RubyConf 2022

From beginner to expert, and back again

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few." - Shunryu Suzuki, from "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" The Japanese Zen term shoshin translates as “beginner’s mind” and refers to a paradox: the more you know about a subject, the more likely you are to close your mind to further learning. In contrast, the beginner’s state of mind is judgment free. It’s open, curious, available, and present. We’ll draw on examples of these mindsets from fields as varied as aviation and geology, and discover lessons we can apply to the world of software development.

RubyConf 2022

00:00:00.000 ready for takeoff
00:00:16.920 hello my name is Mike topa and I'll tell
00:00:20.520 you a bit about my bit more about myself
00:00:22.260 in a minute but first I want to make a
00:00:24.420 comment that's directed to the rubyconf
00:00:26.220 attendees who are not in the room right
00:00:27.900 now and are watching the recording of
00:00:30.119 this talk later
00:00:31.320 I don't blame you for going to Aaron
00:00:33.120 Patterson's talk instead of mine
00:00:35.880 um
00:00:37.140 Aaron's has been one of the most popular
00:00:38.399 rubyconf speakers over the years and
00:00:40.200 when I saw the schedule I said oh no
00:00:41.579 we're at the same time
00:00:43.680 um but I appreciate you watching the
00:00:44.940 recording later and for everyone here in
00:00:46.920 the room now I appreciate you being here
00:00:48.420 with me today my talk is called from
00:00:51.059 beginner to expert and back again and
00:00:53.579 I'll give you a quick overview so you
00:00:54.960 can decide if you want to stay for the
00:00:56.340 whole thing
00:00:58.559 the Japanese term shoshin translates as
00:01:01.739 beginner's mind and refers to a paradox
00:01:04.019 the more you know about a subject the
00:01:06.540 more likely you are to close your mind
00:01:07.979 to further learning
00:01:09.540 the teaching of Zen monk shunri Suzuki
00:01:11.939 are collected in the book Zen mind
00:01:13.860 beginner's mind
00:01:15.540 and the most well-known quote from it is
00:01:17.280 in The Beginner's mind there are many
00:01:19.260 possibilities in the expert's mind there
00:01:21.720 are a few
00:01:22.979 he goes on to say that once we decide we
00:01:25.740 know everything we shut down
00:01:27.119 opportunities to learn
00:01:28.920 in contrast the beginner State of Mind
00:01:30.780 is Judgment free it's open Curious
00:01:33.540 available in present
00:01:35.700 Suzuki says it's like a small child full
00:01:38.520 of curiosity and wonder and amazement
00:01:41.520 The Beginner's mind embodies the
00:01:43.200 emotional qualities of enthusiasm
00:01:44.759 creativity and optimism
00:01:47.159 these qualities are important for
00:01:48.659 Creative problem solving and for
00:01:50.220 innovation
00:01:52.320 I'll share a simple example of
00:01:53.700 beginner's mind from a previous work
00:01:55.140 experience
00:01:56.520 we had a scheduled job that ran nightly
00:01:58.320 that did a variety of financial
00:01:59.520 transactions and there was an automatic
00:02:01.380 summary that was sent to a slack Channel
00:02:02.820 every morning and it included various
00:02:04.860 statistics
00:02:06.180 this summary report had been in place
00:02:07.680 for years and we routinely checked it
00:02:09.300 every morning
00:02:10.739 but a little while after we hired a new
00:02:12.480 team member he said hey
00:02:13.920 I think one of these numbers isn't right
00:02:16.140 so we took a look and sure enough the
00:02:18.060 math was pretty obviously wrong for an
00:02:19.860 important part of the report it took a
00:02:22.200 new person to notice this fairly obvious
00:02:23.940 problem
00:02:25.020 the rest of us never noticed it because
00:02:26.940 it was familiar and had been around a
00:02:29.520 long time
00:02:30.599 so we were confident in it
00:02:32.520 and no longer we're curious about it or
00:02:34.319 questioned it we had an expert's mind
00:02:37.379 but he saw the error because he was new
00:02:39.120 and everything was unfamiliar to him so
00:02:40.980 he was curious and wasn't shy about
00:02:42.420 asking questions he had a beginner's
00:02:44.940 mind
00:02:47.099 so that's it that's the end of my talk I
00:02:48.900 hope you enjoyed it
00:02:50.340 no I'm just kidding
00:02:52.319 um we have a lot to talk about we're
00:02:54.000 going to talk about the benefits of
00:02:55.319 having a beginner's mind and the
00:02:56.940 pitfalls of sustaining it as we gain
00:02:58.500 expertise
00:02:59.879 we'll look at some examples outside the
00:03:01.680 world of software development like how
00:03:03.780 it took decades in an entire generation
00:03:05.640 of expert geologists to die before the
00:03:08.160 theory of continental drift was taken
00:03:09.840 seriously
00:03:11.099 and why plane crashes happen more often
00:03:13.080 when the senior pilot is flying not the
00:03:15.300 junior pilot
