Developer Experience (DX)

Improving the development experience with language servers

Providing a state of the art development experience greatly contributes to Ruby’s goal of making developers happy. A complete set of editor features can make a big difference in helping navigate and understand our Ruby code. Let’s explore a modern way of enhancing editor functionality: the language server protocol (LSP). What it is, how to implement it and how an LSP server like the Ruby LSP can make writing Ruby even better.

RubyConf 2022

00:00:00.000 ready for takeoff
00:00:18.600 um hello everybody Welcome to improving the development experience with language servers
00:00:24.960 I'm Vinnie I'm a part of the Ruby developer experience team at Shopify we do a lot of work with developer tools
00:00:31.679 all of them somehow connected to the editor so we're involved with gradual typing using survey and tapioca we
00:00:40.800 recently started doing some contributions to Ruby debug which is a debugger that can connect to your editor
00:00:46.739 for interactive debugging through the UI and I'm going to tell you a little bit more today about the Ruby LSP which is
00:00:53.340 another editor tool that we're working on and if you want to know what I'm up to you can find me at Vini stock
00:01:01.620 so to understand language servers we first got to take a look back at how language features were added to editors
00:01:08.880 before they existed so that we can appreciate the problems they were trying to solve and by language features that
00:01:15.180 means stuff like formatting uh go to definition autocomplete that type of
00:01:20.520 thing so imagine you were a Vim user and you wanted to get those language features
00:01:25.799 for Ruby inside of Vim well in order to do that you would need a ruby plugin
00:01:30.960 implementing those features for vim and if you also used JavaScript say like in
00:01:36.420 the rails application and wanted to get specialized features for JavaScript you
00:01:41.520 would need a JavaScript plugin implementing those features and the same thing for any other programming language
00:01:47.159 that you wanted to get specialized features delivered in the editor and
00:01:52.259 this is this separation is great because you get to pick and choose only the support for the languages that you work
00:01:58.320 with but then imagine somebody else used a different editor like Sublime and they
00:02:04.079 also wanted to get specialized Ruby features inside of sublime Unfortunately they would not be able to
00:02:11.099 reuse all of the features that had already been implemented for vim and there are a few reasons for that but
00:02:17.580 mainly because plugins made for different editors are not made using the same programming language so for example
00:02:23.700 vs code uses JavaScript and Vin uses vimscript but even more impactful than
00:02:29.640 that the internal design of the editors can be completely different the way they handle buffers and files and windows and
00:02:37.080 so the API they end up exposing to their plug-in echo system can also be completely different so there's really
00:02:43.260 no hope of taking a plug-in made for one editor and just sharing it as is with a
00:02:48.720 different one so you would need to recreate that Ruby plug-in and re-implement all of those features and
00:02:54.780 the same thing for all of the other programming languages and if we add as many programming languages or editors
00:03:00.060 here the scenario the story repeats is always the same this meant that we couldn't come together as like a
00:03:06.540 community like the Ruby community and collaborate in making the developer experience better for everybody because
00:03:12.120 your developer experience was tightly coupled with which editor you used
00:03:17.220 in addition to that there was no standard set of features that you could expect from a language plugin there's no
00:03:22.800 guidance as to what it meant to implement language plugins so if you compared like Ruby in vim and Ruby and
00:03:30.420 vs code you could get a completely different set of features present in your editor and the difference could be
00:03:36.300 even larger if you compared across programming languages so you could have a very rich experience for JavaScript in
00:03:42.659 vs code but an incomplete experience for go in sublime or something like that
00:03:49.980 and so what ended up happening is that you actually didn't have one Ruby plug-in for each editor you ended up
00:03:56.220 having a most popular Ruby plug-in and then smaller plugins would emerge around it to implement slightly different or
00:04:03.840 specialized functionality like better syntax highlighting or uh go to definition or linting and this
00:04:10.379 fragmentation is not a great experience because it means you can't install a single plugin and get everything you
00:04:16.799 want better is included to work with Ruby you actually need to install a combination of plugins and make sure
00:04:22.560 they're configured the right way so that they don't conflict to tackle this problem the language
00:04:28.740 server protocol or LSP for short was proposed and the idea is that it's a
00:04:34.259 specification on how to write a background server so a process continuously running on the developer
