Ruby on Rails

Lightning Talks

00:12 - JavaScript by Rick Liu

04:06 - Helpers, Decorators, Exhibitors, Presenters by Lulalala

07:32 Why Developers Should Eat Healthier (and how) by Charlie Hua

12:59 Intro to RedPotion by Xdite

17:58 Unlock Dependency Between Client Teams and API Teams with API Mock and Proxy by Bruce Li

23:02 Continuous Updates: Update Early & Update Often by Juanito Fatas

27:39 High Five - Adam Cuppy

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Rails Pacific 2016

00:00:17.789 autodesk shanghai china and they'll talk about JavaScript there many JavaScript
00:00:27.220 frameworks in recent years from egregious react back room blah blah blah
00:00:34.030 and more there will be more and more JavaScript frameworks in the future I
00:00:41.289 believe that many more libraries and there's a book about writing of
00:00:48.850 front-end every six weeks and one day this before I tried several times three
00:00:59.020 years ago and is now people think that
00:01:06.810 these time side frame works though they are easy to both features but they are
00:01:15.340 also introducing many complexities in our system so I think mango makes the
00:01:24.310 idea of easy and sing ho actually on all the same and we were reading some news
00:01:32.969 like this car inside jokes remember back
00:01:38.679 to server and the content and I think in
00:01:44.590 two years ago Shopify shop if I waited thousands of lines of JavaScript code to
00:01:50.799 an end back to em to developers productivity cadet's they think that
00:01:57.479 JavaScript tells how to maintain and so we are as well developers let's see what
00:02:07.959 rels provide rels providers first allows
00:02:13.510 us many things like UJS unobtrusive javascript and sje as
00:02:26.470 and in the box of the examples and apps
00:03:20.860 like this so so okay
00:04:06.290 so stop today I will be talking about helpers to curator in six figures and
00:04:12.299 presenters so we all know that real self Rosanna Oh enough Oh is object oriented
00:04:18.780 and we are all zealots so when we look at the top we don't like it but look at
00:04:25.979 the bottom line oh it looks really old it's good and I'm a really superficial 0
00:04:33.389 0 0 so people make change to make helpers Oh first we have a very famous
00:04:42.900 straight virgin so I'm a cop in a controller you decorate article you find
00:04:49.320 and then our parting can use help amazed directly on low object and English a
00:04:57.990 future and you write your helper methods in a class called triple decorators and
00:05:04.970 as you can see you have to specify the helper to access love you context but
00:05:13.139 you can access directly love model attributes which is convenient we also
00:05:21.960 have from Genco active decorator it's very magical it does everything for you
00:05:27.659 you don't even need to do any decoration you can just use it straight away inside
00:05:32.849 a decorator you don't have to use the H dot cause you would redirect rock hall
00:05:41.820 for you to love you context and also love model attributes so you don't have
00:05:47.820 to think about anything but I'm really how to please so I think this is too
00:05:53.699 much magic and I think if you override the activerecord they will be many parts
00:06:00.169 so liputin is the word refers a round object active record object and often
00:06:07.740 when you use the Ripper layer some problems so I folk jane and i coded
00:06:15.330 lalala presenter and in la consola you don't need to do
00:06:21.410 any decoration but interview you have Cristo presenter the link to access your
00:06:27.800 helpers and the propresenter give your
00:06:33.470 pure Rubio chip which will let you write
00:06:39.350 your helper inside and I don't like a new magic so you have to write the edge thought you had to write motor dog but I
00:06:46.640 feel it's more safe in this box so my view the way I do it is to help active a
00:06:56.360 call option excess a presenter which is not reading or wrongly object so I think
00:07:02.060 it's safer and I think it's also good so
00:07:07.220 even though you have to type more words but it gives you awareness that you are using something from a president Hassan
00:07:14.360 is a of a model side and you won't forget to grab something in a controller
00:07:20.390 cause your string of you my name is mark and I co-op irony in la la la you can
00:07:27.380 find me on twitter and github Thanks hi
