RailsConf 2013

No Traffic, No Users, No Problem! - Usability Testing for New Apps

By Jim Jones

Building a web app consists of stressful choices. Should the signup button be red or blue? Does my site's sales pitch sound awkward? What will the user think about my site the first five seconds they visit?
Using Rails and Amazon's Mechanical Turk service, I will show you how you can perform usability tests, A/B testing and gain valuable feedback on your site BEFORE launching your app to a single real user.
I'll walk you through :
1) Sample code for quickly integrating your Rails site with Mechanical Turk
2) How to structure your HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks) so that you solicit detailed feedback from the workers.
3) Integrating A/B testing so that you can quickly decide which design component is better
4) Tactics for stopping automated bots from ruining your usability tests

Help us caption & translate this video!


RailsConf 2013

00:00:16.400 thanks everyone for coming out really appreciate it you guys are looking great
00:00:22.640 working out looking good so i just introduced myself my name is jim
00:00:28.880 jones a ruby on rails engineer i work as a consultant in san francisco area have
00:00:34.719 14 years of experience working with rails on and off the past
00:00:41.040 six years so i like probably many of you
00:00:47.360 have a lot of side projects you know to the point where most aren't completed you
00:00:52.399 haven't forgotten about some and there are times when i'm experimenting with certain images or
00:00:59.520 trying to write some copy text and i feel stuck hey
00:01:04.879 i stuck to a point where colors start looking awkward or my writing sounds strange or it's 2 am and
00:01:10.720 i'm trying to be way too funny than i probably am and i really can't tell what the issue
00:01:16.400 is and so i sought out to find usability solutions and while
00:01:23.759 there's many usability services out there there aren't very many that allow me to
00:01:28.960 evaluate certain bits of the site most of these are very formalized
00:01:34.079 services where as i wanted a quick point of feedback without the need of
00:01:39.439 like formalizing my requirements and such and so i had some prior experience with
00:01:44.880 mechanical turk with data gathering so i started to kind of go down this route with mechanical chirp
00:01:52.000 and so for those who don't have a background in this i'm going to give you a little rundown of the service
00:01:57.280 um mechanical turk is a crowd sourcing marketplace and it allows individuals to
00:02:04.159 coordinate just like small tasks to be performed by people so
00:02:09.200 imagine someone proposes the problem says you have an army of 1 million people
00:02:15.440 that will each do a 10 second 20 second task for you like what would you use that for so
00:02:22.800 these are the sorts of kind of micro tasks but type of problems that
00:02:28.000 mechanical turk is really good at so these are generally tasks that computers
00:02:34.160 are unable to do or don't do very well and so
00:02:39.200 when we think about mechanical chart most people their experience is with
00:02:45.440 very straightforward tasks as far as the tagging of images scientific surveys
00:02:50.560 which usually extend to like demographic data um gathering uh
00:02:56.080 um analyses in that regards so most people have a very straightforward thinking of the service
00:03:03.200 so hopefully we'll kind of expand that and get you guys thinking a little bit differently
00:03:08.480 towards the end of this but just to make sure that we're on the same
00:03:13.680 page i'm going to do a little bit of terminology here when i refer to
00:03:20.239 a hit it's that's a human intelligence task so this is the task that you're
00:03:25.519 posting mechanical turn this is the task that instructs the worker to do something on your behalf
00:03:33.120 the checkers are the workers that are performing the task yes they do
00:03:38.480 call themselves turkers and an assignment is something within that particular hit
00:03:46.000 so one tricker will complete an assignment within the hit so if you had a
00:03:51.920 i want to classify this image and you want say 100 responses on that
00:03:57.760 and you're going to take the most common responses classification for that image you would have one hit and say 100
00:04:03.840 assignments
00:04:09.040 with the mechanical turret service you have uh the estimates are as many as a couple
00:04:16.079 million you have lots of different motivations here and uh um
00:04:22.880 there was a there was a survey done this would have been back in 2008 but a lot
00:04:28.160 of people responding with um tons of different motives here you know most is like monetary compensation most
00:04:34.720 are probably like trying to supplement their income and such but you have also people like one guy at the top it's kind