00:03:16.860 then we'll draw lessons from all of this
00:03:18.540 for our work in software development and
00:03:20.519 in particular how you can apply some
00:03:22.080 specific strategies with pair
00:03:23.459 programming to sustain a beginner's mind
00:03:25.319 in your work
00:03:28.500 so that should give you a general sense
00:03:29.879 of where we're going I'm a Believer in
00:03:31.860 What's called the law of two feet at
00:03:33.120 conferences it's perfectly okay to head
00:03:35.040 to another talk if this one isn't for
00:03:36.480 you also as I just mentioned I will be
00:03:39.120 discussing plane crashes and part of the
00:03:40.799 talk nothing too intense or anything I
00:03:42.959 want to mention it in case it's a topic
00:03:44.640 that might not be comfortable for anyone
00:03:48.060 so before we dive in I'll say a little
00:03:49.799 bit more about me
00:03:51.540 um this picture is from my childhood
00:03:52.980 copy of Dr Seuss's my book about me and
00:03:55.860 to dispel any confusion I did not grow
00:03:57.480 up to be a policeman like it says here
00:03:59.780 instead I've been developing for the web
00:04:01.799 for over 25 years since the days won the
00:04:03.900 first web pages were painted on Cave
00:04:05.640 walls
00:04:06.720 uh over the years I've worked at Ask
00:04:08.459 Jeeves E-Trade act blue Stanford
00:04:10.799 University Georgetown and the University
00:04:12.540 of Pennsylvania and others as well
00:04:15.840 I'm currently a senior engineering
00:04:17.880 manager at on boo Labs we're a small
00:04:19.739 software agency that helps Enterprises
00:04:21.419 build and scale products designed for
00:04:22.919 growth and we're best known for our fast
00:04:25.020 Ruby rails upgrade service uh here are
00:04:27.720 some links where you can find me online
00:04:28.979 and as well as links to the slides and
00:04:31.620 I'll share these links again at the end
00:04:33.060 of The Talk
00:04:34.639 so let's look at some of the benefits of
00:04:36.840 beginner's mind
00:04:38.340 one is deeper gratitude
00:04:40.500 it's easy to lose sight of the many good
00:04:42.120 things in life that lift you up by
00:04:44.100 seeing your life from a fresh
00:04:45.060 perspective you can appreciate what you
00:04:46.680 might otherwise take for granted
00:04:49.320 more creativity
00:04:51.120 as a developer you see a similar set of
00:04:53.160 problems time and time again and habits
00:04:55.380 of thinking become ingrained but
00:04:57.240 deliberately experiencing a problem with
00:04:58.740 the mind of a beginner can provide a
00:05:00.300 fresh perspective on existing challenges
00:05:01.919 you might even Explore opportunities
00:05:03.840 that you didn't previously consider
00:05:07.139 greater intention
00:05:09.060 when you're familiar with something it's
00:05:10.500 easy to go into autopilot beginner's
00:05:12.960 mind helps you slow down to see what
00:05:14.520 you're doing with greater Clarity and
00:05:16.500 avoid the drawbacks of mindlessly you
00:05:18.360 know just going through the motions
00:05:20.580 and more fun
00:05:21.960 beginner's mind helps you reacquaint
00:05:23.460 yourself with the interesting aspects of
00:05:25.199 everything you do it can remind you of
00:05:27.060 the reasons why you wanted to be a
00:05:28.440 developer in the first place
00:05:30.840 so how do we get there how do we
00:05:32.340 cultivate a beginner's mind
00:05:34.800 um one is letting go of preconceptions
00:05:36.660 about how things are going to work and
00:05:38.160 what will happen
00:05:40.080 then always starting with curiosity not
00:05:42.060 assumptions to understand things more
00:05:43.919 deeply
00:05:45.360 opening yourself to new possibilities
00:05:47.120 and asking simple questions
00:05:49.979 are natural at these things because
00:05:51.960 they're always beginners at something
00:05:53.820 but as you get older it's easy to lose
00:05:55.440 touch with these qualities of mine that
00:05:56.940 once came so naturally
00:05:59.960 but let's dig into this a little further
00:06:02.160 by looking at some of the obstacles that
00:06:03.780 beginners have with cultivating
00:06:05.220 beginner's mind
00:06:07.280 the first note we'll talk about is
00:06:09.419 deference to Authority
00:06:11.160 you may be hesitant to speak up with a
00:06:12.900 concern or an idea with your boss or
00:06:14.880 someone senior to you
00:06:16.380 there's a relevant chapter on this in
00:06:18.060 Malcolm gladwell's book outliers the
00:06:19.740 story of success
00:06:21.300 a key theme of the book is that outcomes
00:06:23.280 we often attribute to the abilities or
00:06:24.900 mistakes of individual people are often
00:06:27.240 better explained by looking at systemic
00:06:28.919 or environmental factors
00:06:31.620 now before I go any further you're
00:06:33.300 probably having one of three possible
00:06:34.620 reactions to hearing cladwell's name
00:06:37.020 if you haven't heard of him you're