00:07:33.920 my name is a parching way oh my english names Charlie walk and I will get a
00:07:39.140 coffee and won't reduce the company later in my topics why you guys should
00:07:44.990 be healthier and how the left fierce ok
00:07:50.900 I what's the way how many of you now roughly about how many calories when you
00:07:58.790 take every day wow wow wow ok ok that's
00:08:03.980 the price again a second set of one is more difficult how many badges of Gwen's
00:08:12.730 portions you know wow we can talk later
00:08:19.170 okay okay now not suppress it out okay there's a lot about the software always
00:08:27.970 tough yeah we can ya bring comes from ourselves our body no no you know better
00:08:37.740 hey my my my Doggett is all about I was
00:08:43.570 in a laundry and his passion is tomorrow somewhere and you can check your diet
00:08:52.420 every day no password add you have none left Gustafson too much cheaper stuff
00:09:00.240 you guys why why why why our party has
00:09:05.770 to go with you and here i will show some confidential information about software
00:09:12.250 development and food okay so ensure that your code is what you eat what does I
00:09:18.160 mean cannot achieve GI very well soon if we don't know google it and example
00:09:25.330 also like a conch donuts which it had flat yeah just like oatmeal bars Zola me
00:09:33.190 yeah and thanks addy affects your body sugar brown sugar level and yeah in half
00:09:43.030 hour or so like you are Superman you can do anything one hour later you should
00:09:50.140 sound the street so this one I ufs ecology goes down it's not called oil
00:09:56.500 company is now go for customers yeah all right now this is a motor okay basically
00:10:09.700 you can change a lot of water with with the food and that's for sure them from
00:10:17.830 eating I think I wanna force ourselves on now
00:10:26.040 diet during the rhizome and your velcro stumper now you keep your body and your
00:10:33.400 mind in your choice status so you have the offer and when you are even
00:10:39.400 companies getting getting easier and you don't have done four strains you don't
00:10:44.950 have the energy so two teams time in the long run maybe I either don't and I foul
00:10:53.050 so so this is caused by tire tire
00:10:59.680 problems and the bottom line is that one
00:11:05.050 run on a developer's we are also children we also parents were also Connors life Connors yeah so a lot of
00:11:13.680 respect and then you think I'm scaring you yeah but I'm not these are living
00:11:21.070 example title a lot of people no no hem is a role model a lot of young folks and
00:11:28.930 he is just showed up two hours ago and also with cancer so he's not giving
00:11:36.250 advice about my terms on your server
00:11:45.330 connection with the patient's times M is at MP analysis others over 60 day
00:11:52.270 transformation brother but i'll just take a channel food and that isn't
00:11:57.660 everything from you and give advice is
00:12:05.770 not where you tonight before after we'll
00:12:11.470 just switch some nuns and foods fibers
00:12:17.620 and years plus and now i understand diet
00:12:24.540 yes as soon as I can congrats on the wrong question is not about be health
00:12:30.070 eating healthy is about eating normally
00:12:36.660 okay one penis is for the one of you
00:12:44.709 just write me you know and will this time for any company one who by 1604 no
00:12:52.000 employees hiring so hi I'm in stuy I'm
00:13:03.040 look at the core school today I will talk about red potion what is great
00:13:08.740 potion basically red potion is like rails and Ruby motion you probably will
00:13:15.610 her about her Ruby motion but you won't use it why because I give you don't use
00:13:22.060 Ruby motion and it created in your app it just pop out its index just like is use Ruby to write up to see so we will
00:13:30.430 feel this is so disgusting why will I use Ruby motion instead of a swift so
00:13:36.790 but things change so today I will introduce the repulsion what is the
00:13:42.610 right portion so late least in the repulsion hello world this is repulsions
00:13:48.209 hollow wall screen you can see the sin x is pretty like row seat so you can like
00:13:54.519 this is kinda like rupee this is ruby knox emergency okay Oh reporting is like
00:14:01.779 a portrait of a Rube emoticons singer of type of framework and the rupee motion so funny the reporting offer is like
