
Craft, Engineering, and the Essence of Programming

RailsConf 2011, Glenn Vanderburg, "Craft, Engineering, and the Essence of Programming"

RailsConf 2011

00:00:05.440 you look just like they said um my my boys will be immensely pleased
00:00:10.639 by that introduction thanks um am I on the screen so uh in one of the many Pearls
00:00:19.400 of Wisdom in Gerald weinberg's great book secrets of Consulting is one that he calls ronda's first
00:00:26.240 revelation and ronda's first revelation says it may look like a c Cris but it's only the ending of an
00:00:33.600 illusion um the uh the field of software
00:00:38.680 engineering originated in the middle of what was called the software crisis uh in the 60s as software
00:00:45.480 projects got bigger and more complicated and more ambitious uh you know by the standards of the time um uh they also
00:00:53.120 got uh more difficult to control and manage and predict and they would fail in various ways and that became more
00:00:59.600 common and so NATO of all things uh called uh
00:01:05.159 people from industry and Academia uh practitioners and theorists uh a whole
00:01:10.600 big group of people to Germany for the first software engineering conference in
00:01:15.960 1968 and um it actually got off to kind of a promising start uh but then for
00:01:22.240 various reasons that I won't go into in detail kind of uh went wrong and the result was that uh we labored under 30
00:01:30.000 years of this um that's a little unfair because the software engineering folks
00:01:35.840 did realize some of the limitations of waterfall and they tried other things but to my mind all of the traditional
00:01:40.960 software engineering processes sort of suffer from the the same fundamental limitations that waterfall did um and so
00:01:48.280 things were pretty unpleasant in the software industry or in large parts of the software industry for about 30 years until the late 90s when uh the agile
00:01:55.159 movement came along and and related to that you know practitioners and programmers began kind of taking
00:02:00.200 ownership of the processes and methods they used and how we deliver software um
00:02:05.320 and things got a lot better but the the sort of failure of the traditional software engineering ideas have given
00:02:12.319 rise to another crisis uh a couple of years ago Tom DeMarco who in some ways
00:02:17.519 was one of the fathers of software engineering published this article where he uh suggested that the idea of
00:02:24.040 programming as an engineering discipline was a failed idea that just needed to be abandoned uh closer to home my colleague
00:02:30.840 Bruce Williams back there early last year tweeted this I am not an engineer and neither are you I doubt you're an
00:02:37.400 architect either um both of these crises the original software crisis that led to the
00:02:44.319 software engineering field and and then the sort of Crisis now of oh we're not engineers and and uh maybe what we do is
00:02:51.280 incompatible with engineering and we should give up on that idea uh are really driven by the same illusion uh a
00:02:58.280 thorough misunderstanding of engineering and what it is and this was my response to Bruce um it's a little more Curt oh I
00:03:07.360 love you too Bruce um it's a little more CT than maybe he deserved but you know I was busy uh so let's talk about
00:03:15.040 engineering for a little bit and what it is um when you talk about engineering to people who don't have an engineering
00:03:21.280 training and background they tend to think of this list of things kind of you
00:03:26.360 know Engineers do a lot of modeling and mathematical modeling and formal analysis of those models and they write
00:03:32.640 a lot of documents uh designs and plans and they specify everything to the nth
00:03:37.760 degree and the goal of all of this is that the product of engineering is safe
00:03:44.599 and reliable and that the engineering product project is predictable uh budget
00:03:49.760 and time and and quality and all those things uh also if you talk to you
00:03:55.720 mentioned engineering to people who don't have an engineering background they tend to think of civil engineering
00:04:03.280 or more particularly large scale Structural Engineering Bridges and highways and things like that and that's
00:04:09.599 kind of a natural thing those things are obvious they're kind of easy to understand how you'd go about you know
00:04:15.959 you might not know how circuits or chemical processes work but you can conceive of how you'd go about building a bridge and uh we trust Our Lives to
00:04:23.560 those things every day um so that's what people tend to think about and if we take that list of things
00:04:29.360 people think about when they think about engineering and apply it to civil engineering as a kind of
00:04:34.400 checklist how does it work well they do a lot of modeling yes they do uh do they
