Ruby on Rails

Engine Yard

RailsConf 2018

00:01:04.970 yes we blew the entire Barclays budget
00:01:15.290 just on that little movie so no kiddin
00:01:19.060 so before I get started I'm from Florida
00:01:23.150 and I'm not sure at what point when
00:01:25.910 you're a Pittsburgh it's not safe to go
00:01:27.620 outside but today it was not safe to go
00:01:29.780 outside I tried to walk from the parking
00:01:32.750 garage to the front doors and then I
00:01:34.880 don't know what you call that when snow
00:01:36.290 burns into your eyes when you're walking
00:01:38.930 that was tough
00:01:41.300 so this is a I got we got to get a
00:01:46.910 little closer sorry
00:01:49.420 so 11 years ago you know if you think
00:01:53.900 back there were four people who set out
00:01:59.150 to make deploying Ruby on Rails
00:02:01.550 applications easier and if you think
00:02:04.190 about where things were it was kind of a
00:02:06.470 strange time it was an exciting time but
00:02:08.869 it was also a strange time and so Tom
00:02:11.750 and Lance and Ezra and Jason they took
00:02:16.970 off on that path and if you think about
00:02:23.800 that first earn second railsconf
00:02:27.019 we brought racks full of servers we were
00:02:30.220 we were we were off to the races if you
00:02:33.110 were in terms of solving these problems
00:02:35.380 taking care of these strange issues but
00:02:38.420 there was more than just building tools
00:02:40.070 and building a company at that
00:02:41.540 particular time it was also about being
00:02:43.910 part of the community and building
00:02:45.920 within the community and growing within
00:02:48.200 the community we had a number of open
00:02:50.150 source initiatives and we were both
00:02:54.070 building out what would become engine
00:02:56.750 art and the engine ardor that it is
00:02:58.220 today but also building out the
00:02:59.780 community
00:03:04.890 through all this we saw some of the
00:03:07.390 strangest things imaginable we scaled
00:03:11.440 some of the largest applications that
00:03:13.300 were on the web at that particular time
00:03:15.780 we set out helping with tools like ruby
00:03:19.300 gems bundler and others it was a point
00:03:22.900 where we not only wanted to build
00:03:25.750 products and tools who also wanted to
00:03:28.570 support those in a very unique way and
00:03:30.700 so we had from the very start this
00:03:33.640 mindset of building a support
00:03:34.930 organization that would stand beside
00:03:36.489 what we what we've created and what
00:03:38.860 we've built and that support
00:03:40.660 organization still stands today and that
00:03:42.910 still is part of our motto which is
00:03:44.830 whatever it takes for our customers we
00:03:50.980 continue down this path today and while
00:03:55.269 there's new unique strangeness and
00:03:57.670 things to go about we still can we still
00:04:00.940 set about to create unique tools to the
00:04:04.360 railsconf this year we're announcing
00:04:06.670 something called dev spaces and with
00:04:09.579 Internet connected devices dependent no
00:04:11.950 matter what your bandwidth we've created
00:04:14.079 the ability for you to be able to run
00:04:15.959 robust actions on the background on your
00:04:19.180 your server remotely through whatever
00:04:22.390 your IDE is if it's on your smart phone
00:04:25.450 while you're on the bus no matter where
00:04:27.880 it is and you can do robust robust
00:04:30.130 action in the background so as we move
00:04:34.030 forward our theme for this particular
00:04:37.930 railsconf was you know these stranger
00:04:40.750 things and we've seen a number of
00:04:42.910 strange things
00:04:43.660 scaling applications and I'm sure that
00:04:46.240 we'll continue to see a number of
00:04:47.530 strange things we'd like to welcome
00:04:49.960 everybody to our booth we've got all
00:04:53.680 kinds of video games we've got some
00:04:56.260 challenges going on I think we saw
00:04:57.970 rolled in a pac-man machine and we have
00:05:01.600 a karaoke party going on Wednesday so I
00:05:04.150 want to thank everybody and we look
00:05:06.160 forward to being a part of the community
00:05:08.440 as we go forward and if we can help you
00:05:10.150 in any way let us know thank you