Thijs Cadier

Processing Streaming Data at a Large Scale with Kafka

Processing Streaming Data at a Large Scale with Kafka

by Thijs Cadier

The video titled Processing Streaming Data at a Large Scale with Kafka features Thijs Cadier presenting at RailsConf 2017. In this talk, Cadier explores the challenges of processing streaming data using a standard Rails stack, highlighting its limitations in scalability. He introduces Kafka as a solution for building an efficient analytics pipeline, elaborating on its unique properties that allow for scalable stream processing.

Key points discussed include:

- Definition and Challenges of Streaming Data: Cadier defines streaming data and discusses common issues such as database locking and the difficulties of handling concurrent updates from multiple sources.

- Database Performance Limitations: He illustrates the performance bottlenecks faced when updating databases directly with each incoming log line, especially at high scales.

- Sharding and Load Balancing: He describes attempts to shard data across multiple databases and the complications that arise from needing to query across these shards.

- Introduction to Kafka: Cadier introduces Kafka as a distributed messaging system that allows for effective load balancing, routing, and failover capabilities, which are essential for processing large-scale streaming data.
- Key Concepts of Kafka: He breaks down Kafka’s architecture, explaining fundamental components like topics, partitions, brokers, and consumers, emphasizing how they work together to ensure data is processed reliably and efficiently.

- Building an Analytics Pipeline: Cadier walks through a practical example of setting up an analytics system using Kafka. He shares how logs are ingested, pre-processed, and aggregated through various Kafka topics to ultimately update a database with country visit statistics.

- Demo of Kafka Implementation: The presentation includes a demonstration of the system in action, showing how incoming data is processed and how consumers handle scaling and partition assignment automatically.

In conclusion, the presentation highlights the robust nature of Kafka in managing streaming data efficiently, allowing developers to scale applications effectively while minimizing downtime and processing overhead. The audience is encouraged to explore Kafka further for their own streaming data needs, as Cadier provides practical insights and guidance on implementation in a Ruby environment.

