yeah okay so uh I'm going to talk to you about a new crawler uh via longchain RB
and G apis and showcase to you um some function calling functionalities and uh
I had to amend the slides after I see my predecessor um couple of words about me
I'm Ricardo I as a developer advocate for Google Cloud what I do is Advocate about SAR Dev vops Dora everything
operations CU I've been in operation for quite a while the guy you know where the knock at your door when things break and
they don't care that you exist when things are working fine and among my like the things that I love the most in
life are rubby as a language which my company doesn't really support much so everybody's like are you still in love
so this is me last night uh drinking uh with with a friend and um I really want
to I'm super scared because I'm going to give to show you four demos so if the network is not going to work I'm screwed
and um uh before I do the demos I I won't like to do like 15 minutes of demo so I go really fast on the rest I'm
going to talk to you about J I know you know everything about it but I want to pinpoint a couple of facts that might not be familiar to all of you I want to
show you the problem I'm trying to solve how my ugly uh application demonstrates it and then get to the demos with race
console so I will ask you this question uh time by time so what's gen I know
most of you know or think they know what it is and I'm pretty sure you do you probably use a lot of uh uh of llms in
at work can you raise your hand if you use llm at work particularly with okay raise your hand if you use them okay
that's a lot who use them in Ruby who does uh Ruby gen
stuff okay so you you probably know the gem I'm going to talk about couple words about llms llms like back in the days
you would tell you tell me this is a cat these are the properties of a cat then you take pictures you get 10,000
pictures of a cat 10,000 picture of an of a dog and say hey is this a cat and
he says yes that's kind of like 10 years ago and today you just say like read the whole internet and now tell me what dant
lii thinks about beatric or tell me what is a cat llms are not as magical as they
think they basically are a very smart autoc completion tool and when people forget that I think that when the
problem start llms are a big autoc completion tool which means that the more autocomplete the more stuff would
they make up so token in output you don't want to exceed them token input that's good Gemini is uh is uh our our
top llm that we use in Google but I'm not here to publicize that and actually everything that I'm doing today you can
do it with any other uh llm in the market from open AI to llama Etc uh what
I really want to point out is what embeddings are give me raise your hand if you know what embeddings are in the context of
gen okay so that's a minority which is good so only a few people are going to be bored a bendings are uh in a natural
are vectors so an array of a thousand think of an array of a thousand numbers every vendor has a different number and
the the magic part about embeddings is that represent numerically the aspects about an object like or it could be a
picture it could be a video a YouTube video that's we use embedding a lot for YouTube videos for example or it could
be for just a word for today think of just for Strings so you have an u a big Vector representing a king a queen
swimming swam walking walked anara turkey Russia Moscow and then if it's a
vector so a little magical Arrow if you studied math this magical Arrow also the difference between two vectors has a
meaning and the difference between men and woman could be very similar to king and queen and represents femininity
represent a gender property and the one between turkey and Ankara might be in an
ideal world where there embedding Rock very similar to the Ottawa and Canada and have and signify capital or country
of so you know uh and if I didn't persuade you I have a little video that
shows you embeddings this is a very famous data set called Mist I think it's the oldest data set in the world I think
it's is from the 60s where all the digits from 0 to night are represented and you can see 9 and seven here I kind
there are points where is it a nine is it a seven I don't know imagine if a computer knows this is another example
where you can see some uh uh YouTube videos all of these blobs here are
around the city of Brugge probably this is Japanese for Bru and then there's
another aalia um group of uh words for
stratosphere and uh the the the big part about
embeddings is that the idea is that similar thing with hit a similar vectors so you can do Vector similarity to
search semantically stuff that looks the same and this is this is actually my
first demo which is Trivial but still I think is quite important because probably I think everybody would want
some functionality in a rubian raay application where you say I have articles and I want to see the five
closest articles I have people I want to see the five closest people so think of it as a function that takes a string and
returns a big array of numbers global warming Ruby programming language
whatever you want why is this interesting because then given an llm
that embeds this into a big chunk of numbers you can say okay now select articles take the near and neighbors
based on this big number which is my query Now find the sixth closest article
to it and bam that is a uh it's a select on my ra application for this silly app
that I did with with the news article and it gives you the idea of the article
the title of the article and this magic number this is if this was implemented in any other language probably would be
separated but the creator of the gem of the neighbor gem decided to inject this property into the object so this is the
distance between the article how climate change is changing heat waves with the global warming embedding so it's a Delta
