Team Collaboration

Bringing Your Rails Monolith Along As The Business Grows

Bringing Your Rails Monolith Along As The Business Grows - Ontra - Carrick Rogers

RailsConf 2022

00:00:00.900 foreign
00:00:12.120 I think we have 1 30 on the clock so I
00:00:15.360 should get this show underway thanks for
00:00:17.220 joining us all today for bringing your
00:00:19.320 ales monolith as your business grows and
00:00:23.039 while I'm up here talking I'm Carrick
00:00:25.980 Rogers the director of engineering for
00:00:28.320 our web applications team this is very
00:00:31.500 much a group presentation that is made
00:00:34.200 possible by all the hard work of all the
00:00:36.480 engineers that have contributed to
00:00:37.920 various portions of our code base and
00:00:40.140 they're down in the front row so
00:00:41.780 unbeknownst to them they may have to
00:00:43.680 help answer some questions especially in
00:00:45.660 areas that I'm not known on sorry Lily I
00:00:49.260 got you in the end
00:00:51.780 so um you know why um who is who is
00:00:55.980 ontra what do we do to start with we
00:00:58.079 process digitize and analyze private
00:01:00.420 Market legal contracts
00:01:02.820 um the the simplest way to think of this
00:01:04.680 is investment Banks like to sell a lot
00:01:06.360 of things to each other they have legal
00:01:08.040 obligations that come out of them and
00:01:10.500 they need to get those contracts through
00:01:12.240 they need to understand what do I need
00:01:13.619 to report to my investors what I need to
00:01:15.960 report to the SEC what I need to report
00:01:18.119 to them six months from now we also do
00:01:20.100 all of that with unions and pensions
00:01:22.200 so we have a lot of AI enabled software
00:01:25.140 that helps specialist lawyers process
00:01:26.759 these contracts and pull out the key
00:01:28.860 terms that they're going to have to use
00:01:30.840 to power their reports
00:01:33.200 and we are a Ruby on Rails monolith the
00:01:36.780 Ruby rails part I'd imagine is quite
00:01:38.460 unsurprising with an ember JS front end
00:01:42.720 and we've been around since 2016 when
00:01:45.420 the Ruby application launched I think we
00:01:48.479 actually I'm told soft launched in late
00:01:51.000 of 2015 our CTO wanted to say he was
00:01:54.720 responsible for doing the entire first
00:01:57.000 round of the application so he pulled a
00:01:58.680 bunch of all-nighters before our
00:01:59.939 principal engineer Jerry joined to
00:02:02.820 avoiding having to share the initial
00:02:04.979 credit and we've been in the same code
00:02:09.360 base in mono repo since Inception and we
00:02:12.000 have about a hundred uh people you know
00:02:14.400 we're headed towards having worked on it
00:02:17.239 and so then why this talk one of the
00:02:20.700 things we found especially is we've been
00:02:22.140 going out you know hiring talking to
00:02:24.300 potential vendors contractors everything
00:02:26.040 is um we get variations on what is your
00:02:28.739 code base like why haven't you moved off
00:02:31.080 monolith slash mono repo you know
00:02:33.300 microservices are very much a thing and
00:02:35.940 then it's all leading up to the big
00:02:37.500 question of are you still on the
00:02:39.000 monoliths because you want to be or
00:02:40.620 because you have to be often asked in
00:02:43.379 the vein of is your monolith just too
00:02:45.120 hard for you to shred and escape from so
00:02:48.060 you're stuck on it or are you actually
00:02:49.379 happy there and we've thought about it
00:02:53.340 and we're actually quite happy there
00:02:54.900 both in terms of our ability to function
00:02:57.060 at scale and in terms of our ability to
00:03:00.360 actually have a code base that you have
00:03:01.560 a lot of Engineers committing into one
00:03:03.060 repo and not be stepping on each other's
00:03:05.459 toes not be constantly running into
00:03:08.099 problems and with the frequency that
00:03:10.620 we've been asked this question has kind
00:03:12.000 of gotten us thinking um
00:03:14.760 you know like how did we end up happy
00:03:17.760 um we can think back we can to some
00:03:19.680 certain um decisions that we've made
00:03:21.840 over the years and those led to specific
00:03:25.019 um high points or low points with regard
00:03:27.060 to our happiness those um paid off or
