Lightning Talks


- 0:42
- Implementation of Web Standards in Mastodon / Hiroshi Kawada @_furoshiki
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=42s
- 6:03
- How to develop CRuby easily with Vim / Tatsuhiro Ujihisa @ujm
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=6m3s
- 11:29
- How to specify `frozen_string_literal: true`. / Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA @znz
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=11m29s
- 16:30
- Use case of Refinements with black magic / joker1007 @joker1007
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=16m30s
- 21:47
- A WebSocket proxy server of Niconico comment server by Ruby / kinoppyd @GhostBrain
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=21m47s
- 26:13
- Auto Completion in Rails::WebConsole / Hiroyuki Sano @sh19910711
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=26m13s
- 30:58
- My Challenge of embedding mruby into a bare-metal hypervisor / Yuki Nakata @chikuwa_IT
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=30m58s
- 36:17
- Glitching ruby script / Urabe, Shyouhei @shyouhei
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=36m17s
- 41:17
- DNN/GPU with Ruby / ainame @ainame
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=41m17s
- 46:33
- Migration from hiki to markdown in Rubima / みよひで @miyohide
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=46m33s
- 51:53
- Independence of mruby. / Takeshi Watanabe @take-cheeze
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=51m53s
- 57:16
- LLVM-based JIT compiler for CRuby / Takashi Kokubun @k0kubun
- https://youtu.be/5vcv3s7cEeE?t=57m16s

RubyKaigi 2017