00:04:40.160 do mathematical modeling and and and Analysis and formal analysis and specification and verification of those
00:04:45.840 models yes they definitely do and they definitely write a lot of documents and designs and plans and all those
00:04:52.840 things are they safe I don't want to at all suggest that Bridges and civil engineering projects
00:04:58.880 aren't safe because by and large uh and to extreme degree they really are
00:05:04.840 however uh with some regularity every few years there are failures of civil
00:05:10.240 engineering projects uh so while these projects are largely safe it's not a guarantee sometimes they they fail to be
00:05:19.160 safe as for predictability um if you're involved in local or state government at
00:05:24.520 all or pay attention to those things and look at the procurement processes you know that uh the the idea that civil
00:05:29.960 engineering processes are predictable are is kind of an illusion um often there are big cost and time overruns um
00:05:37.120 to the extent that they are predictable um it's the construction process itself and not the uh the
00:05:43.479 Engineering Process that's often the predictable part and uh also to the extent they're predictable um the credit
00:05:49.080 for that goes to Pro good old fashioned project managers not the engineers so uh uh that's kind of an
00:05:56.120 illusion so you know three and a half out of out of five for or 3.9 out of
00:06:02.160 five I'll give them for civil engineering but there are a lot of other kinds of engineering um civil instructural
00:06:07.720 engineering Aerospace mechanical these are just a few of the kinds of engineering uh that are out there and
00:06:14.720 I've kind of ordered this list from from sort of big scale things uh and big
00:06:20.039 scale concrete things not necessarily cement style concrete but physical uh tangible structures down to more
00:06:26.840 smallscale sometimes abstract things and um as you go down this list from the
00:06:32.720 large scale concrete things to the smaller scale abstract things um the rules change a lot and uh uh as you get
00:06:41.319 down into chemical and industrial electrical engineering um the costs are much less dominated by materials and
00:06:48.560 labor and they're more dominated by uh uh the cost of the design process and
00:06:54.759 and figuring out what you want to do and exploring Alternatives and things like that so for for example if we apply that
00:07:00.879 same checklist to industrial engineering uh it looks pretty much the same but there's a big piece missing how many of
00:07:07.919 you know uh people in the front people in the back don't bother raising your hand so I can't see you at all um uh
00:07:13.759 people in the front how many of you know what industrial engineering is or have a good idea of what that is
00:07:19.039 anybody just a few it looks like so industrial Engineers design and optimize
00:07:25.720 processes and often that's uh Factory processes Industrial Engineers design uh
00:07:31.360 assembly lines um often they design in collaboration with mechanical engineers
00:07:36.440 Factory Machinery so uh just to give you an example if any of you have ever been
00:07:41.520 into a crispy cream doughnut shop and seen the mesmerizing automatic donut machine uh that is really the product of
00:07:47.560 industrial engineering collaborating with mechanical engineers how much
00:07:55.000 mathematical verification and modeling and Analysis do you think went into the design of the crispy cream dnut
00:08:01.520 machine not much at all um it was almost certainly a uh uh an iterative sort of
00:08:08.440 tinkering uh project uh in the workshop putting stuff together and trying it to see if it works and wow the the dough
00:08:15.560 really sticks to these little bars here uh we got to figure out a way around that um so so it doesn't fit that sort
00:08:22.840 of definition of engineering that we've we've that most people tend to think about and um that's really nice my
00:08:29.800 confidence timer box is upside down it's going to be hard to read um so if I go over by like an hour that's why
00:08:37.959 uh so there's something missing from this which is that they do prototyping um as you work down that
00:08:45.080 scale and and towards the the more abstract uh kinds of engineering um they
00:08:51.200 tend to be more test driven uh if you want to use those terms we have an
00:08:57.920 idealized view of engineering and we tend to think of it as sort of uh very sophisticated and and and planned and
00:09:03.880 and predictable and well thought out and uh uh we tend to if we see something
00:09:10.279 that's rough heun and sort of something you could build in your garage or something an idea your kid would come up
00:09:15.720 with we don't tend to think of that as engineering and sneer at that kind of thing if it doesn't solve the problem completely in a very technical way
