Emotional Intelligence
Inclusiveness - It's In Your Hands
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Inclusiveness - It's In Your Hands

by Adel Smee

In her talk titled 'Inclusiveness - It's In Your Hands' at RubyConf AU 2020, Adel Smee emphasizes the shared responsibility of fostering diversity and inclusion (D&I) within tech teams. She highlights that effective, resilient teams are rooted in diversity and that creating a nurturing environment demands collective effort rather than being delegated solely to HR or a handful of individuals. Smee introduces several key points throughout her presentation:

  • Defining Diversity and Inclusion: Smee reinterprets the common analogy regarding diversity and inclusion, suggesting that diversity is akin to being invited to lunch, while inclusion means actively enjoying the meal.
  • The Importance of Diverse Environments: She argues that a varied workforce is crucial for adapting to change and addressing future challenges within the tech industry, sharing her belief that teams lacking diversity may be fragile in the long run.
  • The Exhaustion of Being a Diversity Representative: Smee discusses the fatigue experienced by individuals often placed in roles as diversity representatives, calling for broader participation from all employees, including those within privileged demographics.
  • Concrete Actions for Inclusiveness: She offers practical steps for individuals to aid in inclusivity, including self-education, establishing trust, listening actively to others, and recognizing personal biases. Smee underscores the significance of fostering genuine connections and learning from mistakes made in D&I efforts.
  • Addressing Gender Disparity in Tech: Smee points out the alarming decline in female enrollment in tech courses and the higher attrition rate of women in the tech workforce, advocating for transformative involvement to halt this trend.
  • Shared Responsibility: Finally, she encourages everyone to take action in promoting inclusiveness, positing that involvement can range from small daily efforts to larger initiatives, and calling on allies from privileged backgrounds to support these efforts.

Adel Smee’s main message resonates with the idea that achieving inclusiveness is an ongoing journey that requires active participation from all levels within an organization. Her optimistic worldview stresses that genuine, collaborative efforts can lead to a more equitable and fulfilling workplace for everyone.

00:00:00.000 Adel Smee began her career in tech by teaching others how to code before transitioning to commercial programming.
00:00:05.220 She worked at a startup, then moved on to Lonely Planet, and eventually joined Zendesk, where she is currently employed.
00:00:10.860 During her journey, Adel realized that her main motivator in her work is finding delight in the success of others, which is a fantastic quality in a manager.
00:00:17.400 If your manager does not share this view, you should consider working for someone like Adel.
00:00:23.220 She is fascinated by what makes people and herself tick and openly seeks feedback to improve.
00:00:29.130 Adel is an incurable optimist who believes that one day everyone will enjoy their jobs as much as she does, even though she knows that day may not come soon.
00:00:59.510 Good morning, everyone! I have this really annoying habit of wanting to be overly chipper when faced with a roomful of developers who might not be in the mood, but I'll try to suppress it.
00:01:04.640 There are so many people here whom I haven't had the chance to greet yet. I hope this isn't cheating, but hello to everyone, it’s lovely to see you, and I hope we can catch up later.
00:01:10.520 Now that we've gotten the introductions out of the way, let's get into the topic of inclusiveness.
00:01:16.340 What I want to discuss today is how the responsibility for diversity and inclusion often rests on a small group of people, and how we might be able to move the conversation forward if more people were willing to share that responsibility.
00:01:28.820 Before diving deeper, I should clarify what I'm not talking about: I'm not here to convince you that diversity and inclusion are important.
00:01:35.360 Changing people's minds is often a fruitless endeavor, so if you don't believe in their value, I invite you to find a hobby in Mario Kart or engage with your preferred social media platform, and we’ll see you on the other side.
00:01:46.820 I must admit it's hypocritical of me, as I struggle to be inclusive towards those who aren't inclusive themselves; it doesn't quite make sense, but that’s where I stand.
00:01:53.539 Now let’s move on to inclusiveness, which is a complex topic as I come with my own perspective that may not encompass everyone's experiences.
00:02:06.020 To introduce myself briefly, I identify as female; I was assigned female at birth and I continue to identify as such.
00:02:11.030 I am white, a native English speaker, and over the age of 40. I don’t have children, which is not the typical female experience, and I am an avid dog enthusiast.
00:02:19.690 This is my puppy, Sasha, who often makes appearances in my talks as she is quite well-behaved.
00:02:25.390 Let’s talk about diversity and inclusion (D&I) and look at a common definition that has circulated: 'Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.'
00:02:31.069 I would like to reframe this: I believe that diversity is being invited to lunch, and inclusion is being able to enjoy the meal.
00:02:39.250 We'll revisit this analogy later, as it's based on real experiences I've had.