00:00:12.639 Hello, everyone. Today, I'm going to talk about processing streaming data with Kafka.
00:00:17.680 First, let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Thijs Cadier, and I work at AppSignal.
00:00:23.519 Just to clarify, my name is pronounced this way—it’s a bit of a tutorial on that.
00:00:29.519 I’m from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and coincidentally, today is the biggest holiday of the year.
00:00:34.600 Amsterdam looks quite festive today, but I'm here with you instead of at the celebration.
00:00:41.680 I appreciate you all being here. At AppSignal, we develop a monitoring product for Ruby and Elixir applications.
00:00:47.840 As with many such products, you often start with the assumption that it won’t be too hard.
00:00:58.199 However, it usually turns out to be quite challenging. A critical consideration for our product is that we need to process a significant amount of streaming data.
00:01:04.559 Essentially, our product operates with an agent that users install on their servers.
00:01:12.200 This agent runs on various customer machines, posting data to us regularly, including errors and slowdowns.
00:01:19.320 We process and merge this data to create a user interface and perform alerting, which falls under the category of streaming data.
00:01:26.079 Streaming data is typically defined as being generated continuously at regular intervals.
00:01:31.119 It comes from multiple data sources that all send it simultaneously.
00:01:37.520 There are classical problems associated with this type of data processing.
00:01:42.560 One obvious issue is database locking. If you perform numerous small updates, the database locks most of the time.
00:01:48.640 Consequently, everything slows down. You need to load balance this data effectively.
00:01:55.680 The goal is to ensure that data ends up with the same worker server whenever possible, enabling smarter processing.
00:02:04.920 Now, let’s explore a simple streaming data challenge we can discuss as a use case.
00:02:11.039 Imagine a popular website with visitors worldwide, supported by servers distributed across the globe to handle this traffic.
00:02:22.720 We want to process the log files generated by these visits.
00:02:29.080 We have a continuous stream of log lines that contain each visitor's IP address and the URLs they visit.
00:02:36.079 For our purposes, we want to turn these logs into a graph tracking visits from different countries.
00:02:41.680 Is this a complicated task? The answer is, at a small scale, it’s not difficult.
00:02:47.920 You can simply update a database record for every single log line.
00:02:54.200 This straightforward approach requires you to use an update query on a country table, which includes a country code and a count field.
00:03:01.720 Every time you receive a visitor from a particular country, you update the relevant record.
00:03:07.360 However, the problem arises with maintaining data integrity in the database.
00:03:12.200 The database needs to handle the possibility that existing data might need to be updated as new log lines come in.
00:03:19.040 This requires locking rows, which can lead to the entire database locking down under heavy load.
00:03:26.320 At AppSignal, we faced this bottleneck several times.
00:03:32.800 One possible solution is sharding the data.
00:03:39.080 You could put all the Dutch visitors in one database and US visitors in another, thereby scaling out by grouping data.
00:03:46.959 While this can be effective, it introduces complications.
00:03:53.680 For example, querying data across different database clusters can become slow and complicated.
00:03:59.920 Additionally, if you decide to adjust how you shard the data—for instance, to count by browser—you’ll have to rewrite significant portions of your system.
00:04:06.160 This process can be cumbersome, involving extensive migration scripts.
00:04:12.680 At AppSignal, we also need to perform more extensive processing than simple counting.
00:04:18.760 This means we face bottlenecks not just in the database but also in the pre-database processing stage.
00:04:25.760 We had envisioned a scenario where a worker server would collect traffic from customers and then transmit that to a database cluster.
00:04:32.800 However, this model presents a major issue: if a worker server dies, the customer loses valuable reporting time.
00:04:39.760 So, we could introduce a load balancer that distributes traffic evenly across worker nodes.
00:04:46.080 While this works better, the risk still remains that a worker won't have the relevant customer’s data available for processing.
00:04:55.200 This fragmentation hinders our ability to perform effective processing.
00:05:01.760 It would be much simpler if all the data from one customer were processed by a single worker.
00:05:06.920 This would enable more efficient calculations.
00:05:13.440 For instance, instead of incrementing the visitor counter every time a log line arrives, we could cache those locally.
00:05:21.480 Then, after a short interval, we could perform a single batch update, significantly reducing the database load.
00:05:27.760 Our goal is to batch streams, implement caching, and perform local computations before writing to the database.
00:05:34.320 This caching is also vital for performing statistical analyses, like histograms, which require all relevant data to be together.
00:05:42.080 Thus, we return to our original scenario: routing all customer data to a single worker.
00:05:49.200 If we can accomplish that batching, we may not need the heavy sharding we initially considered.
00:05:55.840 However, we would still face the single point of failure issue, which could affect customer satisfaction.
00:06:03.000 This is where Kafka comes into play.
00:06:09.759 We explored various systems, and Kafka offers unique properties that allow for routing and failover effectively.
00:06:16.240 Using Kafka makes it possible to load balance and route data without too much complexity.
00:06:23.760 Now, let me explain Kafka by outlining four key concepts that are essential for understanding its framework.
00:06:29.760 Bear with me as we delve into these concepts.
00:06:37.759 First, we have the topic, which serves as a grouping mechanism for data, similar to a database table. A topic contains a stream of data that could range from log lines to JSON objects.
00:06:50.720 Messages within a topic are partitioned—in this case, they may be split into 16 different partitions.
00:06:57.239 The fascinating aspect is how data can be partitioned: a message with the same key will always reside in the same partition.
00:07:03.840 Next is the broker, which is the term Kafka uses for its servers.
00:07:09.120 The broker stores the messages and ensures they reach the final component: the consumer.
00:07:17.120 A consumer in Kafka is similar to a client or database driver—it allows you to read messages from a topic.
00:07:23.160 Kafka does have its own terminology, which can sometimes be confusing, as many of its components already exist under different names.
00:07:29.200 I’ll explain each of these concepts in more detail.
00:07:37.760 This is what a topic looks like: a specific topic can have multiple partitions, each containing a stream of messages.
00:07:44.960 Each message has an offset that starts at zero and increments with new incoming data.
00:07:51.360 You can also configure how long the data remains available in the topic.
00:07:57.520 When we group messages by country, they will end up on the same partition—all key-related messages are efficiently handled.
00:08:07.000 Next is the broker, which essentially stores the partitions and messages.