00:09:23.839 sometimes though engineering is just kind of Workshop stuff and Common Sense and it doesn't solve the problem
00:09:30.079 completely in a complicated way it solves it mostly in a simple way a good
00:09:35.240 example of that U the aerospace engineer Eugene Ferguson tells the story of his first engineering invention when as a
00:09:42.120 boy uh he took a trip to the airport and saw in 1937 uh A Douglas DC3 land for the first
00:09:49.720 time and he observed what all of us have seen either in person or uh in movies uh
00:09:56.839 the you know plane comes in as it touches the runway the tires which are not rotating yet hit the runway which
00:10:03.680 relative to the plane is moving fast and they Screech and there's smoke and the plane uh bucks as it um spins the wheels
00:10:10.680 up and everything else and he thought that's kind of cloy and crappy and it's potentially dangerous because the wheels
00:10:16.320 could blow out and that's a particularly fragile time for the airplane as it's first hitting the ground so um he went
00:10:23.120 home and sketched out a design for a mechanical device to spin the wheels up uh to approximately the airplane planes
00:10:29.600 ground speed just before touchdown and he sent this proposal off to the Douglas aircraft
00:10:35.240 Corporation and he relates the story of getting a note from you know presumably the Vice President in charge of crank
00:10:41.680 proposals from school children and uh um he explained that this was
00:10:47.399 actually a well understood problem and it had a name called pre-rotation and there were numerous proposals that had
00:10:52.440 been floated for how to pre-rotate tires and um all of them involved adding
00:10:58.000 weight to the airplane and to the landing gear and that weight would be better used increasing the tread
00:11:04.040 thickness of the tires um and Ferguson goes on to say
00:11:10.240 that that experience taught him that every technical problem has alternative Solutions often several one that was not
00:11:16.880 obvious to me was the Douglas solution to reject solutions that required more machinery and to use the weight saved to
00:11:22.800 make a simpler system more robust as an aside I think any of us in
00:11:28.680 this room who uh before coming to rails worked with web development in Java
00:11:33.959 Frameworks will have no problem seeing rails as something of a Douglas solution
00:11:39.720 to the problem of web development so anyway to do engage in a
00:11:44.920 bit of public gloating uh eventually Bruce responded with this you know by the way Glenn you changed my mind about
00:11:50.959 software engineering uh what's next architecture um and my response at the time was uh no
00:11:57.639 I'm not going to touch software architecture with a 10-ft pole but about 3 months ago somebody gave me this
00:12:02.800 business card uh so I guess I kind of have
00:12:08.160 to um have to think about software architecture now but um in any case we
00:12:15.000 all most of us anyway misunderstand engineering and to some degree even Engineers have an idealized view of what
00:12:22.560 Engineers do we understand con concrete things better than abstract things and so we look at the obvious ible things
00:12:29.760 that Engineers do and we think those are the fundamental things but really the documentation and the math and and and
00:12:36.199 the modeling and stuff isn't aren't the fundamental parts of engineering um and there are very few engineering books that talk about this but if you're
00:12:42.199 interested just a quick recommendation uh two books what Engineers know and how they know it by Walter
00:12:48.440 vincenti and Engineering in the Mind's Eye by Eugene Ferguson the guy who told the DC3 story are well worth
00:13:02.120 case that really programming kind of fits into engineering you know somewhere along that Continuum down down near the
00:13:08.279 abstract uh side of things um but let's talk about programming a little bit programming does differ from the other
00:13:14.360 engineering disciplines in two really important ways and uh one of those is that um I'll
00:13:23.519 talk about one first uh software engineering field the way it was originally conceived was designed by an
00:13:29.360 analogy with more traditional engineering disciplines and the analogy goes something like this in traditional engineering disciplines you have
00:13:35.680 engineers and those Engineers are tasked with producing designs which they draw or write down on paper and those designs
00:13:42.560 are handled handed to laborers or construction workers who build the finished AR artifact and if that's what
00:13:50.199 the process of engineering looks like then what would the process of software engineering look like it seems pretty
00:13:56.160 simple and obvious right you have Engineers Maybe the same guys just uh you know retrained and uh they produce a
