Lorin Thwaits

Lightning Talk: From a spreadsheet to a Rails app in 5 minutes

Lightning Talk: From a spreadsheet to a Rails app in 5 minutes

by Lorin Thwaits

In this lightning talk, Lorin Thwaits presents a live coding demonstration on transforming a spreadsheet into a Rails application in just five minutes. The session aims to simplify the developer experience by showcasing how to quickly scaffold a Rails application using existing databases without needing to create files manually.

Key Points Discussed:
- Live Coding Setup: Lorin initiates a new Rails 7 application named 'friendly RB' with PostgreSQL as the database driver without bundling files initially.
- Using Existing Database: He demonstrates importing the old Northwind database as the application's database, highlighting the ease of integrating existing data into the Rails framework.
- Dynamic Model Generation: As the application scaffolds, it inspects the database to create models and controllers dynamically. If needed files are missing, it offers suggestions to create models with foreign keys and associations.
- CRUD Operations: The application enables full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations out of the box, providing a free admin panel utilizing the existing database.
- Integration with Avo: Lorin discusses integrating the Avo gem to enhance the application's interface, which offers additional resource management without manual file creation. With Avo installed, the orders screen in the app is visually updated to include Avo features.
- API Documentation with R Swag: To extend the functionality, Lorin adds the R Swag UI gem for documenting API endpoints, enabling easy generation of Swagger documentation for RESTful services.
- Encouragement to Explore Documentation: He emphasizes the importance of good documentation and encourages viewers to utilize the comprehensive resources available to understand the tools discussed more thoroughly.

This presentation illustrates how to adeptly transition data from existing sources into a functional Rails application quickly and efficiently. Lorin emphasizes the ease of building out services that not only meet development needs but also simplify the prototyping and documentation processes. Overall, the key takeaway is that developers can leverage existing databases and modern gems like Avo and R Swag to streamline their workflow and enhance application capabilities with minimal overhead.

00:00:05.520 It has been a lot of fun! What it does is automatically scaffold out, in RAM only—not in files—models, views, controllers, and routes. This is beneficial for extending an existing application. For instance, you can create some tables, and it'll actually work. You can also take an existing database, which is what I will show today. I'll start with something you already have on hand. Let's say you're considering rewiring an existing application, maybe from a PHP project or something else, into Rails to give it some fresh blood.
00:00:30.240 We will create a new Rails 7 application called 'friendly RB.' Use PostgreSQL as the driver, and then we will not bundle yet. When building out the file set, we'll head to the friendly RB folder. Let's make it friendly by editing the gem file a little.
00:00:44.160 We will throw in that gem. This is a live coding demonstration. Everything you see today will be fresh live coding. It's all about getting this set up in size using PostgreSQL, which you can put anywhere you want.
00:01:12.600 Now that we have a starting point, we’ll bundle everything up. I have a database that I have started off with just a few tables. Does anyone remember the old Northwind database that Microsoft put together back in 1995 for Excel? We will use that as our database instead of 'friendly RB development'—it's now Northwind.
00:01:40.440 After bundling, everything is in place without doing anything else; no files have been created related to any models or anything else. However, it knows what's going on. It has inspected the database and actually works with it. When I want to see what orders look like, I can just go to Localhost slash orders.
00:02:04.360 As I was typing, it tried to find the corresponding files, intercepting site work stuff and letting it do what it does. However, if it's not there, it suggests that it has an option to solve the issue. So, it created an orders model without any foreign keys. It also made an orders controller.
00:02:42.040 As there is an absence of those files out there, that's cool, but I want the foreign keys! You can create an initializer file for Brick, and within that file, you can specify the foreign keys you would like. Given that I already have the Northwind database, it interrogated the database to find probable foreign keys I might want to use.
00:03:05.440 Scrolling down through the initializer file, it automatically built out a set of commented possible additional references—these are the foreign keys. I definitely want these, so I’ll save that change out and then rerun our Rails server.
00:03:29.200 At this point, it doesn't look a lot different yet until we open the application and refresh. Previously, it just had numerical foreign keys, which weren’t hooked up correctly. However, after the refresh, it now knows about the belongs to and has many relationships.
00:04:02.840 You can now perform full CRUD operations on various records in the database. Essentially, this creates an admin panel for free, without any files being associated. The next step is to interrogate an existing database that you care about, so by putting this against a fresh new Rails project, you can determine how everything associates.
00:04:38.960 Since Adrien invited me, I would like to give him some love. His Avo project is great! I will go ahead and include the Avo gem as well, which I think will be version 2.4 of his projects. Since Brick likes to integrate with other admin panels, it can automatically build the resource files for you.
00:05:00.040 Let’s execute 'bin rails g Avo install' to create the initializer from his project. Now, let’s run another 'bin rails s' command. Before, the orders screen looked a certain way. After refreshing, it now displays a little Avo icon, indicating that the Avo gem built out the resource files that you would normally have to scaffold manually.
00:05:43.960 Now with Avo up and running, you can quickly prototype things. I’ll show one last thing, as there is a lot more going on than what we’ve covered, and this is only scratching the surface. The great documentation we just witnessed is very helpful. I am also a proponent of good documentation, so in that spirit, we will add the R Swag UI gem.
00:06:26.800 Just adding that gem is enough for the system to understand that you likely want API endpoints documented. Once we bundle with the R Swag UI gem, it will provide hints as it starts up. We will need to put the necessary stuff in an initializer and include it in our routes.
00:06:41.640 Now that it’s started up, it provides hints to indicate that your endpoints are available. If you want to quickly establish RESTful APIs, this is the way to do it. Now, we can navigate to the API docs index, and just like that, Swagger documentation is available.
00:07:06.320 There are a lot more features, including the ability to create versioned API services based on views. If the naming convention for the views follows a specific pattern, you can easily make adjustments in one version without affecting the others. This process is simple and intuitive, so I encourage everyone to read the documentation. Thank you all very much! This has been about Brick. I hope you enjoyed the presentation.