
It's All About Respect!

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Open-Source is driven by innovation from the people. Controversial ideas often change the way software developers write software. It can be a tedious, awkward task to promote, develop and maintain such projects. But in the end of the day it feels just great, doesn't it?

wroc_love.rb 2012

00:00:14.099 Hello, everyone! I'm excited to be here.
00:00:24.600 I got a remote control, which means I can come to you guys and speak while switching my slides.
00:00:30.180 How do you like that? Not bad for someone not from Wroclaw, right?
00:00:38.399 So, this is another talk I have to give.
00:00:43.440 In the morning, I usually worry about what's wrong with my slides, and today is no different.
00:00:51.920 They may not be the way they should be, but anyway, let's carry on.
00:00:56.940 I had a condition not to drink too much yesterday.
00:01:03.660 Oh!
00:01:13.500 Oh my God, it's in German, yes!
00:01:19.920 Maybe one day I'll get a Mac and everything will work out of the box.
00:01:26.460 Then I can use the nice remote control you provided. But I’ll stop ranting about Apple, right?
00:01:39.060 Yesterday, I planned not to drink too much.
00:01:44.400 Of course, that didn't work out because I'm in Poland, and people here are incredibly friendly.
00:01:49.560 I’m going to speak about that in the next 45 minutes.
00:01:55.680 Here’s a picture of my mother. Isn't she nice?
00:02:02.700 When I attend conferences, she always tells me, 'Son, I'm so proud of you!'
00:02:09.420 She sees me as a speaker, a smart guy on stage talking about technical stuff.
00:02:17.640 And yes, I introduce software concepts and things to a room full of smart people.
00:02:24.239 I’m talking about you guys.
00:02:31.500 While the conferences often involve technical discussions,
00:02:37.260 what I really appreciate is the social aspect.
00:02:43.620 I enjoy having fun and connecting with people.
00:02:50.700 Conferences can be a lot of fun, and that's what I cherish.
00:02:56.099 However, my mother always worries when I return because I drink too much.
00:03:02.160 I don't talk about great lectures on event machines.
00:03:07.260 Instead, I say, 'Hey, there was a fantastic after-party!'
00:03:12.420 So she's always concerned about my health, thinking I'm becoming an alcoholic.
00:03:18.599 But it’s not true; I’m not an alcoholic, right?
00:03:28.640 I have told my mother I’m not an alcoholic, but she doesn’t believe me.
00:03:35.819 As I mentioned, I really enjoy attending conferences.
00:03:41.879 I love the social interactions, talking to people, and engaging.
00:03:47.819 We often discuss beers, hobbies, and what interests us in our free time.
00:03:53.400 By the way, where's Alex? Ah, you have a seat, my friend.
00:04:05.819 Who was at the Uruka conference last year?
00:04:13.080 Are many planning on going this year?
00:04:18.959 Are we seeing the same crowd as last year?
00:04:25.560 I occasionally cough because of the cold Polish weather.
00:04:32.040 I just arrived from South Africa, so it's pretty different!
00:04:37.919 What I really love about software conferences is how people interact.
00:04:43.440 You can go to a bar at one o'clock in the morning,
00:04:48.780 and people are still seriously discussing software.
00:04:56.460 They’re passionately immersed, yet maintain respect for one another.
00:05:02.280 Even if disagreements arise, they handle it respectfully.
00:05:07.979 That's what I truly admire about Ruby conferences.
00:05:15.060 There’s so much respect within the Ruby community.
00:05:20.520 We have celebrities in our community, like Tom Preston-Werner, the founder of GitHub.
00:05:27.479 He’s a millionaire, and you think, 'Wow, that's him!'
00:05:34.199 However, in the Ruby community, there's no hierarchy.
00:05:40.139 People are friendly, enjoy talking, and love drinking.
00:05:47.220 I recall an event in Texas at a Ruby conference where we had a lot of fun.
00:05:53.759 One lesson I learned from attending several Ruby conferences is this:
00:06:01.560 We don't treat people as celebrities; instead, we share respect for one another.
00:06:08.100 I once saw a sign in a tram in South Africa: 'Just greet each other and smile'.
00:06:13.800 That taught me so much about earning respect from others.
00:06:21.900 We already had this experience at the Ruby conference.
00:06:27.479 There's a person some consider a celebrity, but he would greet everyone with a smile.
00:06:39.000 So, remember, to be respectful, just greet each other and smile.
00:06:46.520 My first trip to Poland taught me valuable lessons about respect.
00:06:51.539 My first conference in Poland was Rupai in Poznan back in 2009.
00:06:57.919 Who was there at that conference? How did you like it?
00:07:07.639 I enjoyed it a lot!
00:07:12.000 It was my first trip to beautiful Poland.
00:07:17.340 This picture is actually from EuRuKo in Krakow.
00:07:19.380 Sorry for the confusion.
00:07:22.460 Hey guys, you're late!
00:07:27.620 Can you see anything on the slides?
00:07:34.199 So, what happened at my first conference in Poland?
00:07:45.180 I felt warmly welcomed, instantly having beers, and going out to bars.
00:07:52.740 We went to a bar called 'Czechtown' here in Wroclaw.
00:07:59.940 I got a bit drunk trying to be a good guest.
00:08:06.120 The next day, I had to give a talk feeling quite under the weather.
00:08:12.599 It was tough since I ended up sick after the fun.
00:08:18.180 That's the person who welcomed me to Poland; he showed me a typical Polish breakfast.
00:08:25.260 After enjoying breakfast and feeling nauseous, I became an honored citizen of Wroclaw.
00:08:31.020 Thank you very much! This was a wonderful experience, and you're a fantastic audience.
00:08:38.220 Since my first visit, I've returned to Poland many times because I love it here.
00:08:45.539 Poland is beautiful, and the people are incredibly hospitable.
00:08:52.920 I've been to Krakow, where hospitality is abundant.
00:09:01.080 During one visit, my friends invited me to dinner at a Mediterranean restaurant.
00:09:06.900 One friend, Bart, even gave me socks because I didn’t have enough.
00:09:14.520 Polish people are so friendly, giving me vodka as well.
00:09:20.160 We played a game in Krakow where you had to eat fruit from a big spoon.
00:09:27.720 If you could get it in your mouth in one go, you won.
00:09:31.740 I had tough competition, but I succeeded and became a celebrator.
00:09:39.360 My slides may be dark, but I’ll try to turn my laptop around.
00:09:44.300 My blog tagline is 'Respecting Local Traditions since 1981'.
00:09:50.880 This idea was born when I was in Poland and learned to respect local customs.
00:10:02.220 Someone offered me vodka, and I said, 'Of course, I will respect local traditions!'