
Closing Day 1

Closing Day 1 with Andy Croll

RailsConf 2024

00:00:11.000 all right there we go welcome back
00:00:13.000 everybody um I'm back uh you could
00:00:18.640 say that day one of rails comp is sign
00:00:22.000 seal
00:00:27.920 delivered uh yes I would like to thank
00:00:31.320 all the folks who enjoyed my efforts
00:00:33.040 during the British Invasion this morning
00:00:35.399 um and equally thank the folks who
00:00:36.920 didn't enjoy it uh but have been kind
00:00:39.040 enough to politely ignore me so thanks
00:00:40.800 for that um tomorrow ufuk will be uh
00:00:43.520 doing the intros so you'll be spared my
00:00:46.079 nonsense unless you specifically seek me
00:00:48.280 out for
00:00:49.079 conversation uh while I'm up here I was
00:00:51.719 reminded in the corridor um someone
00:00:54.440 stopped me and thanked me for the
00:00:55.760 opportunity that they had to Mentor as
00:00:58.000 part of the first Ruby Friend website
00:00:59.559 that I put together a couple of years
00:01:00.760 ago um it's an opportunity for folks in
00:01:03.160 our community to help early career devs
00:01:05.600 who are not in their workplace um even
00:01:08.040 if you're not super experienced you
00:01:09.439 would be surprised how useful you can be
00:01:11.600 to someone who's only a year behind you
00:01:13.880 um I would recommend you got sign up for
00:01:15.520 that sign up to be a mentor um encourage
00:01:17.960 any Junior devs you happen to meet on
00:01:19.320 the streets I don't know where they hang
00:01:20.840 out um this is this is my attempt at
00:01:24.520 weaponizing the friendliness of the Ruby
00:01:26.040 community so I know a bunch of people in
00:01:28.799 this room have done this and for that I
00:01:30.400 thank you very much for your efforts um
00:01:32.240 we can always do
00:01:34.720 more day two I'm going to give you a
00:01:36.759 little bit of a preview before we get
00:01:38.079 onto our final keynote of the day um
00:01:40.399 there will be more information tomorrow
00:01:42.360 uh I don't want to overload you there's
00:01:43.840 a lot happening tomorrow um breakfast is
00:01:47.439 also happening again tomorrow uh 9:00
00:01:49.479 a.m the show starts uh with ufuk doing
00:01:53.000 an intro and Then followed by a keynote
00:01:54.840 from John horon and then the hack day
00:01:56.759 begins that wall behind you will
00:01:59.280 disappear
00:02:01.439 I mean not like in a magic way they roll
00:02:03.240 it back but it will the wall will
00:02:05.799 disappear this room will open up we will
00:02:07.680 open all the doors the lights there'll
00:02:09.599 be natural light From The Far Side um
00:02:12.560 it's going to be great uh there'll be
00:02:14.879 workshops downstairs there will be other
00:02:16.959 various other bits and pieces I'm going
00:02:18.200 to get into now so few high level things
00:02:21.400 for you to think about as you're having
00:02:23.200 a civil dinner this evening um and then
00:02:26.800 after we've done the hack day which is
00:02:29.239 most of the day there a working lunch in
00:02:30.760 the middle of it uh there's the social
00:02:32.519 in the sun on the balcony which is the
00:02:34.239 other side of the room we all had uh
00:02:36.040 lunch in today and then various evening
00:02:38.680 entertainments including game night so
00:02:41.519 there's going to be a bunch of Open
00:02:42.879 Source maintainers um who are here uh
00:02:45.080 tomorrow working on their projects um
00:02:47.360 you can work side by side with notable
00:02:48.680 maintainers and uh pair with experienced
00:02:51.120 open source contributors and make your
00:02:52.920 first pull requests to the rails
00:02:54.519 ecosystem or maybe just build something
00:02:57.200 um son ups for the worksheet workshops
00:02:59.599 you don't don't have to sign up if you
00:03:00.760 want to attend a workshop but I do
00:03:02.000 recommend getting in the slack channels
00:03:04.000 um and then you can do any pre-download
00:03:06.959 um get yourselves ready so that you can
00:03:08.599 hit the ground running on those tomorrow
00:03:11.400 every phones down people are still
00:03:12.720 taking the picture and he's in front of
00:03:14.920 QR
00:03:16.120 codes uh there is also a pitch party uh
00:03:19.920 so this is bring
00:03:22.879 a I'll start again uh you bring a
00:03:25.840 project idea um Pitch to pitch to the
00:03:28.040 audience and collect a team to quickly
00:03:29.959 type something and make it a reality uh
00:03:33.000 those pitches will be at 10:30 after the
00:03:34.920 keynote uh in room 141 downstairs and
00:03:38.080 then there'll also be a demo session at
00:03:39.319 the end of the day so if you're thinking
00:03:41.080 about doing something like that have a
00:03:42.319 think about it
00:03:43.360 now there is a a birds of a feather
00:03:46.519 sessions uh so impromptu attendee
00:03:48.959 created topics for discussion uh career
00:03:51.680 advice new technologies old Technologies
00:03:54.319 anything you want really uh we're just
00:03:57.079 going to get out of your way if you want
00:03:57.959 to chat about a thing so so we're in a
00:04:00.280 slack Channel um the birds of the
00:04:02.239 feather spaces we've reserved six spaces
00:04:04.360 downstairs which is effectively the
00:04:06.000 little cardboard little Family Table
00:04:08.640 type things there'll be easel and pens
00:04:10.599 and stuff there for you all to have your
00:04:12.879 discussions arrange them by slack or
00:04:15.519 just roll up to an existing one that
00:04:16.840 seems to be
00:04:18.720 happening and the last thing I want to
00:04:20.560 talk about is uh office
00:04:22.199 hours um you can bring any project any
00:04:24.680 problems and the Consulting rails
00:04:26.360 experts at evil martians can help you
00:04:27.919 out