00:04:40.400 of cut off here he says he's battling insomnia and some guy needs drug money
00:04:46.160 apparently and so it's not all monetary compensation i mean when you start to think about
00:04:52.880 people past the time playing farmville or something like that
00:04:58.240 next time you get a little bored you should actually explore the service because there's just a multitude there's just the the types of hits that are out
00:05:06.000 there to span so many different domains such that it could be rather entertaining and they would obviously be
00:05:12.400 making money so some of the demographics for this is
00:05:18.800 the united states dominates the service and then postal following is india and
00:05:24.080 then you definitely have other countries but majority is definitely the united
00:05:29.759 states and india for completing these tasks and as you can see the gender breakdown
00:05:36.160 is primarily female in the united states whereas in india is actually primarily
00:05:41.280 male with the ages of workers we've got the 24 to
00:05:47.199 33 year old range is most dominant for both of the countries
00:05:52.320 so it's definitely uh younger generations that are utilizing your service and such and
00:05:57.919 are aware that it exists and here's probably the most uh surprising fact the people
00:06:05.039 are taken back by is that the education level majority of the users actually have bachelor's degree and when we start
00:06:11.759 going over some feedback that i've received i think you guys will be really impressed the level of quality that's
00:06:17.440 given um and it'll be quite apparent that these people are very educated and such
00:06:24.400 so um it may not may not be a shock towards the end of the presentation
00:06:31.440 and then average income at least for like the u.s it tends to be primarily middle-class people
00:06:36.560 supplementing their work or supplementing their income so we start kind of with the basics here as
00:06:43.680 far as working with mechanical chert there's three different ways that you
00:06:50.639 can interface with the service you have their very basic web
00:06:56.160 web interface which is just this very simple form builder allows you to put text fields text areas and that sort of
00:07:02.400 thing they also have an api for the ruby community we have
00:07:08.000 our chart mark percival gym ruby aws and then you have my gems
00:07:13.440 turkey which is built on top of our tert which provides some convenience methods
00:07:18.720 for integrating within rails and there there also is a command line tool
00:07:25.039 which is kind of api coupled with some xml files that drive interfacing with it
00:07:32.000 most people's experience is probably with the basic web interface which is just very basic form fields and
00:07:38.160 so i think that's where you get the perception of just very straightforward linear surveys and data
00:07:44.960 collection so that's kind of where that perception has stayed because that's the most
00:07:50.000 people's first exposure to the service so there's actually
00:07:56.080 two different ways that uh a hit be displayed
00:08:01.120 if you use their simple interface that's going to be an html form that's
00:08:06.160 generated html page is generated and just served up from s3 um but there's also this concept of what
00:08:13.840 we call an external hit and this is something that most people don't take advantage of but provides the most the
00:08:20.720 most power here with my gem i turkey supports
00:08:27.280 an external hit and what this does is uh the trigger is able to interact with
00:08:33.360 your website directly and then your website is actually displayed within an iframe
00:08:39.360 so and i'll give an example of this here in a little bit but uh given that that means that you have
00:08:46.240 full control over the form what is displayed and uh how it's input from the
00:08:51.519 trigger the turkey gem does a couple of things
00:08:57.839 um allows the developer to to easily integrate with mechanical turkey rails
00:09:03.760 using it's it's a very convenient form four light helper
00:09:09.200 where you can see we've got the turkey forum core just takes an instantiated object you
00:09:14.880 can pass some params and it just takes your your form field data the big difference here is that
00:09:21.839 instead of the data being posted back to your server the data is actually posted back to
00:09:27.920 mechanical term and then the second portion that turkey allows that helps
00:09:34.640 development is it allows you to easily retrieve that data that's been posted to mechanical turk
00:09:39.839 and import it right back into your models and so the workflow generally is is that
00:09:45.440 a trigger completes your assignment data gets posted to mechanical tert
00:09:51.279 you run a process of in this case it'll be a rake task that retrieves the data
00:09:56.480 it's going to import it into your models and you're going to programmatically approve or reject it