00:08:15.680 Each broker is a primary for some partitions and secondary for others, providing redundancy.
00:08:22.480 For example, with three brokers, each one can take a share of the primary tasks.
00:08:29.680 If one broker experiences failure, the others can take over its tasks without losing data.
00:08:36.080 Thus, this system provides excellent redundancy and reliability.
00:08:44.000 Finally, regarding consumers: a consumer in Kafka resembles a database or Redis client.
00:08:52.560 It allows you to listen to a topic, and Kafka supports multiple consumers, each tracking their own message offset.
00:08:59.680 For example, imagine we have two consumers, one handling Slack notifications and another managing email alerts.
00:09:06.960 If Slack is down while the email consumer runs smoothly, the email alerts will proceed without any issue.
00:09:13.920 When Slack becomes operational again, its consumer will catch up with the missed messages.
00:09:21.000 This architecture enables robust external system integration without one service disrupting others.
00:09:27.760 In cases where we have more partitions, a consumer group can facilitate parallel processing.
00:09:35.760 Kafka intelligently assigns partitions to consumers within the same group, ensuring effective load distribution.
00:09:44.000 If a consumer goes offline, the system redistributes the workload to maintain seamless operations.
00:09:51.760 Now, let’s shift gears and discuss how we can harness this from a Ruby perspective.
00:09:58.040 The relationship between brokers and consumers involves how consumers read data from partitioned topics.
00:10:05.760 From the consumer's view, Kafka handles data fetching transparently, alleviating direct concerns about data storage.
00:10:12.639 We’re planning to build an analytics system using the logs, tracking the number of visitors from various regions.
00:10:20.200 We’ll utilize two Kafka topics and three Rake tasks for this process.
00:10:27.760 Our end goal is a straightforward Active Record model tracking visitor counts.
00:10:35.960 The model will contain fields for the country code and visit count, alongside a hash to store cumulative counts.
00:10:43.840 During processing, we’ll loop through the hash, fetch or create entries for missing countries, and increment their counts.
00:10:51.679 The whole architecture involves importing logs to a Kafka topic, running preprocessing, and aggregating the data.
00:11:00.080 You might wonder why preprocessing is necessary. Immediate routes to the database can overwhelm individual server workloads.
00:11:07.679 Many visitors often come from a single location, leading to significant disparities in worker loads.
00:11:15.120 This uneven distribution can be costly and create processing inefficiencies.
00:11:22.760 Thus, we process some data before aggregating it to maintain overall efficiency.
00:11:30.600 Step one involves importing log files, which might not represent true streaming data.
00:11:37.760 In reality, the logs would have been streaming continuously from web servers.
00:11:45.200 The import task loops through log files, converting each line into a Kafka message, simulating streaming behavior.
00:11:55.680 For example, the message delivery in our code calls for sending each log line to the page views topic.
00:12:03.680 After this, the second step involves preprocessing the incoming data, especially determining each IP's country.
00:12:11.920 We set up a consumer that reads data from the previous topic, parsing it into manageable components.
00:12:19.520 In this step, we create hashes with attributes like country and browser for further processing.
00:12:26.120 The processed output is then sent to a second Kafka topic in a well-formatted JSON structure.
00:12:34.560 Line 51 holds the key detail: we assign a partition key, which will group data for future aggregation.
00:12:41.840 By ensuring that messages with the same country code end up in the same partition, we facilitate efficient calculations.
00:12:49.760 Now, we reach the final step, where we consume the data from the second topic and engage in aggregation.
00:12:56.400 The aggregation task consumes nicely structured JSON hashes.
00:13:03.600 We have a Ruby hash called @country_counts initialized to zero for all country keys.
00:13:12.720 For each message we process, we extract relevant data points and increment our aggregate counts.
00:13:19.679 The main loop runs every five seconds, calling the Active Record model to save current counts in the database.
00:13:26.760 After performing this, we reset the count for the next aggregation period.
00:13:33.080 This aggregation task continuously reads data for five seconds, incrementing counts each time.
00:13:42.240 Finally, it writes the current counts to the database, preparing for the next cycle.
00:13:50.080 We return to our UI to monitor the updated visitor statistics.
00:13:56.560 In the controller, we fetch and display visitor stats, ordered by descending count.
00:14:04.160 We also compute the maximum and sum of counts to ensure UI reliability.
00:14:11.280 At the front end, we create a straightforward HTML table to showcase our data.
00:14:18.560 This design illustrates how we can use Kafka to efficiently process incoming data streams and display results.
00:14:26.320 Now, let’s move on to the demo of our application.
00:14:34.560 I've set up three tabs for demonstration.
00:14:41.760 The importer simulates continuous log line streaming into a Kafka topic.
00:14:49.760 Next, we run the pre-processor to transform these logs into actionable JSON data.
00:14:57.760 As you can see, we are successfully processing logs into structured JSON.
00:15:05.760 We can even add a second pre-processor to handle more partitions, enhancing our overall capacity.
00:15:13.760 Simultaneously, we’ll initiate the aggregator to manage incoming data and produce statistics.
00:15:21.760 As we refresh the output tab, you'll notice visitor counts updating every five seconds.
00:15:28.960 Each time the aggregation runs, we observe a cumulative increase related to incoming logs.
00:15:36.960 Moreover, by launching a second aggregator, we can see how Kafka reallocates partitions effectively.
00:15:44.960 As a result, you will notice some counts in one tab decrease as Kafka redistributes workload.
00:15:52.360 This efficiency demonstrates Kafka's ability to manage and balance data across multiple workers.
00:16:00.080 That concludes my presentation on processing streaming data using Kafka. Thank you!
00:16:14.000 I welcome any questions about the presentation.
00:16:22.680 A common query revolves around what occurs if a consumer goes down without committing offsets.
00:16:30.760 In my talk, I chose not to complicate matters by discussing this, but it’s important to note.
00:16:37.440 Consumers decide when to notify Kafka that they’ve processed messages, allowing for potential rewinds.
00:16:45.120 If a consumer pauses on an uncommitted offset, it can reprocess messages upon recovery.
00:16:53.360 Because we flush data when committing, they tend to be in sync.
00:17:01.760 Another question often raised concerns formatting restrictions for messages in Kafka.
00:17:09.760 The answer is, there are no inherent restrictions; each message comprises a key and a value.
00:17:16.560 We frequently utilize Protocol Buffers in our Kafka topics, but JSON or alternative formats are equally viable.
00:17:24.600 While Kafka provides robust capabilities, running it entails a learning curve, especially surrounding Java components.
00:17:32.600 If you're interested in avoiding these complexities, options like AWS Kinesis are available.
00:17:39.680 Thank you for your attention, and feel free to share any additional questions you might have!