Georg Leciejewski

Get out of the trap!

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In our talk we share some of the most interesting, absurd, or funny insights and moments we experienced in our past couple of years. As developers and business founders, we present the best of our own mistakes and show you how we got out of the pits we fell into. Believe us, we've been there as well and, hopefully, attending our talk will help you not making the mistakes we already made for you ;) It will be serious fun! The talk will cover both technical and other subjects.

wroc_love.rb 2012

00:00:14.920 Hello everyone! We are a web development agency and also a startup sales team. We work on client projects as well as product development, and we also founded a co-working space. In our talk, we want to share some of the most interesting, absurd, and funny insights we have experienced over the past couple of years.
00:00:40.719 We believe that the best lessons often come from our own mistakes, and we hope that by attending our talk, you will learn how to avoid making the same mistakes we did. We promise it will be serious fun! This talk will cover both technical and non-technical subjects.
00:00:56.879 Let’s start with our first topic: the importance of taking care of your body. Your body is like your capital; if you don’t treat it right, it will pay you back, sooner or later. We want to share some points on that since our health is the most important thing. Without your brain, you're lost. Make sure to take care of yourself, especially after a long night or stressful days.
00:01:19.119 We encourage you to live long and healthy from the very beginning. Don’t drink too much, and be mindful of getting enough sleep. Avoid stressful projects if you can, and try not to hang on to clients or projects that stress you out.
00:01:43.360 If a client frustrates you, it’s okay to hand them the code and move on once everything is well-documented. It’s also crucial to recognize that if you’re a good developer, you can afford to choose your clients and not take on every project.
00:02:02.399 In terms of recovery, make sure to take time off after stressful events. Good clients will help you get good sleep, and if you experience burnout, it becomes a blocker—not just for you, but for your entire team.
00:02:29.200 Sleeping issues can be your biggest enemy—it's your fuel. Regular naps can significantly help you stay focused throughout the day. Scientific research even suggests that sleeping more than once a day can be beneficial. Remember your kindergarten days when naps were a regular part of life? It can be as simple as finding a quiet place to relax.
00:02:55.519 We mentioned napping styles earlier. There is the bus-nap, where you can completely relax, and then there's the stair-nap, which is somewhat popular and effective. Just find a style that works for you.
00:03:13.919 Next, let’s talk about activity. Staying active for just 30 minutes a day can help combat various health issues, including depression and high blood pressure. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs, and remember even small activities make a difference. Maybe start slowly—it’s essential to ease into activities to avoid injury.
00:03:43.920 Eating right is also crucial. Don’t think beer can substitute for a hamburger, and if you're trying to lose weight, do it gradually. Extreme diets are generally useless. Remember, an apple a day can help keep the doctor away, so prioritize your vitamins and nutrients.
00:04:00.560 Find a hobby that inspires you, whether it’s something related to coding or not. Step away from the digital world to engage with other forms of creativity. Maybe it’s knitting or repairing motorcycles—just find something fulfilling outside of programming.
00:04:29.600 As we move on, knowing your tools is vital. Be familiar with your programming environments and debugging tools. Make sure you use the debugger and understand how it can speed up your coding processes. It can really improve the quality and efficiency of your work.
00:04:57.320 Avoid using ineffective tools; choose the right ones for your needs. This also applies to deployment. Automation is crucial when rolling out your projects—always plan for failures and be prepared to recover.
00:05:21.600 Establish your own backup systems and think about disaster recovery plans before situations arise. It’s important to test your strategies so you can handle potential problems. Never forget to do backups and ensure everything runs smoothly at all times.
00:05:46.760 In our experiences, working together is essential. Get involved with local user groups, enjoy networking, and participate in workshops. Collaborating can lead to more enjoyable work experiences.
00:06:11.680 Fun is crucial, and playtime can lead to creativity. Engage with games, whether online or outdoors—these activities enhance creativity and bring teams closer together. This balance of work and play leads to a healthy mindset.
00:06:46.560 Lastly, keep an eye on your health, stay active, and stay engaged with others—the benefits are plentiful. Thank you all for listening! Any questions?
00:07:02.080 Someone raised a great point about group programming that I completely agree with. Balancing teamwork and personal time is crucial, as individual downtime often leads to innovative ideas.
00:07:09.679 Thank you once again for your attention, and let's continue to support each other in our programming journeys.