Human-Centered Design
Dismantling Dystopian Futures with Humane Factories
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Dismantling Dystopian Futures with Humane Factories

by Anthony Navarre

In his talk titled "Dismantling Dystopian Futures with Humane Factories" at RubyConf 2021, Anthony Navarre explores how to integrate humanity into software engineering practices, particularly through the use of factories in Ruby. The talk centers around the need for inclusivity and human-centered designs within technical environments, inspired by the values of diversity and empathy found in the Star Trek series.

Key points discussed in the video include:

- Humanity in Engineering: Navarre emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in hiring and the human connection within products, asserting that data should serve and improve human lives.
- Factory Bot Introduction: He briefly explains Factory Bot as a tool for generating sample data for Ruby tests, laying the groundwork for his discussion on how it can be used more creatively.
- Applying the DRY Principle: Navarre highlights how the Dry principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) can extend beyond code to operational systems, ensuring sample data generation remains manageable and efficient.
- Three Pillars for Humane Factories: The talk identifies three key characteristics for humane factories: Clean, Common, and Creative. Clean factories refer to reducing complexity and ensuring immediate response when asking for sample data. Common denotes using a shared language among colleagues to aid communication and collaboration. Creative encourages using factories for unorthodox purposes beyond their original intent, like UX research and persona development.
- Using Personas: Navarre discusses the significance of personas in UX design and how integrating them into the development process fosters a better understanding of user needs, leading to more thoughtful designs.
- Innovative Applications: Several creative uses for factories are presented, including seeding databases and facilitating end-to-end tests which allow for scalability and adaptability in software development.

In conclusion, Navarre advocates for practices that keep in mind the humanity behind engineering tasks, encouraging developers to think creatively and inclusively in their use of technologies like Factory Bot. This alignment between technical capabilities and user-centered approaches can prevent the emergence of dystopian outcomes in software development.

Overall, the main takeaway from the talk is the call for humanity in tech and how it can be concretely achieved through thoughtful practices, ensuring that the software we create serves the people it’s meant to benefit.

