Vladimir Dementyev

Frontendless Rails Frontend
Vladimir Dementyev • June 09, 2021 • online

Everything is cyclical, and web development is not an exception: ten years ago, we enjoyed developing Rails apps using HTML forms, a bit of AJAX, and jQuery—our productivity had no end! As interfaces gradually became more sophisticated, the "classic" approach began to give way to frontend frameworks, pushing Ruby into an API provider's role.

The situation started to change; the "new wave" is coming, and ViewComponent, StimulusReflex, and Hotwire are riding the crest.

In this talk, I'd like to demonstrate how we can develop modern "frontend" applications in the New Rails Way.

This talk was delivered at EMEA on Rails, a virtual mega-meetup which took place on June 9, 2021

EMEA on Rails 2021

00:00:18.480 so this is from testrail fountain talk which i already gave at the recent railscope as you probably know
00:00:25.680 today i gotta be a little bit different version maybe a little bit shorter since we don't have a lot of time a few words
00:00:32.160 about myself my name is vladimir i'm from moscow russia i'm talking to
00:00:37.680 kenneth c right now just blue wall behind me and i'm working for a company called
00:00:42.879 evil martians we are consultancy helping
00:00:48.000 developers and teams around the world to build better faster
00:00:53.920 more robust software and mostly a ruby developer with a bit of
00:01:00.879 like golang from time to time
00:01:06.400 today these days uh i'm a back-end developer
00:01:11.439 so and that doesn't care about ui and all that stuff
00:01:17.200 a lot and we offers so we have different teams usually
00:01:22.400 uh to build a web application uh when i started
00:01:28.799 my it career i was a full stack developer i actually
00:01:34.479 was like on developer for a long time so i had to do everything from javascript and html
00:01:42.240 to ruby php and like erlang or whatever doesn't matter so i was a full stack developer
00:01:49.040 and i knew how to do everything but the thing changed and today
00:01:56.000 uh there's a question actually is it possible to
00:02:01.360 be full stack ruby on rails development and build modern interactive full-featured applications today in
00:02:08.959 2020s so that's a question i would like to talk about today and the short answer is
00:02:15.840 yes but let's see how but first i would like to
00:02:26.400 how we did full stack development with rails in its golden age and
00:02:34.160 why that has changed so trails is
00:02:40.480 built on on top of the corp one core principle it's html of the wire
00:02:47.200 server is responsible for everything it's the only source of true and
00:02:52.959 client is just acting like a minimal layer to represent the data
00:02:59.040 even the state provided by the server that was the core idea of their full stack rails back in the days
00:03:05.760 and to accomplish that we had a lot of different tools
00:03:12.159 like we have html preprocessors and helpers
00:03:17.519 like a small master in ruby written in ruby which helped us to
00:03:23.760 construct html i can't say that was the most like
00:03:29.280 herbal part to work with sometimes such helpers turn out into monsters
00:03:35.840 which are really hard to maintain and use and whatever so i i don't miss that part of the full
00:03:43.040 stack rails then we have a bit of javascript
00:03:49.760 and actually mostly coffeescript because like we released one
00:03:55.680 everything to be like ruby and of course 10 years ago jquery was like a
00:04:02.560 masked fake and a small thing like jquery you just helped us to
00:04:08.879 write less javascript by using remote forms and javascript templates
00:04:14.879 which is not so popular today especially the latter one
00:04:22.720 what else so we had turbo links actually like 10 years ago even that was
00:04:29.840 a default gem uh for rails uh no one knew how to use them properly
00:04:37.680 and well at least in my and among my like friends and deaf engineers
00:04:44.400 and uh usually the first thing i did when building a new rails application just dropped turbo links
00:04:51.120 but that was a thing even 10 years ago and we used uh
00:04:56.560 again preprocessors for css to help us reuse some bars use variables make sense
00:05:02.720 whatever and like we didn't care a lot about the ui so we could afford using bootstrap
00:05:10.080 for the user-facing functionality because it was easy to use for
00:05:15.280 back-end engineers actually for full-stack engineers so to deal with the bandages we have
00:05:22.400 multiple tools we bundled assets into jabs and like use our bundler to
00:05:28.800 resolve them and sometimes we just put minified javascript or css right in the vendor
00:05:35.280 assets folder that was the way and uh finally everything was managed
00:05:42.000 by the asset pipeline framework or its core part as sprockets
00:05:48.880 that was the toolbelt of the full stack rails development its front-end related part
00:05:56.720 but then things changed javascript awoke and the evolution began
00:06:03.360 first npm and later guard solve the problem of
00:06:08.960 managing dependencies uh aquascript six seven whatever it is