00:14:04.040 design and write it down on paper and they hand it to laborers who toil in
00:14:09.560 their cubicles and uh produce the finished
00:14:15.399 artifact and um people kind of went with this uh analogy for a long time even
00:14:21.720 though it didn't really work very well uh until about 1992 uh when and well you know some
00:14:27.440 people had realized this before but uh a guy named Jack Reeves in 1992 published an article that said you know we got
00:14:32.839 this all wrong and the key to the problem to realizing there's a problem is that second slot there second part of
00:14:41.160 the process we have never figured out a way in software to specify a design in a
00:14:47.079 way that's clear enough and thorough enough and you know uh able to we can
00:14:52.360 reason about enough to know that it's correct and then hand to programmers and they can produce the working system with
00:14:58.279 any kind of fidelity to the original design without redesigning and adding that to that design and all those things
00:15:04.880 so he said work with me on this and try a thought experiment let's get rid of that design document and teach the
00:15:11.519 programmers to think of themselves as engineers and do things that way and you know that source code that's not really
00:15:18.440 the finished artifact that's not what customers are paying for they're paying for deployed systems running on real
00:15:25.000 machines and solving their problems that source code is actually the design of
00:15:30.880 the Software System maybe not the whole design it's still sometimes useful to have diagrams
00:15:36.639 and and high level overviews and introductions to part of the system uh that can be read without looking at
00:15:41.920 source code but when it comes to the detailed design of your system the source code is
00:15:47.880 it so then what do we fill the third slot
00:15:53.399 with anyone the close running well that's the
00:15:59.680 fourth thing that's the artifact they're paying for what's the third slot compilers programming language
00:16:04.759 implementations go there and then you end up with running software which is what customers actually
00:16:12.600 want Reeves pointed out that uh you know there is a really big difference between
00:16:18.800 these two things the analogy still works right but all of a sudden the costs are
00:16:24.240 upside down the third step in the top row is by far the the most expensive it
00:16:29.959 dominates everything in Structural Engineering uh the cost of material and labor um and as a result they have all
00:16:38.000 kinds of tricks to avoid spending money on building prototypes and testing them
00:16:43.160 in fact we tend to think of mathematics and formal analysis as a tool that the engineering disciplines use for
00:16:48.279 achieving robustness and safety but uh if you look at the history of the fields
00:16:53.319 mathematical mathematics and formal analysis were introduced as a cost-saving measure because if you and
00:16:59.360 uh build a model that's that approximates reality and do some analysis on it you can reduce the amount
00:17:05.439 by which you over engineer uh and uh reduce the cost of materials so the
00:17:11.400 third step on the top row is by far the costliest and the most timec consuming
00:17:16.959 and the third step in our field is by far the cheapest and fastest and that changes everything we
00:17:24.000 do and that's why the proper engineering approach to uh software is not to load
00:17:31.400 the front of the process with a bunch of analysis and inspection and verification but rather to be iterative and build
00:17:38.120 many prototypes of our design and test them
00:17:46.520 okay let's focus in on this a little bit
00:17:53.240 more is there a model here I'm not going to be able to hear
00:17:58.840 hear you unless you yell is there a model here
00:18:04.440 maybe that's actually a pretty good answer in in the best case uh yes
00:18:10.440 there's a model uh visible in the source code is there a document
00:18:16.880 here the source code is there math here yeah it's the source code computer
00:18:23.799 programming languages are formal languages and some of them even have mathematical specifications we're at a
00:18:28.919 ruby conference so we don't have that but um you know still Ruby is executable
00:18:34.840 math um all those things are there it just doesn't look quite like uh it looks
00:18:40.360 in classical engineering and let's focus on the document issue in particular um there
00:18:46.600 have been all kinds of proposals for how to document the requirements and specifications of of software
00:18:53.000 systems um I want to show you four documents they document a very simple
00:18:58.480 process C because it had to fit on a slide but uh here are four documents a junit
00:19:06.120 test an rspec example a cucumber
00:19:12.200 scenario and a fitness test table those are all documents and