00:04:39.900 machine that can communicate to any editor via Json and in addition to how to write the
00:04:46.800 background server it also provides us with this list of features that you can expect from any language server no
00:04:52.919 matter which programming language it is implemented for so the idea here is that the editor is
00:04:59.580 the client kind of like uh the browser in a web application and our backend is
00:05:04.800 the language server the process continuously running in the developer machine and they communicate with each
00:05:10.979 other through standard in standard error and standard out by using Json so for
00:05:16.740 example if you were to go to the definition of a method in the editor the editor knows how to translate that
00:05:22.320 action into a Json request which is sent to the server the server figures out
00:05:27.600 where the definition of that method is Returns the response as Json to the editor and the editor then knows how to
00:05:33.960 translate the Json response into whatever Behavior needs to occur which in the case of go to definition would be
00:05:39.960 to jump to the right file at the right position where that definition is located
00:05:45.900 so after language servers our story here changes a little bit uh the editors can
00:05:52.380 now Implement a client layer that knows how to do those Json translations from
00:05:57.720 actions to requests and from responses into behavior and that client
00:06:03.660 can then connect to a Ruby language server that implements all of the Ruby specific features and all of the other
00:06:10.380 editors can then Implement their own client layer which knows all of the editor specific design and can do all of
00:06:18.479 those translations but they can all connect to the same language server providing those features so you decouple
00:06:24.479 the editor specific parts from the programming language specific Parts all
00:06:29.880 of the editor parts are in the client layer and all of the features are implemented in the language server so we
00:06:35.819 can all collaborate on improving the experience and because the clients only deal with
00:06:41.580 Json they can connect to any language server it doesn't matter uh for which programming language they were made they
00:06:48.720 all communicate with Json so you can connect to any of them as a reference this is what a request in
00:06:55.979 the LSP looks like you have an ID which is an incremental number uh identifying
00:07:01.680 this request and it is used for the server to inform the editor which requests you are responding to because
00:07:07.740 your server may be multi-threaded so there's no guarantee that their responses are going to be sequential
00:07:13.440 uh the method is the feature that you're trying to compute and I like to think of
00:07:18.479 that kind of like a a route in a web application you're making a request to this route uh and then the set of
00:07:25.500 parameters of that request which in this case only includes the URI of the text document
00:07:31.440 another form of communication available to LSPs are notifications and the only difference between a request and a
00:07:38.340 notification is that the notification doesn't have an ID because it doesn't expect a response back so this is the
00:07:44.340 editor notifying the server that something has happened or vice versa the server notifying the editor but there's
00:07:50.880 no response involved so in this particular example a text document did open is a notification sent from the
00:07:57.840 editor to the server when a file has been opened in the UI and the parameters are the URI of that document and the
00:08:04.680 current content of the document if we were to take a look at a sequence
00:08:12.120 of interactions between the editor and the language server it would look like this once you open your editor in a ruby
00:08:20.400 workspace the first thing is activating the language server and to do that the
00:08:25.440 editor sends an initialize request to the server what it expects back as a response is
00:08:31.860 the set of features that your server currently implements so you don't have to implement the entire specification in
00:08:37.860 one go you can implement it gradually and your server has the opportunity to broadcast to editors where you currently
00:08:44.880 support so that you only receive requests for those features and that's commonly referred to as the capabilities
00:08:50.519 of the server once it's been activated then we can start with like regular coding
00:08:56.640 operations like opening a file if we open a file the editor is going to notify the server that that file has
00:09:03.180 been opened and it is the responsibility of the server to maintain an internal representation of that document it needs
00:09:09.839 to know that for that URI for that file path in the system there exists a file
00:09:15.180 and it needs to know the contents of that file at all times and this process is known as text synchronization we need
00:09:22.500 to keep to keep the test text synchronized from the editor into the server state
00:09:29.760 right after we receive that notification then the editor is going to want to compute features for that file you just