00:02:45.430 My motivation to speak at tech conferences about topics outside the realm of technology stems from the fact that we are increasingly influenced by technology in both positive and unsettling ways.
00:03:01.610 Historically, a fairly homogenous group of people has controlled the world, leading to some amazing developments but also a narrow focus that has left out many.
00:03:07.760 For instance, a left-hand photo illustrates a soap dispenser that fails to work properly for those with darker skin tones.
00:03:14.310 With the advancement of communications technology, it’s vital that we strive to listen to a diverse range of voices.
00:03:20.769 This concern drives one of my main motivations to engage in discussions about inclusivity.
00:03:26.050 Another significant influence from my past is an experience I had in 1989 while I was in Year 8 in South Australia.
00:03:32.650 I got my first taste of programming during that time and found it incredibly exciting.
00:03:40.960 However, after my family moved to Canberra, I was discouraged from pursuing programming at my new school, which impacted my trajectory.
00:03:47.620 This experience made me realize that regardless of the intentions of my school, I was excluded from pursuing a passion that I ultimately love.
00:03:54.060 Having had the privilege of enjoying this industry, I believe it’s critical to hold the door open for anyone who has faced similar exclusions.
00:04:04.310 Moreover, I am motivated to do this work because it has proven beneficial to my career.
00:04:12.310 I have been fortunate enough to work in highly resilient teams that adapt to change, which is crucial in this rapidly changing industry.
00:04:17.110 These teams are resilient because they genuinely care about their work and can pivot when circumstances change.
00:04:23.050 This kind of resilience is vital, as we all know that change is the only constant in our industry.
00:04:30.240 From my perspective, it’s imperative to have varied backgrounds and experiences in teams to weather the storms of change.
00:04:35.590 Looking at the opinions of influential figures like Peter Thiel, who suggests that less diverse teams can sometimes be more effective, I have some reservations about this approach.
00:04:41.140 While there may be specific scenarios where this could ring true, I believe in the value of diverse teams for long-term success.
00:04:47.290 At Zendesk, we aim to build sustainable practices that help us develop into a multi-billion dollar company, which requires resilient teams.
00:04:52.690 Consequently, fostering diversity is essential to navigate the complexities of our environment.
00:05:01.990 When I perceive a mindset that underestimates the value of diverse perspectives, I see a future of fragility.
00:05:09.020 Teams lacking diversity may perform efficiently at a specific task, but they could falter when faced with new challenges.
00:05:16.640 Working in diverse groups leads to a richer variety of strengths and weaknesses that can provide better adaptability.
00:05:23.730 Next, let’s discuss why I feel so tired and how you can help.
00:05:32.470 Last November, I was attending a meeting with male managers discussing topics that I was distracted by my phone while they were talking.
00:05:39.540 When someone mentioned diversity, the conversation abruptly shifted, and eyes turned to me as if I held all the answers.
00:05:47.080 I have experienced this since my first year of studying, and it’s a common occurrence for those perceived as diversity representatives.
00:05:54.480 It's exhausting to be seen solely as a diversity expert rather than being recognized for my skills as a developer or a manager.
00:06:01.050 I suspect many professionals face similar pressures; it’s a common struggle in our industry for those with dual roles.
00:06:07.680 There are countless individuals experiencing burnout because of the high expectations placed upon them to both excel in a complex field and navigate social inequalities.
00:06:14.030 It is my hope that next year at this conference, a white male will stand here to discuss diversity and inclusion, which would signify progress.
00:06:21.610 While many individuals are publicly sharing their experiences with exhaustion, I'm often left feeling burnt out from the dual expectations I face.
00:06:28.840 Particularly in my role leading software development teams at Zendesk, I've taken on additional responsibilities that have added to my stress.
00:06:35.300 The shift from fire-fighting to focusing on managerial roles has required a different skill set that has been challenging for me.
00:06:42.370 On top of managing my regular responsibilities, I've been tasked with leading efforts on diversity and inclusion.
00:06:48.290 This work is often highly interruptive and requires constant attention to detail and coordination, which can be exhausting.
00:06:55.600 While I have methods for delegating some responsibilities, the burden still often falls on those individuals who are similarly stressed out.
00:07:02.780 Now, let’s discuss concrete actions you can take to support inclusiveness.
00:07:08.090 First and foremost, when I mention helping, I am referring to a specific type of assistance.
00:07:15.080 This helper comes through offering support without expecting any return work, allowing me to focus on the core tasks.
00:07:21.270 This takes the form of delegating responsibilities effectively and ensuring I am not constantly handling administrative tasks.
00:07:26.830 The first crucial step is motivating yourself. Your motivation is vital for sustaining your efforts.