00:03:29.879 didn't pay off but at the same time we
00:03:32.340 realized we never really had a full-on
00:03:34.379 retrospective of how did we make all of
00:03:37.980 this work how did we actually end up at
00:03:40.860 a point where when we tell somebody
00:03:42.420 we're talking to that we're happy we're
00:03:43.860 not just you know uh lying to them as
00:03:46.200 part of the pitch process but we're
00:03:47.640 really happy there and
00:03:51.060 um so we kind of started to think of
00:03:52.680 that and we came up with this talk and
00:03:54.120 this is a talk where if we had a time
00:03:55.680 machine and we could go back and we
00:03:56.819 could talk to ourselves four or five
00:03:58.379 years ago you know we would tell
00:04:00.180 ourselves um you know hey this is this
00:04:02.819 is great keep doing this or yeah this
00:04:05.220 was not such a great idea you shouldn't
00:04:07.200 have done something this way and
00:04:08.700 hopefully for folks out there that might
00:04:10.860 be looking at you know thinking about
00:04:12.840 keeping their monolith alive and
00:04:14.400 functional as they grow they can also um
00:04:18.479 you know derive some value from that
00:04:22.380 so before we um you know jump in to um
00:04:25.919 where we are I want to kind of just you
00:04:27.240 know set the stage for how big of a
00:04:28.800 monolith we are
00:04:30.240 um so we're at about a I'll say I'm sure
00:04:33.419 we're over 4 500 commits by now since I
00:04:35.940 pulled these slides together a couple
00:04:37.199 weeks ago and I'm pretty sure people
00:04:39.060 have been working since then so I
00:04:40.680 believe we've um broken through the 4
00:04:42.540 500 barrier we have um 48 different code
00:04:46.020 committers
00:04:47.400 um we have um about 62 000 lines of Ruby
00:04:51.180 code spread
00:04:52.680 um you know spread across app live and
00:04:54.720 config and about 112 in our spec
00:04:58.800 directory right now because tests are
00:05:00.479 very important and then on the Ember
00:05:02.699 side of the world we have a little over
00:05:04.259 61k of JavaScript and a little over 33k
00:05:08.220 of handlebars we have all The Usual
00:05:11.280 Suspects in our uh you know Ruby on
00:05:13.800 Rails tooling active record redis
00:05:16.259 sidekick
00:05:17.600 what you kind of expect off a standard
00:05:20.160 models especially one that kind of came
00:05:21.720 out in the
00:05:23.100 you know mid-20 teams or
00:05:25.860 so and then
00:05:28.320 um just to prove we have project Olive
00:05:30.979 Scorpius off of this is not a real
00:05:33.300 project but off of kind of our demo
00:05:36.180 environment showing um yeah we are
00:05:38.280 actually a real app we can show you
00:05:40.080 things about documents and attorneys
00:05:42.120 processing documents and
00:05:44.479 track through multiple versions of the
00:05:46.800 file which we'll all touch on as we get
00:05:49.139 into this more
00:05:51.539 um
00:05:52.620 so the first thing when we were going
00:05:54.419 back and looking through kind of um our
00:05:57.960 decisions on what did we do right what
00:05:59.880 did we do poorly
00:06:01.259 um
00:06:01.860 the fact that we um came out with those
00:06:04.500 hundred ten thousand lines of Ruby
00:06:07.560 testing within our spec um you know
00:06:10.020 proved to be um
00:06:12.180 very useful to us and then we started to
00:06:15.120 think
00:06:16.199 um back early on we were three engineers
00:06:18.720 and we got up to five we were
00:06:21.600 um you want to generate Revenue you want
00:06:23.340 to prove you have product Market fit
00:06:25.020 you're don't have any concerns about
00:06:26.759 operating at scale you're just concerns
00:06:28.919 about am I going to exist in a year type
00:06:30.660 of situation and how did we come up with
00:06:34.680 the space to actually come through and
00:06:37.500 have decent testing patterns and what we
00:06:39.960 realized was we were actually in
00:06:41.880 retrospect fairly pragmatic about this
00:06:44.360 and very much unintentionally so so
00:06:46.979 hopefully some other folks can be more
00:06:49.020 intentional about this are when you look
00:06:51.360 through kind of our git history and I
00:06:53.100 talked to some of the older hands
00:06:54.860 initially we only had our spec tests for
00:06:57.419 the rails API