00:10:01.680 and so this this basically determines whether that trigger gets paid or not and they can obviously contest whether
00:10:08.160 it should have been rejected or not but that that's the general workflow so
00:10:14.320 okay so that thing all things aside i want to show you here
00:10:20.880 um a very basic app that i've written with turkey we're going to
00:10:26.000 go on the limb here do something in real time and break that rule which is probably a terrible idea
00:10:32.399 but we're gonna go ahead and do it anyways so let's see
00:10:38.640 if we can okay let me let me swing around here this is really
00:10:44.240 awkward my neck didn't turn that far
00:10:49.360 up here so
00:10:56.800 we're gonna say please
00:11:04.720 please say hello all right one second let me type this
00:11:19.120 so
00:11:29.519 okay
00:12:06.880 i disconnected
00:12:18.720 let's try this one more time
00:12:33.200 uh
00:12:45.519 oh man oh well so what's up
00:12:53.279 um
00:13:19.120 um what the turker is going to see so
00:13:26.000 so that you guys can get a feel for what an external hit looks like because it's kind of hard to conceptualize and such
00:13:31.920 so they're going to encounter that that says say hello here's the directions
00:13:37.279 this is just an iframe right here this is wrapping the application
00:13:42.639 and this is the form that's been created using the turkey 4 core method that's going to be posted back to the
00:13:47.839 mechanical church so i control this entire form i control this entire page it's just a rails out
00:13:53.360 running on a heroku instance and so this is what they're one day interacting with
00:13:58.800 so we'll come back and revisit it and see if anyone said hello hopefully
00:14:04.639 you don't say anything about my family or anything embarrassing so we'll get back to that so
00:14:12.240 remind me we'll jump back there we'll see if anything okay
00:14:17.279 so now we have kind of the base cases set up and we're going to go ahead and
00:14:23.760 get into the more advanced cases what the top what this talk is actually about
00:14:28.839 so we're going to talk about soliciting feedback
00:14:34.639 my goal was how could i gather meaningful feedback quickly and i wanted to make
00:14:40.800 better decisions within my development and i wanted to do this
00:14:47.279 extremely quickly i wanted to skip deployment entirely this is about
00:14:54.160 trying to get feedback as early as possible with your particular project
00:15:00.160 it's like like i was saying there's times in the 2am in the morning i'm writing something
00:15:05.680 i know it sounds awkward and if this is a project that i'm the only person working on i have no one else to bounce
00:15:11.440 things off of so i want to be able to gather feedback but i don't necessarily
00:15:16.480 want to say merge into master if you are on a team you may not want to merge it in you
00:15:22.079 may not want to deploy to a staging server because you may be deploying over another branch or something so sometimes
00:15:27.760 you just want to hit that local dev instance really try on try out some girly ideas and get feedback on it
00:15:35.199 so after some exploration i came with the first tool choice would
00:15:40.720 be the forward gem um and what this gem allows you to do is to easily expose your local dev instance
00:15:47.760 to the outside world and it gives you a nice convenient domain that others can use to access
00:15:54.320 your server now there is this one is a paid service there is another one called local tunnel
00:16:00.720 that is free the reason i prefer forward over local tunnel is that local tunnel will actually give you an https
00:16:07.279 interface and actually gives you the domain that they give you um remains static versus level tunnels into change
00:16:13.759 which was that would just be a big change so uh i think ford was kind of superior in
00:16:19.759 that and so second as you probably already guessed
00:16:24.800 we're going to use something called turkish list of feedback so we're going to need a gem to interact with the servants
00:16:30.000 since i wrote turkey i know turkey will use turkey so
00:16:36.560 with the latest turkey uh revision i'm introducing this concept to what i
00:16:41.920 call a study and given this code you can see that i called it this helpful method called
00:16:47.600 turkey study and what this does is displays a nice forum on your website
00:16:54.320 that gives the trigger the instructions that you define when you're posting your tasks and it gives them a nice text area where
00:17:00.720 they can enter in feedback so when you have once you have this
00:17:06.720 method inserted within your your application template you can go ahead and you can run the rape task which is just
00:17:13.120 right turkey create study um you're going to want to pass in the url which is the url