00:07:33.560 Identify your motivations; I cannot tell you what will inspire you.
00:07:39.310 This is a crucial aspect because, in tackling a nebulous issue like inclusiveness, a strong sense of motivation is essential to push through difficulties.
00:07:45.230 Next, pursue self-education rather than relying solely on others to educate you.
00:07:51.560 It is crucial to avoid approaching someone like me to ask how to solve the issue of diversity for women in tech, as I do not possess a simple answer.
00:07:58.730 Instead, empower yourself through research and seeking diverse opinions and experiences.
00:08:06.000 Read textbooks, watch informative videos, and follow newsletters that cover these topics; immerse yourself in diverse experiences.
00:08:12.370 When it comes to education on topics of diversity, seek a wide range of perspectives to better understand various experiences.
00:08:18.330 For example, I've been intrigued by the fatness community and their journey towards reclaiming the word 'fat' and redefining its meaning.
00:08:25.320 One prominent advocate, Jamila Jamil from The Good Place, started the movement 'What I Weigh,' focusing on self-worth that isn’t defined by appearance.
00:08:30.190 This movement encourages appreciation for people as whole, unique individuals beyond superficial evaluations.
00:08:38.260 The approach of body neutrality, which champions viewing one’s body as functional rather than a measure of worth, is essential in promoting inclusivity.
00:08:45.050 The work of Megan Jane Crab (known as Body Posi Panda) continues this narrative by fighting against unattainable ideals imposed on individuals.
00:08:52.020 Moreover, Sophie Hagen, a comedian from Denmark, advocates for fat liberation—challenging the capitalist forces that enforce body hatred.
00:08:58.880 These varied voices within the fatness community showcase the importance of understanding divergent perspectives even amid shared experiences.
00:09:05.210 The key takeaway is to maintain an openness towards learning about distinct experiences and contradictions that exist within communities.
00:09:12.030 Once you’ve gathered this knowledge, the next step is to establish trust with those you want to assist.
00:09:18.560 Building trust requires an understanding of the unique needs of the individuals involved, which can vary significantly from one context to another.
00:09:24.860 You don’t have to be best friends with someone to earn their trust and respect, but sincerity is crucial.
00:09:31.020 For instance, during a previous conference, the event organizers made an extra effort to ensure an inclusive environment.
00:09:38.290 They communicated their dedication to inclusivity clearly and backed it up with actionable efforts, such as implementing a code of conduct and providing diverse food options.
00:09:46.480 It's essential to follow your words with tangible actions to nurture trust.
00:09:53.720 Once respect and trust have been established, it's important to listen actively to people’s needs.
00:10:00.780 Listening requires us to heed the perspectives of others while setting aside our own filters.
00:10:06.420 I recall a time when I hired a team leader from India who shared her experiences in the workplace with me.
00:10:12.720 Despite my initial reaction to her difficult working conditions, she surprised me by expressing her contentment with her situation.
00:10:19.230 This taught me not to take agency away from others by imposing my perspective on their experiences.
00:10:25.990 The aim is to learn to listen deeply without imposing personal assumptions.
00:10:32.870 The next phase is learning to pay attention.
00:10:39.800 Having battled chronic fatigue syndrome for years, I felt a massive sense of shame regarding my health.
00:10:45.950 This made me hesitant to address my needs and communicate them clearly.
00:10:52.770 When I secured a role at Zendesk, I was met with kindness by my team rather than judgment.
00:10:59.920 For instance, my boss often reinforced that my wellbeing was a priority and encouraged me to focus on my recovery.
00:11:06.610 Paying attention to those in marginalized communities often means recognizing subtle cues, as many won’t openly express their needs.
00:11:12.930 It’s vital to remain observant and tuned into their reactions, as it may not always be articulate.
00:11:19.250 The next task is to identify your own blind spots.
00:11:25.960 Consider how your experiences shape your perspective and what may cloud your understanding of others.
00:11:32.090 For instance, having done well academically, I often assumed my advice was valuable to my brother, who struggled academically.
00:11:38.270 However, I overlooked the impact of his experiences of feeling inadequate which led to misaligned advice.
00:11:44.420 Even members of underrepresented groups may not always represent the entirety of that experience.
00:11:50.730 Having been unwell, I often made the mistake of comparing my challenges with those of others, such as a friend with multiple sclerosis.
00:11:57.820 This false equivalence only served to create barriers in our friendship and prevented full understanding of her experience.
00:12:05.370 Be aware of your own blind spots, for they can hinder your ability to connect with and assist others effectively.
00:12:11.920 To summarize, the key steps are: motivate yourself, educate yourself, learn to pay attention, and pinpoint your blind spots.