00:09:35.279 open so that they're available for you so you get a wave of language feature requests such as folding range one after
00:09:42.720 the other and the server has to respond to that and to close our example here if we were to edit the food.rb file and add a
00:09:50.399 method definition then the editor would notify the server that the contents of that document have changed to give it a
00:09:57.540 chance to update its internal representation and because the contents have changed then the features the
00:10:04.080 results of the language features may have also changed so we get another wave of language feature requests one after
00:10:09.899 the other and server has to recompute those
00:10:14.940 the Ruby LSP is a new language server that we're working on for Ruby uh there are two repos here on the slide one is
00:10:22.019 vs code Ruby LSP that one's the vs code extension that connects to the server and the other one Ruby LSP is the server
00:10:29.459 gem but I want to stress out the fact that the Ruby LSP gem can connect to any
00:10:34.860 editor that supports the protocol it doesn't have to be vs code and also the
00:10:40.140 server is entirely made with Ruby so if you want to follow along with the examples that I'm going to show now you
00:10:45.899 can just open the repo and and follow along but what does the Ruby LSP currently do
00:10:52.740 so a few other features we currently support are folding ranges so these are the little icons there on the gutter of
00:10:59.940 the editor to allow you to collapse or expand code document highlights so when you click on
00:11:06.360 a ruby entity it highlights the other occurrences of that entity in this case the name instance variable
00:11:13.320 RoboCop Diagnostics so if you make a violation it will surface that in the editor and it also supports quick fixes
00:11:20.459 through code action so you can fix that directly in the UI we have hover for displaying uh
00:11:28.820 documentation links for rails DSL methods so like has one if you hover
00:11:33.839 over that it will pop up the link to the online documentation if you click it just takes you to the website
00:11:42.000 we have a few inlay hints so like for example if you rescue without specifying a specific error class the default
00:11:48.779 implicit behavior is to rescue from a standard error and so the Ruby LSP will tell you that with an inlay hint
00:11:56.220 we have Auto formatting so if you save the file with formats on Save and fixes
00:12:01.500 your violations and finally the last example is a format
00:12:06.959 on type so in this case we're adding an if statement when you break the line it automatically closes the end token for
00:12:13.560 you so let's see how it actually works and
00:12:19.200 how we Implement these types of features in Ruby as a reference they have of the
00:12:25.260 overall architecture of an LSP it is an infinite Loop that keeps reading Json
00:12:30.540 requests from the standard in pipe and then based on that method attribute which is the feature that we're trying
00:12:36.720 to compute we have to decide what to do so depending on which type of request you got you need to Define what it means
00:12:44.100 to execute that request we need to run that request and then after we uh have a
00:12:49.620 result we have to write that result as Json into the standard outpipe which
00:12:55.200 returns that to the editor so that it can serve the features like any language server the Ruby LSP
00:13:02.399 has a few different responsibilities that it needs to account for I just want to call attention to what we're going to
00:13:08.160 be taking a look at so it does text synchronization as mentioned in a previous example it needs to parse Ruby
00:13:15.959 files it implements positional requests where the cursor position matters so
00:13:22.440 like however you need to serve the request based exactly on where you're hovering in the file and it also
00:13:28.860 implements non-positional requests which are features that are computed for the entire file at once and we're going to
00:13:35.880 be focusing on those non-positional requests more specifically we're going to be focusing on folding range so again
00:13:43.380 these are the little icons next to the line numbers that allow you to expand our collapse code and this feature is
00:13:50.339 computed once for the entire file so you find everywhere you need to you want to
00:13:56.160 fold your code once and you return that to the editor and then the edit populates those icons for you
00:14:02.880 so how do we Implement something like floating range as a reminder this is what the request
00:14:09.720 looks like we get the folding range method and the only parameter we get is
00:14:15.839 the URI of the document so by the by the time we receive this request the server
00:14:21.180 already needs to have an internal representation of that document because you don't get the text content of it so
00:14:27.899 it needs to already know what is the content of that file in what the editor expects back is a
00:14:34.019 list of ranges and the bare minimum to compose a range is the start line the
00:14:39.120 end line of the range and the kind which can be region for generic parts of the
