Savannah Wolf

Incremental Design - A conversation with a designer and a developer

By Rebecca Miller-Webster and Savannah Wolf

Developers: how many times have you had to completely rip out your hard earned code for a totally new site design?
Designers: how many times has a re-design taken 4 times as long as the developer said it would and not looked good in the end?
Change all that by using an incremental approach to design. Set up your code to change all the buttons at once or prioritize design changes to make each small change good enough for production.
A designer and developer will talk about the challenges and joys of making this process work in two production sites.
Topics covered:
* What is incremental design?
* How to design with incremental changes in mind
* How to develop for incremental design, including utilizing SASS, structuring your mark-up and CSS, and structuring your Rails views and partials

Help us caption & translate this video!

RailsConf 2013

00:00:16.480 hi i am rebecca miller webster i am a ruby and javascript developer and i'm
00:00:22.320 currently a lead developer at how about we and i'm savannah wolf i'm a ux and
00:00:27.359 visual designer and i'm the head of design at hawaii so we're here to talk to you about incremental design which is
00:00:33.520 a process we've been using at how about we to pretty successfully make design changes and have development and design
00:00:39.600 work together yeah but before we talk about what incremental design is we're actually
00:00:45.120 going to talk about some of the ways that everyone here probably makes design changes
00:00:50.160 so when you're thinking of design changes you're probably thinking in like a pretty large scale and you're probably going to go down the
00:00:57.039 road of a major redesign and what this means for design and development is that you're really taking
00:01:02.719 like a month or two months or six months of time and you're dedicating your resources to creating this brand new
00:01:08.799 experience which is like awesome in theory right yeah but it usually doesn't work
00:01:15.280 out to be maybe the smooth process that you're hoping for as a designer my experiences with big redesigns are that
00:01:22.240 i dedicate my time and effort gathering requirements making sure that the user experience is great and the visuals are
00:01:28.479 beautiful and then i just pass it off because i need to move on to other projects and i
00:01:33.600 don't always know where it ends because developers need a substantial amount of time to work on the design and as a
00:01:40.159 developer you get this psd and either you're frustrated because it didn't take technical considerations
00:01:47.280 into the design or limitations or you go off and you do it and you feel like your total css javascript rockstar
00:01:54.479 and then it gets to design and they're like what the is this this isn't what i designed right
00:02:00.320 so that's bad and that's what we want to avoid okay so maybe you break it down a little
00:02:06.240 bit more maybe you have a page by page redesign and you're like supporting this
00:02:11.280 old design um you're creating a new one just on certain pages maybe certain features and it creates this like really
00:02:17.680 weird experience for your users and as a designer i like don't really know what to design do i design a new
00:02:23.840 feature in our old styles and our new styles do i create this like weird hybrid um and it's kind of confusing and
00:02:30.720 it's bad for users and we just like basically want to avoid it and it can be just as confusing for developers like it
00:02:36.400 tends to lead to a lot of technical debt you're supporting multiple style sheets multiple layouts you have to like
00:02:42.000 remember if you're killing something if you can kill these styles or not um so it's just kind of annoying you
00:02:48.160 mentally have to like know that that's there you have to test and maintain it
00:02:53.840 it's just doesn't lead to happiness for anyone it's weird so our solution is
00:02:59.840 incremental design so um as developers um and particularly the
00:03:07.680 ruby community over the past like five ten years we've talked a lot about software development best practices and
00:03:13.760 how to make software in a way that's maintainable and successful and really all of those things agile tdd sprints
00:03:20.720 boil down to making the smallest possible change and doing it in a maintainable testable way
00:03:27.120 and then deploying it and just doing that over and over and over again and basically incremental design is about
00:03:32.480 taking those same practices and philosophy to making design changes so really simply it's making tiny
00:03:39.280 deployable design changes and just doing that over and over and over again and kind of the overall theme of what
00:03:47.360 that creates is a communication between or a conversation between design and development um so that means that we're
00:03:54.239 talking more and we're on the same page and we're discussing these changes or challenges as we go and we're really
00:04:00.640 making the design um more beautiful and more like the experience more awesome and we're also making less friction in
00:04:07.840 our teams so just to give you a little context we work at how about we which was founded
00:04:13.840 in 2010 as a dating site that was focused less on like whether you like to