00:06:14.800 called right now kind of made coffeescript useless and like
00:06:20.720 unnecessary front-end builders like webpack
00:06:27.840 like moved this task of building assets to the next
00:06:33.600 level which is not possible by sprockets
00:06:38.800 css made sas again unnecessary that's because
00:06:44.400 it's much more and it allows us to write css with a lot of useful tooling around
00:06:50.080 it finally we started to use front-end frameworks and
00:06:56.400 react is most popular as of now and of course uh all of that
00:07:03.520 is becoming uh to serve as a single page application
00:07:09.199 and rails rail's only responsibility in many cases is just being an api provider
00:07:16.800 that's what the situation we're kind of in right now
00:07:23.759 so that led to the separation of engineers now we have at least two teams
00:07:29.039 to ship a thing uh that in my opinion at least i think most
00:07:35.520 of you agree with that that that increased development cost and not only in terms of
00:07:40.960 money but in terms of time as well because having two teams coordinating them is
00:07:46.720 kind of expensive and i'm not very happy with that so if i build a
00:07:52.639 fresh application for myself today i would try to find a way to
00:07:58.560 escape from this pattern from the separation i would like to be
00:08:03.840 a full stack developer again so i want i don't want to leave my comfort zone of ruby on rails
00:08:11.280 so is it possible of course yes and i already said that
00:08:16.319 and we have some examples like github and basecamp yeah you might say that they're kind of old like and
00:08:24.080 they just can't afford to write everything to react probably but what about something new
00:08:31.120 a brand new application which is kind of just a year old was which is written
00:08:37.360 with this new stack with the new frontend stack for us with new magic inside of it and that magic is
00:08:44.880 hot wire we're going to talk about it today so we see the examples of html called the
00:08:51.120 wire approach reappearing again so it's
00:08:56.480 it's again it's hard as hardware so let's take a look
00:09:02.560 at the tools the technologies the approaches we have
00:09:09.519 today which we can counter to the frontend tooling which could help us to
00:09:15.839 build modern web applications without leaving our comfort zone ruby and rails
00:09:22.480 so let's first put on scales the core principles
00:09:29.120 the difference between front-end streaming application and
00:09:34.560 html first application that's the difference the main difference is how who is responsible
00:09:40.560 for rendering the final html because the browser only needs html it doesn't
00:09:46.480 care about how you deliver it you can do it server side or client side and i can
00:09:51.519 say that one of these two is better than other that just two different approaches
00:09:57.200 and everything else which is built on trouble to this two ideas is what makes the difference
00:10:05.839 so when we build when we use a front-end framework we in most cases we build a
00:10:11.600 single-page application single-page applications are pretty cool because they're fast uh at least
00:10:18.000 from this perception point of view uh they like interactive smooths and so on so forth there is no page reload
00:10:24.640 that's great and actually we can do the same kind of the same with turbo which is a
00:10:31.760 new name for turbo links and turbo today consists of several
00:10:37.200 parts it's turbo drive this part allows us to
00:10:43.920 convert any html based application into a single page application and it does this by
00:10:49.600 simply intercepting navigation or form submissions replacing full page roles with ajax
00:10:57.040 requests and like replacing html body contents
00:11:02.320 and it also has a concept of cache which makes it makes your application look
00:11:07.519 pretty fast if you go back and forth because the previously loaded html is
00:11:14.560 added to the page immediately without requesting so like i said uh turbulence
00:11:19.920 is improvements sba so that's the easiest thing
00:11:25.120 is the easiest way to make your html application
00:11:30.800 looks look like sba turboframe is the new concept
00:11:37.440 of the hotwire and we can say that it's just lags but not for the whole page but for
00:11:43.680 the page fragment so that brings kind of composition to your page you can load
00:11:49.600 parts differently you can handle uh user interactions independently and
00:11:55.040 so on you can laser load part of the page which gives an opportunity to
00:12:01.120 leverage the http layer caching at must
00:12:06.639 so let's take a look at the quick example turboframe is like just to demonstrate the power with
00:12:12.320 so this is simple to the list application uh which you're going to use throughout
00:12:18.880 the talk to different approach and here we see some interaction a user can
00:12:25.519 mark an item as complete or remove it and i want to say that this is done without
00:12:32.000 any javascript without anything added to the client side except from hardwire basic base library