00:19:18.760 they're all specifications but they are not merely
00:19:23.799 documents in the classical engineering disciplines where they have to work with physical materials they're not working
00:19:30.880 with pure abstraction and pure information uh they have to work with
00:19:35.919 mere documents we get to work with documents that are more than just documents but they execute and verify
00:19:42.280 themselves and verify uh an implementation against those specifications we get a huge benefit
00:19:48.559 from that and any process that purports to be a software engineering process and
00:19:55.159 doesn't doesn't acknowledge the upside down economics where expensive in traditional engineering disciplines is
00:20:01.240 the cheapest part of our work and that doesn't deal with the fact that our documents and our math can execute and
00:20:06.880 do real work for us uh is not acknowledging the realities of our
00:20:13.720 field so I mentioned that uh engineering is different from um that software is
00:20:19.000 different from other engineering disciplines in two important ways and one of them is this upside down cost model and the nature of what we do the
00:20:26.360 second one was uh pointed out to me by a guy who uh wrote To Me named Zay bidder
00:20:32.200 one thing electrical engineers do not do is to sit around Pon pontificating about whether electrical engineering counts as
00:20:37.559 real engineering I suggest that we should uh
00:20:44.320 um choose to be just like the traditional engineering uh disciplines
00:20:49.440 in this respect at least now there's a third crisis
00:20:59.000 would we prefer to be Engineers or would we prefer to think of ourselves as Craftsmen and if we consider ourselves
00:21:06.200 Engineers what is the role of craft in what we do and if we love being
00:21:12.279 Craftsman can we still think of what we do as an Engineering Process and and and
00:21:17.440 be that disciplined about it not that craftsmanship isn't disciplined
00:21:28.640 let's think about the difference to the extent there is one between Craftsmen and Artisans and
00:21:36.400 engineers and since we've been talking about documents let's focus our discussion on documents for a minute an
00:21:43.159 artisan or craftsman May doesn't have to but may produce documents to help
00:21:48.279 themselves think but then they build what's in their
00:21:53.960 heads that sounds an awful lot like what we do except then when we build what's in our heads it turns out to be a
00:21:59.840 document too Engineers on the other hand must produce documents well they they they
00:22:06.159 produce documents to help themselves think but they don't have a choice in the matter they must produce documents
00:22:11.640 uh to convey the design to builders and that's the primary purpose of those documents and that's because the the
00:22:16.840 engineers are not the Builders of the things they design they are divorced from that and a
00:22:23.840 lot of that divorce comes from again the need need to deal with physical material sometimes at Large Scale it might be
00:22:30.240 more than one person to do uh the skill set for Designing the thing and actually building it might be
00:22:37.240 different so they have to convey that design to the builders but for a minute let's look at
00:22:45.880 some models and documents that Engineers produce and we're going to start with we're going to
00:22:51.600 start at the top of that list I showed earlier civil and structural uh uh engineering and work our way down to the
00:22:59.120 the more small scale abstract kinds of engineering um bending moment equations
00:23:05.559 and models for Bridges handwritten sometimes more
00:23:11.679 formal sometimes a bending moment diagram notice that these models bear
00:23:17.520 very little resemblance except in a very abstract way to the artifact that's being
00:23:26.760 built but then you get to Space Engineering and there's a lot of that same kind of thing but there's also models that at least are physically
00:23:33.960 accurate for the envelope of the structure uh so you can test it in Wind tunnels and airplace Engineers do a lot
00:23:39.440 of wind tunnel testing with models that look like what's ultimately going to be built and mechanical
00:23:46.000 engineers when you get down to electrical engineering things are more abstract still and apart from the fact
00:23:52.720 that it's usually threedimensional structures or two and a half dimensional structures compressed onto a two-dimensional sheet of paper paper
00:23:59.159 this is starting to look very much like the artifact they're actually
00:24:04.559 building as the engineering discipline becomes more abstract the models can
00:24:10.679 become more
00:24:16.159 concrete and then there's software how much of a resemblance does
00:24:21.200 this bear to the thing that's actually Built Well if you want to think of it in