between the vector of my search and the Factor uh uh of the the embedding of the
title of course you can decide do I embed the title do I embed the content of the article do I embed the author so
you get all the article by Ricardo like you decide what you want to embed I played with it the title is the best if
I put everything there's a lot of content and usually sucks but you can see this is not a keyword search because
global warming doesn't exist in after the hurricane still we get a hit so
pretty powerful and this is really easy to to implement zero cost if you do it with a Lama so might be interesting to
do so what are the challenges here you need a vector database why because this is not the usual select asterisk from
articles where title equal blah blah blah so it's not the typical thing that you do with an equal or a hash or a like
uh qu SQL query but you need to do similarity between big chubby numbers it's a bit like you remember when gpus
were introduced to do graphical computation not like today they're used for something else
so um we have a number of vector databases is anybody can you raise your hand if you use any of these databases
in here zero okay but okay 1 2 3 four okay a few of you do
perfect there are a lot of great products in the market these people created a database which is efficient
into searching vectors and I chose the easiest for me which is PG Vector is
just a library on top of pogress I use pogress I love posw with all my heart
and then this is just a library and if you install the neighbor the neighbor um gem you just say raas migrate boom
enable extension which calls this code easy peasy I don't know what's behind the scenes but it looks easy peasy so
that's the first part you have your your database now my database supports vectors so I can have a field on Rails
to say this is a the the embedding of the title and it supports like a big chubby number to be saved in the
database then you the API with your favorite uh uh with your favorite um AI
tool that you have in my case is Gemini and I use an embedding model Google has two models one multilingual one single
lingual English I tried them both I like multilingual because I have article in Italian and in English in my tests but
the the English one works a bit better so I'm yeah I sacrifice it and this is how it looks you can see I'm clearly a
front end developer right my you can see the quality of the CSS is that I that I
create and as you can see this is a a random article these are the closest article and this number here is the
distance that I was telling you about you can use various algorithm for this ukian uh cosinus but I don't think we
need to get into there so what's the problem that Ricard is trying to solve if I still have your attention because maybe like boring numbers I don't like
them llms that you probably use every day for work or to just play around uh
are not perfect they have a number of issues I say my two favorite issues are hallucinations because again it's an
autoc completion tool he not intelligent so he's making up stuff and they still do it and they have outdated data so if
the model was trained a year ago maybe when you ask the president of the Republic of a country that just changed
two months ago he will tell you the old one right humbly you say for what I know I think is this person uh is it still
syia bonei probably not okay so we want to fix two things hallucination and up
to-date so what I thought is let's create a News application just steals
news from newspaper online I just fed it 30 RSS that I manually found on a
Saturday morning and finally I say okay feed it into my database and of course
they become old after one day they're old my my information is from a month ago so they are old but good enough but
still old how do we solve the problem of LMS the most famous way to solve it is
Rag and rag in my opinion is very 2023 so this is how you would solve the problem a year ago it's very well
established in where I work with the customers I work with this is very 2023 they're still implementing it but it's
still it's a beautiful solution but it's quite known it's it's been used for for like a year time which in gen it
corresponds to more than 10 years it's like 25 years so um I would say two and a half more than uh in ratio than just
languages how do you do rag well philosophically you start from the embedding of the user question I don't
know climate change uh yeah climate change for example then you do a similarity search on your database
actually I say database but less expanded it could be retrieve them out in the wild retrieve news from the word
or search my database depends from your application whatever you want it's just find some information that is fitting
and that probably the llm doesn't know because the LM the llm is stopped in time from let's say one year ago just to
visualize it right then construct a prompt where you inject into the LM prompt
the information that you just retrieved here so you're kind of cheating you're asking a question but you're providing
the response in the middle of the question so you're providing fresh information okay so is a typical question answer
where you are cheating and retrieving based on the question you're retrieving from a knowledge base can be in the
internet can be on your DB whatever you want you add it here you paste it into
the context and you know where I'm going then the autoc completion of answer will ask will try to answer your question but
he will also first read you say oh by the way did you know that this person just died this morning or the the war or
political information from yesterday you just pasted it so he she already knows
in in Italian we have to uh put a gender to everything we don't say it so I don't know if it's a female or a man something
or something in between solution number two function calling so this is something a bit more esoterical I would