00:04:19.199 go on long walks on the beach or like how much you drink or whatever and more on proposing really awesome dates and
00:04:24.240 finding other people to go on those dates with you and then last year we launched how about we for couples which is a subscription
00:04:30.800 site that's a curated collection of really awesome dates for couples to go on and sustain their relationship
00:04:36.639 and what you're actually looking at here is our unified landing page and it actually embodies our third
00:04:42.639 product which is the how about we brand our design team is relatively new we're
00:04:47.680 less than a year old um and basically our focus on top of these two products
00:04:53.680 is creating this like universal design language for how about we and kind of evolving and enhancing the brand
00:05:01.680 so this is actually our dating site and this is an old design that was created by an agency and we're currently working
00:05:07.759 on redesigning the entire experience and we started that redesign process through our mobile apps
00:05:13.360 we've recently redesigned our ipad and iphone and working on an android redesign
00:05:18.639 and also now the full web redesign and how we're driving out that design is
00:05:24.320 through our couple's product so we've created this beautiful experience for our couple site
00:05:29.520 we really test and evolve the design on this product and we're using this language evolving into our unified brand
00:05:36.400 and then translating it to our dating product
00:05:41.919 so in addition to like the normal startup challenges of like aggressive timelines and changing models and
00:05:47.600 pivoting and all that stuff we have this extra challenge of having these two products that are in totally different places in their life cycle so the dating
00:05:54.880 site is established it's international we need to make sure that we're not disrupting their experience that it
00:06:00.880 keeps like rolling on and making us money and all that good stuff and then on the other side the couple's site is
00:06:07.039 like six months old we've changed the model like four times it's currently only in new york although it's launching
00:06:12.880 in san francisco in a couple weeks so sf people should sign up because it's awesome
00:06:18.160 so we needed a process that really worked for both sides of this equation
00:06:23.199 and then in addition as savannah mentioned with the brand there's like a renewed focus in the company on having
00:06:28.560 beautiful design and having that be part of everything that happens and then on top of that we make almost
00:06:34.080 all of our feature decisions based on split testing and metrics um so that's sort of like an additional level that
00:06:40.160 needs to be taken into consideration and if you want to learn more about that you should go see brian woods tomorrow
00:06:45.520 because he's giving a talk on this all right so let's talk about an example
00:06:50.800 so this is our couples product and this is actually a date details page so each date that we create on our service has
00:06:57.919 this really beautiful experience that is really photo and experience heavy to
00:07:04.080 help users understand really what they're getting for their money this date in particular is a yoga
00:07:10.080 instructor comes to your home teaches you a yoga lesson maybe brings wine like who doesn't love wine and yoga
00:07:17.039 but basically what we wanted to do we initially launched it as a members only service
00:07:22.800 and we wanted to open up buying dates to anyone so anytime we kind of come across
00:07:28.240 this we want to test an idea in our existing design so as you may be able to
00:07:33.520 see a little bit there's actually two prices on the side and it worked out well
00:07:39.199 people liked the dual pricing it was great for non-members to experience the site and also great for members to see
00:07:46.240 what a discount and what an advantage they got for membership okay so once we know that something's
00:07:51.360 great and then we want to dedicate some real design to it we go into the design process and here
00:07:57.440 you can see this is like our end goal design one thing you'll notice is this dual
00:08:03.039 pricing on the side that is like a much more featured pricing structure really outlines
00:08:09.199 the comparison of membership and non-membership and then creates these universal
00:08:14.400 pieces of the design like pricing like a sub nav that we can use throughout the site and really when we're designing
00:08:20.560 we're thinking like v3 because we really break down this design to what is necessary and what should be a priority
00:08:27.039 and from there we pass it off to development and they kind of work on what the next piece of this part is
00:08:33.200 so you may have looked at that and been like i could totally bust that out in half a day and i'm sure that you could but we're
00:08:40.080 not going to do that we didn't do that we really wanted to break things down in the smallest possible components that we
00:08:45.360 could so the most obvious thing looking at this is just to move the rail from the right to the left
00:08:51.200 which feels really stupid and is in some ways but it actually completely broke the experience on tablet and mobile
00:08:57.120 um and it was actually really great that we got to have that conversation about what we