00:24:28.039 terms of you know btes and registers running through the CPU and the instruction Pipeline and and all that
00:24:33.760 stuff given that this isn't an object-oriented uh language and and CPUs aren't objectoriented at all uh this
00:24:40.679 doesn't seem to be much of a correspondence but the designers of
00:24:45.880 programming languages with the possible exception of some of the languages we saw last night uh make sure that there's
00:24:51.399 a perfect isomorphism between the constructs in the language and the constructs that get run on the
00:24:57.080 computer so in some sense this is exactly the artifact that gets built and
00:25:03.480 it feels like that to us when we're writing this code doesn't it we don't think about that
00:25:09.480 transformation to uh uh sets of instructions and data stored in memory
00:25:14.880 locations and loading things into registers uh we think about classes and methods and variables and the constructs
00:25:22.200 we work with in code and we know that the compiler or The Interpreter will take care of maintaining that
00:25:28.760 isomorphism so that what we write gets executed just like that on the
00:25:36.080 CPU software engineering is the most abstract of engineering disciplines and our models are the most
00:25:42.480 concrete for what we do another interesting thing about
00:25:49.559 engineering modeling is that as um computers and software have become more
00:25:55.960 powerful even in the traditional engineering iines their models have started looking less mathematical and
00:26:02.559 more like simulations and so it turns out to be
00:26:07.679 cheaper and more uh effective in many cases to build a simulation style model
00:26:14.080 a prototype in software if you will than to formally model things as systems of
00:26:20.279 equations and so in electrical engineering you have uh circuit simulators that help with the the
00:26:25.880 circuit design process um and CAD cam systems that can do more
00:26:31.480 than help you draw things but automatically take Parts through all their degrees of freedom and check for
00:26:37.120 uh collisions and and possible abrasion between parts that would interfere with the working of the machine and fluid
00:26:43.320 dynamics modeling of how landing gear affect the airf flow uh uh around an
00:26:49.480 airplane as it gets close to uh Landing um propeller uh Dynamics uh Statics
00:26:56.760 modeling of bridges uh and also um for purposes of traffic
00:27:03.039 engineering which is another engineering discipline uh modeling of airf flow around structures to see how that will
00:27:08.440 affect uh cars on roadways and pedestrians and things like
00:27:13.840 that so software is changing the way traditional engineering disciplines uh are working and W allowing their models
00:27:21.520 to be less abstract and more Concrete in similar ways to those that ours are so
00:27:27.840 about to conclude software
00:27:34.039 models because our artifact is abstract our models can be Concrete in
00:27:40.919 the sense of feeling like we're working with the real thing the model is isomorphic to the built artifact there's
00:27:47.720 a direct correspondence between what we write and what gets executed uh and I
00:27:52.880 can prove that because uh um you know as uh uh Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt point
00:27:58.320 out in the pragmatic programmer it's never really a compiler bug right the result of these things is that
00:28:05.640 modeling feels to us like working directly with the runtime
00:28:13.279 constructs and we feel those things as we work with them Corey are you still
00:28:19.799 here now you had to go so Corey has been tweeting recently about the software
00:28:24.840 he's currently building pushing back on him and and uh telling him that it needs to be designed in a different way and
00:28:31.880 sure enough he tried that and it was way better um how many of you have a physical sense of the objects and and
00:28:38.720 and values and things that that run through the software you're building as you're building it
00:28:44.159 anyone a lot of us we have a spatial model and it feels like we have our
00:28:49.679 fingers in that thing it's totally a construct of our brains but that's the way it feels to
00:28:55.360 us and because of the nature of software where we're not isolated from the building process of our our things we
00:29:03.000 we're the designers and the builders the compilers just do the grunt work to us it feels like we're building the end
00:29:11.080 product and furthermore we are also writers um our code must serve two
00:29:18.799 purposes it has to be the solution and it has to describe the
00:29:24.360 solution it can do both of those things in one document
00:29:30.360 so brief degression here the cinematography technique you're
00:29:36.960 about to see is called racking focus and in this technique the the director and the photographers uh