say this is something that has been in is available in a number of platform I don't know open AI Google and I was
reading an article this morning just uh uh Co the the French ones what's it called um anthropic um has just launched
it this week so it's it's a new thing function calling is difficult to explain
because it feels like oh LM can call a function it's subtly different than that the
LM re you give it a question and you provide as a payload a bunch of um
function uh um input and outputs like location string description string movies date date Etc forgot the word but
you know what I'm talking about like the arguments that they want in input and then he tries to make up what is the
best function and the best argument that I need to populate for the tools that you gave me and in this case is the
probably the find theaters for Barbie and Mont view the only effort that it
did is understanding from my question that mon M view was actually mon view in
California it was a simple Google Map thing that probably you're an llm you know shitload of stuff right so you can
say the mon view I know it's in California rather than in the province of Verona right so that's what it does
it seems simple but actually this empowers you to then call in the middle of a an interaction with your llm to
call functionality I don't know uh transform Centra to Fahrenheit which you say probably already knows how to do it
but maybe something more complex which is based on your I don't know your us your model your business uh logic that
is only yours and you only know okay if you if I still have your attention let's talk about my solution my solution is to
uh Ruby directory uh in my name is paladius gin news crawler so you can find the the code in there the crawler
is really not important today the crawler is just something that I call in February and March leaving my my Mac by
night my wife is like it's very noisy yes I know machinating I don't know Milling
and getting all of the all the article I have 10,500 article I think there is C
to 5 to 10,000 so I have like 10,000 article okay now I fed my database with random stuff from three months ago which
is important and then I have a web app which is a rubian ra app Ruby 3 ra 7 uh
it's dockerized it builds in 5 minutes plenty of environment variables oh there are like pages and pages of bars too
many probably this is the RSS of the first of the crawler is me just randomly search search the RSS playing with the
gem that fetches the RSS if he gives an error I remove it if it doesn't give an error so it's a lot of trial and error
very boring you don't care about this maybe you care about the libraries that I used I don't know so fit jira is there
are two gems for for new fing article I use figa use very well function very
well I never tried the second one neighbor is the Magic Gem to do um
similarity that that pumps up your vector search uh Matrix as well is good with numbers CH and group date for
graphs I mean I love it uh delay job for delayed jobs active record because I'm
lazy and I don't want to install in production uh G Google stuff red
carpet for markdown and now L chain RB which is the protagonist of my um of the
title of my presentation right and this is my joke I don't know if does anybody have experience with the lung chain in
um in python or stuff and you say I'm a ruby developer I want to use L chain I'm a bit jealous it doesn't exist then few
months ago I realized I I Googled lung chain Ruby and I found out this gam I said I need to meet this guy so I met
with this guy and I said hey I want to do a demo let's build a demo together so he help me a little bit and this is the
gem that uh kind of changed my Ruby life in the last six months um made by Andre
Bond based in Miami independent consultant and uh it supports multiple
llm so you know you say oh this guy comes from Google he's showing me the Google way blah blah blah blah I don't like it I don't want vendor Lo lock Lo
lock but the fact is that you can do JM L chain llm instead of Google gmany you
call I don't know openi or anthropic or Mistral or AMA I actually did it with
AMA because I was on a flight to the Philippines a few week a few weeks ago and it works fine perfectly in Local
Host because it's a Lama right um it supports function calling chatting embeddings and um a thing called tools
that need to explain what it is and if you guys are like me that you really sympathize for Team Ruby the blue one is
Ruby and the red one is L chain for Java perro supported by a colleague of mine
who loves Java Gom la Forge so please please um up I put the QR code so you
can up vote it and maybe give it a few Stars Team Ruby okay um just saying uh
the deployment happens with the with the Google Cloud so this is cloud build I deploy Dev and prod I wanted to show you
prod but as the new B the database in Dev is a lot better so everything you will see today is in Dev so slow as hell
but not too slow so sorry about that I never backported the database to prod because 10,000 too much stuff few stats
boring okay this is the architecture so Ricardo does a g commit it's just me it's a demo trigger to Cloud build
builds artifact registry Docker image Docker image gets pushed to Cloud run which is a k native on steroid and then
he runs in the cloud it calls all of these apis and the CER who cares because it's not the protagonist of the day okay
this is kind of like I hope I still yes how much time do I have more another 20 minutes fantastic so I have all the time
to show you all the demos um I live frankinstein Jr of course so these are
the four demos one I kind of snacked it in into the into the embedding part so you already saw this but I'm going to
show you again because we have time then I'm going to do this with a UI this with r console this with UI because it looks
cuter there are images and then uh the the number four is the one that I really think is going to be I find it