00:09:02.560 wanted to do about it like almost immediately as opposed to having it once people had sort of like emotionally
00:09:08.160 invested in putting all this effort into it and then even if we had done this later because we're
00:09:14.000 deploying everything in such small stages we could have just reverted that one tiny part of this design instead of reverting
00:09:20.480 the entire design in general so in this particular case we decided to move forward with some small
00:09:26.399 tweaks because we had already prioritized a mobile-only version of this page anyway
00:09:31.920 but if we hadn't we we really could have made the best decision for the product instead of like getting people's
00:09:37.680 emotions involved so the next thing we did is change the pricing so part of incremental design is really
00:09:43.760 about having these reusable components of design that can sort of float throughout the site and can be reused
00:09:49.200 everywhere so this pricing is actually used on the home page the table of contents billing
00:09:55.519 people subscribing and paying us so it was really important that we do it in a super isolated way and that the user
00:10:00.959 have a really consistent experience around our pricing so the next thing we did was just move
00:10:07.519 the nav to the top and so this set a precedent of like where our sub navs were going to be in general in the site
00:10:14.720 and you also may or may not notice that the bottom half of the rail is a lighter gray which i know just hurts savannah's
00:10:21.040 heart but she let us do it anyway i will um i think a big part of this is like
00:10:26.720 some of the pieces from a design perspective like doesn't don't always look perfect and that is painful but
00:10:33.120 like realistically will your users notice and like this i think was maybe live for a day um so
00:10:40.720 you really have to think about like what's best for your product versus like oh well i'm a designer and this is beautiful or like oh this is exactly how
00:10:47.920 i want it because it's not really about you um so we kind of moved on and we let
00:10:53.440 this happen and the next step was obviously to fix the things that were kind of like painting our hearts
00:10:59.440 so we updated that and we also added an internal navigation okay so if you remember this was like
00:11:05.680 our visual ideal um and this is where we ended that
00:11:10.880 project and that's okay from a design perspective having these conversations and like really understanding like
00:11:16.800 product decisions and prioritization we knew that like one we don't need to reskin these social
00:11:22.399 buttons because we're like not really pushing social right now or like we can come back to this design if we get to a
00:11:28.800 point where we want to make these fine-tuning things but we have bigger fish to fry so we're going to go ahead
00:11:33.920 with that but basically what this process is is like this feedback review loop
00:11:40.800 and anytime design starts a project we start involving development immediately so we
00:11:47.760 get a design request we start gathering requirements we think about what we need
00:11:52.800 to accomplish and then as soon as we have like wireframes or options we bring in development and we ask kind of two
00:11:59.040 questions one being is this possible and because we work with awesome developers
00:12:04.079 the answer is usually yes but i think the smarter more important question is is this possible in the
00:12:10.560 timeline that you're actually going to have and the answer to that is often no but there are little tweaky things that
00:12:17.360 we can do to our design to make it functional immediately so one thing is we'll maybe have many
00:12:23.440 options that we can talk about and figure out what would be the easiest thing to do and on top of that it's just like
00:12:29.519 relying on developer knowledge to really get um the most effective end product and we're happy with that because then
00:12:35.920 we know that our designs are actually going to become live and then we pass it off and so once we get it if possible we
00:12:42.639 actually build the feature with our existing styles with without changing anything or very little and then we
00:12:49.519 go over to the designer and say what do you think of this what's the priority what should we change maybe it's fine maybe it's not
00:12:55.760 and often we kind of cut out some work by just doing that and it also sort of makes sure that everything is consistent
00:13:02.880 and then regardless of whether we use existing styles or not we always check in with design before
00:13:08.399 we commit our code and do a pull request and deploy and unlike a major redesign where you have this like 75 minute
00:13:14.959 conversation and get like 85 million tweaks on the page these are literally like five minutes or less and it's
00:13:20.320 usually like can you just move that over 10 pixels or whatever um and so they're usually pretty straightforward and the
00:13:26.079 more that we do this process the shorter those reviews become because everybody's kind of on the same page and you're
00:13:31.600 building trust yeah okay so what are some like weird unique
00:13:37.040 things that we do in our design process um we actually are a little bit ideal at
