Terence Lee

Heroku 2014: A Year in Review

Heroku 2014: A Year in Review

by Terence Lee and Richard Schneeman

The video titled Heroku 2014: A Year in Review presented by Richard Schneeman and Terence Lee during RailsConf 2014 focuses on the improvements and developments made by Heroku throughout the year 2014, with a particular emphasis on application performance and various Heroku features.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Deployment Speed Improvements:

    • Heroku identified slower deployment times and conducted extensive profiling to accelerate the processes. After six months, deployment speeds were improved by 40% through several methods:
    • Running code in parallel which reduces the time taken to install dependencies.
    • Implementing strong caching strategies allowing asset reuse between deploys, significantly speeding up deployment times in Rails 4 compared to Rails 3.
    • Optimizations in compressing application packages with the pixie command, reducing the wait time for app builds.
  • Application Speed:

    • Emphasizes the importance of consistency in application response times. They introduced px dynos with more resources to help manage and process requests more efficiently.
    • Discussed the advantages of using Puma web server over Unicorn for better resource management, especially in handling slow clients and processing requests efficiently since Puma allows threading.
  • Ruby and Community Engagement:

    • The presentation highlighted the Ruby community’s evolution by emphasizing the end of life for older Ruby versions, urging developers to upgrade for security and performance reasons.
    • Heroku's commitment to supporting the latest Ruby versions immediately upon release.
    • Recognized the contributions of key Ruby core team members (e.g., Nobu and Koichi) who are committed to enhancing Ruby's performance and fixing bugs.
  • Heroku Features:

    • Introduced features like HTTP Request IDs for better log tracking, and runtime metrics for performance monitoring, which assist in diagnosing slow requests and the overall performance of deployed applications.
    • Noted the evolution of the asset pipeline in Rails, emphasizing improvements made that help in minimizing support tickets related to deployment issues.

Conclusions and Takeaways:

  • As Heroku continues to enhance its platform, the improvements made in deployment speed, performance consistency, and the introduction of new Ruby features underscore a strong commitment to helping developers build and deploy Ruby applications more efficiently.
  • Continuous community engagement and support for the latest technologies reflect Heroku's dedication to providing a robust development environment for Ruby on Rails applications.
  • Developers are encouraged to stay updated with platform changes via Heroku's changelog and contribute to the Ruby community to aid in its advancement.
00:00:18.000 All right.
00:00:23.119 Okay, hello everyone! Thank you, thank you! Welcome to RailsConf.
00:00:28.560 Let me be the first to welcome you to our talk today about Heroku: 2014 A Year in Review.
00:00:35.040 This presentation will be a play in six acts featuring Terence Lee and Richard Schneeman.
00:00:41.520 As many of you might know, Heroku measures their years by RailsConf.
00:00:47.840 So this review will cover our journey from the Portland RailsConf to the Chicago RailsConf this past year.
00:01:00.879 We are members of the Ruby task force, and this year has been significant for us.
00:01:07.119 We will discuss app performance, some Heroku features, and community features.
00:01:12.320 First up to the stage, I would like to introduce the one and only Mr. Terence Lee.
00:01:20.320 You might recognize him from his other roles. He hails from Austin, Texas, known for having the best tacos in the world.
00:01:27.600 Now, those are fighting words, my friend!
00:01:34.320 He’s also known as the Chief Taco Officer—or CTO, depending on the context.
00:01:41.920 Something interesting about Terence is that he was recently inducted into Ruby core. So, congratulations to Terence!
00:01:48.479 Without further ado, let's move on to Act One: Deploy Speed.
00:01:54.079 Thank you, Richard. At the beginning of the Rails standard year, we focused on improving deployment speed.
00:02:01.759 We received a lot of feedback indicating that deployment was not as fast as it could be, and we were determined to enhance it.
00:02:08.640 Our first step was measurement and profiling to identify slow areas and find ways to improve them.
00:02:13.760 We aimed to gauge the before and after states to set a clear endpoint before moving on to other enhancements.
00:02:20.640 As you know, you can never be completely done with performance improvements.
00:02:26.239 After about six months of work, we succeeded in cutting down deployment speeds across the platform for Ruby by 40%.
00:02:34.400 We approached this by focusing on three key strategies for improvement.
00:02:40.080 Firstly, we implemented parallel code execution, allowing multiple processes to run at the same time.
00:02:47.920 With this strategy, if you catch something once, you won’t have to do it again.
00:02:53.440 Additionally, we worked closely with the Bundler team on Bundler 1.5 to add a parallel installation feature.
00:02:58.480 If you haven't upgraded yet, I highly recommend moving to Bundler 1.5 or later.
00:03:05.920 Bundler 1.5 introduced the '-j' option, which allows users to specify the number of jobs to run in parallel.
00:03:12.800 This option utilizes system resources effectively during bundle installation.
00:03:19.200 Dependencies are now downloaded in parallel, improving efficiency significantly.
00:03:26.000 This enhancement is especially beneficial when dealing with native extensions like Nokogiri.
00:03:31.200 In previous versions, such installations could stall the process.
00:03:36.319 Furthermore, Bundler 1.5 added a function that automatically retries failed commands.
00:03:41.760 Previously, if a command failed due to a transient network issue, users had to restart the entire process.
00:03:49.280 By default, Bundler now retries clones and gem installs for up to three attempts.
00:03:56.240 Next, I want to talk about the Pixie command.
00:04:01.360 Has anyone here heard of Pixie?
00:04:06.080 Pixie is a parallel gzip command that our build and packaging team implemented.
00:04:11.200 When you push an app to Heroku, it compiles the app into what we call "slugs."
00:04:18.080 Originally, we used a method that involved just tar files, but we found compression was a bottleneck.
00:04:23.520 By using Pixie, we significantly improved the slug compression time, speeding up the overall build process.
00:04:30.080 The trade-off was slightly larger slug sizes, but the performance gains made it worth the change.
00:04:36.639 Next, we turned our attention to caching.
00:04:43.680 In Rails 4, we were able to cache assets between deploys, a feature that was not reliable in Rails 3.
00:04:56.080 In Rails 3, caches would often become corrupted, necessitating their removal between deploys.
00:05:02.800 This inconsistency made it difficult to rely on cached assets.
00:05:08.200 Fortunately, Rails 4 fixed many of these issues, allowing reliable caching that improved deployment speed.
00:05:14.320 On average, deploying a Rails 3 app took about 32 seconds, while Rails 4 reduced this to approximately 14 seconds.
00:05:20.160 This significant improvement came from both caching and optimizations introduced in Rails 4.
00:05:27.040 We also focused on eliminating unnecessary code to speed up the build process.
00:05:33.200 One of our first improvements involved preventing Bundler from downloading itself multiple times.
00:05:40.160 Previously, we would download and install Bundler twice during the build process.
00:05:47.040 To address this, we implemented caching for the Bundler gem, reducing network I/O.