00:14:10.360 reasonable syntax and some handy provincial and very much relish so if
00:14:16.389 you like Ruby on Rails proper you feel feel very comfortable and white in the
00:14:21.639 reporter okay so what is building promote our promotion what is peeling in
00:14:27.100 great promotion they proportion in crew like three or four major dreams one is
00:14:33.610 called promotion promotion is like a spring templates so promotion pebbles
00:14:39.180 provides several several is false squeeze like table screens never
00:14:46.590 type of us so we can like write a screen like this so if i want to write at a
00:14:52.830 wholesale so i can just dump a right and render it so it's very easy to write a table screen and the second one day
00:15:00.720 Moyes this is a loading screen so I can just configure the the filter then just
00:15:07.710 render eight villages this is the science science quiz so it's very easy to write I always have I OS apps and
00:15:16.280 second the second future of beauty engine is a city to city Kim is a core
00:15:21.930 data core MCD call that I'd like like that ever database in the iOS so it's
00:15:27.420 kind of like acting writer for the core data for example this is my demo
00:15:33.060 application is kind of like shopping cart so how do I improvement is shopping huh basically i defiled as the stuff
00:15:40.770 like acting reckless model leg inhale migration like a ma you can configure
00:15:47.040 the field and also have the syndics very active record you can also have like a
00:15:52.500 name scope so it's very disgusting and the server one is like I am here I'm in
00:16:00.090 here is like a looping motion query what is room in motion curry base again it provides us indexing you can imagine you
00:16:06.630 are using the jQuery you can just find out tomm and overwrite do it whatever you want so it's very very powerful and
00:16:14.280 I mean with you also put my stylesheet personal like this this is like properties so I just configure the array
00:16:22.890 then I right style sheet so it's required and the type of this one is
00:16:30.660 like 8th motion f motion kind Ruby Ruby motion wrapper for FM neck networking so
00:16:37.590 tranh like curl API like this maybe like the type to be quite a wii is using Ruby
00:16:43.920 and rails so this is science so I refuse the rupee I use F motion just like
00:16:51.360 increment same and they are also a team call emotional
00:16:57.870 patient so it can employment device looking very very quickly so I I build
00:17:04.410 instead of heaven guess how many hours I spent so I few days with no up Jesse and
00:17:11.459 civic theatre back one and i only spent land in this ten hours so the last week
00:17:18.780 I'll general said I'll interview me and I just coincidentally application so he
00:17:24.150 asked me when they will start running this and how much models you spend I said I just learned yesterday I spending
00:17:30.960 less hours so there's much more attuned so welcome to join this community is a
00:17:36.900 lot of fun of beauty nice if you want to learn always I always I be building but
00:17:43.740 always feel welcome to try this and I will open a free workshop in the next
00:17:48.900 month so if you want to run this and it can like join the wettest ok thank you
00:17:58.460 hi my name is Bruce they don't talk about how we resolve a and like lock
00:18:08.370 issue between age 18 and coyotes so this
00:18:14.190 is how we will work is that we were a new feature and we implement the API and
00:18:21.600 co review and QA and Hawaii then 3ft
00:18:26.670 start working on the client part the point is that sometimes that 88 is a
00:18:33.630 change because the feedback from a4a beans then inhibitor is flow again and
00:18:41.900 this is fine if you're back in your API
00:18:47.250 teen the spring is always sprint is always one or two ahead but sometimes it
00:18:54.840 is now the case then then this is so
00:19:00.120 they are few there are few Solutions options like API broke wind
00:19:07.830 and I am L and the way the service that you write documentation in a certain
00:19:15.750 format and for example this is the HTV
00:19:21.900 action and example a simple request and
00:19:27.360 the example result and they provide an API mark you can code but the point is
00:19:35.190 that the file is like maybe even ten
00:19:40.679 thousand eyes maintained I studies so and also the the Alpha is that sometimes