00:13:42.560 how about we i think because we had a young design team that was created after the
00:13:48.079 product was already out there but i think aligning yourself with development is kind of a huge deal and as a designer
00:13:54.560 i've never like even if i know about the agile process or i know that you work on sprints like i'm not fully aware of all
00:14:00.880 the like little pieces of that so actually what we do at how about we is we use sprints reviews and retros in our
00:14:07.680 design process so as a design team we work on one week sprints and the developers actually work on
00:14:14.639 two-week sprints but the idea of having sprints and like understanding how to organize your work in that way
00:14:20.880 really helps understand how development happens we even do estimation so
00:14:26.720 we might have 10 projects a week and we assign them like their importance so it's not exactly the same but it's like
00:14:33.760 in the same system so we're understanding a little bit more how you can prioritize your work and having
00:14:39.199 these one-week sprints really allows you to bring in these reviews think about like when you can include people at the right
00:14:45.839 time and not stressing yourself and kind of maximizing on what's best for
00:14:51.040 your creative process and then finally i mean we talked about reviews but retros are a big thing for us too kind
00:14:57.680 of like talking about this process because we don't want to make it feel like a chore like it should just feel like a conversation and it shouldn't be
00:15:04.560 like oh i have to check in with development right now or else they're going to hate me forever um it's just
00:15:10.240 like a very like ongoing thing but if there is something that we can improve we do like to improve it
00:15:16.639 absolutely okay so from a development perspective there are a couple things that we've added to our development
00:15:22.959 process to make this a little easier and a little smoother and the first thing is that we got really strict about our
00:15:28.639 styles if we get a design we often do a lot of pushback like designers really have to
00:15:33.759 think about adding new colors because we're going to fight with them if they want to do it and
00:15:39.680 all of that is just to make sure that you're adding styles because you really need them and that things are kind of
00:15:45.279 global and consistent throughout the site and that everybody's on the same page and the way that we really make that happen is that we have style guides
00:15:52.800 so we have an html style guide that is available to design and development it uses our real style sheets it exists in
00:15:59.279 our app so it's up to date with everything that's happening in our app
00:16:04.560 which is nice for everybody to see it has our colors our fonts our grids everything i mean you guys probably have
00:16:10.480 experienced the psd style guide and if you have then you know that it's like never up to date and no one has
00:16:17.360 time to keep it up to date and if something changes like it just it stays wrong so that's just bad especially for
00:16:25.120 designers because we're like oh well it's not in the style guide anyways so um but yeah i think it's a great tool to
00:16:31.680 have because it is living breathing and right and then we also have a code style
00:16:37.680 guide which is actually on our github account if you want to see it but it just goes over our agreed upon practices
00:16:43.600 for staff sas and our views and all of this is really just about making sure that everybody starts out on
00:16:49.600 the same page like they're all evolving and living breathing things but everyone starts from the same page and if you
00:16:54.720 want to change it like we have a conversation about it so that everybody is always like in the same place
00:17:00.800 the other thing that we did is that we moved to semantic markup and this actually made a huge difference
00:17:08.160 on a variety of levels the first one i just think looking at this it's a lot clearer just going into your view understanding
00:17:14.559 what's happening here you're not you don't have like the mental clutter of having all the design classes everywhere
00:17:22.240 it also makes enforcing global styles much easier because if you make a change
00:17:27.679 you don't have to go into every file that's referencing that class and change it and probably miss something
00:17:33.679 instead like you just change it in your sas and you're done so
00:17:39.440 obviously one of the main things that we use to make this happen is you have to generate your css we use sas you could
00:17:45.520 use less it doesn't really matter in addition to like the niceties of all of this i think one of the big things
00:17:51.679 about this is that you can start to look at your css as code and think about the same questions
00:17:57.360 that you ask about your ruby code like is this maintainable is this clear does this make sense can i reuse this
00:18:02.880 component somewhere all of those questions you can start asking because you can use some of the basic constructs
00:18:08.720 of an actual programming language so we use variables pretty extensively
00:18:14.799 and one thing to notice about this is that the name of the variables is about their meaning and not their value
00:18:20.559 so we started off with like font size 22 and then we needed to change it to 23.