00:06:38.460 probably just curious to hear more
00:06:40.380 if you know his work and like it then
00:06:42.120 you're probably intrigued that I
00:06:43.199 mentioned him
00:06:44.580 or if you're familiar with some of the
00:06:45.900 critiques of his work you may be rolling
00:06:47.520 your eyes those critiques are important
00:06:49.680 and I promise I will come back to them
00:06:51.240 later in the talk
00:06:53.880 but getting back to the book for now
00:06:55.440 Gladwell has a chapter examining why
00:06:57.600 planes crash
00:06:58.979 there are of course many possible
00:07:00.300 reasons the one he focuses on is poor
00:07:02.759 communication among the cockpit crew
00:07:04.800 there's typically a captain and a first
00:07:06.479 officer who is the co-pilot and then
00:07:09.000 during a flight the first officer is
00:07:10.740 flying the plane and sometimes the
00:07:12.240 captain's flying the plane
00:07:13.680 typically the captain has more
00:07:15.240 experience and a common communication
00:07:17.340 problem when there are different level
00:07:18.479 levels of seniority between the two
00:07:20.340 pilots is that the junior pilot uses
00:07:22.620 what's called mitigated speech in
00:07:24.539 addressing the senior pilot
00:07:27.660 what happens is that the junior pilot is
00:07:29.460 being deferential to the authority of
00:07:31.020 the senior pilot this happens with
00:07:33.000 developers too the junior person will
00:07:35.340 typically communicate using hints if
00:07:37.080 they think the senior person is doing
00:07:38.400 something wrong overlooking something
00:07:41.220 they worry that using a more direct
00:07:42.660 approach might be seen as
00:07:43.800 confrontational or insubordinate or that
00:07:46.080 they'll embarrass themselves if they're
00:07:47.460 wrong
00:07:49.199 but the problem is it is the hardest
00:07:51.539 kind of request to decode and the
00:07:53.340 easiest to refuse
00:07:56.160 let's take an example take a look at an
00:07:58.020 example from the book
00:08:00.060 and the 1982 crash of air Florida flight
00:08:02.340 90 the plane had a problem with wing ice
00:08:04.380 before takeoff this is a serious problem
00:08:06.599 they can affect the lift force of the
00:08:08.460 Wings and lead to loss of control of the
00:08:10.139 plane
00:08:12.539 the quote shown here are from the Black
00:08:14.280 Box recordings recovered after the crash
00:08:16.740 and this is the first officer talking
00:08:18.419 before takeoff he doesn't speak in a
00:08:20.879 direct manner to the captain who is
00:08:22.139 serving as the pilot for takeoff
00:08:24.000 instead he drops hints that he's seeing
00:08:25.860 a serious problem with ice on the wings
00:08:27.240 this is literally a life and death
00:08:29.220 situation yet he does not come out and
00:08:31.139 say something really direct like I
00:08:33.120 strongly advise against takeoff I'm
00:08:34.979 concerned the wing ice will make us lose
00:08:36.419 control and crash instead he's just
00:08:38.760 dropping these these hints
00:08:41.399 and right after takeoff the plane
00:08:42.839 crashed into Washington DC's 14th Street
00:08:45.180 bridge and fell into the Potomac River
00:08:47.940 cloudwell presents numerous examples
00:08:49.740 very similar to this where the junior
00:08:51.180 pilot and other crew members noticed a
00:08:52.980 very serious problem but don't speak
00:08:55.019 clearly or directly to the captain about
00:08:56.760 it and then the plane crashes
00:09:01.080 plane crashes are always thoroughly
00:09:02.820 investigated and what's been found is
00:09:04.380 that crashes are more common with the
00:09:06.480 captain in the flying seat
00:09:09.540 this may seem counter-intuitive but
00:09:11.700 planes are safer when the least
00:09:12.959 experienced pilot is flying because it
00:09:14.820 means the second more experienced pilot
00:09:16.620 isn't going to be afraid to speak up if
00:09:18.779 there's a problem
00:09:21.240 so a lesson here for senior developers
00:09:23.160 is that you can counteract this problem
00:09:24.779 by being good mentors you can be kind
00:09:28.339 solicitous and active listener patient
00:09:32.760 humble and encouraging
00:09:35.640 our great way to start is pair
00:09:37.019 programming but let the junior developer
00:09:39.120 drive and you can get the same benefits
00:09:40.680 as Pilots the junior person learns and
00:09:43.380 the senior person provides guidance
00:09:45.420 I realize the words on the slide here
00:09:47.040 are just platitudes if you're at Kelly
00:09:48.720 Ryan's talk this morning on pair
00:09:50.220 programming she provided a lot of
00:09:52.019 specific advice on how to act on these
00:09:53.640 intentions if you weren't there I
00:09:55.740 recommend checking out the recording
00:09:57.000 when it's online and I'll also have more
00:09:59.100 to say about pair programming towards
00:10:00.839 the end of the talk
00:10:03.240 foreign
00:10:04.459 developers a lesson is that you have an