00:12:40.079 so at the controller level we can uh
00:12:45.360 like we write our regular actions like update and destroy but instead of redirecting which we
00:12:52.079 usually do in that case we render partial in in response like
00:12:58.560 just a part of html that has to be updated and
00:13:04.839 our html partial needs a small modification we need to
00:13:11.120 wrap the contents of the the actual contents with the turboframe tag
00:13:16.320 that would activate this frames functionality and that would make the updates
00:13:22.560 work only for a specific item and and everything is else is done by turbo
00:13:28.959 it just updates the content of the stack using id and that's it you don't need to write
00:13:34.079 anything on the client side that's the power of turbo frames it's pretty cool
00:13:40.639 uh so that kind of brings us closer to single page application experience in
00:13:46.000 terms of re-rendering parts of the page of the whole page
00:13:51.680 but now that's a problem javascript framework is not only about
00:13:57.279 reloading pages or not reloading them javascript frameworks bring a lot of
00:14:02.959 stuff like interactivity everything is instant because you don't have to go to the server most of the actions are
00:14:11.360 not related to server server side operations we have reactivity we're
00:14:17.680 going to talk about later we have some architecture principles that led us to write
00:14:23.680 robust applications maintainable and so on and what do we have for
00:14:28.800 html over the wire applications uh we can't afford keeping a lot of javascript because we like
00:14:35.360 let's imagine we're back-end developers and we really don't uh have a deep knowledge of all that js
00:14:41.120 stuff we don't want to keep track of it so we have just javascript sprinkles a little
00:14:47.120 bit of javascript like rails ujs which is the successor of jquery ujs
00:14:52.560 and uh also we have uh backhand friendly i would say
00:14:57.680 frameworks like libraries not even frameworks just libraries like stimulus
00:15:02.880 that's one of our major tools for building interactive applications
00:15:08.880 but still being html first yet another example from the same app we have uh
00:15:16.240 uh like ins like tips uh for the user so for the users like small bat
00:15:22.800 which could be added to any part of the patient that could be closed by user so to close this banner
00:15:28.959 we don't need to go to the server apparently so that's just local interaction so
00:15:35.519 we need to add some javascript let me show you how easy it is to
00:15:41.279 build such component i would say with stimulus so
00:15:46.959 first let's take a look how we've built it uh years ago with jquery
00:15:54.480 there are going to be some function which initialize event listener which about
00:15:59.519 our css or whatever we use for identifying some code like prevent default whatever
00:16:06.240 what else i don't know and the biggest problem here that we have
00:16:11.360 multiple event listeners to call this function because uh we need to track page loads back
00:16:17.680 turbulence page loads we need to drag jquery ejs and so on and so forth that's
00:16:23.680 actually it from my experience at least was one of the main reasons uh
00:16:29.519 classic rails front and applications had a lot of bugs with frontend because you have to keep in memory all the possible
00:16:37.920 events that could lead to uh down modifications to html updates
00:16:46.399 with stimulus you don't care about anything at all and everything is controlled by
00:16:52.320 html attributes in your templates you don't need to connect them manually you don't need to track track removal or
00:16:59.360 adding of this html on the page you just define the behavior in javascript class and you
00:17:05.520 attach this behavior to the html element in your template and that's it there's a
00:17:12.160 few lines of code and it's it works always it's stable
00:17:17.839 independently on how do you update the html and it's down by the modern apis which
00:17:24.720 are possible today like mutation observer and so on so like under the hood stimulus is pretty complex library
00:17:30.720 but it you shouldn't care about it they just use it as a tool
00:17:36.160 and that's it so yeah that's actually just what i said
00:17:42.799 let's keep it so stimulus is kind of a way to turn static html to component as i already said to
00:17:49.919 attach behavior to it but yeah you need to write a bit of
00:17:55.679 javascript by hand and it's not always a few lines of code
00:18:01.200 for example like adding a date picker or like search without a complete text
00:18:07.760 input would require some work and in that case what i like about stimulus it plays nicely with ready-made components
00:18:22.559 with vue i had a very pleasant experience with mixing stimulus with view to build
00:18:28.559 interactive forms and lists of items was a very rails way we only needed view
00:18:35.919 just to add some complex stuff like i already said and you can take a look at this example
00:18:42.480 repo we specifically published from extracted from our private projects to see how you can use stimulus
