Danielle Adams

Outside the (Web) Box: Using Ruby for Other Protocols

Outside the (Web) Box: Using Ruby for Other Protocols

by Danielle Adams

The video titled "Outside the (Web) Box: Using Ruby for Other Protocols" features Danielle Adams discussing innovative ways to integrate Ruby on Rails with various automation hardware outside the typical web development scope. This presentation, delivered at RailsConf 2017, explores the adaptation of Rails to interact with devices such as barcode scanners and Zebra printers, aiming to improve warehouse operations at Blue Apron.

Key Points Discussed:
- Introduction to Speaker: Danielle Adams, a software engineer at Blue Apron, shares her first experience speaking at RailsConf and mentions her work on the warehouse management system team.
- Challenges in Automation: Blue Apron sought to introduce automation in their operations and needed to connect their Rails applications with TCP-based hardware devices, which were traditionally not part of their web-focused approach.
- Protocols Overview: The talk distinguishes between HTTP, typically used in web applications, and TCP, utilized for communication with hardware. Danielle highlights how the two protocols fit within the internet protocol suite and explains their differences.
- Utilizing Ruby for TCP Integration: The integration was made possible using Ruby's built-in socket library. Danielle provides examples of creating TCP sockets in Ruby and handling micro-level connections with devices. She demonstrates how TCP sockets can be established, how data flows between clients and servers, and shares snippets of Ruby code for clarity.
- Handling Efficient Communication: The presentation discusses strategies such as non-blocking I/O to manage connections effectively without causing latency issues in the Rails application. It emphasizes using background workers (specifically Sidekiq) to handle printing and scanning without blocking the main application processes.
- Case Study of a Sorting Machine: Danielle describes deploying a sophisticated sorting machine within the warehouse that required efficient communication with other hardware. She illustrates the software architecture enabling parallel processing to ensure responsiveness and efficiency in label creation and scanning.
- Middleware for Protocol Variance: Acknowledging that different devices have various communication standards, the presentation highlights the need for shared code acting as middleware to parse incoming and outgoing messages properly.
- Importance of Testing in Automation: Danielle notes the unique challenges presented by hardware integration and stresses the importance of manual testing amidst automated frameworks for ensuring robustness in production environments.

Conclusions and Takeaways:
Danielle's session concludes with a reminder for web developers to think beyond traditional web frameworks, advocating for the exploration of Ruby and Rails capabilities in interfacing with hardware. She shares the successful implementation of their system across Blue Apron warehouses, marking a significant technological advancement in their operational workflows.

