
GitHub and Rails - 10 Years Together

RailsConf 2018

00:00:11.570 everybody good morning so my name is tal
00:00:15.719 Safran I'm a developer at github and I
00:00:18.330 want to start your day with a little
00:00:19.770 story so we've all been here before we
00:00:24.000 start a new rails project create a
00:00:26.430 migration I found this when I joined
00:00:29.130 github about six months ago you know I
00:00:31.260 was new poking around kicking the tires
00:00:33.270 and I have to say that when I saw this
00:00:35.489 first migration I was really moved
00:00:38.120 create some users create some
00:00:40.620 repositories you really described
00:00:42.690 everything that github was about to
00:00:44.399 become millions of developers
00:00:45.809 collaborating to write software for
00:00:47.910 their work the personal projects and of
00:00:50.129 course open-source users and
00:00:52.230 repositories people in code when github
00:00:56.100 started ten years ago
00:00:57.300 rails was about three years old is a
00:00:59.280 version 1.2 and this is what the website
00:01:01.649 looked like site had a little gallery of
00:01:05.309 who was already using rails you see the
00:01:08.070 obvious names here at the top base camp
00:01:09.780 and campfire but you also have Shopify
00:01:12.810 and good old OTO which was the
00:01:15.869 podcasting company that came before
00:01:17.189 Twitter in mid 2008 there was a big
00:01:22.110 announcement on the rails blog rails was
00:01:24.600 switching off of subversion onto this
00:01:26.549 fairly new shiny version control system
00:01:29.400 called git which had actually come out a
00:01:30.990 year after rails
00:01:33.360 but more importantly the rails project
00:01:36.570 was moving on to a new platform called
00:01:39.060 github rails moving to github was time
00:01:43.680 to coincide with github x' official
00:01:45.120 public launch here's the github
00:01:46.560 announcement from two days after the
00:01:48.180 rails announcement and this is github a
00:01:52.260 couple months after it launched rails
00:01:55.740 was the top repository at the time and
00:01:58.290 the entire community was mostly
00:01:59.670 comprised of Ruby developers so from the
00:02:02.430 very beginning github and rails had this
00:02:04.680 sort of symbiotic relationship on the
00:02:06.660 one hand github was built using rails
00:02:09.090 and on the other rails was being built
00:02:11.970 out in the open on github I had to show
00:02:16.350 this as part of my slide this was the
00:02:18.090 sign up a call to action so fast forward
00:02:23.430 to today we started on version 1.2 and
00:02:27.480 we've gone through every major Rails
00:02:29.610 upgrade there is so we've kind of seen
00:02:31.500 everything from script Occulus to
00:02:34.280 introduction of asset pipeline strong
00:02:37.200 parameters you name it currently we're
00:02:40.080 upgrading to rails 5 huge shout-out to
00:02:42.660 Eileen who's about to go on who's helped
00:02:44.190 us with a recent upgrade to forex stuff
00:02:51.120 work internally we have a lot of Ruby
00:02:56.430 and rails apps from github itself to you
00:03:00.330 know public apps like jobs github jobs
00:03:03.600 and gist but also dozens of internal
00:03:06.150 apps that we use for everything from
00:03:07.560 spam detection to exception monitoring
00:03:10.019 team posts video office gear you name it
00:03:13.500 there's a lot of rails code over there
00:03:14.760 so I think in my first six months I must
00:03:17.250 have touched at least 10 different rails
00:03:18.420 project at the company we love rails and
00:03:20.549 we love Ruby lots of github burs have
00:03:24.660 also contributed to Rails in fact 59
00:03:26.910 different folks past and present have
00:03:29.549 worked on rails and several have been
00:03:32.220 core members as well
00:03:35.070 github spinner at railsconf for since
00:03:38.010 its first year since our first year so I
00:03:40.020 guess github been here for 10 years
00:03:42.660 railsconf 2008 featured several talks by
00:03:45.690 hovers including a panel featuring all
00:03:49.320 three github developers which were of
00:03:52.680 course the founders they all had day
00:03:54.150 jobs still this week we have three folks
00:03:58.560 speaking yesterday we had Terry in who
00:04:01.560 gave a workshop on abuse vectors we have
00:04:03.930 Eileen who's coming on next and tomorrow
00:04:06.450 night we have tenderlove who's doing the
00:04:08.190 closing keynote so go check out their
00:04:10.410 talks we recently celebrated our tenth
00:04:14.220 birthday we put together a small website
00:04:16.680 so and rails was a big part of it so go
00:04:19.500 check it out
00:04:20.160 it's a slash ten
00:04:23.940 rails project continues to be one of the
00:04:26.650 most popular projects on github over its
00:04:29.380 history we've had over 3,500 people
00:04:31.900 contribute with a mind-bending number of
00:04:34.420 issues and pull requests that have been
00:04:35.620 closed so I want to take this chance to
00:04:38.620 personally thank all the people involved
00:04:40.090 in rails that have contributed over the
00:04:42.430 years whether you've submitted an issue
00:04:45.130 of written code you've helped make Rails
00:04:47.440 and github better in so many ways not
00:04:50.440 just as software but as a community
00:04:59.070 users and repositories people in code in
00:05:03.280 a lot of ways this is the easiest way to
00:05:04.630 describe what github is to people it's
00:05:06.670 where people and code intersect so it's
00:05:09.640 been an awesome ten years
00:05:10.840 here's to ten more and last thing we
00:05:15.640 have a booth as Shirley mentioned we
00:05:19.270 have you know a coffee bar we have tons
00:05:21.310 of cute octa cat stickers and I think
00:05:23.290 over a dozen github hers are here so
00:05:24.820 come say hey thank you