00:06:59.400 um you know so does if you call this
00:07:02.160 controller does Json appear does the
00:07:04.080 Json you um expect appear and then
00:07:07.380 obviously you're inferring that your
00:07:09.060 front end is going to take that
00:07:10.259 correctly and you're really hoping that
00:07:12.720 things are also ending up in your
00:07:14.460 database correctly
00:07:16.440 so
00:07:17.720 that came out though that actually let
00:07:19.800 us get out the door pretty quickly and
00:07:21.539 be pretty stable we brought in you know
00:07:23.699 copy Bara tests came later and then
00:07:27.000 um Ember CLI and simple Cove came in
00:07:30.360 even later for actually testing test
00:07:33.360 regression today we're working on we're
00:07:37.199 using our spec tests for a lot of kind
00:07:39.479 of full-on feature tests where we're
00:07:41.099 checking to make sure things are
00:07:42.720 rendered on a page and that's why I have
00:07:45.360 this lovely code snippet here which we
00:07:47.400 did not come up with so I made sure to
00:07:49.500 um call out Ryan big whose blog post we
00:07:53.039 stole this off of whenever you're trying
00:07:55.199 to work with Ajax copy bar doesn't like
00:07:57.780 to work for it or at least the version
00:07:59.580 of copy we have doesn't so we have a
00:08:03.180 great little counter system here where
00:08:05.639 um basically check to see if the Dom is
00:08:10.139 in the ready State and reporting that
00:08:11.460 everything is returned if not go ahead
00:08:13.800 and sleep for a little bit and we'll um
00:08:16.500 you know keep sleeping for up to five
00:08:18.780 seconds unless you manually override
00:08:20.520 that which obviously is um
00:08:23.940 going to have some long-term
00:08:25.259 implications as we go to scale by
00:08:27.300 building in mandatory wait times
00:08:32.039 you know and now today as we come into
00:08:34.260 six years of existence we're at the
00:08:36.180 point where we're working on forming an
00:08:37.740 automated testing team we still want our
00:08:39.539 Engineers to write automated tests but
00:08:41.820 we're actually kind of we survived we've
00:08:43.440 gotten to the size where we can have
00:08:44.820 full-on automated test Engineers
00:08:46.920 automated test manager and all of that
00:08:49.500 and but overall we've made it to 97
00:08:52.380 percent
00:08:53.399 um
00:08:54.060 coverage when we sit there and we run
00:08:56.160 simple carve and check for mislines and
00:08:58.740 a lot of that I think again comes back
00:09:00.300 to pragmatic early on and then as we had
00:09:03.240 resources going through and actually
00:09:05.580 doing it right
00:09:08.160 um
00:09:08.940 I also want to you know test talk about
00:09:11.459 some other tools we've brought in over
00:09:13.860 the years no we did not bring in a
00:09:16.440 Leatherman Multi-Tool to our code base
00:09:17.880 but being in Portland I figure we should
00:09:19.800 give a I should give a shout out to
00:09:21.300 Leatherman they did make our booth
00:09:23.279 possible by letting us open all our
00:09:25.560 boxes with the various knives
00:09:27.660 but um you know very very important but
00:09:31.500 um you know we didn't start out with um
00:09:33.720 much just beyond the standard Ruby on
00:09:35.760 Rails stack and um I think one of the
00:09:38.940 really big things we've had is we've
00:09:41.640 added in um break man for vulnerability
00:09:44.040 scanners we've added in bundle audit for
00:09:46.560 spotting gems that need to get updated
00:09:48.300 and of course we've added in Robocop and
00:09:51.899 I would call out RoboCop as another area
00:09:54.120 where we had our similar pattern of
00:09:56.160 start out very small we just started out
00:09:57.839 with vanilla rubocop and now we actually
00:10:00.060 write our own RoboCop rules and it was
00:10:03.000 something that we didn't get into until
00:10:04.140 a couple years in
00:10:06.779 and I've come off the slide
00:10:09.600 and now what's really coming to
00:10:12.060 important is kind of the usage of those
00:10:13.380 tools our CTO from day one lane had a
00:10:16.980 really strong focus on developer
00:10:18.959 ergonomics and that extends just beyond
00:10:21.360 oh everybody gets a nice laptop and a
00:10:23.459 nice
00:10:24.300 um monitor he was always an advocate for
00:10:27.720 you know having Tools around testing