00:29:43.799 arrange for something important to be in the scene from the beginning but out of focus so our attention is not drawn to
00:29:51.120 it and most viewers won't see it at all until the focus changes and brings what
00:29:56.320 was previously invisible to our attention now in this scene this scene
00:30:02.320 from the Spider-Man is such an extreme case uh that it it's really just an optical trick unless you knew that
00:30:08.519 spider web was there and knew to look for it you couldn't possibly see any part of it um usually the technique is
00:30:15.159 more restrained here's a scene and it's going to be a little bit dark on these screens I apologize this is a scene from
00:30:20.880 the old 1980 movie uh the stunt man and um Peter oul is visible from the
00:30:27.279 very beginning of this scene in the background and he's even recognizable because he's such a distinctive looking man but most viewers of this scene
00:30:34.320 wouldn't notice him until uh the he's brought into focus and your attention is
00:30:39.679 drawn to him what we focus on matters and the things we don't focus on
00:30:46.519 can completely Escape our attention and the fact of the matter is
00:30:51.640 in software some things are easier to focus on than others one of my favorite quotes about software is this one from
00:30:58.200 son and susman programs must be written for people to read and only incidentally for machines to execute I love that I
00:31:04.919 use it all the time I think about it all the time if you take it at face value it's utter
00:31:10.519 crap we don't get paid for for programs that people read we get paid for programs that execute on machines and
00:31:17.320 work and do useful stuff and you know sometimes people kind of miss the point with this and they do
00:31:23.600 take it literally um and one of those is a dear friend of mine Dan North who
00:31:28.679 recently wrote you know software practitioners often fall in love with the software itself and start thinking of themselves as Craftsmen of software
00:31:35.360 and he went on to describe how this is a bad thing because of course nobody pays us for those internal things that nobody
00:31:41.880 pays us for source code that's fun to read they pay us for code that works but you know uh I love you Dan but
00:31:49.720 ablon and susman are engaging in a technique you may have heard of called hyperbole um and and they're they're
00:31:55.760 exaggerating a little bit to make a point uh somebody who makes the same point uh in a more straightforward way
00:32:01.480 is Donald kth let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs instead of imagining that
00:32:07.320 our main task is to instruct a computer what to do let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want
00:32:12.960 a computer to do see the difference is is not whereas abelon and susman talked
00:32:18.519 about uh we shouldn't do this we should do that kth is talking about where our focus is and it's really important that
00:32:25.559 our Focus be there because um our systems uh have this
00:32:31.760 internal and external dichotomy uh the internal things the internal quality of our systems its
00:32:37.960 internal structure is abstract and the external behavior is concrete and our customers notice it and
00:32:45.080 draw our attention to it the internal things are hidden and in
00:32:50.480 fact only we can perceive them because you have to understand software and be experienced with it in order to look at
00:32:57.000 those things and see whether it's good or bad in many cases but the external qualities are public and
00:33:03.679 visible and finally the internal qualities have potential
00:33:09.559 effects that may or may not come to pass and and your expertise can help you judge the likelihood of that but the
00:33:15.159 external qualities have immediate effects that your attention is drawn to now but that doesn't mean those internal
00:33:22.159 qualities are not important and they're important because they do have those potential effects that can bite us or
00:33:28.840 reward us later but in order to do a good job with
00:33:35.600 those things we have to focus on them because we're working with pure
00:33:41.240 information pure abstraction because we are writers because we are creators and
00:33:49.720 designers we have the luxury of being both engineers and
00:33:55.639 Craftsmen we're both designers and makers we are not insulated from the
00:34:00.840 artifacts we're designing and like Craftsmen we can feel the things we build and its quality
00:34:07.360 affects us emotionally we have this luxury and we also have a responsibility
00:34:14.359 to be not just Craftsmen but also Engineers because otherwise or to be Craftsmen and not just Engineers it's a
00:34:21.159 luxury and a responsibility because otherwise we would inevitably lose sight of the less tangible but no less
00:34:26.560 important aspect of our Creations thanks very much