00:19:48.990 you have the very specific behavior you won't test for example you want to taste
00:19:54.140 like violations for user input so we end
00:20:02.490 up finding common pleas website that you can use you can upload API blueprint
00:20:08.490 document or soil or even IMO to to the
00:20:14.370 starting point so so this is how it
00:20:20.970 looked like then I have a demo I have with two API endpoints and you can get
00:20:26.429 this beautiful endpoints you can send to apt in sir okay okay so i can start
00:20:31.559 working on with this ok mark and and this is the code is actually jaws with
00:20:39.390 they say okay it is respond to Hunter ok and render this page and it is liquid
00:20:50.510 temporary
00:20:57.160 another issue is that sometimes is working well until a day that the epic i
00:21:08.240 canna me hables we want to issue the final release candidate today could you
00:21:15.350 give us the final hmm point the problem is that we have we have the API mark end
00:21:22.910 point but we don't have a real one so how okay to just forward the API request
00:21:32.480 to the API mark so so the so basically
00:21:45.200 just go to a party service then for everything to it and the implementation
00:21:53.240 is actually just forward the request use the HTTP library finally a different
00:22:07.010 Iseman I draw the gen2 two beautiful
00:22:12.830 eyes your real council so for example this is the hydroxide in hash you sir
00:22:24.170 the whole you can even rent the table so just just three steps you can get all of
00:22:32.920 this so yeah I'm from Cosby and we are hiring locating in Singapore and this
00:22:41.680 the blog version will be coming out soon please follow free subscribe and okay so
00:22:54.410 I also like to hear how do you think about it stop thank you very much
00:23:03.760 hello everyone so my talk is a continuous updates so does anyone know
00:23:12.230 how does this Phi mean it means i have five minutes and also we run a
00:23:18.020 conference in Singapore in journeys toradol luba cows and I after our story
00:23:24.650 to say because I saw a conference talk about CS education and the panel and
00:23:30.890 this morning I got into IT because I was sewing two backs people when I was young
00:23:37.520 and my culture and say oh just 2i t then I 2i t so I'm penny loafers font i 1 and
00:23:47.030 i work for charter cocoa and also i'm in 10 boobie language website and rail sky
00:23:53.180 and so anyone else this website is Carl regions it's a website you install your
00:24:00.770 dependency and pandora is the tour like you used to manager your dependency so
00:24:07.520 we can bundle install and Europe we returned fire engine fire the lock so your dependency will be automatically
00:24:15.770 yourself but there's another comment I'll Panda update which will after your
00:24:21.200 party dependencies and so hover on how often do you update your project ok so
00:24:28.820 maybe once a week or once a month but everyone will say just our update later
00:24:35.390 but later actually it was never so so my
00:24:41.180 boss he say that continuous of those practice of updating or dependency
00:24:46.540 several times a month and so there are a lot of benefits to do continuous update
00:24:53.860 first you have the incremental improvements from new gems and it may
00:24:59.900 fix your security vulnerabilities and reduce your technical debt and make
00:25:06.230 future are be easy and developer does not like legacies and
00:25:11.830 mental I love to hear new reports from neuro charities so and you can also
00:25:19.640 learn stuff on every china bay and ship latest software so sanskrit very hard to
00:25:25.610 avoid so the many are solutions like this you are banned obtained and yuka me
00:25:31.040 push and open a portal course but it may take you about 10 minutes and 10 minutes
00:25:37.040 you can use the money to buy all of your while to yourself so from idea to a
00:25:42.830 script I motor speak but this is also not go so they are notification services
00:25:49.400 like a charm a certain level style but the things they only tell you but they
00:25:55.130 don't you still have to turn work and so still not automatic so we build our
00:26:00.830 service is fully automatic it's called about so so how does every you are a
00:26:08.360 bungalow your project and you watch that goes you are so your co-workers and with
00:26:14.500 every update dependency you will show her a big and compare of you compare