00:10:29.339 linting and vulnerability scanning
00:10:32.779 and fundamentally what we've realized is
00:10:36.420 well by having the advocate for those
00:10:38.760 tools by having those we kind of
00:10:42.180 unintentionally again locked ourselves
00:10:44.579 on to a lot of community practices we
00:10:47.519 brought in Robocop and we just did
00:10:49.260 whatever kind when you know robocops are
00:10:51.120 reporting violations so we just we just
00:10:53.279 fixed them with RoboCop Dash a
00:10:55.700 Brakeman came in and started spotting
00:10:58.800 injection risks so we fix them
00:11:02.240 and bundle started coming in and telling
00:11:04.920 us best practices on the gems and
00:11:07.620 basically rather than trying to come up
00:11:09.420 with our own patterns for the monolith
00:11:11.100 we were just accepting the community
00:11:12.600 patterns and that really paid off
00:11:14.220 dividends by limiting the number of
00:11:17.579 patterns that could evolve and that's
00:11:19.320 going to be a theme I'm going to keep
00:11:21.120 hitting on as we um
00:11:23.220 kind of continue to run through this
00:11:25.980 talk
00:11:28.140 um
00:11:29.160 that of course you know we have our
00:11:31.260 initial code base we've had all these
00:11:32.820 tools and you know it's great we have
00:11:35.459 these
00:11:36.680 tools you know we can pass all automated
00:11:39.120 quality checks but we also need to go
00:11:40.860 ahead and meet the needs of the business
00:11:42.180 and we've seen a lot of you know growth
00:11:44.760 in terms of activity from the users on
00:11:47.040 the site that prevents its standard
00:11:49.019 scale problems all of those pesky n plus
00:11:51.959 ones we failed to catch have come back
00:11:55.200 and bitten us at various points in our
00:11:57.060 life but what I really what I want to
00:11:59.279 dwell on here I think has been really
00:12:00.600 critical is we've had a lot of
00:12:03.240 complexity increase in terms of the
00:12:05.040 Persona of the person using the site
00:12:07.980 um
00:12:08.880 ultimately we're allowing lawyers to
00:12:11.160 process documents for companies so you
00:12:13.920 have the lawyer coming in and trying to
00:12:16.260 process the document you have your
00:12:18.300 Banker that would like their document
00:12:19.980 but we've had other people come in we
00:12:22.800 have say the compliance departments that
00:12:25.380 some of these Banks would like to come
00:12:26.579 in and get Consolidated reports of all
00:12:28.440 of their obligations so now that's a new
00:12:30.600 user Persona we've picked up initially
00:12:33.180 we thought this would just we would just
00:12:35.279 kind of have independent lawyers that
00:12:36.839 wanted to go out the one I always like
00:12:38.579 to talk about is she lives in Cancun
00:12:41.459 Works about 20 hours a week for us which
00:12:43.740 pays for a beachfront place in Cancun
00:12:45.959 with all the surfing you can do when you
00:12:49.079 you know get to build what a lawyer gets
00:12:50.760 to Bill out we thought that would kind
00:12:52.079 of be the person we'd have in reality
00:12:54.300 we've discovered a lot of lawyers are
00:12:55.980 starting to set up full on law firms and
00:12:58.860 they like our business because it allows
00:13:00.779 them to have some guaranteed input you
00:13:04.920 know well they're out trying to get
00:13:05.820 cases for their local Court they can
00:13:07.620 commit to XI hours of not as exciting
00:13:10.920 document processing per week so we've
00:13:13.980 had their legal Staffing team start to
00:13:15.720 come on and we've had to expand out of
00:13:17.820 the business logic of our code base
00:13:19.500 we've had a lot of those Ruby lines come
00:13:21.779 out of that and a lot of what we've
00:13:23.940 realized is thinking back is we were
00:13:25.740 actually really lucky for keeping a lot
00:13:27.300 of our models clean
00:13:29.040 um we also have more
00:13:31.860 complexity for internal customers we
00:13:33.660 didn't we definitely have a data science
00:13:34.860 team When We Were Young early on you
00:13:37.079 wanted to report you talked to an
00:13:38.339 engineer and they dumped something out
00:13:40.620 probably in a CSV file and that was
00:13:42.540 called the data warehouse back into good
00:13:44.820 old day and then of course there's just