00:18:50.000 with other frameworks and make them your make them serve your needs instead of
00:18:55.520 learning them and more examples of stimulus could be
00:19:01.280 found by this links so just like take a look at the slides later and follow them
00:19:07.200 a lot of useful stuff and ready to use examples so you don't need to actually write a lot of stuff you just need to
00:19:13.520 add it to your javascript bundle but i said that we're gonna build html
00:19:20.720 first applications and uh and i've been i've spent the last five minutes talking about javascript
00:19:27.120 that was like unnecessary evil so let's move uh
00:19:33.840 back to ruby and what we can do without touching javascript
00:19:39.760 so reactivity sorry
00:19:44.799 on the next part i define reactivity as an ability of application to react on various events
00:19:53.679 both internal and from a user and external
00:20:00.240 and the reaction should be fast or instant and the user don't have to be
00:20:06.720 don't have to initiate any events in order to like produce the reaction i mean that
00:20:13.679 some events could occur on the server and user should have an ability to receive these
00:20:19.039 events and when we talk about synchronous communication which exactly which it is which which is what i
00:20:25.919 described just right now we can resist
00:20:31.039 of talking about web sockets because that's a crucial part of this new front stack i'm
00:20:37.120 talking about today the whole html over socket type started this
00:20:44.799 phoenix live view framework which is elixir
00:20:50.720 so phoenix is an elixir framework for building web applications and live view is part of it as of today
00:20:56.799 so it allows you to control the html from the server and
00:21:02.159 update it instantly react and events and so on and so forth so today we're not talking about elixir we're talking about
00:21:08.159 truviz so we need to find something similar in the world and the first project and the most
00:21:14.880 popular project is up to date which tries to accomplish a similar
00:21:20.159 goal like with different access totally different uh
00:21:25.760 architecture and design but the idea is still the same as sending html or socket reacting to user events
00:21:34.240 and broke sending them to the server with sockets and so on is a project
00:21:39.679 called stimulus reflex so stream music practice is a bit old
00:21:45.200 project uh it's kind of it's actually a little bit older than live view and
00:21:51.600 the major part of it a library called cable ready
00:21:56.640 is over three years old so that's that's that's no idea but it's getting
00:22:02.720 popular like it started getting popular in the recent year or two maybe so what is cable
00:22:10.960 cable ready is a library which allows you to broadcast html modification commands from server
00:22:18.320 to browser to many clients or the single one like as you wish
00:22:25.200 currently it's it's use action cable as a transfer
00:22:30.799 and uh what most important sorry it used more often library to
00:22:36.400 update html comparing to turbo links for example server frames
00:22:43.039 which just update the whole html with every request
00:22:48.080 stimulus tries to make updates as optimal as possible so markdown
00:22:55.200 updates only change parts it's comparison to uh don't sell trees and update all the
00:23:01.600 necessary parts that's brings you better performance that brings you reactivity actually
00:23:08.640 let's take a look at the example how we can use cable already so the same example as before
00:23:15.440 our items we have a button to delete an item and here we use cable
00:23:20.799 ready in conjunction with rails we have this remote true magic attribute
00:23:26.559 which would make hitting this button to perform the request to destroy the item
00:23:33.120 and here and here uh we uh have two things so we
00:23:40.799 infer the list the stream for the item for the list actually and we
00:23:46.159 send a an event remove event with a specified selector to our stream
00:23:53.120 which resulted in a message sent through action cable
00:23:59.039 channel and the client side library for cable ready will take care of this message and
00:24:04.559 translate it into something like this so we can say that came already
00:24:11.200 looks like good old javascript templates but without javascript and with
00:24:16.960 declarative approach instead of imperative but the
00:24:22.159 behavior of these two things are kind of similar
00:24:27.360 cable ready has a lot of built-in operations so and it could be extensible actually
00:24:32.480 so you can to pretty much anything from the server and the upcoming work would also help
00:24:39.760 make it easier to register add new aberrations like you're specific for your application or
00:24:46.559 and will make it easier to subscribe to updates uh like in hot wire which we're
00:24:51.760 gonna see further so what is about stimulus reflex as i said
00:24:57.200 stream reflex is a major framework for building html circuit applications
00:25:03.440 so it's use cable ready to send html to clients and to update
