
Hijacking syscalls with (m)ruby

mruby's unique packaging strategy gives developers the possibility to inject Ruby code in any program, written in any language.
In this talk we'll discover how a mruby application can be distributed, how one could replace OS system calls with custom Ruby apps, and real-world usages of this technique.

Franck Verrot, @franckverrot
Franck is a software engineer. He specializes in Ruby and JavaScript, with a focus on performance.

RubyKaigi 2016

00:00:00 Hi everyone! My name is Franck, and the title of this presentation is "Hijacking System Calls with Ruby."
00:00:05 To start this presentation, a few words about me: I'm French and currently living in Walnut Creek, California. I've been here for a year and I work for a company called Another Health, located in San Francisco.
00:00:17 Last year, I gave a talk and mentioned that my Japanese skills were embarrassing. I think they're even worse this year. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did! One of my passions is embedding Ruby in various applications.
00:00:29 This interest began in 2014 when I discovered that PostgreSQL had a foreign data wrapper, which enables you to expose a table in Postgres where the data is generated by a Ruby script. For example, I presented this idea last year.
00:00:42 I built a product called Holly Corn, which provides access to tables backed by Ruby. You create a class in Ruby and can iterate over that class using an enumerator. Then, you can create a foreign table in Postgres and provide the source code, allowing you to select data that is generated by Ruby code.
00:00:59 In 2015, I replicated this success with SQLite, and while it is still a prototype, it works! This year, I've attempted the same concept with Redis, which features a loadable module system. This system allows for extending Redis functionalities with custom code.
00:01:21 Next year, I plan to experiment further with mruby, focusing on distributing computations across a network of mruby processes. I will likely document my findings in a blog post in a few months.
00:01:36 Now, back to this presentation: What are we going to learn? We will explore what system calls are, why hijacking system calls can be useful, how to integrate with mruby, and considerations around performance.
00:01:43 According to the documentation, a system call is a request made by an active process to the kernel for services performed by the operating system. In simpler terms, system calls are the interface between your programs and the operating system.
00:01:56 For instance, if you have a Ruby script that opens a file and writes to it, the libraries being used under the hood wrap the system calls, which directly communicate with the operating system.
00:02:10 Let's consider a simple example where you open a file and perform some operations. If you hit Ctrl+Z, you can get the process ID, and then use the command 'lsof' to see all open files linked to that process. You'll find a list that includes the system call used to open the file.
00:02:29 At the end of that list, you'll see information about the opened file, including the file descriptor, indicating how it was opened (e.g., for writing).