00:26:20.150 view is sizing the Bible's so those are the changelog so you can know this two
00:26:26.720 versions what's being updated also he will tell you how much time to save for
00:26:33.650 you so you have a better idea of how it is up to you save time for you also we
00:26:39.500 came to automatic security update security our values also we are saying
00:26:45.440 your prayer requests and fix your chain lock pacer availability like we notice
00:26:52.790 for mobile sector khong sao luis may have a vulnerability and he has
00:26:59.600 solutions but so many solutions which one you should choose i already got you
00:27:04.790 covered I rather other reason even though I didn't have yes degrees but i still can other reason
00:27:11.549 to fix your bar ability so people show up increase our own territory and so far
00:27:21.179 we have sent a 5,000 per request and safer like 400 hours and so I hope
00:27:27.570 everyone can up the early up there open to a continuous up way so hopefully we
00:27:34.230 can make my be great again thank you
00:27:40.700 hello everybody but actually I like to address a very serious topic if I could
00:27:46.740 with all of you it's very important to me I believe it should be important to you as well I've noticed during my time
00:27:55.500 here not just in Taiwan but here for the last day with all of you that there's a
00:28:02.880 serious lack of proper greeting between us all I feel that the current state of
00:28:11.279 affairs that I must address this today for you now as I see it there's this
00:28:16.890 issue that a drink that needs to be addressed with the way in which we high-five one another I feel that the
00:28:23.820 high-five model is in fact not good enough and some of you end up with a situation kind of like this I have
00:28:31.080 approached you with the high five and in fact it ends up in just total and utter defeat so for all of you today oh sad
00:28:40.740 sad panda so for all of you today I would like to teach you all the proper method method of giving and amazing and
00:28:47.850 stellar high five so the first thing I'd like all of you to do is to identify a
00:28:53.279 partner as somebody sitting to your right or to your left if you do not know the person sitting to your right or to
00:28:58.500 your left you will introduce yourself to the person sitting to your right or your left please do that now i will give you two seconds okay very good now you're
00:29:06.929 going to need to put your laptop away and stand up if you could so please stand up please stand up stand up
00:29:14.380 okay i will need a partner if you don't mind I will need a partner okay all
00:29:21.200 right first and foremost ID to all to be mentally prepared for such an event so I
00:29:29.570 want you all to close your eyes very briefly close your eyes and visualize yourself greeting the person next to you
00:29:35.360 you will greet them with amazing energy and excitement okay the way in which you
00:29:42.440 do a seven high five starts with this first thing I want you to face your partner you will face your partner
00:29:47.510 straight on you will take your arm at a 90 degree angle you will make sure you're exactly 90 degrees from such
00:29:54.020 partner now don't go too far listen to instructions very important the next
00:30:00.169 thing you'll do is you will lower your arm you will look partner in the eye you will give them deep gaze and look of
00:30:06.860 excitement you will place arm back you will focus on their elbow focus on their
00:30:14.899 elbow and slap with gloriousness now you
00:30:20.360 will turn to a partner to your other side and you will do this one more time one more time the person to your other
00:30:26.600 side remember focus on the elbow all
00:30:33.230 right thank you very much I hope you all learned something here today actually I
00:30:44.600 will leave you this one last thing and that's this if my company decided to
00:30:49.640 build this app that actually allows you to give a Twitter skeller high-five to somebody else if you go to stellar I
00:30:56.600 you put in twitter handle your twitter and you send them a message you
00:31:01.610 can do that at any point the app is live now and it is for your taking also i have a very very small some of these
00:31:08.450 stickers if you exchange a stellar high five with me and i have some left yours
00:31:16.149 okay thank you
00:31:29.920 what