00:05:53.440 We also eliminated duplicate checks in determining the type of application being deployed.
00:05:58.720 Richard took the lead on refactoring the detection process, simplifying it significantly.
00:06:04.640 This allowed us to perform checks only once, leading to further efficiency.
00:06:10.480 For those interested, Richard has given a previous talk about testing and improving the build pack.
00:06:17.040 Now, let me introduce Richard, who will present the next section.
00:06:24.079 Richard loves Ruby so much that he married it—almost literally! He got married right before our last RailsConf.
00:06:31.360 He's also a member of the Rails issues team and is recognized as a top Rails contributor.
00:06:39.120 Many of you might know him for creating a gem called Sextant, which simplifies route verification.
00:06:45.840 Both Richard and I live in Austin, and we have Ruby meetups at Franklin's BBQ. If you're ever in town, let us know!
00:06:55.200 Now, for the first part of this act, we will discuss app speed.
00:07:02.720 Before we dive into that, let's talk about document dimensions.
00:07:11.760 Originally, our slides were designed for widescreen, but the displays here are standard.
00:07:17.440 You will be able to see all the slides without any cut-offs.
00:07:24.160 In talking about app speed, I first want to discuss tail latencies.
00:07:30.000 Is anyone familiar with tail latencies? Some of you are, great!
00:07:36.880 This graph shows a normalized distribution with the number of requests on one side and response time on the other.
00:07:43.680 The further out you go, the slower the response becomes.
00:07:49.600 Customers on either side of this distribution have very different experiences.
00:07:55.680 We can see the average response, which can be misleading.
00:08:02.400 We estimate that roughly fifty percent of your customers get a response time at or below this average.
00:08:08.160 When we move up to Percentile 95, we can see that 95% of customers receive responses faster.
00:08:14.560 While the average may look good, having an understanding of the distribution is crucial for app performance.
00:08:22.160 We must consider not only average response times, but also the consistency of each request.
00:08:28.400 So, how can we address these tail latencies?
00:08:35.200 One solution launched this year was PX Dynos.
00:08:41.520 Whereas typical dynos only have 512 MB of RAM, a PX dyno offers six gigabytes of RAM and eight CPU cores.
00:08:48.800 This allows for better management of high traffic loads and improved processing speeds.
00:08:55.840 Scaling can be done both horizontally and vertically, which adds to the flexibility.
00:09:02.720 When faced with more requests than can be processed, simply scaling up by adding more dynos is one approach.
00:09:09.440 However, effective use of resources is key.
00:09:15.120 In the previous 512 MB dyno, you might think you’re utilizing space well by adding a couple of Unicorn workers.
00:09:21.120 In a PX dyno, adding two Unicorn workers might not utilize the resources effectively.
00:09:27.920 I’ve fallen in love with Puma, a web server designed by Evan Phoenix.
00:09:34.800 It was originally designed for Rubinius, but it also works quite well with MRI.
00:09:41.760 Puma manages requests by utilizing multiple processes or threads and can run in a hybrid mode.
00:09:48.560 If one process crashes, it doesn't affect the entire server.
00:09:55.440 However, even with MRI's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), many I/O operations can still efficiently run in threads.
00:10:01.440 By implementing multiple threads, we can maximize resource utilization.
00:10:07.680 Scaling effectively within a dyno ensures that we take advantage of the greater RAM capacity.
00:10:14.560 Nonetheless, we must be careful to avoid exceeding memory limits, as this would slow down our application.
00:10:22.000 It’s also critical to consider slow clients.
00:10:28.080 A client connecting via a slow connection may consume resources unnecessarily.
00:10:33.600 Puma can buffer these requests, offering a safeguard against performance degradation.
00:10:40.000 To clarify threading concerns: Ruby is not commonly viewed as a thread-safe environment.
00:10:47.200 However, you can configure Puma to utilize only one thread if desired.
00:10:53.120 You can gradually adapt your application to be thread-safe.
00:10:59.920 Working within the context of application speed, we’ve done significant work to improve routing efficiency.
00:11:07.680 Shared distributed state across multiple machines can be inefficient.
00:11:13.440 In-memory state within a single machine is inherently faster.
00:11:19.680 The Heroku router is designed to quickly route requests to the appropriate dyno.
00:11:25.680 It employs a random algorithm to deliver requests efficiently, minimizing delays.
00:11:31.760 Having intelligent in-memory routing allows for faster processing.
00:11:37.680 A graph produced by the Rap Genius team illustrates request queuing.
00:11:43.840 The goal is to minimize request queuing, ensuring minimal wait times for customers.
00:11:51.920 The top line in the graph illustrates current performance, while mythological scenarios display ideal response times.
00:11:57.920 As we improve our request handling, we aim to reduce queuing times and enhance customer satisfaction.
00:12:05.440 With additional resources, we can push our performance further.
00:12:10.640 Ruby 2.0 introduced optimizations such as garbage collection improvements that help make processes more efficient.
00:12:17.680 As a community, it’s essential to address memory allocation concerns.
