Isomorphic web programming in Ruby
Yoh Osaki • September 08, 2016 • Kyoto, Japan • Japanese • Talk

Last year at RubyKaigi, I introduced Hyalite, a virtual DOM implemented in Ruby.
Hyalite allows Rubyists to write front and back-end code in Ruby, an approach that has proven to provide many benefits. Using a single language across an application stack is sometimes referred to as isomorphic programming.
This talk introduces a new framework for isomorphic programming with the Opal: Menilite.
Menilite shares model code between the server side and the client side by marshalling objects and storing them in the database automatically.
As a result, code duplication is reduced and APIs are no longer a necessity.
Isomorphic programming can significantly accelerate your progress on a project; I sincerely hope you find it helpful in developing web applications.
Menilite aims to expand the playing field for the Ruby language, a language optimized for developer happiness. I'm sure you will agree that we will find even more happiness by bringing Ruby to the front-end as well.

Yoh Osaki, @youchan
Software engineer at Ubiregi inc. Author of Hyalite which is react like virtual DOM library. Member of Asakusa.rb, Chidoriashi.rb

RubyKaigi 2016

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