00:14:44.459 code comment or Imports which in case of Ruby would be more like requires
00:14:52.079 so if you take this post class here we can visually inspect it and we would
00:14:57.899 probably want to realize that we want to be able to fold it in the method definition and in the class definition but when we're synchronizing texts from
00:15:05.519 the editor into the server we're only dealing with raw text it's just a string with all of your Ruby code inside and
00:15:12.540 that's very difficult to analyze so we got to be able to go from the raw Ruby code into something that has a little
00:15:18.180 bit more information for us we want to be able to assert what are the Ruby structures and entities present in that
00:15:24.779 string of Ruby code so for that we're going to be parsing the file into an abstract syntax tree so that we actually
00:15:31.380 have an object that describes everything that's present in the file and then the last step in analyzing and
00:15:38.639 implementing these requests is to go through everything that is defined in the file so Traverse the AST and then
00:15:45.000 perform some analysis in the case of folding range we're going to be collecting the ranges where we want to be able to fold the code
00:15:53.220 so what is parsing unfortunately I don't have enough time to go into a lot of detail into what is parsing if you were
00:16:00.480 at rubyconf mini a couple of weeks back Kevin Newton gave a great talk on syntax
00:16:06.000 tree which is the gem that the Ruby LSP is based on and explained parsing in a little bit more detail than I will go
00:16:12.480 into but in very basic terms parsing is the process to go from the raw string of
00:16:19.800 Ruby code into an object that describes that file in terms of the Ruby
00:16:25.920 structures that are present in it so it's a kind of like a linked list tree structure that describes describes
00:16:33.000 everything that's present in that file so we have in this case in our post class we have a class node as the entry
00:16:38.699 point of our AST with two child nodes the post constant in the body of the
00:16:44.100 class inside of that body we only have a method definition with two child nodes the title identifier and the body of the
00:16:51.060 method and finally inside of it we only have have the string rubyconf so we want to be able to take that ASD
00:16:58.199 take that object representation go through everything that is defined in our file and then identify the places in
00:17:04.380 which we want to be able to fold the coach so we want to be able to find the class definition and the method
00:17:09.780 definition node which means we need a way in which we can take that ASD and go through
00:17:16.199 everything that is defined in it study all of the Ruby structures present in the file
00:17:21.799 so that we can collect information about the folding ranges we want to be able to
00:17:26.900 return to the editor and there are multiple ways in which you can Traverse an ASD and go through everything that is
00:17:32.820 defined but we're going to take a look at how syntax 3 allows you to do it out of the box which is how the Ruby LSP
00:17:38.580 does it by using the visitor pattern if we were to implement it we would
00:17:44.280 begin with a parent class visitor for which all of our non-positional requests
00:17:49.799 will inherit from and the entry point of our analysis is the visit method which
00:17:54.840 receives any type of node that can be present in our Ruby file so it could be class definition a method definition
00:18:00.900 string doesn't matter and we invoke accept on it passing to it the current
00:18:06.480 instance of the visitor in order for this to work every single type of node has to implement the accept
00:18:12.960 method and the implementation is analogous to each one of them you take
00:18:18.120 the visitor and you invoke a specific visit for that node type on the visit on
00:18:23.880 the visitor sorry so in this case we have a class node we're going to be invoking visit class
00:18:28.980 if it was a constant node we would reinvoking visit cost the idea is that instead of having a big case statement
00:18:36.600 where you do when it's a class node do something if it's a method definition
00:18:41.700 node do something else the idea is that the visitor asks the node hey I don't know which node type you are can you
00:18:47.940 invoke the right method on me that knows how to process your node type that's basically the whole idea of the double
00:18:54.120 dispatch pattern here and to finalize our implementation to make sure that we can actually go
00:18:59.940 through all of the nodes that are present in the tree we just need to Define what the default behavior is for
00:19:05.880 those node specific visits and they all default to the same thing which is taking each one of their child nodes for
00:19:12.960 that particular node we're processing and then visiting each single one of them and it may not be clear why this
00:19:20.220 allows us to go through the AST so I have a bit of a visualization here on the right we have our post classes AST
00:19:27.000 and on the left the visitor code that is currently being executed
00:19:32.160 so we would begin visiting from the top the entry point of our AST the class