00:10:08.220 asset no one else has The Beginner's
00:10:10.620 mind
00:10:11.700 when you see something that looks like a
00:10:13.320 problem in the code in your workflow or
00:10:16.260 something else or you have a new idea I
00:10:18.300 encourage you to communicate clearly but
00:10:20.220 of course politely
00:10:21.480 doing so can be intimidating for the
00:10:23.220 reasons I just mentioned and other
00:10:24.480 reasons I'll get to in a moment but as a
00:10:26.760 new person in an organization you
00:10:28.440 haven't yet become acculturated into
00:10:29.940 this is how we've always done things
00:10:31.680 which can cause senior people in your
00:10:33.839 organization to develop blind spots like
00:10:35.820 the example I gave at the start of the
00:10:37.200 talk
00:10:38.100 you may see problems no one else will
00:10:39.720 see or have insights that will not occur
00:10:41.519 to anyone else
00:10:44.519 so that all sounds nice but let's also
00:10:46.380 talk about some other beginners
00:10:48.060 obstacles to beginner's mind
00:10:50.480 the encouragement I just provided about
00:10:52.800 speaking up is easy to say but not
00:10:55.019 always easy to do
00:10:57.000 speaking up when you see a problem or
00:10:58.740 asking simple questions like I mentioned
00:11:00.540 earlier can be intimidating if you're
00:11:02.940 new and trying to find your place in a
00:11:04.440 team or organization you may worry a
00:11:06.779 simple question might sound like a dumb
00:11:08.220 question
00:11:09.060 and not just because of deference to
00:11:10.680 Authority
00:11:11.760 personally I can feel comfortable
00:11:13.260 speaking up in a group and asking what
00:11:14.760 might seem like a dumb question and not
00:11:16.680 feel too much like I'll be judged by it
00:11:18.600 I was a little nervous about this when I
00:11:20.339 was younger but you know I would still
00:11:21.660 speak up and that Comfort level I've
00:11:23.459 always had is more reflection more a
00:11:25.320 reflection of my privilege than anything
00:11:27.120 else
00:11:29.940 another challenge is just how hard it
00:11:31.680 can be when you're starting out and a
00:11:33.480 blog post titled what beginner's mind is
00:11:35.040 really like by Robert Heaton he offers a
00:11:37.440 valid critique of all this beginner's
00:11:38.880 mind stuff he says
00:11:40.980 I have no idea what to do next
00:11:43.079 I don't think that anyone who encourages
00:11:44.880 the cultivation of a beginner's mind has
00:11:46.620 ever actually met a beginner
00:11:48.480 am I good yet
00:11:49.920 when will I know if I'm good
00:11:51.839 I need to be good by tomorrow at the
00:11:53.519 latest
00:11:54.480 I don't think I'm good yet
00:11:57.180 the example I gave earlier of a new
00:11:59.040 co-worker pointing out a reporting
00:12:00.480 problem was someone who was new to the
00:12:02.399 organization but already had the
00:12:04.079 experience and confidence to speak up
00:12:05.640 about a problem he saw What If instead
00:12:08.040 this is your first job and you see the
00:12:09.720 problem but think there's maybe another
00:12:11.040 aspect of it you're not aware of and
00:12:13.200 you'll worry you'll embarrass yourselves
00:12:14.519 if you say something
00:12:17.399 really the only answer here is that it's
00:12:19.620 not you it's them
00:12:21.720 when you're starting out your employer
00:12:23.339 should be giving you clear goals and the
00:12:24.959 support you need to achieve them
00:12:26.880 if you're starting a job and don't know
00:12:28.380 what you're supposed to do next who to
00:12:30.120 ask for help or how you'll know if
00:12:31.800 you're doing well that's not your fault
00:12:34.019 it means you're experiencing a poor
00:12:35.700 onboarding process
00:12:37.079 it also means you probably don't have a
00:12:38.640 capable mentor
00:12:39.959 like I was describing a moment ago
00:12:42.240 I'm not going to read through the
00:12:43.500 details in the slide but it's showing
00:12:45.000 data on how much more successful
00:12:46.380 dedicated and happy employees are when
00:12:48.420 they have a good onboarding experience
00:12:50.639 when you're a beginner you need that
00:12:52.500 supportive environment with clear and
00:12:54.300 achievable goals to be successful and
00:12:56.519 when you have that it's a win-win for
00:12:58.560 you and for your employer
00:13:01.620 and this segues nicely to talking about
00:13:03.380 experts obstacles to beginner's mind
00:13:06.300 the experts are the people who are
00:13:07.800 responsible for your onboarding
00:13:09.060 experience in shaping the organization's
00:13:10.740 culture
00:13:13.139 a business leader who Fosters a culture
00:13:15.000 that is unsupportive closed-minded and
00:13:16.800 hostile to inquisitiveness or alternate
00:13:18.779 alternative points of view is leading a
00:13:20.579 business that may not last very long
00:13:22.860 it strategy consultant Eric Dietrich
