User Interface (UI)

Lightning Talk: Keep Calm and Stay in VOIP Context

Ruby Unconf 2019

00:00:06.729 Hi, my name is Yevhenii Yevtushenko. I'm a software web developer at HomeDay, and here's my story about how I helped our CRM agents stay in context during their job.
00:00:11.120 Every client-oriented system usually faces the issue of handling calls from clients. HomeDay faced this issue as well. HomeDay is a real estate platform that helps realtors manage their appointments, close deals, and assist clients in getting better prices.
00:00:15.440 At HomeDay, we needed a good CRM platform for real estate agents. Agents often call our support team, which means we needed a system to effectively handle those calls.
00:00:20.949 This brings us to VoIP, or Voice over IP. The problem was that calls were usually handled by a system similar to ZipGate, where you have a separate window open alongside your main application.
00:00:26.390 When you receive a call, you accept it within that separate window and then switch back to your main application to fill in the details. This constant switching of context was cumbersome. We wanted to research a solution that would allow agents to remain within a single window of their application while handling calls, avoiding the need to toggle between systems like ZipGate.
00:01:09.630 We aimed to find an existing solution that could streamline this process, ultimately settling on a solution utilizing TML, or TML (Telephony Markup Language). TML is a simple markup language that helps you specify actions in response to VoIP events. For instance, it specifies what to do when you receive calls or SMS messages within your application, connecting VoIP actions to specific endpoints.
00:01:53.120 The configuration is user-friendly, as you just need to define the endpoint that TML should call when certain actions occur, such as receiving a call. I’ll now show a demo of the system we built leveraging TML. In our CRM system, when a call is received, it pops up in the bottom left corner of the screen, displaying the current client in context.
00:02:27.920 The agent can accept the call or grab it from the queue. Once on the call, the agent remains in the same window where they have all the details about the real estate. They can navigate through different tabs to find necessary information during the call. For example, if they need to note the renovation date during the conversation, they can do so without switching contexts.
00:03:00.770 Once the call concludes, our requirement is for agents to finalize the call with a wrap-up form. This form captures details regarding the property discussed during the call, such as its location or responsible agent. They fill in the call outcome and reason while remaining in the same window.
00:03:39.530 The notes taken during the call automatically populate the wrap-up so that the agent doesn’t need to re-enter them. This seamless integration allows agents to avoid switching back and forth between different software, keeping all relevant information in one view.
00:04:11.239 Thank you for your time! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.