Hello everyone, my name is ItoYANAGI. I'm a climber, and in particular, I do a lot of hiking in the mountains. It is said that the best way to enjoy the mountains is to be in a sauna.
So, I went through the wilderness, climbed waterfalls, sometimes procured food locally, slept by the fire, and headed for the headquarters.
I was supposed to give a technical presentation on the riverside, as I always do in my online presentations, but I couldn't make it at all. So, I just mashed together some random footage from some mountains and overlaid a technical explanation on top of it.
First of all, let me explain what the schedule was like this time. When I was accepted to RubyKaigi, I hadn't implemented any of the accepted features. This is a rough technique called Kaiki-driven development that Ruby committers often use to make progress by taking advantage of the fact they will have to implement the content to present it.
The deadline for submitting videos for this year's English presentation was August 31st. I started working on it on August 17th. It was all too late. Anyway, now it’s not anywhere or anything, but let me blatantly introduce myself. I'm a Ruby committer, a member of RubyKaigi, and a member of Asakusa Ruby.
In recent years, Ruby's IRB has undergone significant improvements. The multi-line editing feature is a clear example of this. The implementation of the new feature is based on Reline, a software I wrote from scratch. It achieves the ability to handle all the terminal control independently.
According to Naru Cesan, a Ruby committer, there are three major components in programming: operating systems, programming languages, terminals, and text editors. Reline implements terminal and text editing out of these components.
It requires an immense amount of work just to add small new features. I've already added about 150 comments, yet I just started working on it on August 17th.
So what is the new feature that I've implemented in Reline? It is a dialog window. You may be familiar with this feature from the past if you are using an IDE.
I'll show you a demonstration of the implementation in action here. Since IRB is a text editor for typing code, the dialog window is displayed in relation to the cursor position, just like in an IDE. You can also specify a relative distance to display it a little further away.
It is also possible to trap the specified keystroke while a dialog window is displayed. The specified key does not enter into the normal keystroke processing of Reline but can be handled by the dialog window callback.
It's possible to navigate through the dialog window using keystrokes. The width and height of the dialog window will be determined automatically, but you can also specify a maximum size. The width will be shortened by cutting down the amount of overflowing content while the height will scroll. A scrollbar can be displayed if necessary.
You can also use an existing compilation engine to achieve auto compilation without any special implementation on your own. I'll demonstrate this with just this code.
Let's go.
Now then, let's take a look at a real-world example from IRB. Nowadays, IRB has compilation turned on by default, so just go through to Relying on the compilation, and the auto-completion will be displayed.
Now you can use the raised console without worrying about adding many classes and methods to your business card.
Here's the thing: everything I've shown you so far is just preparation. The already released stable version of IRB does not yet have the features introduced today, but it has a document viewing feature. After the usual topic compilation, pressing the table key again without a perfect match will display the document.
However, I found it difficult to notice this user interface in its current form; it felt like just a hidden command.
In the new IRB, we have implemented a document display along with autocomplete. The best user interface is one that requires no explanation. Accessing a document no longer requires an explanation.
However, there is one explanation that I can't help but display: press 'Alt+D' to read the full document. A key trap has been set to display the full document, and you will exit the document view and return to the original screen when you press 'Q'.
All the major improvements to IRB over the past few years have been steadfast in combating the long-standing trend of not installing documentation on local machines. I need someone to help me maintain Relying. Relying and our documentation are two of the largest standard libraries written in Ruby, and there should be almost no one in the world who can maintain them.
This depends less on being competent and more on demonstrating an unusual obsession with a specialized area. Working together might only make us unhappy if someone comes along but if someone really wants to work on it, I'd appreciate it.
I think there are probably a few like-minded people in the world.
Alternatively, I look forward to your support via GitHub Sponsors.