00:13:25.440 calls these kinds of leaders expert
00:13:27.180 beginners they think they're experts but
00:13:29.700 they're actually beginners in the case
00:13:31.620 of Mr musk here he's not seeing that his
00:13:33.839 success running one type of business
00:13:35.100 doesn't necessarily translate very well
00:13:36.899 to a different kind of business
00:13:39.959 Dietrich says the common thread in a
00:13:42.600 stagnant or toxic work culture is that
00:13:44.459 you have a person or people in positions
00:13:46.019 of authority that have the culturally
00:13:47.700 lethal combination of not knowing much
00:13:49.560 not knowing what they don't know and
00:13:51.959 assuming that due to their ex their own
00:13:53.760 expertise anything they don't know isn't
00:13:55.680 worth knowing
00:13:57.720 there's no better example of this kind
00:14:00.300 of hubris than the geological
00:14:02.100 communities decades-long rejection of
00:14:03.839 Alfred Wegener's theory of continental
00:14:05.639 drift
00:14:06.600 geologists are scientists right we
00:14:08.700 expect them to dispassionately examine
00:14:10.500 examine evidence and reach logical
00:14:12.180 conclusions right
00:14:13.860 but like the rest of us they are human
00:14:15.420 which means pride and ego also play a
00:14:17.760 role
00:14:18.779 and a key trap of expertise is getting
00:14:20.760 stuck looking at things a certain way
00:14:22.200 and not being open to New Perspectives
00:14:25.459 Wegener was not a geologist he was an
00:14:27.839 Arctic Explorer a record-setting
00:14:29.519 balloonist and a specialist in
00:14:30.899 meteorology and astronomy
00:14:32.880 in developing his theory he cut out maps
00:14:35.220 of the continents stretching them to
00:14:37.079 show how they might have looked before
00:14:38.100 the landscape crumpled up into mountain
00:14:39.720 ranges
00:14:40.740 then he fit them together on a globe
00:14:42.240 like jigsaw puzzle pieces to form the
00:14:44.160 supercontinent he called Pangea
00:14:46.500 he pointed out how layered geological
00:14:48.300 formations often dropped off on one side
00:14:50.279 of an ocean and picked up again on the
00:14:51.959 other
00:14:53.880 just as importantly he looked beyond
00:14:55.860 just geology he approached the problem
00:14:58.019 with The Beginner's mind not constrained
00:15:00.360 by the traditional divisions between
00:15:01.800 scientific disciplines
00:15:03.720 he assembled evidence that plants and
00:15:05.519 animals on opposite sides of the oceans
00:15:07.079 were often strikingly similar
00:15:09.120 it wasn't just that the marsupials in
00:15:10.920 Australia and South America looked alike
00:15:12.779 so did the flatworms that parasitized
00:15:15.060 them
00:15:17.399 when his research was translated to
00:15:19.079 English in 1922 the brutal attacks began
00:15:21.959 his work was rejected as delirious
00:15:24.600 ravings
00:15:25.680 Germanic pseudoscience this was right
00:15:28.260 after World War one so why not you know
00:15:30.300 attack the Germans
00:15:32.639 um a fairy tale
00:15:34.380 and worst of all if we were to believe
00:15:36.420 wagoner's hypothesis we must forget
00:15:38.699 everything which we have learned in the
00:15:40.380 last 70 years and start all over again
00:15:43.740 but Wagoner took every criticism as an
00:15:45.899 opportunity to refine his theory he
00:15:48.000 presented several ideas to explain
00:15:49.440 continental drift and he corrected
00:15:51.600 issues with the initial timeline he
00:15:53.160 presented but it was only in the 1960s
00:15:55.800 as older geologists died off that the
00:15:58.380 Next Generation took a fresh look at his
00:16:00.120 ideas which ultimately proved to be
00:16:01.980 correct
00:16:02.820 so think about that for a second a whole
00:16:04.680 generation of experts had to die in
00:16:07.199 order for science to advance
00:16:10.680 there is a missing piece to the puzzle
00:16:12.420 here though I just mentioned that vegan
00:16:14.639 represented ideas to explain
00:16:15.899 specifically how continental drift
00:16:17.699 happened he actually came up with six
00:16:19.680 different ideas and one turned out to be
00:16:21.779 very similar to plate tectonics which we
00:16:23.699 now know as the mechanism for
00:16:24.899 continental drift
00:16:26.399 but at the time we had no direct
00:16:27.899 evidence for it or for any of the other
00:16:29.880 explanations you proposed
00:16:31.860 so while the reactions to his theory
00:16:33.420 were extreme and damaging to the
00:16:34.920 advancement of geology this particular
00:16:36.959 Gap in the evidence for his theory was
00:16:38.579 of valid criticism
00:16:40.920 so I mentioned earlier that with The
00:16:43.680 Beginner's mind you see the world like a
00:16:45.360 small child full of curiosity and wonder
00:16:47.339 and amazement
00:16:48.540 while that is a good thing in and of
00:16:50.220 itself and we can see it in wagoner's
00:16:52.320 creative and multi-disciplinary approach