00:19:37.860 node visiting it invokes accept on it which then triggers the specific visit class
00:19:43.919 method back on the visitor and that defaults to just visiting all of the child notes so that moves us to
00:19:51.120 visiting the cost node which then invokes accept on that node triggering visit cost back on the
00:19:58.020 visitor which again defaults to visiting all of the child nodes but cost doesn't
00:20:03.299 actually have any child notes so we're actually done with that side of the tree and we can move on to the next child of
00:20:09.059 the class node the body node and then again we invoke accept on it which triggers the visit body
00:20:16.760 method in the visitor which defaults to going to the child node so it moves out moves us to the method definition node
00:20:23.700 and we continue doing this until we have exhausted the entire AST and been to
00:20:28.980 every single node every single Ruby structure present in our file
00:20:34.020 so the idea here is that you can with this pattern you can separate the traversal logic from the actual request
00:20:40.980 logic and it's going to be a little bit clearer when we get down to implementing uh folding range but it's kind of like
00:20:46.620 in innumerable how you don't care about how each is implemented you just care about the specific logic of the block
00:20:53.220 that you're passing to each and with the visitor we are ready to
00:20:59.100 implement voting range to do it we're going to be subclassing the visitor so that we get all of that
00:21:04.620 visiting behavior from the parent and we're going to initialize it with the AST for the current file and a list of
00:21:11.580 ranges where we're going to be accumulating our results so we're going to be going through the Ruby structures and accumulating information in that
00:21:18.539 array running the request means visiting the ASD so going through everything that is
00:21:24.900 defined in the Ruby file and then returning the list of ranges that we found along the way
00:21:31.020 and the last step in order to implement the folding range request is we need to be able to associate logic to when we
00:21:39.179 find a specific node type we want to be able to fold the class definitions and the method definitions and for that we
00:21:46.080 can override those node specific visits in the request implementation so we know
00:21:52.919 that this method is only invoked when we find a class node and so that's one of
00:21:58.140 the nodes we're interested in folding we can take the location information for that node where it is defined in the
00:22:04.559 file and push a new range for that class definition notice that if we were to stop right
00:22:11.580 here every time we found a class node while going through the Ruby file we would immediately stop our analysis
00:22:17.940 because we're overriding the default behavior from the parent which was to go through every child node and visit them
00:22:24.000 but we can easily get that back by invoking super and I really like the flexibility that this pattern gives us
00:22:30.539 because we can decide if we want to go through the child nodes first or process the current class definition first we
00:22:38.280 can also decide to stop the analysis if we find a certain type of node with a certain type of content so I really like
00:22:43.860 the flexibility of the visitor pattern in this case and finally to implement the method
00:22:50.159 definition folding it's completely identical with the only caveat that you need to override the
00:22:56.700 method that is related to uh to method definition nodes so we overwrite visit def but the body of the
00:23:04.080 implementation is just the same we just take the location of that node in the file and push new range for it
00:23:10.500 and that already allows us to completely fold our post class here which was our
00:23:15.659 example that we were trying to implement the way all of these non-positional
00:23:20.700 requests work in the Ruby LSP is the same while you're typing we are synchronizing your text edits from the
00:23:27.480 editor into the server and once you stop like once the debounce runs off on your typing then we parse that file and pass
00:23:35.820 along the AST to every single non-positional request and they're all implemented with visitors so basically
00:23:42.240 they all subclass the visitor parent class and they just override the node
00:23:47.940 specific visits for whatever they're interested in so they're all very similar in their implementation
00:23:55.140 I want to invite everyone to try out the Ruby LSP provide us with feedback and if
00:24:02.220 you want to contribute to it again it is pure Ruby and I'm happy to take a look with you if you're interested in taking
00:24:08.039 a a stab at contributing the features we currently support uh are
00:24:15.059 here on the screen so we we support format on Save format on type document highlight which is highlightings
00:24:21.720 occurrences for the same entity where the cursor is uh hover RoboCop
00:24:27.539 Diagnostics quick fixes through code actions selection ranges which is also
00:24:33.780 known as smart ranges it's basically expanding and and reducing a selection
00:24:38.880 based on the Ruby code semantic highlighting which is highlighting your file consistently
