. It’s essential to understand that every new voice offers invaluable perspectives that challenge the norm and tease out innovation. Their inclusion is paramount to fostering an equitable community.
00:15:07.680 In closing, let’s fight alongside bootcampers and create lasting connections in our industry. If you’re in Atlanta or are willing to be, please reach out to me for opportunities at CallRail. I will be answering questions off stage and would love to chat more about bootcamps and the work that needs to be done to foster inclusivity.
00:15:42.990 Feel free to say hello and engage with me throughout the conference; I’m eager to discuss bootcamps or anything else. Thank you for your attention today!