00:25:09.360 the downloaded client site but we also need this the the other direction we need to react
00:25:16.240 to the user actions and uh for that we have we we add reflexes
00:25:24.000 reflex uh like effects has a kind of complex
00:25:29.919 architecture i'm not going to talk about the today the whole i just want to show
00:25:35.919 the example of the reflex class again we use the same application but now we see
00:25:41.919 that the events are synchronized between different users so we add real time as
00:25:48.000 to our list
00:25:53.360 from the client side point of view we do not change a lot of stuff we just add
00:25:58.880 data reflex attributes and this looks a lot like uh stimulus and it's not
00:26:04.320 against us because we use stimulus reflex and understand it use stimulus controls but it has its own
00:26:11.039 syntax which we define event reflex class name and
00:26:17.760 action method name on the server side we define a class which is a reflex class and define these
00:26:24.720 methods within this map we can do multiple things we can use cable ready to
00:26:30.000 broadcast changes to everyone so we can send morphs so-called mars just
00:26:36.880 for this particular user and uh for every action we have an access to the context to the current
00:26:44.000 element data set information so reflexes themselves are stateless but with every
00:26:51.120 action we have an element dataset storing
00:26:56.240 all the current dom element and data attributes so sending morph is just could be done
00:27:03.120 similarly to rendering partials for example we use a special method we define a select target
00:27:09.760 selector and that's it that's going to be updated on the page for this particular user
00:27:16.000 for stability effects is pretty stable and major library so i'd suggest taking a look at it if you want to
00:27:22.399 build something with html first approach and if you have some problems you can
00:27:28.080 join the community with a lot of active members it's very friendly
00:27:33.679 so the link to the discord server will be at the end of the talk and the one good thing about stimulus
00:27:39.919 reflex is that it works with any cable out of the box so you don't have to worry about
00:27:46.720 scaling web circuits and the future version of simulation effects coming this year
00:27:54.480 aims to be transparent agnostic and with some additional features like relay reliable data flow so you don't miss any
00:28:01.600 updates but that's the future also uh what i like about stimulus
00:28:08.080 reflex is that it has a lot of additional libraries in the in the
00:28:13.919 ecosystem there are just two of them which are i found most interesting futurism and
00:28:21.039 optimism first one allows you to lazy little parts of the html something like you know turbo frames but
00:28:28.720 a bit better in terms of functionality and optimism for real-time for
00:28:34.080 implementations pretty cocky and that's not the only way to
00:28:39.279 build html with socket and ruby we have turbo streams a couple more libraries
00:28:44.880 just to talk about them a few minutes like a few seconds actually so turbo streams is a
00:28:52.399 very minimalistic solution it's it solves the same problem as cable
00:28:57.600 ready it allows you to broadcast job modifications to client but i only have five actions not 35.
00:29:04.720 a good point here a good part is that the transfer diagnostic doesn't care about how you deliver these
00:29:10.960 notifications and it doesn't require any javascript to start working with so the from the end user perspective you
00:29:17.600 just need to add a helper to subscribe to updates through the stream from and then
00:29:23.279 send broadcasts to a specific channel turbo streams channel that's the whole
00:29:28.559 turbo strings you can read more about how reynolds parts and the recent blog of myself and
00:29:34.559 our evil martians chronicles so i'm not gonna talk a lot about it today since and we're actually mostly
00:29:41.279 out of time and i have a lot of to say two more frameworks libraries for building html websocket is multi-shown
00:29:48.720 and live which i suggest oh sorry uh looking at and just following their
00:29:54.159 development they follow string
00:29:59.279 approach more like live view but we have alternatives that's great
00:30:06.240 uh the last part of the talk uh
00:30:11.360 is not about web sockets but about html itself if we want to write everything in html
00:30:17.120 how do we keep it under control how to maintain all the templates partials and all that
00:30:23.120 stuff and the answer to this question is better architecture
00:30:29.520 in our case we can actually borrow some ideas from the front-end world
00:30:35.120 or one particular idea we can start think in components instead
00:30:40.559 of templates or views or whatever so component is something that is has
00:30:45.760 logical meaning is isolated and self-contained and
00:30:51.279 let's introduce you components then so few components
00:30:57.360 aim to solve the problem of maintaining our view layer our templates and i'm going
00:31:04.000 to talk about a particular library from github view component let's take a quick example