00:17:20.079 that forward has given you so this is the important part right that forward is exposing that local dev
00:17:26.799 instance so imagine you're getting ready you've just made this big kind of experimental branch you're not sure if
00:17:32.880 it's going to work you want some feedback on it imagine you're going to lunch and you're going to be eating a big
00:17:38.960 burger like super duper burger or something and it's going to be a long lunch and you're like i'd really like to get
00:17:44.400 some feedback on this so you open up your dev incidents the outside world and we're going to be posting
00:17:50.160 our hit to hit that particular dev instant so this is where we get around
00:17:55.360 the whole deployment this is where we we get to have the trickers give us feedback on the experimental portion of
00:18:02.080 our development and then lastly uh retrieving the
00:18:07.200 feedback is just a simple break task and this is for
00:18:12.840 turkey uh here we go so just to give you kind of a brief
00:18:18.960 background i've been working on this project in the evening it's called 5s5 and basically
00:18:24.799 it's a website that allows fans to bid on the spot to meet their favorite
00:18:31.120 celebrity in a video chat and so it's this auction platform and
00:18:36.880 um been working on it for a while now and this is one of those particular
00:18:43.120 projects that i kind of reached the dead ends at the nut at the end of the night and so
00:18:48.400 here you can see here's the home page we've got
00:18:53.799 this photo the directions overlay that's part of
00:18:58.960 the turkey study form helper so this is what's going to be overlaid on every page
00:19:04.320 um and this is the one that allows the triggers to enter in their feedback and submit so
00:19:10.960 since we're putting in the application helper application template that it's going to be displayed on every page
00:19:21.039 so given that page here's some sample feedback that i got from the turkers so
00:19:26.080 you can kind of get a sense for what the quality is first one says you should make the logo
00:19:32.799 bolder than the menu they blend in too much the image screen could be lightened up because the saturation is too much
00:19:38.720 for my eyes the gray box over the image could contain more information or better
00:19:44.000 call to action and the second one said revero i had problems with your site
00:19:50.080 with the sign in when i clicked in with facebook it gave me an error page cannot
00:19:55.280 be displayed other than that the site is doing great loads fast and it's easy to understand
00:20:01.520 you should have more content find more fans willing to do the online web chat
00:20:06.880 great point turker and so as you can see though
00:20:12.640 this happens a lot too that there's a lot of people with very technical backgrounds
00:20:18.000 for whatever reason or playing around with the service um obviously this guy knows about
00:20:23.039 saturation you obviously can see that my photoshop skills suck and
00:20:28.960 but he's he's willing he points that particular uh that he points that out and that
00:20:35.520 actually became a common thread throughout the feedback that um i never would have thought i'm like for some
00:20:40.640 reason i'm programming me i love saturation and but there's a lot of people that are like man this is driving
00:20:46.400 my eyes crazy and i probably wouldn't have known that unless i solicited feedback and so i actually will have to
00:20:52.480 hire a designer so um but it's good the quality of the feedback you're most
00:20:59.360 the time you're you're kind of looking for these threats these common threads that people are pointing out and such
00:21:04.480 and so um a few pro tips when you're soliciting feedback
00:21:10.159 it's always better that you make your task as a personal appeal
00:21:15.679 don't come in there and say yeah i'm i'm making this website for att big
00:21:23.520 time client i'm making a lot of money if you help me out it'd be great
00:21:28.559 they're not going to appeal that you're making a personal appeal you make it like hey this is something i'm doing on my own i really would like it if people
00:21:34.480 could help me out and most of the time they're very happy to oblige in fact i would say when you
00:21:40.240 make it personal appeals they actually sometimes overextend themselves i've gotten four or five paragraph
00:21:46.240 feedbacks before that were posted for like a quarter and it's incredibly helpful the research
00:21:52.559 paper will call those people eager be verbs you'll actually see that in a lot of different mechanical turret research
00:21:57.919 so it's an interesting term i thought and you also want to ensure
00:22:04.159 that you're inviting the checkers to give you negative feedback so the turkers they obviously get
00:22:09.919 compensated when they complete a task but there's a lot of them that are fearful that if they provide negative
