Brandon Shar

Lightning Talk: Inertia.js for Rails

Lightning Talk: Inertia.js for Rails

by Brandon Shar

In this Lightning Talk at RailsConf 2021, Brandon Shar introduces the concept of Inertia.js, a tool designed to simplify the process of creating single-page applications (SPAs) using Ruby on Rails. He highlights the shift in modern web development, which now demands greater interactivity and responsiveness in web applications, akin to SPAs. However, building SPAs often introduces complexities such as the need for separate APIs and front-end routing, which can detract from the seamless experience Rails developers are accustomed to.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Introduction to Inertia.js: Inertia allows developers to create SPAs while retaining the familiar Rails architecture, including Rails controllers and routing, but using modern JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue on the frontend.

  • Comparison with Hotwire: The video discusses Hotwire's approach, which emphasizes reducing JavaScript usage by sending HTML over the wire. In contrast, Inertia caters to developers who prefer to work with JavaScript frameworks.

  • Simplification of SPA Development: Shar explains that with Inertia, developers do not need to create separate APIs, manage complex global state, or use front-end routing, thus keeping the traditional MVC pattern intact but enhanced with modern JavaScript capabilities.

  • Demonstration with a Sample App: The speaker showcases a simplified Twitter clone app that demonstrates Inertia's capabilities. The app allows users to perform actions like writing, deleting, and liking tweets without experiencing full page reloads.

  • Extending Functionality: He illustrates adding a user profile feature, highlighting how routing and data management remain intuitive. The use of the Inertia renderer streamlines data passing between the backend and frontend.

  • Future Learnings: Shar concludes with an invitation for viewers to learn more about Inertia through an upcoming video series, promising to dive deeper into setup, testing, and data management aspects of the framework.

Overall, Brandon Shar’s presentation underscores the efficiency and simplicity Inertia brings to Rails applications aiming for SPA-like interactivity, presenting a strong alternative for developers enthusiastic about utilizing modern JavaScript.

00:00:05.220 All right, hello there! I'm Brandon Shar, a developer at Bellawat, which is an awesome company focused on building user-friendly software for the energy industry. In my capacity there, I'm part of the team that built and maintains the Inertia for Rails gem. I want to take a moment to give credit to the initial creator of Inertia, as both the original Laravel version and all of the frontend packages were created or maintained by Jonathan Reinink, who is a top-notch guy and has been a great help as we built the Rails version of his concept.
00:00:22.619 So, what is Inertia, and why would I want to use it? I think it would help to introduce it in the vein of a very similar concept that we've heard a lot about this week: Hotwire. We all recognize that modern web development has changed and now requires increasing amounts of reactivity. Applications that can accept a full page load between every new action and have limited user feedback are becoming few and far between.
00:00:40.079 If you've ever used a single-page app, you'd probably agree that the user experience is excellent. However, if you've ever built one, you may not have had that same experience. A single-page app requires you to write a separate API, use front-end routing to recreate browser features, and manage increasingly complex data situations.
00:01:04.080 With a Rails app, we used to always know that every page load would bring us the freshest data the database had to offer. With a single-page app, that's not a given. So now we have to manage these new state issues and introduce even more libraries, like Redux, Vue, and GraphQL. Both Hotwire and Inertia saw this as a problem, but they differ in how they solved it.
00:01:27.479 Hotwire said, let's write as little JavaScript as possible and move to sending HTML over the wire. That’s an awesome solution for a lot of people. But at least for me, and I'm sure for some of you, I thought: hang on! I like writing React components, I like Vue, and I like Svelte. I want to go back to a simpler way of app development too, but I don't want to give up on that JavaScript.
00:01:45.600 As DHH mentioned in his keynote, different languages, different patterns, and different frameworks fit people differently. For me, React, Vue, and Svelte are great ways to write and reason about front-end code. And this is where Inertia comes in. Inertia allows you to write performant single-page applications using a Rails backend—Rails controllers and Rails routing that you're used to—but with React, Vue, or Svelte on the front end.
00:02:10.380 There's no need for APIs, no front-end routing, and no global state—just the same MVC approach you prefer, but with modern JavaScript on the front end. To illustrate that, let's check out a quick app. This is just a very typical, generic, simplified Twitter clone.
00:02:30.900 We can write a tweet, delete our own tweets, scroll to view tweets, like or unlike a tweet, view replies to tweets, and write a reply. You can see that this performs like a single-page app; there is no page reload and these toggles work right on the page. The cool thing about this is that there is only one piece of state in this entire app, which is the text box for this little bit of validation.
00:02:56.459 So, how does that work? The best way to show this is to add a quick feature. If you click on a picture of a user, right now we just filter their tweets; instead, let's send us to a user profile page. So, we'll change the user image to link to users slash the user ID. How do we make that work? Well, we do it the same way we always have: we add a route to our user show and go over to our user controller and implement the show method.
00:03:36.060 The only difference is that instead of letting Rails automatically render a view for us, we're going to use the Inertia renderer, which asks us to provide the name of a component. When we click this, we end up at a new page, a new page that looks like this. This is obviously a super simple example, so we'll use a little bit of cooking show magic to put in some more markup.
00:03:59.700 All this does is show a user image, display tweets the user sent, show tweets the user liked, and some props that we need to make that work. If I do this, the page is going to break. Why is that? Where do these props come from? Well, they come from the same place they always have. How have we always gotten data down to the view? Via the controller.
00:04:27.300 So now we have our same render function; we just had to give it a hash of props. After refreshing, we end up in this new page with everything we just asked for. We're in the exact same responsive world we were before, the same single-page app, and now we've added a new page.
00:04:50.820 So that is it! That is as much Inertia as I can possibly tell you about in five minutes. I am planning a short video series that will dive a lot deeper into this, including a ton more info about the layout setup, how do we test this, how did that current user prop show up—clearly, I didn't put that in the route—and a whole lot more.
00:05:12.020 So if you're interested, let me know. Once again, I'm Brandon Shar. Thank you very much for watching! I will be on Discord.