00:16:54.480 it's also true that children can be
00:16:56.519 easily fooled
00:16:58.500 our critical thinking skills are also
00:17:00.420 important but how do we find the right
00:17:02.579 balance how do we harness the Knowledge
00:17:04.439 and Skills we gain from our experience
00:17:06.000 and apply it to our work and lives
00:17:07.860 without also getting set in our ways and
00:17:10.199 closing off ourselves to new ideas
00:17:13.980 this brings us back to Malcolm
00:17:15.540 gladwell's book outliers and the
00:17:17.160 criticisms of it that I mentioned
00:17:18.480 earlier
00:17:19.319 the book was a number one bestseller for
00:17:21.299 11 consecutive weeks on the New York
00:17:23.040 Times bestseller list I read it a few
00:17:25.260 years after it came out I enjoyed it and
00:17:27.059 felt like I learned some things from it
00:17:28.980 and there were even teaching materials
00:17:30.600 developed based on the book
00:17:33.600 but then in preparing this talk I came
00:17:35.820 across a bunch of scaling reviews of it
00:17:37.740 with critics saying one of these smart
00:17:40.260 thinking airport books that are super
00:17:42.000 spreader events of American stupidity
00:17:44.520 a vessel for pseudoscience and fake
00:17:46.740 history
00:17:47.700 the reasoning in outliers which consists
00:17:49.799 of cherry-picked anecdotes post-hoc
00:17:51.480 sophistry and false dichotomies had me
00:17:53.460 gnawing on my Kindle
00:17:55.620 it's high time for Gladwell to produce
00:17:57.480 something more challenging that has
00:17:58.919 beautifully executed tomb robberies of
00:18:00.780 old sociology papers
00:18:04.799 so Gladwell is an Eclectic and original
00:18:07.380 thinker so what makes these criticisms
00:18:09.539 of his work any different than the
00:18:11.100 attacks we just reviewed on veganer's
00:18:12.780 continental drift theory are these
00:18:14.820 critics also just experts to set in
00:18:16.559 their ways to appreciate gladwell's
00:18:18.120 novel ideas
00:18:19.440 let's take another look at the chapter
00:18:21.299 on plane crashes
00:18:23.280 the title of that chapter is the ethnic
00:18:25.919 theory of plane crashes
00:18:27.960 the example I gave earlier was from an
00:18:29.760 airline based in the U.S well Gladwell
00:18:32.039 specifically focuses on Korean pilots in
00:18:34.140 most of the chapter and the higher than
00:18:36.000 typical number of crashes that have
00:18:37.620 happened with Korean Airlines over over
00:18:39.240 the years
00:18:40.380 his argument is that Korean culture is
00:18:42.299 especially deferential to Authority and
00:18:44.520 that the nature of the Korean language
00:18:45.840 makes it much more prone to mitigated
00:18:47.640 speech
00:18:48.780 this post from the ask a Korean site
00:18:51.299 makes an important point
00:18:53.100 but Gladwell must not have discussed his
00:18:55.140 theory with any actual Koreans
00:18:58.380 he reviewed the actual transcripts from
00:19:00.240 the black boxes which are publicly
00:19:01.860 available and found that gladwell's
00:19:03.780 argument relied on a highly selective
00:19:05.520 and manipulative use of the evidence
00:19:07.860 leaving out facts that directly
00:19:09.240 undermined his argument about Korean
00:19:10.860 culture and language
00:19:12.600 here's a simple example from the black
00:19:14.280 box of Korean Airlines flight 801
00:19:16.799 Gladwell leaves out a quote of the first
00:19:18.720 officer speaking pretty directly about
00:19:20.460 the very poor weather so on the on the
00:19:22.980 left is the transcript as Gladwell
00:19:25.020 presented it and on the right is the
00:19:27.419 more complete transcript and the Bold
00:19:29.400 text is what uh
00:19:31.440 I'm Gladwell left out what the first
00:19:33.480 officer saying Captain Guam condition is
00:19:35.700 no good which is pretty direct
00:19:38.580 um his analysis has many other examples
00:19:40.980 of Gladwell using information
00:19:42.120 selectively or demonstrating a poor
00:19:44.340 understanding of Korean culture
00:19:48.299 so a key difference between vegan or and
00:19:50.220 Gladwell is that although there were
00:19:51.660 gaps in the evidence for wagoner's
00:19:53.340 theory he approached those problems
00:19:55.020 scientifically systematically and
00:19:57.240 diligently refining and adjusting his
00:19:59.280 theory numerous times in response to
00:20:01.080 valid criticisms
00:20:02.580 in contrast Gladwell is an artist
00:20:04.620 careful careful or thorough in his
00:20:06.600 research
00:20:07.500 so where does that leave us
00:20:09.240 after reading this and the other
00:20:10.860 critiques why did I still include this
00:20:12.600 chapter from outliers in my talk as a
00:20:14.580 related concept to beginner's mind
00:20:18.539 the reason is that all Gladwell
00:20:19.980 gladwell's analysis was sloppy
00:20:21.840 especially concerning Korean culture the
00:20:24.240 core of his argument has since been more