00:13:47.100 new customer features like hey I want to
00:13:49.500 integrate with your API versus some sit
00:13:52.200 there and look into web app and as we've
00:13:54.660 gone through and had to address all of
00:13:56.220 these I've pulled out a couple case
00:13:57.600 studies that I think are interesting for
00:14:01.139 kind of this pattern a pattern that I
00:14:03.420 think is really um come through with us
00:14:05.399 initially we were all active model
00:14:07.620 serializer for Ruby on Rails everything
00:14:10.860 we did you know amsed right up to the
00:14:13.740 right up to Ember and
00:14:16.800 then we started to run into scaling and
00:14:19.260 performance problems there
00:14:21.540 and what we came out we looked towards
00:14:24.180 the community again and
00:14:26.339 we actually came towards Json API
00:14:29.100 serializer which comes out of
00:14:32.160 you may have heard of it used to be
00:14:33.779 supported by Netflix as fast Json API
00:14:36.600 they have deprecated support as kind of
00:14:40.440 a ironic aside our current VP is from
00:14:42.660 Netflix and he was telling me hey I wish
00:14:44.880 I had some code to work on and I was
00:14:46.380 really excited because I was about to
00:14:47.760 give them all the tickets we want on the
00:14:49.620 Json API serializer since it was the
00:14:51.480 next Netflix code base only discovered
00:14:53.579 he never contributed to that code base
00:14:55.139 and that dashed all my hopes there but
00:14:58.380 um
00:14:58.920 the process we kind of unthinkingly
00:15:00.959 evolved here that I want to um advocate
00:15:03.420 for is right now we have 117 active
00:15:07.139 model serializers and 106 Json API
00:15:10.620 serializers and we brought in Json API
00:15:13.199 because we were running into the
00:15:14.820 performance problems Pages were loading
00:15:16.620 slow we had people connect directly to
00:15:18.420 our API and they were running into
00:15:20.760 timeouts and there was that initial urge
00:15:23.940 that we all had for great Json API is
00:15:27.060 new it's the exciting new thing let's
00:15:29.279 just rip out all of the AMS serializers
00:15:32.279 in one go which would have been a lift
00:15:35.220 of about 200 at the time I know the
00:15:37.500 number is higher than that now but
00:15:38.699 that's because we've added more and
00:15:40.920 there was no way we were ever going to
00:15:42.839 get approval from product pragmatically
00:15:45.000 to do all of that work
00:15:46.800 and so we've kind of instead as an
00:15:49.680 engineering team we came up with rules
00:15:52.279 first off you have to fix the
00:15:55.320 serializers that are too slow and the
00:15:57.540 customers are complaining about you can
00:15:59.940 we also brought in datadog as a tool by
00:16:01.920 this point so we can start to see some
00:16:03.420 of our P95 and P99 times for slow loads
00:16:07.380 so we said let's go after those as well
00:16:09.839 and we started to build a case for
00:16:11.820 replacing those for um everything else
00:16:15.060 so we just left it and we evolved two
00:16:17.820 very firm rules if you're going to do a
00:16:20.579 significant refactor to a controller or
00:16:24.420 a model you're also expected that's
00:16:27.060 probably going to mean you're going to
00:16:27.899 touch the serializer at that point you
00:16:29.940 should convert to serializer over to
00:16:31.680 Json API and then anything new you write
00:16:35.399 also Json API serializer and that
00:16:39.720 actually that actually let us address
00:16:41.279 the tech debt in a what I would as a
00:16:43.860 relatively scalable way where we've you
00:16:46.620 know we're about 50 percent converted we
00:16:49.139 brought Json API in about 14 months ago
00:16:52.199 and a lot of the AMS ones we have are
00:16:54.899 kind of in dark corners for internal
00:16:56.639 admin tooling and their existence
00:16:58.440 doesn't really hurt us it's in a fairly
00:17:00.480 stable section of the code base and
00:17:03.180 compared to some of the other places
00:17:04.740 I've
00:17:07.079 you know been at I've been very happy
00:17:09.120 with like how it's um it hasn't just
00:17:11.640 been something that's let us solve our
00:17:12.959 problem it's kind of preserved our
00:17:14.339 relationship with product in terms of
00:17:16.919 where we can articulate what we're