00:24:45.120 according to Ruby's understanding of it we have inlay hint document link
00:24:51.000 document link is attaching links to specific pieces of syntax so you can jump to documentation or jump to another
00:24:59.100 file uh folding range which we've seen and implemented and document symbol which
00:25:06.120 allows you to fuzzy search uh Ruby entities in the file so if you want to find a class definition or a method
00:25:13.080 definition you can fuzzy search that in the file I'm very excited about the future of
00:25:19.799 Ruby tooling we can have all of those features that I mentioned plus a lot more because we're not done implementing
00:25:26.640 the entire specification we can have interactive debugging directly in the
00:25:31.919 editor's UI thanks to the debugger adapter protocol which is the LSP equivalent for debuggers to connect to
00:25:38.700 any editor we can do gradual typing for more accurate features like go to
00:25:44.100 definition and autocomplete with complete type checking so that it's actually more accurate than without
00:25:51.480 types and it can all work cross editor thanks to the LSP Proto the LSP
00:25:57.059 specification and the DAP or in other words there is a future in which any
00:26:02.340 editor can be a fully featured Ruby IDE and we can collaborate uh getting there
00:26:20.900 you can connect with any editor that supports the protocol
00:26:25.980 oh sorry yes the question was if there's only a client for a vs code
00:26:31.279 you can connect with any editor that supports the protocol so I know some people from the community uh configured
00:26:39.659 neovim to connect to it the reason vs code there's a vs code extension for it
00:26:45.779 is because you actually need one for vs code it doesn't have like a built-in LSP
00:26:51.179 thing that you can just configure uh but you should be able to use it within neovim whatever other editor that
00:26:58.140 supports the protocol right so the question was if you could use uh Ruby LSP and solar graph together
00:27:06.679 yes you can the the way the language server works is it merges responses uh
00:27:13.559 so if you have the same response coming from different language servers the editor will merge them and in fact at
00:27:20.159 Shopify we use the Ruby LSP with survey which is also also provides you with an
00:27:25.260 LSP so if you have conflicting responses they're just going to be merged in the editor
00:27:30.900 right so the question is if the LSB supports uh being connected to a rebel environment with with sexually executing
00:27:38.279 your code um I don't think the specification has anything that is
00:27:43.980 like that explicitly tells you about that support but I'm I'm sure you can
00:27:49.080 like try to implement something like that to provide the outer completion although I do feel like you would face a
00:27:56.520 few challenges in trying to get that for especially for large projects it might be a little bit slow uh
00:28:02.460 I'm not sure but that's an interesting thing we can explore right so the question was if format
00:28:08.220 unsafe is powered by RoboCop uh we actually support two formatters uh
00:28:13.279 RoboCop if you have that in your application is going to be the default um so yes it does hook into Robocop and
00:28:20.640 formats using it and if you don't use RoboCop then it will fall back to syntax tree which actually has a formatter
00:28:27.120 built in as well so why do we choose a shadow environment
00:28:32.640 instead of RB environment um well basically the shadow environment is
00:28:38.820 our in-house Ruby version manager so we supported that first but actually a member of the community uh made a pull
00:28:46.200 request and implemented support for RB environment so that should be working already and there's also support for uh
00:28:53.580 CH Ruby and rvm right so the question is if the client
00:28:59.580 owns the process that's running the server and how many server processes are
00:29:04.620 spawned um yes it does own it so the plugin the editor will spawn the process and then
00:29:12.299 keep a handle for the standard in pipe and the standard out pipe so that I can communicate
00:29:18.200 but it only spawns one server for your like coding session so the moment you
00:29:25.500 open in a ruby workspace it will spawn the server and it will not it will reuse the same server for all files for
00:29:32.039 everything that you do until you switch workspaces or close the editor or something like that
00:29:38.820 uh so the question is if we could integrate something like a a third thing
00:29:43.860 not only the server and the editor uh to provide error highlight or any other
00:29:49.559 features into the editor uh I think it is possible it's kind of the same thing that we do with RoboCop which is an
00:29:56.460 external tool to the Ruby LSP it should be possible to do that type of thing
00:30:02.580 okay if there are no more questions if you have any other questions and you want to uh just find me I'm gonna hear
00:30:09.120 until the end of the conference come come chat I'm happy to talk about developer experience also I did order
00:30:14.940 stickers for the Ruby LSP but they haven't arrived yet so come see me if you want a sticker once they arrive I