00:18:26.080 so then you either have to go into everywhere that's referencing font size 22 which was a class and change it to 23
00:18:33.520 which again has like you're probably going to miss something and screw something up
00:18:38.640 or we change 22 to mean 23 which is bad for obvious reasons so instead we move
00:18:43.679 to a system like this which has been really great the designers totally know what all of our sizes are and we
00:18:50.160 actually changed our sizes again and were able to change them through the system and it was
00:18:55.520 almost painless yeah we actually um we initially had converted our own phones
00:19:00.640 to web fonts and that was pretty terrible with rendering so we did an upgrade on two of our fonts to be actual
00:19:07.600 web design phones and that just changed your entire baseline of your font so it was crazy i mean like every single piece
00:19:14.960 of font on our type on our site needed to be adjusted
00:19:20.000 and i think the other nice thing about this is having like a very small number of fonts that you can use for both of
00:19:25.039 your typefaces or however many you have because you shouldn't have 15 just because you have different type
00:19:31.520 that's just bad and weird and hard to remember what to use for what font and the other thing is um you don't just
00:19:38.640 have to have global variables so we use variables a lot that are scoped within classes for things like nav height so
00:19:44.880 something that is like 51 pixels first of all you're putting it near the top you're giving it meaning for someone who
00:19:50.240 comes back and looks at it but it also means if you change that everything that's offset by that that has a margin
00:19:55.679 based on that is immediately fixed so the next sort of kodish component is
00:20:02.400 that we use mixins really extensively and we prefer them in general over extends
00:20:07.679 and part of this is like this is a function which means that we can make changes to this and we can
00:20:14.960 inject this as sort of a composable object and like thinking about composition
00:20:21.440 anywhere in our css that we want so this is a separator that we use basically everywhere we use it on our modals we
00:20:26.880 use it on almost every page and this makes it really easy just to have that style consistent and we can
00:20:32.480 just include it in whatever class that we need to include it in okay so going back to our couple's site
00:20:39.919 um these are some of our dates there's like a beer and mussels date there's a gaming night a whiskey tasting this
00:20:46.080 really cute peanut butter date that comes with a heart-shaped peanut butter sandwich for you and your partner
00:20:52.720 and these have our dual pricing that savannah mentioned earlier but as you can see it's a little bit more complex
00:20:57.840 than that we have some members only dates members get one free date a month and
00:21:03.440 also if you booked it you see the price that you paid dates can be sold out they can be expired you can obviously be a
00:21:10.080 subscriber or not but also your partner could be a subscriber which means we treat you like a subscriber except when
00:21:16.000 it comes to your credit card because not everybody is you know at the place where they're sharing credit cards
00:21:21.679 but um the point is we wanted to reuse this component and there was just a lot of complexity on it we started with a view
00:21:28.559 that looks something like this there's ternary operators to determine classes there's a lot of if statements and you
00:21:34.240 just come into this and you're like what the is going on i have no idea um and so part of this is really about
00:21:39.679 getting your logic out of your views so we started with this 41 lines of code and we got it down to five
00:21:47.039 and i think just in terms of clarity like you understand what's happening i'm in the pricing control there's a pricing definition there are details there's a
00:21:53.840 status it just kind of makes sense and we obviously use helpers and decorators
00:21:58.880 pretty extensively we lean more towards decorators but you could do the same things with helpers
00:22:05.440 and one of the first things that we started doing was generating classes and this started because like members
00:22:10.880 only something was floated or like if it was sold out it was booked or whatever i mean it was gray
00:22:17.360 and um so we we wanted to just generate that and be able to test that logic and do it
00:22:24.080 in a really conscientious maintainable clear way but we also did things like there were