00:17:19.380 delivering and why we're delivering it
00:17:22.559 oops and I need to get my mouse back
00:17:24.179 over here
00:17:25.740 the other one I like to talk about is
00:17:28.340 enums and this kind of shows another
00:17:30.660 thing you see when you look at this
00:17:32.400 whole monolithic code base if you our
00:17:35.520 initial way for doing enums was the
00:17:38.160 simple enum Gem and that was I think I
00:17:41.100 would say probably the Ruby Community
00:17:42.299 standard back in the day right up until
00:17:45.799 rails 4.1 came out which introduced our
00:17:49.440 active record enum
00:17:51.799 and we were on active record enum up
00:17:55.440 until last summer active record enum was
00:17:57.960 scaling great no problems we had the
00:18:00.539 same method where the older simple
00:18:02.640 enumes hadn't been converted anything
00:18:05.460 that we were doing now was active record
00:18:09.179 enum and we started to hire a data
00:18:10.799 science team and this was a case where
00:18:12.720 we had an issue with internal customers
00:18:15.179 where I started to get questions like
00:18:17.640 hey what does um email frequency to mean
00:18:21.419 what does
00:18:23.340 um you know user content user preferred
00:18:25.500 contact method three mean to a data
00:18:28.500 science team pulling that into a
00:18:29.940 warehouse that was um you know very
00:18:33.600 um
00:18:34.280 not useful
00:18:37.200 um so initially there was kind of that
00:18:39.720 push we all had where it was Oh What if
00:18:42.240 I just uh give you a dictionary where
00:18:43.799 you can map those integers into
00:18:45.720 something meaningful that um got pushed
00:18:48.539 back on as the data science team did uh
00:18:50.520 you know rightfully so and
00:18:53.520 so we started we built our actually our
00:18:55.620 own enum gem in-house that we call ICC
00:18:57.840 enume because we also used to be called
00:19:00.179 in Cloud Council we've since renamed
00:19:02.340 ourselves but uh refactoring all those
00:19:04.500 iccs out of the code base that's going
00:19:06.299 to be a
00:19:07.380 you know hole on the thing and
00:19:11.760 um it's been it's been very successful
00:19:13.620 but what it's been interesting in is
00:19:15.900 it's again the same pattern where we've
00:19:17.700 stayed under rails Community patterns
00:19:19.200 and just followed them up we hadn't
00:19:21.059 ripped the simple enums out we still
00:19:23.520 have about 90 of them floating around we
00:19:26.400 did end up going ripping out all of the
00:19:28.380 active record he names because we only
00:19:29.640 had about 20 at the time that data
00:19:31.919 science
00:19:33.360 um spoke up so it was like well we can
00:19:34.919 just go in and clean those out really
00:19:36.360 fast and get ourselves down to two
00:19:38.820 patterns to maintain
00:19:45.840 oh
00:19:47.640 so
00:19:49.799 um fundamentally the the point we're
00:19:51.900 trying to I keep trying to hammer home
00:19:53.700 here is we've kind of capped ourselves
00:19:55.620 with the number of patterns we have by
00:19:57.299 staying on the rails Community patterns
00:20:00.360 you go up you um you know it's been
00:20:02.520 really great
00:20:03.960 um you know you look at them you go look
00:20:05.820 through our code base like oh yeah
00:20:06.960 that's how you did it back when rail
00:20:08.100 three was a thing oh yeah that's how you
00:20:10.080 did it when rails 4 was a thing and the
00:20:11.580 fact that we didn't get creative really
00:20:13.500 served us well and no we can't claim
00:20:15.240 that we had the foresight to sync that
00:20:17.760 through but we're pretty happy with that
00:20:20.700 um that being said there's also you know
00:20:22.320 what would we um
00:20:24.360 improve kind of coming through here and
00:20:26.520 what did we what were we too slow to do
00:20:28.020 is a mid-sized company that was
00:20:30.059 converting out
00:20:31.500 um
00:20:33.000 so the biggest one we had when we came
00:20:35.880 back is the lack of an architectural
00:20:38.220 decision uh um process we um very early
00:20:42.780 on as we rightfully they said you know
00:20:45.240 small team of Engineers every engineer
00:20:47.100 has to be a guardian of our architecture
00:20:50.160 um that worked really great when we were
00:20:51.780 probably one team when we were two teams