00:12:17.960 Once you have internalized these lessons, it's time to take action.
00:12:23.040 Engage in how to help; this could be through public speaking or supporting others in smaller, more manageable ways.
00:12:30.490 For example, make a point of bringing attention to quieter voices in meetings, especially individuals who may be missed otherwise.
00:12:36.830 Recognize that action can take many forms and can happen on a spectrum.
00:12:44.090 Now, let’s hone in on an area I am particularly passionate about: women in tech.
00:12:50.490 Enrollment of women in tech-related courses is on a worrying decline, with statistics indicating that it has dropped below 10%.
00:12:56.470 We face a pressing pipeline problem, which presents opportunities for involvement in programs dedicated to supporting women in technology.
00:13:03.950 In addition, inclusivity within the industry remains an ongoing struggle, with women leaving tech at a disproportionate rate compared to men.
00:13:11.090 Research from Accenture suggests that by 2025, the percentage of women in tech could decrease to 22%, which is concerning.
00:13:18.340 Thus, we urgently need more advocates and allies to assist in this necessary transformation.
00:13:24.740 Now, let’s look at a practical example to illustrate how efforts could unfold in ways that make a difference.
00:13:31.090 In a recent project at Zendesk, we aimed to strengthen team connectivity through various communal meals and celebrations.
00:13:39.890 However, I encountered challenges when trying to navigate food allergies among team members.
00:13:46.930 Finding a dessert that accommodates multiple dietary restrictions was significantly more difficult than anticipated.
00:13:52.930 This experience reinforces that perfection is rarely achievable in the pursuit of inclusivity.
00:14:00.820 Expecting to get everything right can lead to frustration; instead, it is important to strive for genuine connections and learning.
00:14:06.710 Sometimes, efforts misfire, as when I made a birthday cake for a lactose-intolerant team member—it was a well-intentioned but disastrous mistake.
00:14:17.760 Such moments provide valuable learning opportunities to apologize sincerely and make adjustments moving forward.
00:14:23.860 Growth comes from acknowledging missteps, learning from them, and aiming to improve continuously.
00:14:30.060 If, for instance, you recognize you have made someone feel neglected, it's crucial to validate their feelings and take steps to affirm their experiences.
00:14:37.580 You can guide your approach by focusing on the person's perspective over your feelings in instances of invalidation.
00:14:44.040 I learned that my acknowledgment should center on the other's experience rather than tying it back to my own and how it made me feel.
00:14:52.120 Instead of devolving into a self-focused apology, I should affirm their feelings—this is how we grow and nurture trust.
00:14:57.370 Make a commitment to continually learn, acknowledge mistakes, and modify your approach.
00:15:03.920 Perfection in inclusiveness is unattainable, but honesty and willingness to improve are essential.
00:15:10.240 This work, even though it might seem daunting, has the potential for significant benefits as many of us have witnessed.
00:15:16.700 Additionally, cultivating good relationships and establishing a sense of safety within teams helps in fostering resilience.
00:15:23.100 Investing time and effort in D&I work solidifies the fabric of an organization and promotes sustainability.
00:15:29.800 As we contemplate these actions, it's crucial to encourage participation from everyone, including those who feel hesitant or unsure.
00:15:35.050 White male individuals, as representatives of a privileged group, can play a vital role in promoting inclusiveness.
00:15:41.400 While fear of backlash might deter participation, empathy and motivation are more powerful than potential criticism.
00:15:48.770 As I noted earlier, I know of many successful, supportive male advocates who contribute tremendously to inclusivity.
00:15:55.060 In a future where we collectively engage in promoting inclusion, we will less often experience burnout and fatigue.
00:16:02.350 The dialogue around inclusivity needs to evolve beyond academia; it must resonate in our daily practices.
00:16:08.150 People are often very kind when they see genuine effort, even if perfection isn't achieved.
00:16:14.600 As we engage in this dialogue, individuals will extend grace and appreciation when they observe progress and sincerity.
00:16:20.220 Seek out influential public figures like Jamila Jamil, who, despite missteps, continuously work on improving their understanding of inclusion.
00:16:27.511 Engagement in this work contributes to a more balanced emotional intelligence and facilitates the recognition of our shared human experiences.
00:16:34.000 Prioritize understanding emotions over technology; human factors are just as crucial as the software we create.
00:16:40.520 Thus, enhancing our emotional intelligence leads to more effective teamwork and greater success within our careers.
00:16:47.110 If the journey towards inclusiveness seems daunting, let this be your invitation to actively contribute towards positive change.
00:16:53.040 Whether through small daily efforts or larger scale initiatives, your involvement can create a more inclusive environment for everyone.
Explore all talks recorded at RubyConf AU 2020