00:20:25.860 rigorously analyzed and it turns out to
00:20:28.380 be accurate
00:20:30.840 the study I put up on the board here
00:20:33.740 examined plane crashes from 68 countries
00:20:36.419 over 42-year period
00:20:38.520 the author is statistically controlled
00:20:40.320 for a wide variety of factors such as
00:20:41.940 weather aircraft maintenance and so
00:20:43.559 forth and they found that cultures that
00:20:45.539 had a greater deference to Authority
00:20:46.980 were in fact at more risk of plane
00:20:49.020 crashes
00:20:50.640 I'm discussing this in detail because I
00:20:52.919 want to encourage you to engage in a
00:20:54.480 careful Balancing Act
00:20:56.100 to embrace the ideal of The Beginner's
00:20:57.840 mind and at the same time continue to
00:20:59.880 hone your critical thinking skills the
00:21:02.220 vegan story about continental drift is a
00:21:04.440 straightforward one this beginner's mind
00:21:06.419 eclectic approach and rigorous thinking
00:21:08.340 led to his insights and the resistance
00:21:10.320 to his ideas came from experts who were
00:21:12.059 closed-minded
00:21:14.039 in contrast the gladwell's story is a
00:21:16.080 more subtle one he's an out of the box
00:21:17.940 thinker with The Beginner's mind but his
00:21:19.799 approach is not as rigorous and critics
00:21:21.539 often justifiably pick apart his
00:21:23.280 arguments yet the debates about his work
00:21:25.740 drive discussions and knowledge forward
00:21:27.299 the research article I just cited likely
00:21:29.820 never would have been written if
00:21:30.840 Gladwell hadn't sparked the debate
00:21:34.559 so whether you're talking with a
00:21:35.760 co-worker about which design pattern to
00:21:37.559 use to solve a problem in your code are
00:21:39.840 you talking with a friend or relative
00:21:41.159 about politics you'll find yourself in
00:21:43.559 situations where knowledge experience
00:21:45.480 emotion opinion logic Authority and new
00:21:49.440 ideas are all Dynamic factors with a
00:21:51.419 continual interplay between them as the
00:21:53.100 conversation unfolds
00:21:55.200 we want to be open to new ideas but not
00:21:57.480 get sucked in by bad ideas
00:21:59.340 we don't want to be fooled by ideas that
00:22:01.260 may suit what we already believe but
00:22:03.179 actually don't hold up to scrutiny or
00:22:05.520 close us off to considering new
00:22:06.840 approaches
00:22:08.820 we want evidence to support those new
00:22:10.620 approaches and we should always be
00:22:12.059 poking and prodding to see just how good
00:22:13.679 the evidence is
00:22:16.919 so with all of that in mind let's take a
00:22:18.780 look at a compelling evidence-based
00:22:20.340 approach to achieving the benefits of
00:22:21.840 beginner's mind in software engineering
00:22:24.299 our Lobel she conducted a series of pair
00:22:26.640 programming experiments with the support
00:22:28.200 of a software engineering team
00:22:30.240 belcy's been active in the agile
00:22:31.980 software engineering community for many
00:22:33.539 years
00:22:34.559 they analyze the results of each
00:22:36.059 variation in their approach to pairing
00:22:37.620 and publish the results in a paper
00:22:39.120 titled promiscuous pairing in beginner's
00:22:41.520 mind Embrace an experience
00:22:45.960 whether you're working alone or in a
00:22:47.400 pair the usual goal is to enter a state
00:22:49.740 of flow however the flow state is
00:22:52.080 fragile it's easily easily disrupted by
00:22:54.539 outside distractions or task rotation
00:22:57.059 and with pairing there's the additional
00:22:58.740 challenge that it can take days for a
00:23:00.419 new pair to be comfortable enough with
00:23:02.280 each other to achieve flow at all
00:23:06.480 a common difficulty with beginner's mind
00:23:08.520 is that it's a transitory State like the
00:23:10.740 example I gave at the beginning of this
00:23:12.179 talk the insights gained from the Fresh
00:23:14.159 perspective of a new team member fade as
00:23:16.140 that person becomes familiar and
00:23:17.940 comfortable with the environment and
00:23:19.500 loses their beginner's perspective
00:23:21.960 as belshi puts it whereas flow depends
00:23:24.659 on stability beginner's mind depends on
00:23:26.880 instability
00:23:28.080 we found that beginner's mind can be
00:23:29.760 maintained as a stable state by simply
00:23:31.740 changing things around frequently enough
00:23:34.080 by surfing the edge of Chaos
00:23:37.559 let's look at their overall approach
00:23:39.960 first it's important to note that this
00:23:41.580 is a team with stable membership
00:23:42.900 developing and supporting a product long
00:23:44.760 term so these experiments were limited
00:23:46.980 to that kind of software development
00:23:48.480 environment
00:23:49.860 they tried several different ways of
00:23:51.360 doing their work varying how tasks were
00:23:52.919 assigned how they were scheduled and who