00:00:10.639 Hello, RubyConf! Thank you for coming. This talk is titled "Dismantling Dystopian Futures with Humane Factories."
00:00:21.840 My name is Anthony Navarre, and I am an engineer at HomeBot. Our mission is to empower people to build wealth through home ownership.
00:00:28.080 I'm a tech lead on the Starfleet team, which I will mention later in the context of this talk. I'm also an amateur home chef and artist.
00:00:39.360 My wife and I live full-time in an RV. I'm not particularly handy, so that comes with its own engineering challenges.
00:00:46.239 Additionally, I'm a new dad; my child is six months old, which means I’m pretty low on sleep most of the time. So, things might get a little weird, and I apologize in advance.
00:01:04.799 The lion emoji you see on the screen is aspirational.
00:01:12.320 So, why did we choose the name Starfleet for our team?
00:01:17.840 We regularly conduct a team day exercise where we discuss our aspirations. One big theme that kept emerging was inclusivity.
00:01:25.360 I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, which broke boundaries by including women and people of color as main characters.
00:01:35.680 Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, said that the series was an attempt to express that humanity will mature when it begins to take delight in differences rather than merely tolerating them.
00:01:42.320 This resonates with me, and it ties into what we’re discussing today.
00:01:48.479 Our team, which I’m very proud of, doesn't wear uniforms at work. This focus on humanity and inclusivity is central to who we are at HomeBot.
00:02:08.160 For instance, when we hire, we prioritize finding the right person rather than focusing solely on technical skills. We want individuals who are hungry to learn as servant leaders.
00:02:15.520 We extend this commitment to humanity in our product. Our customers—loan officers and real estate agents—rely on our tools to build human connections with their own customers.
00:02:29.280 In this talk, I want to focus on how we strive to bring humanity into one of the smallest aspects of our engineering work: the sample data we use in factories.
00:02:35.759 I truly appreciated Matt’s keynote, where he highlighted that Ruby is a human-oriented language. This resonates deeply with me.
00:02:43.120 I want to discuss how at HomeBot we are making our factories more human-oriented.
00:02:50.080 We apply the DRY principle: 'Don't Repeat Yourself'.
00:02:50.080 This principle is not only applied at the code level but also across larger operational systems that are not necessarily tied to the code.
00:02:57.280 I also want to share how we're employing our factories in some innovative unorthodox ways, including user experience research and creating user personas.
00:03:08.640 Some key takeaways I hope you will gather from this presentation are how to implement these principles within your own data systems.
00:03:15.120 I hope you will discover new ways to apply higher-order systems or design principles.
00:03:21.440 However, I won’t present any statistics or data regarding how these practices have shaped or evolved what we do at HomeBot.
00:03:28.480 This talk is more about what we are experimenting with and hoping you can benefit from as well.
00:03:35.280 Let’s discuss some code.
00:03:41.120 By a show of hands, who here has never used Factory Bot?
00:03:49.199 Now, who here has never heard of Factory Bot?
00:03:54.720 I'll give a brief overview of what Factory Bot is and what we utilize it for.
00:04:01.120 When writing tests for your Ruby code, you need some sample data.
00:04:06.639 One method to set up this sample data is to use plain old Active Record instantiation.
00:04:12.400 For instance, in this contrived example about books, we expect that the book record will be compelling if the author has an experience flag set to true.
00:04:19.120 This involves instantiating the Author and Book Active Record models directly in the test. While this works, as your system grows, tests may become increasingly convoluted.
00:04:30.479 Over time, you might find your Book model gaining new attributes, requiring further checks for each.
00:04:38.640 The experienced author detail might get lost amidst these additional validations.
00:04:43.680 One potential solution is to use fixtures. Fixtures are valuable because they allow you to provide a set of canned sample data via a YAML file.
00:04:50.400 While this makes managing data easier, you may notice that some attributes, like 'experienced true', are lost.
00:04:54.800 This is where Factory Bot comes into play. It allows you to define default attributes in a separate factory file.
00:05:02.560 With Factory Bot, you can either build or create the records you want to work with.
00:05:09.520 The crucial part of this process is that both build and create methods will return an Active Model instance, complete with all the defaults you declared in the factory.
00:05:15.199 Additionally, these methods allow for overriding any attributes, so the experienced flag remains easily identifiable.
00:05:21.520 Are there any questions before I continue?
00:05:27.360 Alright, this section reflects a part of a larger diagram that I will show later.
00:05:32.399 The primary purpose of factories is to generate sample data for your specs.
00:05:38.959 Now, let’s explore how we apply the DRY principle broadly.
00:05:45.600 For instance, consider Andy, our newest team member on the Starfleet team. Andy needs to set up his machine to run the application.
00:05:51.279 Or perhaps in your QA environment, once a feature is launched, you need sample data to facilitate the testing process.
00:05:57.679 You shouldn’t have to set up that data manually every time.
00:06:03.360 This raises the question: what do we mean by humane factories?
00:06:09.040 I propose we evaluate factories through a lens of three attributes: Clean, Common, and Creative.
00:06:15.840 Firstly, cleanliness is essential for a humane factory. If there’s any messiness, it detracts from humanity.
00:06:23.040 Having a clean data structure means that asking for a specific example—like an author—shouldn't lead to ambiguity.
00:06:30.639 If a system is invalid by default, it’s unhelpful. Factories should allow you to obtain sample data seamlessly.