00:22:29.440 places where there was a free class that was only on the copy and we actually moved it up to sort of the top level
00:22:35.120 pricing div and part of what this started to feel more and more like is thinking of that
00:22:40.799 dom object as an actual object with state that those classes are about the state of that date and the permutations
00:22:48.240 and how it interacts with the user and all of those things and then you can take that same idea and speak to
00:22:53.760 designers and they understand because the state is booked and the user is not subscribed and what does it look like in that state and then we can let the css
00:23:01.360 do its thing and cascade down that dom object and more and more this gave us a lot of
00:23:07.760 flexibility to make changes without changing our markup especially for design where we want to
00:23:13.120 like emphasize certain things or change things as we like learn more about our product and what our users need so it's
00:23:20.159 a really great global way that we can understand design and we don't have to design every state all of the time
00:23:26.640 because we really don't have time for that and all of the markup is consistent across all of the states it's really
00:23:32.480 about the css which changes the visual indicators so you can also use this technique and we do
00:23:38.720 successfully for copy as well as any html attributes at least in hamel you can just pass it a hash we use that a
00:23:45.120 lot for forms for analytics tracking for things like popping a sign in modal
00:23:50.400 and all of that is great but really what you're doing is creating really encapsulated isolated components that you can test by themselves so when you
00:23:57.919 do a view test you're basically at least in our spec you're getting a string of html and you're doing a bunch
00:24:03.679 of regex on it it's not a particularly like isolated or precision way to test
00:24:08.880 the logic in your code and now we're testing it very in a very limited scope in the
00:24:14.720 correct scope with context that we know and understand sort of like the basic
00:24:20.240 why you do tdd and how to do it well um the other thing that we do is encapsulate things into partials which
00:24:27.120 is obvious we all use partials they're great um and i think it's really obvious to encapsulate things when things repeat
00:24:32.960 consistent consistently or there's like a lot of complexity around it but if you think of our price it's
00:24:38.559 actually kind of simple right like there's a title and there's the price and that's it but we have this complexity around it
00:24:45.679 like do we display it twice if it's if it's the dual pricing if it's members only or booked we only display it once
00:24:51.760 if it's free we don't display it at all so what we did is we moved that very simple definition list markup
00:24:59.120 into a partial and then we move the logic around when to render it into our decorator method
00:25:05.200 and i think this is something to think about like where is there repetition that maybe isn't quite so obvious or is
00:25:11.360 happening a variable number of times or the thing that's repeating is really simple but it actually like makes your code
00:25:17.840 harder to understand and harder to maintain and less clear and all of this is really
00:25:23.679 about sort of an unattainable goal that i've been thinking about which is can you move all your design changes
00:25:28.960 just into css can your markup be about your model and your content and displaying that and then having the
00:25:34.960 design and the visual indicators and making things pretty which is obviously really important but
00:25:40.000 can it happen just in css because that's really what css is good at right
00:25:46.559 yeah and i think that if you're constantly changing your brand or like learning from your design decisions you
00:25:52.640 do want something that's global and that can be easily changed and updated and
00:25:58.559 made better um so you may have had a reaction to this
00:26:03.600 and it may have thought it was awesome or the worst thing in the whole world and we sort of had both of those
00:26:09.200 reactions from some of our teammates and i think most of the challenges are kind of emotional there's something like
00:26:15.279 that feels really antithetical to the way that we're taught how to do our jobs about this
00:26:21.200 and the one that i think affects developers more than designers is this is stupid it's stupid to move something
00:26:26.400 from the right to the left um and it kind of is but like on the other hand how awesome is it that