00:22:15.520 feedback then you're going to go ahead and reject it and so you actually kind of have to overcompensate for that and you have to
00:22:22.559 invite them and say like hey what don't you like about this site because otherwise like oh super duper
00:22:28.799 great it's looking good keep your head up you know and it's just like it doesn't really give you anything so
00:22:34.799 you really have to make it a safe place to take place for some negative feedback
00:22:42.559 okay so now we're going to get into a little more advanced case of a b testing
00:22:51.600 so i'm going to use the vanity gem this is just an a b testing framework
00:22:57.840 has nice integration with rails relies on redis and active record pretty easy
00:23:03.280 to get set up you can see my definition of my test
00:23:08.640 here is i want to i'm going to be experimenting with the home page photos and which one i think is more effective on
00:23:15.600 getting people to interact and as you can see within my events
00:23:21.039 controller what i'm considering a successful interaction is if they actually reach the events controller the
00:23:27.120 show page for the events one one note here is that
00:23:34.559 intent is really hard to test with mechanical chirp these are paid workers they're not your
00:23:40.880 customers and they're not interested in your product so
00:23:45.919 the terrible way to say is someone's gonna really buy this at least from an inter interface perspective right you may be
00:23:52.320 able to ask would you buy this or not and maybe that's a good process maybe not but they're still being paid so there
00:23:57.679 could be ulterior motives to their response so we have to keep that in mind
00:24:04.559 but interaction can still be measured so when given a goal uh which length does the turkey click
00:24:11.840 first if they're asked to sign up what's their progression within the site that they actually take
00:24:18.480 um to reach that particular bulb that you define here
00:24:24.080 so let's go through our my example test was like given two large images on the home
00:24:31.360 page under which image are the trickers more successful
00:24:36.559 in reaching the event page so i kind of have some built-in
00:24:42.080 assumptions with this particular test here i'm going to say the
00:24:49.039 image where the triggers reach that event page is the image that was more compelling that that led them to actually want to
00:24:55.200 interact because that's the image that not only a lot of that took her to say yes i'm
00:25:01.440 going to accept that particular hit but actually wasn't compelling enough where they were going to hunt around and reach
00:25:06.720 that particular goal that i could find and so they have a lot of options there they have a lot of times they can abort
00:25:13.039 right when they first see the particular hit they're going to see my webpage just loaded there and they don't and that
00:25:19.440 counts as a page impression you know vanity is is looking at that as an impression and a lot of times as you'll
00:25:26.080 see in the results here a lot of times they just skip by so
00:25:31.200 it's fairly open-ended as to why that is maybe it's the image maybe it's not but we're just trying to generate some
00:25:36.880 hypotheses here not necessarily reaching any conclusions
00:25:42.400 but within this particular task i had option a which is this
00:25:49.120 really cool guy i think that's overly saturated now that i know that's crowd
00:25:54.559 surfing and he's holding his hands in the air and it's like oh my gosh
00:26:00.400 he's obviously a really cool fan right wow i can't wait to go to 5s5 it's probably
00:26:06.559 wasting he doesn't match i can't wait to get home so you can see the directions on the right
00:26:13.279 that pump for feedback and then option b um these are just a couple girls waiting
00:26:19.520 outside of concert they're obviously having a great time they
00:26:25.039 are also probably thinking about 5-5 and how they can meet
00:26:30.720 the band that they're there for i mean very exciting right
00:26:36.840 so here's the interesting thing so the trigger instructions are looked at my site
00:26:42.480 find a way to the band's event page then get feedback below what you don't
00:26:47.919 like about my site and tell them to submit and the instructions are fairly
00:26:53.600 open-ended and that kind of implies that there's multiple ways to get to the event page
00:26:58.720 and since we don't have intent for a user that's really interested in this product
00:27:03.919 we'll just give them an open-ended objective and see how they interact with the site and see how they go about achieving this
00:27:11.120 this open-ended goal that i've defined um the other thing is the tricker doesn't
00:27:16.559 really know that we're measuring which image right that's our underlying test