00:00:12.789 Hey everyone! My name is Danielle, and I'm a software engineer from New York. Thank you all for coming to see me speak.
00:00:18.160 This is my first time at RailsConf, so this is pretty exciting, though a little nerve-wracking.
00:00:25.330 Just about half an hour ago, I had to run back to my Airbnb to grab my labels because I completely forgot a pretty vital piece of my demo.
00:00:37.329 Hopefully, it can only go up from here! So, I'm here to talk about how we can integrate Rails with different types of protocols.
00:00:44.530 Let's get started! My Twitter handle is @AdamsDanielle, and my GitHub is DanielleAdams.
00:00:51.370 If you have any questions afterwards that maybe don't get answered, feel free to tweet me. There are going to be some code samples that you can find on my GitHub.
00:01:05.019 A little bit about me: I work at a company called Blue Apron. You might have seen our podcast sponsorships; that's usually how I hear about us.
00:01:10.860 I work on the warehouse management system team, which means that all of the software built within the warehouses for our employees is something my team helps build.
00:01:17.800 Another important fact about me is that I have a cat named Dennis. Like most cat owners, I spend about 90% of my free time taking pictures of him while he sleeps.
00:01:31.030 Some notable achievements include posting a tweet that went viral the day the internet went down. This was really exciting for me, as I’m not a big Twitter user. It had 400 engagements and ended up on Twitter moments.
00:01:50.500 Another notable achievement is that I was part of a team that introduced automation and hardware into Blue Apron's warehouse system last summer.
00:02:08.739 That’s what I’m here to talk to you about: how we can integrate Ruby on Rails and expand beyond web development to actually start interfacing with hardware.
00:02:21.380 So, first, I'm going to go back in time to spring of last year. Originally, Blue Apron decided we wanted to introduce a lot of automation into our software.
00:02:27.230 Up until that point, everything we were doing was web development based. We had many different web applications that we were interacting with, all built on Rails.
00:02:40.360 We started realizing that to help the company scale, we had to integrate with the printers and scanners we were using in the warehouses.
00:03:01.460 We needed to figure out what that integration would look like because we didn’t want to face latency issues or struggles with handling multiple connections.
00:03:12.470 We began asking ourselves if Rails and Ruby were the right tools for this job, or if we would need to switch to Python or do everything in multi-threading.
00:03:20.540 These considerations were vital because introducing new hardware was adding a layer of complexity to our system.
00:03:31.060 Here’s a high-level overview of what I’m going to talk about today: first, we will go over the different types of protocols we needed to use.
00:03:39.560 Then I will discuss how to integrate Ruby with machines, and finally, how to integrate hardware with a Rails system.
00:03:51.410 At the time, we were primarily focused on web development and had not done much software development involving hardware and automation.
00:04:00.560 All of our software was capable of speaking HTTP, but what we needed was a system that could communicate over TCP, which is the language the hardware spoke.
00:04:10.910 To understand how to make this leap, let’s first take a look at how an HTTP request works and how Rails handles it.
00:04:24.820 When a browser makes a request, the IP is resolved by DNS. In the middle, there might be a caching layer, and it might reach a load balancer.
00:04:47.180 Once it reaches our Rails application, it interacts with our application server, such as Puma or Unicorn, goes through Rack middleware, and finally reaches the Rails router and controllers.
00:05:05.810 So, what is TCP? TCP, or Transmission Control Protocol, was introduced in 1981 with the intent of serving the US Department of Defense.
00:05:25.880 It is a highly reliable host-to-host protocol used in packet-switched computer networks.
00:05:37.729 For those unfamiliar, RFC stands for 'Request for Comments,' which is a common method for introducing new ideas in computer and software development.
00:05:51.680 Now, how is TCP different from HTTP? Both are part of the same Internet Protocol Suite: HTTP operates at the application layer while TCP functions at the transport layer.
00:06:12.710 When we looked at different languages and frameworks for supporting this automation by summer, we decided that Ruby and Rails were the perfect fit.
00:06:34.219 We discovered that Ruby could indeed support lower-level connections, so we began figuring out how to integrate Ruby on Rails with the hardware.
00:06:46.520 In our warehouses, we used laptops running localhost to connect with different devices as we experimented to see what would work.
00:07:10.430 Now let's discuss Ruby and its integration with machines, highlighting how we discovered the interoperability with our Rails systems.
00:07:27.770 For those who may not know, Ruby has a socket library that comes with the standard library. It’s available as soon as you install Ruby.
00:07:36.020 A socket is simply a set of two values: an IP address and a port, which distinguish a unique endpoint in any computer network.
00:07:49.340 The Ruby socket library has a class called TCP Socket, which is built on the base Socket class. It provides all the necessary functionality for opening a socket to any device.
00:08:00.860 Typically, the flow of data looks like this: a client, such as a browser, makes a request to our Rails server, which processes updates to a database.
00:08:15.470 However, what we wanted was a client that could communicate directly with a printer.
00:08:20.539 To do this, we needed to establish a TCP socket.
00:08:30.930 In Ruby, establishing a connection might look like this: we import the socket library and create a socket object defined by an IP and a port number.
00:08:48.020 Once we write to the socket, we close it. On the server side, we can use the TCP Server class to handle incoming socket connections.
00:09:01.210 The code would establish a TCP server that listens for any client connections. Once a connection is made, it acknowledges the client, reads the input, and then closes the socket.
