
Day 3 Closing

RailsConf 2024

00:00:10.320 okay let's get into it as we're wrapping
00:00:13.679 up day three we're getting ready to say
00:00:17.439 goodbye to a rails golf
00:00:20.320 2024 and we won't keep you too long from
00:00:23.279 aon's Keynotes and the followup social
00:00:26.279 that's going to happen just outside
00:00:27.960 actually I did have a few things I
00:00:29.279 wanted to say
00:00:37.320 I know that you know uuk and I have had
00:00:39.399 an amazing time
00:00:41.039 and this old heart of
00:00:44.480 mine has been warm to its very depths by
00:00:47.600 meeting and chatting and catching up
00:00:49.320 with so many of you in fact I Heard it
00:00:52.800 Through the
00:00:54.359 Grapevine that many of you have had a
00:00:56.280 lovely time as well you might have been
00:00:58.879 you might be thinking or more likely
00:01:00.800 hoping
00:01:02.199 Andy don't leave me this
00:01:05.720 way and while saying goodbye might lead
00:01:08.479 to the Tears of a
00:01:10.560 Clown I just want to
00:01:13.840 celebrate the amazing three days that we
00:01:16.080 have all spent together and I
00:01:18.920 know someday we'll be together
00:01:23.040 again like I genuinely am done
00:01:27.079 now I hope so
00:01:37.880 this event could not have happened
00:01:40.119 without the support of our sponsors can
00:01:42.880 you give them all a massive Round of
00:01:45.560 Applause
00:01:48.399 please our Platinum sponsor rebella who
00:01:52.479 are Detroit locals uh Shopify Cisco
00:01:55.960 maraki gusto
00:02:00.719 chime flagrant Beyond weed
00:02:05.680 maps CA code Rex ID
00:02:10.000 me Scout sidekick sbot app signal gitlab
00:02:16.400 why Works Tito
00:02:19.560 render and thanks to code Miner and
00:02:21.680 Shopify who covered travel for some of
00:02:23.160 our attendees
00:02:30.120 I also want to thank our program
00:02:32.319 committee who put the show together for
00:02:34.840 you
00:02:36.440 AI oops
00:02:38.280 sorry Ai and Gary planned and organized
00:02:41.800 our hack day eat Kevin and Myra worked
00:02:46.239 together to do track selection and
00:02:48.280 planning and Julie and zerella were our
00:02:51.120 speaker liaison who made sure our
00:02:53.480 speakers felt comfortable and well
00:02:55.760 looked after
00:03:04.879 I also want to thank our guides for
00:03:07.280 making sure that their Scholars had a
00:03:10.879 great time at the conference thank you
00:03:13.040 all for your
00:03:19.280 participation what what might not be
00:03:21.360 obvious to you but is definitely obvious
00:03:23.400 to UK and I um is that since last year's
00:03:26.599 Ruby conf we've been working with a
00:03:28.040 professional events team um and I can't
00:03:30.200 say enough about the work that Aaron and
00:03:31.920 her team have done to make this day work
00:03:34.080 as smoothly as it has Sarah and Brien
00:03:36.480 Brianne on retion on reception and the
00:03:40.159 work of the volunteers and unglamorous
00:03:42.519 stuff but incredibly necessary so for me
00:03:45.120 thank you so much it's difficult to
00:03:47.840 organize a conference from over an ocean
00:03:50.319 um and it would have been an impossible
00:03:51.439 show without them so thank you very
00:03:53.480 much to those folks
00:04:00.400 also thanks to the folks from Huntington
00:04:01.959 Place Elliot and the team uh do it from
00:04:04.079 facilities Kelly and the catering folks
00:04:05.920 for the excellent conference food and
00:04:07.640 how often do you get to say that uh
00:04:10.000 Premier AV and the producers in each
00:04:11.519 room who've really helped out the
00:04:17.079 speakers
00:04:19.919 um I would like to thank the board who
00:04:22.759 set the direction for Ruby Central um
00:04:25.520 and we're kind enough to entrust this
00:04:27.680 institution to me and ufuk to hold for
00:04:30.080 this year so thanks very much and thank
00:04:32.440 you very much to uuk for inviting SL
00:04:34.680 cajoling me into helping
00:04:41.600 out and of course the staff at Ruby
00:04:43.960 Central who do the work who write their
00:04:46.280 emails who make sure everything's
00:04:47.560 working um thank you so much to them as
00:04:50.120 well so thank you to the Ruby Central
00:04:57.360 staff uh finally I want to to thank my
00:05:00.160 co-chair Andy koll for not only
00:05:02.880 accepting my invitation to put on this
00:05:04.840 conference together but also for
00:05:07.039 bringing his unique flare and
00:05:09.199 personality into this whole event his
00:05:12.880 expertise his care and thoughtfulness
00:05:15.880 and his typical British grumpiness at
00:05:18.440 times have have made this experience so
00:05:21.280 much better for me and I'm sure for all
00:05:23.280 of you as well Andy thank you for your
00:05:25.759 support and thank you for everything you
00:05:28.080 do for the community and for for all of
00:05:39.919 us so this show is put together by Ruby
00:05:44.319 Central and at Ruby Central we uh
00:05:47.479 essentially take care of the Ruby
00:05:49.039 Commons we as an organization own run
00:05:52.440 and maintain ruby gems and bundler on
00:05:55.080 behalf of the community we keep them
00:05:57.520 operational secure and improveed
00:05:59.600 improving to the point where you
00:06:01.520 probably think don't think about it in
00:06:03.759 your day-to-day work how many times does
00:06:06.599 a day your CI build a new set of gems
00:06:09.160 how many times does a day how many times
00:06:11.479 a day do you do bundle install we at
00:06:14.240 Ruby Central make sure that happens and
00:06:16.880 continues to
00:06:18.720 happen thank
00:06:23.919 you if if you want to help support our
00:06:27.400 work look into membership using this QR
00:06:30.400 code attend our future conferences ask
00:06:33.759 your companies to sponsor our events
00:06:36.919 help us help local Meetup organizers and
00:06:39.720 Regional conferences
00:06:42.639 please when we first started planning
00:06:45.240 out this year's conference I knew I
00:06:48.000 wanted the theme to be building with
00:06:51.360 rails and based on the feedback that
00:06:54.319 I've been getting from you all I can
00:06:56.879 safely say we nailed it
00:07:06.520 not not only did we hear from our
00:07:08.840 speakers their stories about how they've
00:07:10.960 been building with rails but we've also
00:07:13.639 been learning better ways to build with
00:07:15.400 rails in workshops and literally got
00:07:18.400 together to build lots of new things
00:07:19.960 with rails during the hack day together
00:07:23.240 so thank you all thank you very much for
00:07:27.520 all of your participation in all of
00:07:29.319 these these events in the talks in the
00:07:31.039 workshops and the hack day in the
00:07:33.280 socials and the gatherings in the
00:07:35.599 hallway track especially thank you for
00:07:38.000 coming and thank you for making this
00:07:39.680 experience much much better for all of
00:07:48.840 us please write about this tell your
00:07:52.520 friends publish and share the joy of
00:07:55.759 this event our framework and our
00:07:58.319 language communicate build Rebel um and
00:08:02.039 with
00:08:04.080 that as we shared at the beginning of
00:08:06.360 the conference we're already planning
00:08:08.000 for next year's conference which will be
00:08:09.599 the last rails conf as we know it we
00:08:12.400 will have more updates so stay tuned for
00:08:14.879 more updates regarding that we'll reach
00:08:16.960 out and give you details as we continue
00:08:19.759 planning things