00:27:21.919 but we're just giving them a very open-ended goal for which they're to achieve and when they achieve
00:27:27.679 that goal then we're going to go ahead and confer a few things from this underlying test that we've set up so we
00:27:33.600 have something very specific that we're testing the turkey doesn't know that trigger just has a very open knitting
00:27:41.919 so i'll show you the results and the rather boring because it ends up being inconclusive
00:27:48.640 um you have option a the crowd trooper guy actually converted a little bit better but
00:27:56.559 it's really not statistically significant and so it's kind of sad for me because i would
00:28:03.039 like a direction not b direction but a direction and so i
00:28:08.159 will have to formulate more tests and such but you can see it'll show like the number
00:28:13.440 of participants obviously the number of participants total are much higher than those who
00:28:18.559 actually participated and those are trickers that just actually looked at that particular task but didn't choose
00:28:24.159 to accept it but you could still use that as a data point right they elected not to even participate in your task so
00:28:30.880 was it the image you know it's the most prominent thing on the page it could be copy text there's a lot of hypotheses
00:28:36.880 still to explore but it's there
00:28:42.840 uh lastly we're going to talk about dealing with spam data okay
00:28:50.720 and mechanical turk has definitely gotten a bad rap about this in the past few years
00:28:55.760 in terms of a lot of garbage that flows through the system it's as high as 40 on
00:29:01.600 all submissions i actually think that's lower they got um a new
00:29:07.360 uh cto i believe students and i don't remember what her title is but she seems to be adding a lot more
00:29:13.120 features and they seem to be getting better reputations reputation systems and such so there's a
00:29:18.640 few more things in place now to mitigate against this but it's still definitely a problem
00:29:24.799 and so what you have is you have a lot of people that have just set up bots who will arbitrarily
00:29:30.960 accept tasks they'll look for form fields they'll input junk data and they're hoping that you're just
00:29:37.039 passively approving the tasks and so programmatically just passively approving it so they're hoping to just
00:29:44.080 collapse on some of those so it really is a problem you're going to encounter it
00:29:49.520 probably in your first pass of things but there's a few there's a few ways you can fight against it
00:29:56.399 so kind of the first naive solution it's just a gold standard question kind of capture
00:30:02.240 where you have i i like to say like four plus five or something i will tend to expand those
00:30:07.600 the english words and maybe even remove a letter or something like that so yeah four plus five and
00:30:15.039 that that sometimes is good enough but there's actually the better way that you can do
00:30:21.760 a better way you can do this that will improve quality of your feedback as well so
00:30:28.720 you ask them a validating question your gold standard question but that particular validating gold standard
00:30:34.640 question is actually based on the very feedback that they entered and so
00:30:41.039 what this does is not only validates whether they're human or not but then they actually have to go back and reread
00:30:47.279 what they've entered so they end up checking their work and i
00:30:53.360 don't remember the exact paper but when they surveyed afterwards um the turkers said yeah i actually ended up rewriting
00:31:00.080 a lot of things that i didn't like so it tends to improve the quality so you get a double bonus there
00:31:11.360 so i have uh as you can see along with the feedback form on the turkey study
00:31:17.679 i've actually instituted uh a goal question form field as well
00:31:24.080 and i do that check for you so uh that's a bank drive in i haven't released it as a gym but it's
00:31:30.640 part of the the master of merging the master now so if you check out the turkey master branch you can definitely
00:31:36.640 start to utilize that and uh so hopefully that will get some better responses
00:31:43.840 so that kind of covers the usability testing portion i kind of like to give
00:31:48.960 some more general research regarding the pinnacle church that some findings that you may find surprising and such and
00:31:55.840 then we'll probably open it up for some questions q a
00:32:05.440 so the point of this study was they showed that increasing compensation does not
00:32:11.440 necessarily increase accuracy so if your particular hit study requires some sort of data
00:32:18.159 data gathering or something um bumping up that particular number the
00:32:23.360 compensation number might not necessarily give you a better more accurate results and if i recall from