00:09:19.220 Examples of devices we can use with this library include data logic scanners and Zebra printers.
00:09:31.090 In a moment, I’ll do a demo showcasing what the client-server relationship looks like.
00:09:43.540 The server process will be listening, and I will show how it receives messages.
00:09:50.840 To illustrate, we can start the server on a chosen port, say 4000, to demonstrate the process.
00:10:06.340 On the client side, we would write a script that opens a socket, sends a message—say, 'Hello, Rails!'—and then closes it.
00:10:17.670 As we can see, once the client message is received, it outputs the message and closes the connection.
00:10:29.360 Fast forward to last winter, as we began integrating printers and scanners into the production environment.
00:10:47.000 We introduced a large machine into our warehouses, a shoe sorter, which directs packages on a conveyor belt according to scans.
00:11:02.660 This process is deeply latency-sensitive, so we had to be smart about integrating this with our Rails systems.
00:11:21.050 To ensure efficiency, we opted for asynchronous processes in our Rails application, avoiding any blocking behavior between tasks.
00:11:38.200 We didn't want our Rails application to be overwhelmed with tasks, leading to inefficiencies during operation.
00:11:54.120 Implementing non-blocking integration meant that we could handle connections to the hardware while concurrently managing database updates.
00:12:10.770 For example, when a browser requests printing, that request triggers a worker in the Rails controller, which can then communicate with the printer.
00:12:27.430 We're using Sidekiq to handle this process cleanly, managing print requests without blocking user experiences.
00:12:44.500 We define our labels and printers clearly in the database, enabling the system to work efficiently.
00:12:57.540 Another scenario involves a scanner that needs to update a database but speaks TCP, while the database requires its own protocol.
00:13:09.500 We employ a daemon process listening for scans, which triggers a corresponding worker to update our database accordingly.
00:13:25.920 This shows how different processes in our application can operate seamlessly in the background to keep data synchronized.
00:13:40.720 When integrating different devices, we encounter various protocols, creating complexity in message parsing.
00:13:54.620 For instance, Zebra printers speak GPL, a label definition and printer control language.
00:14:06.530 This language allows us to define the delivered messages in a precise format, just like an HTML string.
00:14:20.200 Formatting errors or miscommunications can easily result in print failures, so we must align expectations meticulously.
00:14:34.160 Once the message flows from the printer to the application, it often appears completely different and requires appropriate handling.
00:14:49.180 To manage this complexity, implementing shared middleware allows us to parse messages accurately, preserving context.
00:15:03.340 Now, let's see a demo showcasing the device queue and how the daemon and Rails application collaborate.
00:15:17.200 While demonstrating, I’ll show you the entire process with our setup, including the connection between devices.
00:15:32.060 Initially, there were no labels in our system. Let’s create some labels for demonstration.
00:16:01.140 We’ve created three labels which allow us to illustrate how the system processes them.
00:16:13.840 I’ll need two volunteers to provide their names and titles so we can use those values for our labels.
00:16:25.780 We will print these labels and then demonstrate how the scanning updates work by refreshing our label dashboard.
00:16:42.800 Now, let's review the dashboard after scanning one of the labels to see how the updates reflect in the database.
00:17:02.010 After scanning labels for Megan and Greg, both names received their updates in the database.
00:17:18.300 This was an example highlighting how Rails processes can run simultaneously with hardware interactions.
00:17:38.900 Now let's explore some obstacles that emerged along our journey.
00:17:55.720 Not all hardware can maintain multiple socket connections simultaneously, which can lead to complications during scaling.
00:18:10.420 When multiple devices need to communicate, we must ensure that each message routes correctly to prevent silent failures.
00:18:25.390 To ensure persistent sockets remain open, we must also be mindful of frameworks that may not support that adequately.
00:18:40.030 Security is also crucial; devices must remain on a private network to prevent unauthorized access.
00:18:59.410 Maintaining good practices with open sockets involves working with hosting services that support these security restrictions.
00:19:16.860 Finally, testing proves to be a larger challenge when integrating with hardware.
00:19:34.790 Development testing is simpler in a standard web app, but with hardware, the physicality of devices adds extra complexity.
00:19:50.460 Anticipating issues like unplugged devices or broken connections becomes crucial during manual testing.
00:20:03.560 Concluding my talk, I’m pleased to say that the software we developed is actively in use in Blue Apron warehouses across the country.
00:20:20.870 This integration ensures that boxes are being delivered efficiently, which is incredibly satisfying.
00:20:38.590 My message to all of you is to think beyond traditional web development and explore what Ruby can do with integration.
00:20:54.550 Thank you very much, everyone!
00:21:10.500 In terms of keeping printers on a private network, one possible solution could involve using localized servers.
00:21:48.740 Yet, maintaining your software on a local network requires managing its updates and stability.
00:22:02.230 When coordinating communication between devices that only accept one connection, it comes down to designing for simplicity.
00:22:19.520 In our warehouses, we accommodate each machine’s needs with separate processes handling those connections.
00:22:31.470 Addressing future proofing, we're exploring utilization of ERP systems for rendering Zebra printer commands.
00:22:45.530 Linking these devices to a single deployment pipeline was a pivotal part of our design.
00:23:01.040 We ensure no downtime during updates through Blue/Green deployments and remain diligent in maintaining these connections.
00:23:17.320 Feel free to reach out if you have any questions; I’m always passionate about discussing this integration.