
Community Spotlight: Jackie Ros (Revolar)

Community Spotlight: Jackie Ros (Revolar)

by Jackie Ros

The video features Jackie Ros, the CEO of Revolar, sharing her inspiring journey and insights gained from participating in the Techstars program, first in Boulder and later alongside Target. She discusses her unique career evolution from a schoolteacher to developing a tech company focused on personal safety. Key points include:

  • Background and Motivation: Jackie reflects on her experience in Teach For America and political research, which shaped her current role. Her motivation for Revolar arose from personal experiences related to her sister's assaults and the limitations of traditional self-defense tools, prompting her to innovate a more accessible safety solution.

  • Techstars Experience: Jackie highlights the differences between her two Techstars programs. The first focused on foundational skills like team building and communicating with investors, while the second emphasized learning about retail operations and partnership dynamics at a corporate level.

  • Company Growth: She describes the growth stages of Revolar likening them to childhood development stages, noting challenges in communication as the team expanded. Her experience taught her the importance of celebrating achievements and the significance of being a female CEO leading a Techstars company.

  • Product Development: Revolar was born out of a need for a safe way to signal for help, bypassing traditional barriers like calling 911. Jackie emphasizes the journey from the initial concept to obtaining patents and producing a prototype, showcasing the transition from an idea to a tangible product.

  • Funding and Partnerships: The journey included successful fundraising via Kickstarter and strategic partnerships that propelled Revolar to availability in major retail outlets like Best Buy and Amazon.

  • Future Prospects: As Revolar continues to grow, Jackie expresses excitement about hiring new talent and expanding the team to enhance their safety technology impact.

In conclusion, Jackie's story exemplifies how personal experiences can drive innovation, the significance of mentorship and community support in entrepreneurship, and the continuous evolution of a startup as it scales in the tech industry.

00:00:12.730 Jackie came straight here from BIA, landing at twelve o'clock. It took only two and a half hours to get downtown, and I was worried I might miss my flight because I knew Jeff would be upset if that happened.
00:00:20.450 I just got back from Minneapolis, actually, from New York.
00:00:32.300 You have finished your second Techstars program. Can you talk about why someone would go through Techstars a second time? We're still doing retrospectives on it. Our first Techstars experience was in Boulder, where I barely knew what Techstars really was, to be quite frank.
00:00:39.500 It's been fascinating to hear the last two speakers. With Andy discussing the transfer of skill sets, I can relate to that. I was a schoolteacher with Teach for America and then moved into oppositional research for political candidates. Now, I'm the CEO of a wearable tech company, and I swear those skill sets transferred.
00:00:54.800 However, I had to figure out HR and finance, which was a challenge. My first experience with Techstars was really about figuring out what it means to build a team and a company, and how to communicate with investors. Those are very coachable skills, although they can be awkward to practice.
00:01:17.060 In this second experience, we partnered with Target for our consumer electronics product. I had never worked in retail before, so I felt the need to learn how things operated. I needed to understand what in-caps are, what peg velocity means, and how to form partnerships with a corporation that has 341,000 employees without getting crushed by them.
00:01:31.850 We learned a ton, but it was completely different from our first experience. Going back to the beginning, I taught Spanish at a bilingual school.
00:01:55.520 You were teaching bilingual Spanish politics, and now you are the CEO of a tech company. Quite the evolution! I was actually an intern while also taking on CEO responsibilities simultaneously.
00:02:06.010 People used to joke about my title; I'd say, 'Let it go, it's not a big deal, it’s about what you’re working on.' I came up with the idea for Revolar while I was in college and started the patent process during my senior year.
00:02:27.170 We recently received our patent award, which was super exciting. Someone told me it would take years to bootstrap the idea. I thought teaching would be good prep because it pays well, although I found out that teaching wasn't a 9-to-5 job.
00:02:57.920 I realized that as I was new to the teaching profession, I underestimated how much time it truly consumes.
00:03:02.090 Once I started teaching, I figured I had my afternoons free to work on my projects, but that was far from the truth.
00:03:24.970 However, through my experience, I gained significant leadership and emotional intelligence skills that have proven invaluable.
00:03:54.350 Interestingly enough, a member of our board is Jenny Law, the CEO of MakerBot, and we discussed how scaling a company is much like the development of a child.
00:04:22.410 When we were a small team, it felt like being in kindergarten, where everything is easy, and everyone is friends. As we grew, it became more awkward, like being in middle school, where communication became more complicated.
00:05:04.470 Now, I feel like our company is in high school—it's a little better than before, but we still have a long way to go in terms of communication. This second time with Techstars is about making sure we celebrate our achievements.
00:05:56.700 The team has ensured we're recognized for being back-to-back Techstars champions, especially as the only female-led company that has managed to do Techstars twice.
00:06:07.480 I truly believe that our business would not be where it is today without that experience.
00:06:13.500 The inspiration for Revolar is deeply personal. My little sister was assaulted twice before the age of 17. After her second attack, she had to be homeschooled during her senior year of high school.
00:06:57.720 My mother bought her pepper spray, the common tool people expect you to use for safety. However, my sister was disciplined because she had the pepper spray on her keychain at a testing site, which led to negative consequences that really frustrated me.
00:07:20.770 I was furious because they suspended her and marked it on her permanent record that she brought a weapon. I had studied abroad and learned that we are quite lucky in the U.S. to have self-defense laws, which is not the case in many countries, including Italy, where I was told I'd be jailed for using pepper spray.
00:07:59.470 This disparity motivated me to explore how people communicate when they need help. I realized that while everyone usually has a smartphone on them, it can be difficult to access it quickly in an emergency.
00:08:31.410 Calling 911 can be a privilege that not everyone feels safe doing. Growing up in Latin America, my family wouldn't call the police, and it made me think about how you could reach out to loved ones when it matters most.
00:09:08.940 That inspiration led me to start the patent process for Revolar. So, after leaving teaching, I decided to do Revolar full-time.
00:09:46.630 We kicked off by getting a 3D printer, testing the idea further and building an initial prototype. I remember feeling like it was magic to see the vision come to life.
00:10:00.410 I was able to connect with people who helped push the idea forward. The first thing I did was find a co-founder to move in with me, someone who understood what a business needs to succeed.
00:10:43.640 We went to Denver Startup Week to network and present our idea. My friends helped me look like a bigger team, and we pulled off a lot of connections which led to successful partnerships.
00:11:34.680 At the event, I had a bold moment where I expressed that my goal was to end rape culture through technology and how to get connected within the community.
00:12:31.820 That led to meeting mentors that helped guide me and connect me with resources that became instrumental in our success. It’s been quite the adventure since then.
00:13:01.420 Through our journey, we successfully launched Kickstarter, receiving funding while putting everything together rapidly.
00:14:39.160 We also found really dedicated and knowledgeable advisors along the way, who helped us scale the product exponentially.
00:15:01.220 Now, we have our devices available at major retail sites like Best Buy, Amazon, and soon at Target, which is incredibly exciting.
00:15:21.050 With the growth of our company, we have many opportunities for talented individuals to join us as we move forward.
00:15:53.440 At this point, we’re looking to hire in positions across various fields. It’s an exhilarating time as we expand and refine the product.
00:16:27.730 Revolar is making a significant impact, and I'm grateful for the journey.
00:16:55.830 Thank you, Jackie, for sharing your inspiring story.