impressive you will tell me if you like it that the three are like like kind of like Preparatory to to the fourth
particularly the three I just put it there so you understand the four a bit better but you will see with time so um
every demo that I have I want to show you the
um uh every demo that I have is uh I need to call a couple to close a couple
of okay it's uh on GitHub under web app which is the raise up under docs and
demo and as you can see there is a read me and there is every demo is something you can paste in the console and you can
adapt it so there is a query you can change the query and see how it works okay um so demo number one is as simple
as clicking this button and I will show you on the web it's this and you can click deput if you think I'm cheating
you can just click click and find something else you can see that every article is these are actually related
articles to the top article so this is the article as you can see I'm a front end developer so interface is slick as
hell you cannot find anything better today like state-of-the-art uh
UI and um I built the buttons the buttons I
asked gy say hey give me buttons that looks like Google Google colors it I pasted the CSS like yes I'm a frontend
developer now that's that's the quality of my of my coding um so this is the
demo number one for the demo number two the Bella raaga the r demo I want to show you with the uh with the with the
console so I'm going to open my vs code so you see don't say that I am vendor logged in oh sorry you shouldn't have
seen this um so race console and let's pray the network work don't download a lot of
stuff now please uh so demo number two I will use the global warming why because
then what I show you in the console is exactly what you see in
here and since probably if you see in the slide it probably comes a bit better yes probably here you see the text
better so just for this the font size I will show you here but then I show you the code so you don't see oh this guy cannot code probably you still think
that but at least I will type something on the keyboard right so it looks like I'm smart uh so global warming say that
query so far it's exactly the embedding part that I showed you already but the part the different part about so this
you saw it already in the in the kind of the previous demo right but the part that is missing is when we assemble the
prompt to inject that information so first I create this header which is blah blah blah blah blah blah tell me
something about global warming oh by the way today is the 24th of May you will see 31 on the console because I took the
screenshot some days ago and here are the six article and then I take an excerpt of the article I created an
except function which puts the title and some re I I played with it a lot I put a lot of info it it sucked and then I put
very little info and it got a lot better so I put okay so little info and then I asked the llm to summarize that let's
see it in practice so global warming I put two at the time
so you can see the embedding has been calculated the network is my friend yes
this is the big chubby number for Global Warming okay you saw it now we clo we take the closest
article if you're curious select sensible columns I needed to do it because without it would select all the
article and it would it would be very bloated by the embeddings and so it would take six seconds and once I
realized this with a lot of stock overflow checking I realized it was just
as simple as that and now a few milliseconds and you can see
uh these are my article this is my um active record which gets stuck at this
big number so you can only see the first that's why they're beautiful but you need to you need to say don't print them
out otherwise you know somebody maybe can teach me how to not print out um a
field when I do the the the print of it so this is the this is against this is
still demo number one nothing nothing new from the from the embedding demo now we do the interesting stuff which I
wrote the code in the helpers crappy developer so I need to include it for the race console to work and now I'm
creating the short part that you saw in the slides this is just a a here document with a couple of variables for
the date of today 31 of May I could do it with another query if you want me to I I I can do it this is it's just
because I already know the output so I know it kind of makes sense but I could put something else so now I take the
excerpts and I put test them or puts them you see quering again because some
some fields are missing these are the separated six articles and now I just need to put everything together with
another little function that I built and finally call the autoc completion because remember n llm is an autoc
completion engine most of the time bingo this is the string that the
autocompletion gave me and let's color it of green and this is the can can you read this or it's
unreadable because if you cannot read it I do Control Plus but then it's like yeah you get can anybody not read this
so I will plus it so okay fantastic okay so this is the demo number two let's go
back to the UI okay for the demo number three this demo is very very simple I
think it's beautiful but simple it doesn't do anything important I need to do it from a narrative perspective
because you without this you don't understand the demo number four the demo number three is me calling a l chain
tool what is a l chain tool a l chain tool is a thingy composed of a Json and
a ruby file do I have it here yes and uh in this case this is something that
Andre wrote for me in his gem so this is a public Fe that anybody can use you just need to get the API code from news
api. comom I want to do the org but you can do it with either uh you get the API
key and then you can start asking tell me everything about Verona amaron uh Roma or you know whatever whatever you
like and the interesting part is that you have a Json and a ruby and as I anticipated some time ago Ruby has the