00:12:24.000 Enhanced performance means increased consistency across application experiences.
00:12:30.800 If you experience slow moments in your application, we rolled out a platform feature called HTTP request ID.
00:12:38.080 Each incoming request receives a unique identifier, which you can track in your logs.
00:12:45.920 This helps trace specific errors and debug runtime metrics in your Rails app.
00:12:52.000 If you’re encountering any performance issues, you can check the request ID to pinpoint bottlenecks.
00:12:58.880 Now, let's transition to Act Two, where Terence will discuss Ruby on the Heroku stack and community updates.
00:13:05.120 Thank you for your attention, everyone!
00:13:17.760 I will dive into some Ruby updates now.
00:13:23.360 Who's still using Ruby 1.8.7? Raise your hands!
00:13:30.000 Just one person; please consider upgrading.
00:13:35.520 And Ruby 1.9.2? A few more hands—good!
00:13:41.760 What about Ruby 1.9.3? I see a decent number of you.
00:13:48.480 Let’s not forget that Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 have reached end-of-life, and I strongly recommend upgrading!
00:13:56.800 As of this year, Ruby 1.9.3 will also reach end-of-life in February 2015, which is quite soon.
00:14:06.720 The minimum recommended Ruby version for Heroku apps is now 2.0.
00:14:12.320 You can declare your Ruby version in the Gemfile on Heroku to use this version.
00:14:21.920 We're committed to supporting the latest Ruby versions as they are released.
00:14:29.120 We roll out updates on the same day as new Ruby versions are released.
00:14:36.000 If any security updates are released, we ensure they are available as promptly as possible.
00:14:44.080 Only push your application again after updates; we avoid automatic upgrades to maintain your control over changes.
00:14:51.920 We publish all Ruby updates, especially security ones, through our changelog.
00:14:57.840 If you'd like to stay informed, consider subscribing to the dev center changelog.
00:15:05.760 You won’t receive excessive emails; it's low traffic.
00:15:11.680 Now, let’s discuss the Ruby team we have built.
00:15:18.080 In 2012, we hired three prominent members from Ruby core: Matsuda, Koichi, and Nobu.
00:15:24.720 Many attendees may not know who these figures are, so let me clarify their contributions.
00:15:31.280 If you look at the number of commits made to Ruby since 2012, you'll see significant activity from Nobu.
00:15:39.920 In fact, he’s the top committer, followed closely by Koichi.
00:15:48.640 I mistakenly included an entry for an unknown entity called 'svn' which isn't a real person.
00:15:56.000 I learned about this during my early contributions to Ruby.
00:16:03.360 Nobu, known as the 'Patch Monster,' is essential for fixing errors within Ruby.
00:16:09.920 Nobu consistently addresses various issues, making Ruby run much better.
00:16:14.160 To illustrate his impact, let’s discuss a couple of bugs he's resolved.
00:16:22.640 For example, the 'time.now equals an empty string' bug.
00:16:26.440 Nobu is also responsible for fixing bugs that involve segfaults in the Rational library.
00:16:31.680 The other key member is Koichi, who has made substantial contributions to Ruby's performance.
00:16:36.400 His work on the YARV virtual machine and performance optimization is commendable.
00:16:41.920 Recently, he has been focusing on the new garbage collection process.
00:16:48.800 The introduction of shorter GC pauses helps improve execution speed.
00:16:54.720 We appreciate the continuous enhancements to Ruby's performance.
00:16:59.440 Koichi has also been heavily involved in profiling the Ruby application experience.
00:17:06.800 Another important aspect is the infrastructure to support faster Ruby releases.
00:17:13.920 Improving release speed has been a high priority for us.
00:17:19.760 With that said, we are eagerly anticipating Ruby 2.2, and we’re keen to hear your ideas for enhancements.
00:17:27.600 We are now entering Act Three, where we will cover Rails 4.1 updates.
00:17:33.440 I hope everyone is enjoying RailsConf so far!
00:17:39.920 In Rails 4.1, we’ve made significant enhancements to Heroku.
00:17:47.200 We are focused on security by default.
00:17:53.120 The new secrets.yml file utilizes environment variables for configurations.
00:17:58.800 Upon deploying, this setup automatically generates a secure key.
00:18:05.760 You can modify the secret key base environment variable at any time.
00:18:11.680 Another essential improvement is support for the database URL environment variable.
00:18:16.800 This has been a long-standing feature but lacked reliable functionality.
00:18:22.480 Now, Rails 4.1 supports this feature out of the box, simplifying database connections.
00:18:29.680 If both the database URL and the database yaml file are present, their values will merge.
00:18:37.040 So now, ensuring proper database configuration has become more straightforward.
00:18:42.720 Additionally, we have made improvements to the Rails asset pipeline.
00:18:48.480 The asset pipeline has historically generated numerous support tickets for us.
00:18:55.680 To reduce confusion, Rails 4.1 will provide warnings in development if you forget to compile assets.
00:19:02.640 Rails will prompt you if you haven't added necessary files to the pre-compile list.
00:19:09.440 Thank you all for joining us today!
00:19:15.680 We'll have community office hours later where you can ask any Rails-related questions.
00:19:24.480 Richard will also be available for a book signing of his new Heroku book.
00:19:30.720 Thank you, everyone, and enjoy the rest of RailsConf!