00:31:10.159 of how it looks like we have a class representing
00:31:15.679 the component with some arguments like its initial state and
00:31:21.840 some helper methods and we have a template attached to this class so
00:31:28.159 it's like a combination of a template and a helper but it's everything is isolated
00:31:33.360 and we render it as a like an object in the any other html
00:31:38.880 pretty simple given that we use classes we can use ob
00:31:44.240 stuff and whatever we want like inheritance and we can test them in isolation that's
00:31:50.720 one of the main benefits of using components
00:31:55.919 components also gives us a performance boost uh
00:32:01.200 according to kihab they they see it up to 10x faster rendering this component
00:32:06.559 than partials in my experience it's about was like two three times faster i
00:32:13.360 haven't any uh never but i believe
00:32:20.159 it could be the case and we have preview functionality we can use storybooks and so on so components rules
00:32:28.960 from the organization point of view we can keep everything together like css and js related to the component could be added
00:32:35.279 to get in the same folder the component we can also add stimulus controllers
00:32:40.720 previews and reflexes to the same folder i could hands out stuff it's kind of hard to do out of the box so i
00:32:48.000 built a library called view component contrib to make it a bit
00:32:53.919 easier to extend and use few components but i think eventually they're going to be part of a few components so that's a
00:32:59.279 kind of a playground for the ideas and we have a lot of other tools
00:33:05.840 in this field liberation is the same idea components for views you can check them
00:33:12.640 out as well what else do we have the final stuff
00:33:19.679 is css and pulse css stuff we have on front-end so css
00:33:24.960 multi-labs we have css mgs uh techniques to bring isolation out of the box
00:33:32.399 uh and we have css to use modern syntax and now that's uh interesting new ideas
00:33:39.120 even for older browsers and when using
00:33:44.640 uh actual first approach our natural way of writing css is just taking a
00:33:51.679 framework a ready-made framework as we did with bootstrap before and today i
00:33:57.600 usually consider free candidates for building a web application for that
00:34:04.000 part for ui it's bulma tailwind and wilma is more like bootstrap but it's
00:34:10.800 csv it's modular that's like like just it's modern bootstrap with mobile first approach and
00:34:17.679 so on and so forth i've been using it together with stimulus and view with framework
00:34:23.119 beautify to build for example this application with complex forms everything is interactive and kind of
00:34:30.079 in my opinion it's it looks pretty good for an application within buyback and developer
00:34:36.480 tailwind css is a very kind of hard thing hi vladimir i'm really excited for
00:34:41.599 interrupting you we're running over to the point where there's next stuff happening so if you
00:34:46.960 don't mind wrapping this up in the next kind of seconds to remember yeah i actually just have three
00:34:52.000 three yeah three more slides sorry let's let's get through let's get that expected
00:34:57.440 thank you so yeah just like i guess like this video shows you how
00:35:02.960 that's that's that's the way you do is tailwind just add classes and everything is beautiful shoelace is a different
00:35:09.760 idea it's about web components and interactions out of the box so you don't need to write again javascript
00:35:15.599 everything is bundled with an html attribute and it works great so
00:35:21.839 which one to choose depends on your needs that's some suggestions on this slide
00:35:29.359 final thoughts hopefully i cut 20 more slides so we can reach final
00:35:36.560 slots so what is front endless rails weight uh first of all is html over the wire and
00:35:43.520 html over web sockets so without web circuits you can build really interactive and reactive application but
00:35:50.720 we have tools for doing this uh one important thing is that
00:35:56.320 component-based applications should be adapted for this style as well the same as we see in the stack
00:36:03.760 and css like it's tricky so we can still use uh frameworks
00:36:09.040 for for that part and not bother about it could it be a replacement for any
00:36:16.960 application of course not so there are some use cases for front endless way
00:36:22.320 specifically like dashboards crowds admin panels or whatever it highly depends on how
00:36:29.520 much interaction do you have which is local to the browser which is not
00:36:35.839 telling whatever so it's up to you but i can say for sure that we just in the beginning of this new era of uh
00:36:43.920 full stack rails applications so if you're not convinced to use it today just to
00:36:49.920 stay tuned and follow the news and the best way to do this is to resistance at this
00:36:56.640 timeless reflex discord and maybe ask me some questions but we don't have time sorry thank you
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