code of the function which Germany doesn't care your llm which it is doesn't care about and then let me make
it a bit bigger the rubby code is the part that you write or somebody else writes for
you and that gets executed when you interact with the llm as you will see we'll see in the next demo the the part
that is really relevant to an llm is actually the Json part which is the part where you tell it hey this is a title
hey this is a nation the nation can be Italy or France or UK so you can
actually instruct it the description of the metadata is the part that the llm picks up so that's the part that I
whenever my demo doesn't work I go change the Jon I got I don't go J change the Ruby if that makes sense which was
very surprising to me so I made some you know usually I do some smart stuff and
some very silly stuff and with the silly stuff that's what breaks my demo say oh make up the country and make me the
Emoji of the country where the article is from and when he knows or she knows was the right thing but when it doesn't
know it fails with an error which is unrecoverable come on I just want to do something silly so I changed the the
description to if you don't know put Vatican City I'm a very religious man as you can
see right so put Vatican City all of a sudden it doesn't fail anymore I change the description not the code it's
incredible because the code is very very simple so um let's come back to us so
you understood like the tool is a collection of methods and functions where you you say oh I'm able which are
usually connected like in a class like all method that have to do with a topic
and uh if you want to see what L chain supports as a calculator database file
system Google search news retriever Vector search weather Wikipedia you can I could actually use the added the
Wikipedia tool to say if you search for Wikipedia on what is a treasure shark for example which maybe it's easy to
find a Wikipedia than on uh on news right so depending on what you're trying to do you can use all of these tool now
that I showed you now that I showed you the theory I'm going to show you the boring
practice so this is nothing magical at all let's look for venal this is the
query this is the payload in response I played with the response so you can see the tokenization of every single
response and bang these are the Articles constructed it looks better on the UI
because there are images right without images I would have showed you on the console so I would have looked smarter this is even too simple right because I
don't do anything now let's come to the final demo that is the difficult one the
one that fails 30% of the time so pray for me now in the fourth demo I'm going
to do this I'm going to do similar to the three I'm going to call a tool but actually I'm instantiating an assistant
again another L chain uh uh L chain Ruby objects that has this property you
instantiate it you will see it in the code but I wanted to have a slide for it you in say the LM which is the brain the
thread which is the list the array the history of what has happened starts empty and then it gets loaded with all
the conversation instruction you can start with this you can play with it you can say well if the person also always
ask you to save to the database ask for a password 4242 or you know you can do
something like that and finally most importantly you give it an array of tools a tool is an array of methods so
it's an array of an array of methods you know what it means plenty of methods
okay in my case there is the news retriever which I showed you in the demo number three and the article tool which
instead is uh in my inside my code so crappy code and it gives you the create
function to to write something on the artive recor of course the code is in my ra application because it belongs to it
right it knows how to create an article how to delete an article and do a suspiciously looking carsian URL the
hell is this I know you're struggling with anticipation so let's move to the
let's move to the demo to see what happens here so now I will click on demo
four and I will cut and paste some code so I will look half smart so
llm and again as I said this is a Google jam llm with the where I take the credential from the application
credential and uh you could distate from any other uh llm vendor so this is completely transparent and it does work
it needs to be an LM which supports function calling and as far as I know only a few support it now but it's going
to grow oh sorry this I I forgot the comment see bingo so we're using gini
1.5 if you are familiar with it is the one with a million token in input so you can read the whole Shakespeare or Divine
Comedy and ask in how many different way vigilo slacked uh Dante in Paradise for
example here we're instantiating the assistant this is the one that I showed you in the slide because I wanted it to
be understandable now we understand it and the assistant and this is me being
lazy because I I will talk a lot to this thing here so I would just say say say
could be say but it's an S because I'm very lazy and now finally we can start playing with this the history starts
empty and say give me the latest five news from Italy can you read this so now he's talking to L chain you
remember now I'm having a live conversation storing the assistant object so empty then Ricardo says give
me the latest five news from uh from Italy and I will call
history and this is this is a if it's colorful it's my code of course so this is me the user asking five new news from
Italy the model calling the function calling functionality we say call the news Retriever get top headlines
arguments country it page size five I could say I don't like them give me the next five you will call it another
function with page equals two I guess at least that's what what it did two hours ago
let's say nah I don't like them give me the next