00:26:32.320 you have a story that's like so stupid and trivial that you can do it right now and then you just keep doing that and you've deployed like 12 different things
00:26:39.520 in one day and also we saw how it actually totally was a huge deal and ruined the
00:26:44.960 experience and that allowed us to you know stop right then make a decision about what we were going to do about
00:26:50.960 that problem because we all know that browsers are difficult
00:26:56.640 and also it meant that you know we could just revert that very small change
00:27:02.320 so it's stupid but it's good stupid and of course design is like this is a
00:27:08.400 little bit ugly like i don't understand like i know you're really smart and i know you're good at your job and why
00:27:13.520 can't you just fix this in like five seconds for me and i think it's about understanding that you don't want to
00:27:18.960 block a deploy and even though it's ugly for like five minutes in the grand scheme of things is it worth it to like
00:27:25.679 make a fuss over this and wouldn't you rather make your product consistently better versus like
00:27:31.760 dragging your feet on a font size or a color or something weird like that and really really like major redesigns
00:27:39.279 usually end up pretty ugly like you're pretty dejected afterwards in some cases
00:27:44.559 maybe you're not but i think that the design often feels a little bit broken because you have to
00:27:50.799 make quick changes or you have to like make compromise um so in the end if you can just feel more
00:27:57.279 a part of that process and you can like understand it a little bit better then it's worth the ugliness for five minutes
00:28:04.240 right and i think that a really good thing to think about is like in our magical heads major
00:28:11.200 redesigns and these other techniques turn out perfect but like in reality they don't turn out perfect i've never
00:28:16.399 experienced them turn out perfect and so part of this process is about kind of accepting that reality and going
00:28:22.640 with it instead of working against it and really like getting everybody on the same team and so i think at like a fundamental
00:28:29.360 level what we're talking about is creating a conversation between designers and developers and making it so
00:28:34.799 it's designers and developers and not designers versus developers and creating this environment of
00:28:40.720 collaboration and the realization that you're all really working towards the same goal which is creating a really awesome product and making a really
00:28:47.760 awesome business and i think kind of the secondary part of this which is just as important if
00:28:54.000 not more important is that you're creating a conversation between you and your users if you're constantly pushing
00:28:59.440 out new changes and new features and updating design we do a lot of user testing so taking
00:29:05.520 the feedback that we get from those sessions and like improving our products then the money that our users pay every
00:29:12.640 month towards us is actually for a reason and they're not sitting there paying for something for six months that
00:29:18.000 never changes or never gets better and they're really like oh hey like these things
00:29:23.600 are improving and they're not improving like all at once on me so i like don't know how to use the site that i come to
00:29:29.200 every day but they're like a smooth transition into a better um more improved experience
00:29:35.600 and i think facebook might be the best example of why it's bad to make huge changes on your users
00:29:42.320 and since we're subscription based like we can't have our users creating facebook groups about how much they hate our site right so
00:29:48.960 it's really about giving them this extra level of value and this really visible amount of value
00:29:54.799 especially when they're paying you monthly okay so now we would like to have a conversation with you
00:30:00.720 about this process and making design changes so you can get in touch with us on the internet
00:30:06.000 or grab us afterwards or we're happy to take any questions
00:30:24.720 um we've actually done both so we've a b tested small changes um
00:30:31.120 it tends to depend where they are and the reasons for the design so we've had design and future changes that
00:30:37.360 are more like organizational like we need to do this because there's a scaling issue or because customer service is getting this huge influx of
00:30:44.080 issue all right thank you very much
00:31:27.039 you