00:20:53.580 with very SEP with very strong
00:20:54.960 separations of concerns you know did a
00:20:58.200 um really great job
00:21:00.600 um
00:21:03.480 whoops
00:21:05.340 it's like One clicking but we um you
00:21:09.179 know really
00:21:10.679 um didn't do a great job we started
00:21:12.120 thinking about the holistic code base
00:21:13.860 people had strong patterns for solving
00:21:15.480 their um internal problems for example
00:21:18.480 we were really bad with State machines
00:21:21.900 um we have a fun lunch topic of how many
00:21:24.480 state machines do we have do we have two
00:21:27.000 do we have three do we have two and a
00:21:28.799 half and arguably when you're at the
00:21:31.140 point where you're debating how many
00:21:32.400 state machines you have in your
00:21:33.720 application you've um you know it's kind
00:21:36.120 of academic that something has gone
00:21:37.620 wrong at that point
00:21:39.240 um a lot of our state machines are based
00:21:41.100 off of um kind we we track the versions
00:21:44.400 of our documents we track the status of
00:21:46.919 their documents and we track other kinds
00:21:49.860 if you've used rails a lot you've seen
00:21:51.240 kind CD which is a a new for tracking
00:21:55.380 out kind with an integer number and then
00:21:57.539 from there we kind of in first date but
00:22:00.120 at no point did we ever build anything
00:22:02.400 where you can just call thing.state
00:22:05.600 thing.states or the one I really missed
00:22:08.340 from previous code bases was passed in a
00:22:11.580 state with an as of time stamp that
00:22:13.380 tells you what state it was and at a
00:22:14.940 certain time for an audit State and in
00:22:18.840 hindsight that's something you know
00:22:20.159 especially dealing with a lot of
00:22:21.419 business logic we wish we'd pushed for
00:22:23.820 early on it was always tricky because
00:22:25.919 when we go back and we look at it the
00:22:28.200 products back was build a thing to do X
00:22:30.780 that thing had some states and then
00:22:33.600 going back and having to talk about
00:22:34.919 let's build a whole state machine up
00:22:37.020 from nothing would have been a extra
00:22:40.860 talk to product but in hindsight we
00:22:42.539 would have gone back and told ourselves
00:22:43.799 to fight that battle much earlier on and
00:22:46.919 push for some of that internal tooling
00:22:48.419 and unification rather than Let each
00:22:50.580 team solve their tracking problems
00:22:52.140 independently we also have a bunch of
00:22:54.179 other auditing gems that add in
00:22:58.799 so
00:23:00.539 um ultimately we've come to the point
00:23:02.640 where we have our you know we say we
00:23:04.559 have we would say we have strong
00:23:05.580 internal abstractions and really good
00:23:07.799 patterns each team we challenge them to
00:23:10.020 be a guardian of you know their
00:23:11.760 architecture they did a really good job
00:23:13.919 things like more we never had a team
00:23:16.799 whose mandate was a universal thing like
00:23:18.720 a state machine and we've suffered from
00:23:20.460 that we're also very tightly covered
00:23:22.679 with coupled with external vendors I
00:23:25.559 have a big lift on my hands the day that
00:23:27.360 a MailChimp finally shuts Mandrell down
00:23:29.760 for good that's gonna not that's going
00:23:31.980 to be a fun one to go through
00:23:35.120 what we've done and wish we'd done
00:23:37.380 earlier is we've started to form an
00:23:38.760 architecture team to focus more on
00:23:40.440 abstract inner
00:23:42.360 um Integrations
00:23:44.480 and in hindsight we wish we'd done this
00:23:47.940 earlier some of this comes back it steps
00:23:50.520 Beyond coding but I mean staff Engineers
00:23:52.980 principal Engineers they're expensive
00:23:54.600 going back and asking someone for the
00:23:56.460 money to hire one
00:23:58.620 um you know is it's a whole thing asking
00:24:01.919 plus you'll have to have some other
00:24:03.240 seniors pulled off onto the team they're
00:24:04.980 not going to be delivering immediate
00:24:07.140 value the company in terms of building a
00:24:08.880 feature but we wish we'd done it we
00:24:11.940 encourage everybody else out there when
00:24:13.679 you're coming up in that size you know
00:24:15.299 start thinking about having a team that