00:23:54.720 was responsible for them
00:23:56.820 with an individually owned task the
00:23:58.500 person responsible for it would still
00:24:00.000 pair but would never rotate off the task
00:24:03.059 with a team owned task the team as a
00:24:05.039 whole was responsible for completing it
00:24:06.720 anyone could work on it at any time
00:24:09.539 the key takeaway from this slide is that
00:24:11.580 the greatest productivity was achieved
00:24:13.080 with the team-based approach combined
00:24:14.880 with a pull-based system where the team
00:24:16.500 decided what to work on next
00:24:20.280 they also found they achieved their
00:24:21.840 greatest productivity working in pairs
00:24:23.640 and by swapping in a new member pairing
00:24:26.220 on a task every 90 minutes with no one
00:24:28.740 staying on the task for more than two
00:24:30.179 consecutive sessions
00:24:32.100 a key Insight here is they actually did
00:24:33.780 better by not keeping the person with
00:24:35.640 the most relevant expertise on the task
00:24:37.320 for every session
00:24:40.340 why was swapping like this so effective
00:24:42.720 to quote the article when people are in
00:24:45.179 beginner's mind they learn faster and
00:24:46.799 achieve more
00:24:47.820 similarly people tend to be more
00:24:49.559 creative when they only partially
00:24:50.820 understand the situation because they
00:24:52.980 don't know all the limits yet they don't
00:24:54.600 have as much difficulty seeing past them
00:24:57.179 pair churn ensured that every pair had a
00:24:59.220 member in beginner's mind at all times
00:25:03.299 in the team retrospectives at first the
00:25:05.340 team members felt like the 90-minute
00:25:06.840 swaps were too frequent they felt they
00:25:09.059 were getting swapped away just as they
00:25:10.679 were finally getting up to speed on a
00:25:12.539 new problem and it felt like constantly
00:25:14.820 drinking from a fire hose
00:25:16.679 and it turns out that's actually the
00:25:18.600 reason they were so productive as belshi
00:25:21.480 puts it in the article after a couple of
00:25:23.460 weeks everyone saw how much more they
00:25:25.140 were learning they had ever learned in
00:25:26.520 any situation in their lives the fire
00:25:28.679 hose became a Thrill Ride it became a
00:25:30.960 challenge
00:25:33.779 an important additional note is how they
00:25:35.700 applied people's skills efficiently in
00:25:37.500 the pairing sessions as the team members
00:25:39.720 worked together they became familiar
00:25:41.400 with each other's talents so if a task
00:25:43.500 called for a certain skill like
00:25:44.880 debugging or writing a complex database
00:25:47.220 query the team would make sure to
00:25:48.900 include their best Bug Hunter or their
00:25:50.460 database database Guru in the pair swaps
00:25:53.520 over time this had the added benefit of
00:25:55.679 enhancing the skills of all the team
00:25:57.419 members as they work together frequently
00:25:59.120 accelerating how much and how quickly
00:26:01.260 they learn from each other
00:26:04.559 belsey notes that alternating 90-minute
00:26:06.539 swaps cause each pair to contain one
00:26:08.400 person in beginner's mind and another
00:26:10.260 who was teaching the subject
00:26:12.240 the data show that we were more
00:26:13.679 productive the more promiscuous we were
00:26:15.720 in swapping pairs frequently like this
00:26:18.059 as long as you remained with each
00:26:19.559 partner long enough to exchange
00:26:20.880 knowledge
00:26:22.380 what the data don't show is that we also
00:26:24.779 had a lot more fun
00:26:26.640 it took the team a little time to adjust
00:26:28.380 to the more rapid Pace but working with
00:26:30.720 that team was a career high point for
00:26:32.279 every person involved
00:26:36.840 a last thought I'll add from my own
00:26:38.940 experience is pair programming and as a
00:26:41.039 manager as a compassion and empathy are
00:26:43.260 also important components of maintaining
00:26:44.940 a beginner's mind
00:26:46.559 every person has their strengths and
00:26:48.240 weaknesses none of us are perfect
00:26:51.000 making the effort to understand not only
00:26:52.740 your co-workers abilities but to also
00:26:54.720 relate to their perspective and put
00:26:56.100 yourself in their shoes will not only
00:26:57.600 help give them a good experience working
00:26:59.159 with you but will help you grow as well
00:27:01.320 and experience another aspect of the
00:27:03.419 many possibilities of The Beginner's
00:27:05.039 mind
00:27:06.840 thank you
00:27:16.020 here are those links again how you can
00:27:17.460 find me online and a link to the slides
00:27:19.140 I'm available for questions if you want
00:27:20.940 to come up after the talk or you can
00:27:22.380 find me around the conference anytime
00:27:23.640 today or tomorrow I have some swag up
00:27:25.860 here also I have some fast Ruby bottle
00:27:28.020 opener keychains and thank you again