five so that will probably and you see I'm having a conversation imagine tweaking this with a microphone you
could actually do it uh I actually my next Dem is we going to probably be saying it to the Google home or to some
or Alexa you can just say this in word and bang these are the next five uh news right and say Metallica wow I like
Metallica so I could say something uh uh save the second one on Metallica just
because it could be confused with the second uh on
DB and if I am lucky he understands he need to save these information this is
just the title and this is active record doing stuff plenty of numbers so it
calculated an embedding which is why it takes a few seconds and he says I've saved the article about Metallica playing a cover of Aida the pro and
database uh the article ID is D okay sorry my English is bad for five digits
so I can do article D okay uh
10,413 you see I'm good huh and uh but I want to because I'm super lazy so can
you give me the carian URL and I love the fact that I
can make a typ of n what does it mean this I
what does this mean are we having Grappa yes so the
kisan article is this I'm going to open this and this of course is the URL in
production but actually it's in Dev uh for the new article this article was created a few seconds ago and it already
has an embedding with the closest article to Metallica Aida Prozak which
is maybe the the post with paji has something about that I don't know so it
already has the similarity search from the demo number one right so I would say the demo does work and you can say
something much more complicated because you're talking to an llm so we could do something like I don't know um I'm at
conference and my audience is very susceptible um I want to avoid political
D and that's what is the article that you would save ah damn
it choses the one that I already saved why don't we try to save it okay so say
bingo uh save it please what is going to happen what is going to happen in your
opinion s again it's already there so it's going
to fa to to to fail and if it fails um
the failure should provide adjon string of the error messages of the failure so
that LM learns why it fails you don't return nil you return the strings of the error because you're talking to
a in in to a Smart uh robot so if you provide as much feedback as you can then
let me say well the title already exist you idiot say ah okay uh let's try I
never tried this article is already saved the database oh
wow oh wow I didn't really okay he knows it's ready saved without even been trying wow that's interesting I didn't I
didn't see this happening fantastic that's that's outsmarting I thought you would try let
me try save it nonetheless he's like follow
my orders and that he should explode and get some some mistake no okay it's too
smart for me okay I cannot I cannot yeah okay so that's the end of the demo and I
could do it if you guys are interested we could search for something else we can does anybody have a query to try out
unless you tell me that I need to close it and then we I can declare the demo closed how are you doing on
time 3 minutes any anybody has a question to ask the llm or some curiosity let's push it to the to the
any uh gives give me some news about
rail the second word is club race club
conference let's let's see what happens notice the history keeps uh uh
increasing okay could can I just do raise or
this is of course depends on the on the news API let's see if he finds it I noticed that if you ask country
information Nah if you ask country gets it but if you ask a generic thing it
does let's try
this because these I found something so this should work there's a lot of news
so this is a internal tool that doesn't allow me to do
stuff okay it's called Santa Claus but you hate
it okay good luck find it couldn't find specific new article so yeah that's that
doesn't work rails Europe uh yeah no this doesn't
work let's say Japan yeah with country it works I think
this is probably a limitation in the API search uh that um it expects like a
geographic area I say Verona it doesn't accept it but I say Italy does accept it so it has pagination but it doesn't have
a very smart so oh uh this is so easy to
understand uh can you save the second and the
fourth hoping they are five because I cannot even see them in my mind I'm cheating of course I could ask him to
translate them to English uh which I forgot in this case it will probably be
smart enough to call the function once save it call the function twice save it and now it has two ID probably will give
me two IDs he could actually be smart enough to say well this guy cares about the kesian URL let me also give you the
caresan sometimes it does it based on the history because he remembers the previous interaction if I reset the the
rail console he would forget everything so he would say he he wouldn't do it at first right so he's doing the first he's
doing the second I think I'm running probably a bit late you see these are the two IDs
1045 he gave me the two IDs and say carian SS
please and probably will give me a list of two URLs which I just click and show you one of
them and I think we can declare the demo kind of done cuz I don't want to
abuse your time let's see if it's in Japanese or it
translated something Japanese since I'm the best front 10 developer in the world
I'm not able to actually transform this beautiful uh character in actually utf8
I tried but I failed there is a two uf8 but it didn't work I still don't know if
somebody wants to fix the code for me please tell me teach me so that's the end of the demo and uh I'll give you the
last slide which is boring as hell which is thank you and um if you're curious to
see the links I put all of this here with a QR code so in case this is just the r me the the bottom of the r me of
my so there is the the gem the repo what is an embedding the video I took a video of the demo in case this failed so yeah
that's everything is there so thanks everyone and up to the next presenter