00:32:29.200 this study it ended up being to get better and more accurate results ended up they had institute redundancy so they
00:32:34.960 did triple check quadruple checks and such looking for the commonalities between it but they found there was
00:32:40.640 definitely a sweet spot and just by you're not necessarily going to get more accurate results just by arbitrarily
00:32:46.640 increasing the amount you're paying those workers
00:32:52.799 this particular study showed that most of their tasks were completed
00:32:58.559 between 6 am gmt and 3 pm gmt which actually translates to between 2 a 2 a.m
00:33:04.640 and 11 a.m in the united states and 11 30 a.m to 8 30 p.m in india
00:33:11.440 you know those are the two countries that provide most of the the work for the clinical chair
00:33:16.720 and since these attended their particular task was tagging images
00:33:22.399 and if for some reason for whatever reason uh it seemed to be the it was workers in india that like that
00:33:28.559 particular past more often and here's a really really important
00:33:34.080 point here um that applies to all mechanical turf uh hits that
00:33:40.240 when you're posting your hits trickers tend to work the queue sorted by the default which is the
00:33:46.399 number of hits you have posted and so if you have very large tasks you can
00:33:52.080 actually exploit that in fact i know of companies who will arbitrarily inflate their number of hits that they have
00:33:58.399 posted to the service later on um later on pull some of those back and actually
00:34:05.200 just to have their hit numbers um inflated so that trickers are more out to see their particular tasks posted
00:34:11.679 on the service and such and so that's really important if you can get
00:34:16.720 that number higher then you have a better chance of being visible without without not without
00:34:23.839 having to increase the compensation so that's really important
00:34:29.280 and then lastly i just want to leave you some other creative uses so you can kind of start to see that mechanical turk
00:34:34.960 isn't just a survey platform which is not a scientific gathering platform these are actual humans and i don't
00:34:40.159 think i think people are just starting to touch the surface as far as like content creation and such and especially when
00:34:46.079 you're writing new applications this is definitely a service that you can start to use
00:34:51.599 you can be very resourceful you can start to envision with external forms you can start to envision having
00:34:56.639 triggers record user videos right like was a service that was recently launched
00:35:02.880 hacker news and you could have them on an external form start capturing video you can do content creation if anyone
00:35:09.280 wants to talk about content creation afterwards uh we can talk about iterative content building where you
00:35:14.640 have turkers like submit first sentence and then you have turkish build off that sentence and you have another set of
00:35:19.920 turkers build off that sentence start forming these very long paragraphs
00:35:25.280 some of the some of the creative projects you can check this out on my github page
00:35:31.280 i call it add vote and so if you have an adwords campaign and you would like to test that say like
00:35:38.079 you're doing this example is grasshead b you can envision something like mortgage refinance where you're talking like 50
00:35:44.640 per click what it does is allows you to upload your ads all your variations it's going to
00:35:50.640 download your competitors for that particular set of keywords it's going to download the organic results it's going
00:35:56.720 to mix them all in into a google-like search page result and it asks the trickers which would you be more likely
00:36:02.079 to click on if you were searching for say grass-fed beef and so it kind of provides a
00:36:07.760 google adwords simulation um without having to pay google adwords
00:36:16.800 we've got 10 000 sheet this is really cool um as far as this particular artist had a
00:36:23.599 flash based application that allowed um trickers to draw a picture of a sheep
00:36:28.640 and he would record it as their as they're drawn and you can go ahead and visit the site and it'll show
00:36:34.240 all these different sheets that are drawn and it just shows the exact same manner that the tricker
00:36:39.359 developed it quite cool dr seussify the news so there was just a
00:36:44.880 research group that wanted to see how creative trickers would actually get and so
00:36:50.560 uh some of they were having the trickers rewrite headlines so i like the the last one says beat the
00:36:56.720 headline was bp tries to cap the well protest set to start and so turkey writes bp tries to cap what they have
00:37:03.680 while protesters start to race how about the well
00:37:09.359 but that's it open it up to some questions and such
00:37:15.359 thanks everyone for coming out
00:37:27.440 so
00:37:51.599 you