00:06:38.640 Factory Bot aids in this by providing utilities for managing factory integrity over time.
00:06:45.680 By linting factories, you can ensure they remain valid and reflect changes in your codebase.
00:06:51.360 If you introduce changes to a factory that makes it invalid, you need immediate feedback.
00:06:58.959 All these steps in managing factory validity are critical for creating a reliable testing environment.
00:07:06.240 Addressing questions regarding tests before I proceed further?
00:07:12.000 This illustrates how we can apply the DRY principle in our tests, reducing redundant details and focusing on what's essential.
00:07:19.120 Next, I want to talk about how we utilize a common language within our factories.
00:07:26.720 This involves aligning the terminology used by our team with that used in our code.
00:07:34.880 Communication structure within teams reflects in the systems they design.
00:07:41.440 Finally, having common language in our factories allows us to use them in innovative ways.
00:07:48.160 This opens doors for employing factories beyond their initial intent.
00:07:54.720 For instance, while defining our factories, we can ensure that they're applicable across various scenarios.
00:08:02.720 This enables adaptability and robustness in our testing frameworks.
00:08:10.240 Let's revisit earlier where we considered using personas or behaviors as part of our testing strategies.
00:08:18.560 We consider the needs and motivations of our users when designing tests.
00:08:27.840 I want to highlight how our HomeBot team integrates user personas into the Factory approach.
00:08:35.040 Our user persona constructions involve deep insights into behaviors, needs, and expectations.
00:08:43.760 The collaboration with UX researchers, like Matt on our Starfleet team, ensures accurate representations of our users.
00:08:49.760 These personas aid in crafting shared understanding and keeping the focus on user-centric approaches.
00:08:56.680 By merging these user figures into our factories, we enhance the overall processes and outcomes.
00:09:03.600 I also want to emphasize that simply documenting user journeys isn't sufficient.
00:09:10.559 Different personas should seamlessly integrate into our design initiatives.
00:09:16.720 This means making informed decisions by incorporating these personas in our work processes.
00:09:26.240 Having a central repository for all this information increases its utility.
00:09:33.520 However, tools or documentation alone won't ensure engagement.
00:09:42.720 Personas must play a role in everyday interactions, not just exist as abstract concepts.
00:09:49.840 In an article titled 'Why Personas Fail,' it mentions that they should not just be displayed as artwork.
00:09:56.160 Promoting real usage of personas is vital to maximize their effectiveness.
00:10:04.080 I want to argue that integrated use supersedes evangelized use.
00:10:11.840 If personas are embedded directly into our systems, their impacts would be significant.
00:10:20.799 Here's how we incorporate these factory approaches at HomeBot.
00:10:29.200 We use them for seeding development and QA staging environments, which streamlines the process.
00:10:36.000 Additionally, we employ our factories for running end-to-end tests in coordination with Hanger Gem.
00:10:43.520 Future-proofing is another avenue we are exploring.
00:10:50.080 The creator of Factory Bot points out some limitations when using it for seeds.
00:10:56.300 Attributes may change over time, which could lead to unintended consequences.
00:11:02.240 However, these risks are manageable when we understand the specific contexts they apply to.
00:11:09.680 In QA processes, we balance maintaining seed data and the evolving aspects of our factories.
00:11:16.800 Through Factory Bot’s attributes, we effectively manage dependencies and integrity.
00:11:23.680 We can utilize attributes in a rake task to ensure rapport between them.
00:11:30.720 I also mentioned earlier how we utilize Hanger Gem predominantly for end-to-end testing.
00:11:36.720 Hanger Gem provides RESTful endpoints for our factories in the system.
00:11:43.440 This allows for a flexible interaction with our Active Record models.
00:11:50.480 In our existing end-to-end system, common endpoints facilitate seamless data communication.
00:11:58.560 Moving on to our approach for future proofing, we need to anticipate various user personas.
00:12:05.600 If we introduce new persona data, it should enhance the test validity.
00:12:12.560 Sharing data between personas should ensure comprehensive testing of features.
00:12:20.000 The advantage of our integrated approach means observability into performance across different user segments.
00:12:27.840 Finally, should any behavior shift or fail for a new persona, it highlights the issues.
00:12:34.560 If specific edge cases in system design is leveraged, we can enhance user experience.
00:12:43.440 Overall, lessons learned through these innovative testing methods can significantly drive our future practices.
00:12:50.720 This full diagram encapsulates how we integrate our factories and user personas.
00:12:57.440 The personas and behaviors enhance our testing frameworks and make processes more efficient.
00:13:03.680 Thus, having a multifaceted approach not only addresses requirements but facilitates continuous enhancements.
00:13:12.960 I invite any remaining questions if we have time for that.
00:13:20.000 You can always reach me via the HomeBot booth or online at [email protected].
00:13:27.200 Thank you very much for your time today.
00:13:50.359 If anyone has a question about the seed resets we're working on at QA, feel free to ask.
00:14:05.000 We set up our seeds on rake tasks to streamline the data generation process, which allows for customized scenarios.
00:14:20.000 Being organized and strategic in naming our tasks permits greater flexibility in executing thorough testing.
00:14:37.000 If there are additional inquiries about managing factory behavior growth, I'm eager to engage.
00:14:54.300 Working collectively towards enhancing our system will yield fruitful results.
00:15:00.679 If you have thoughts to share or want to reach out later on, don't hesitate.
Explore all talks recorded at RubyConf 2021