00:24:17.760 doesn't have a mandate to just deliver a
00:24:19.919 product feature think about having
00:24:21.360 somebody that has a mandate to deliver
00:24:23.100 tools internally in a very clean manner
00:24:28.500 um
00:24:29.900 we um you know
00:24:33.360 our pragmatic approach of refactoring
00:24:35.460 when needed served as well we were
00:24:37.020 always able to bring in new patterns
00:24:38.820 based off the community get them in
00:24:40.559 quickly whereas we never had to go out
00:24:43.380 and like sell a full-on lift and shift
00:24:45.539 of all 60 000 lines of the code to some
00:24:48.539 new pattern the product which made it a
00:24:50.700 lot easier to get Space very happy with
00:24:53.280 you know all of that sticking with
00:24:55.380 Community patterns versus having
00:24:56.880 in-house ones it's capped the maximum
00:24:59.760 potential number of patterns we've faced
00:25:01.500 it's also made onboarding really good
00:25:03.659 because all that documentation from
00:25:05.820 rails three rails four it's still up
00:25:08.460 there so when I have a new hire come
00:25:10.200 across um one of the dark Corners that
00:25:12.360 we haven't gotten back and fixed up yet
00:25:14.820 we can still find something to link to
00:25:16.559 them that's actually useful versus
00:25:18.840 having to keep four versions of our own
00:25:21.179 documentation up for patterns and as my
00:25:24.600 final bit before we get into q a I'll
00:25:26.100 get myself ejected from rails conference
00:25:29.100 but um our spec test served us very well
00:25:32.039 early on
00:25:34.559 um but we should have gotten into Ember
00:25:36.120 tests a lot sooner we were trying to use
00:25:39.480 um that one hammer for every single nail
00:25:41.460 it's really slowed our test Suite down
00:25:43.320 as I mentioned earlier with that weight
00:25:45.480 for Ajax you have mandatory you're
00:25:47.940 pretty much guaranteed to be waiting a
00:25:49.559 minimum of a second for something to
00:25:51.240 happen we really should have pushed to
00:25:53.700 write Ember tests earlier in speed to
00:25:55.440 test Suite up it's a big shift and um
00:25:58.140 yeah love our spec don't um we'll
00:26:01.740 continue to use our spec but we
00:26:03.240 shouldn't have just said oh we're a rail
00:26:04.919 shop so let's just use our spec to you
00:26:07.799 know make sure things are rendering on
00:26:09.120 our front end pages
00:26:10.799 and with that we have a few minutes left
00:26:13.320 so I want to thank everybody and ask any
00:26:14.880 questions on for folks might have
00:26:18.779 hello
00:26:21.299 um
00:26:22.020 I find one of the hardest parts of
00:26:23.700 maintaining a majestic you know monolith
00:26:25.860 is the upgrade process which you never
00:26:27.900 touched on so I'm very curious what was
00:26:30.600 your upgrade process like and um would
00:26:33.059 you do something differently yeah that's
00:26:34.559 a good call that's a great call I should
00:26:36.779 um so we've um we've stayed very highly
00:26:39.419 aggressive on upgrading the minute
00:26:41.340 appoint release of rails comes out we
00:26:44.340 task one of our teams onto it I actually
00:26:48.120 um when I joined I joined during Peak
00:26:50.460 pandemic
00:26:51.919 and we were fairly behind on our upgrade
00:26:55.679 so myself and the principal just sat
00:26:57.900 there for those two weeks around
00:26:59.520 Christmas and New Years when everybody
00:27:01.799 else was off and the code base was
00:27:03.480 stable and got ourselves up and just
00:27:05.400 said we're never going to let ourselves
00:27:06.779 fall behind again and that served us
00:27:10.080 really well in these past couple years
00:27:11.400 but before then we were very guilty of
00:27:14.039 letting things sit for a while until we
00:27:16.679 got to end of life and I would say only
00:27:19.080 just the minute something drops get an
00:27:21.059 MR up see see what breaks and hopefully
00:27:23.700 what breaks is going to be fresh in
00:27:25.260 people's minds because they've been
00:27:27.480 working on it recently and tag your
00:27:29.520 whole team and just to get DMR through
00:27:30.960 within a day or two of it coming out
00:27:32.400 well thank you everybody you've been a
00:27:33.960 wonderful audience and thanks for your
00:27:35.520 time and attention