
Programming, Education, and the American Dream

Programming, Education, and the American Dream

by Liz Abinante

The video "Programming, Education, and the American Dream" features Liz Abinante discussing the intersections between programming education and the concept of the American Dream. The presentation critically examines the learn-to-code movement, which suggests that coding is a skill everyone can learn and that mastery leads to financial success. Abinante explores the complexities of this idea, outlining key points that contribute to an understanding of programming education in America today.

Key Points:
- Overview of the Learn-to-Code Movement:
- Involves a variety of factors such as startup success stories, the rise of new curricula, and initiatives like Obama's "Hour of Code."
- Highlights the appeal of success stories like Mark Zuckerberg, which perpetuate the narrative that coding guarantees financial success.

  • Accessibility of Education:

    • Emphasizes the availability of more affordable in-person and online coding courses that lower barriers to entry.
    • Mentions programs like the Y Web Academy that provide resources to underprivileged communities.
  • Challenges of Learning to Code:

    • Differentiates between learning to code (skills and syntax) and programming (understanding and analytical skills).
    • Discusses inadequate instruction in coding boot camps and the pressure to achieve success without acknowledging systemic barriers.
  • Broader Educational Context:

    • Critiques the traditional educational systems in America, which often focus more on performance metrics than actual learning.
    • Highlights disparities in demographics within STEM education and questions the feasibility of promoting computer science when basic literacy is lacking.
  • The Evolving Definition of the American Dream:

    • Contrasts modern interpretations centered around financial success with the original idea of developing personal potential and societal contributions.
    • Expresses concern over the privileged narrative that coding is accessible to everyone, urging a more inclusive approach to education.

Conclusions and Takeaways:
- The notion that "anyone can learn to code" is a narrative often rooted in privilege, failing to address the socio-economic barriers many face.
- Abinante suggests redefining success in education and advocating for foundational literacy as prerequisites to programming education.
- A shift in focus from merely achieving wealth to nurturing a love for learning can help realize a more inclusive version of the American Dream, encouraging true access to opportunities in tech education.

00:00:18.560 Hey everyone! There are a lot more of you here than I expected, given that J Ruby is happening at the same time. Welcome! My name is Liz Abinante, and I am an engineer at New Relic, located in Portland—it's a little colder and a lot weirder up there. Today, I'm going to talk to you about programming education and the American Dream.
00:00:36.680 Everyone I've told about this talk said, 'That seems really nebulous, Liz. That's kind of a big topic! What are you really going to talk about?' I got really tired of hearing my name, so I made an outline for you because I'm an academic at heart.
00:00:49.039 We're going to go over several topics today: the learn-to-code movement, education in America, what the American Dream actually is, and then how all of this comes together when we educate the programmers we work with today.
00:01:06.479 Let's start with a little overview of the learn-to-code movement. How did this all get started? It's a bit difficult to give a straightforward explanation; as with anything in our history, things are more complicated than just one event. It's never just one thing, but I want to focus on a few specific factors: startup success stories, the availability of new curriculum, the lower barrier to entry for these new technologies, and the end result of Obama telling us all to do an hour of code.
00:01:31.560 While the stock market doesn't always favor software as a service companies or social media companies like Twitter, people love them. We love these success stories about programmers or anyone who comes up with a business idea, transforms it into a company, and achieves great success. We love it so much that Facebook even got its own movie—because people were so excited about these narratives of success.
00:01:56.159 Mark Zuckerberg, for example, is incredibly wealthy—worth 33 billion dollars—ranked number 22 on the Forbes 400 list just last month. This year, Forbes introduced a self-made score, which assesses whether someone's wealth is self-made or inherited. They found it silly to classify those who grow up wealthy and do nothing to earn that wealth on the same scale as someone like Oprah, who faced significant life challenges.
00:02:22.160 According to Forbes, an eight on this score means that someone came from a middle or upper-class family but had some challenges. There was a time, in 1984, when less than half of the Forbes list was considered self-made, and now roughly three-quarters of the list consists of self-made individuals.
00:02:38.800 These stories inspire us because they emphasize that making our fortunes is attainable. However, it would be easier if success were guaranteed. Another significant factor is the availability of curriculum. It’s easier to learn something if there are multiple ways to learn it, as not everyone has the same learning style.
00:03:04.400 In-person courses became available, which were considerably more affordable than attending MIT, Harvard, or even other universities. These classes ranged from one-day workshops to boot camps like Dev Bootcamp and Hackbright that required a larger time commitment but were focused. Irrespective of the course types, the availability of these in-person programs made it easier for people to learn.
00:03:40.560 Additionally, many people, myself included, started with free and affordable online curricula. These interactive video tutorials, where you can talk to the computer, are often the first step into coding—introducing you to Ruby, JavaScript, and the basics of HTML. These online resources are remarkable because they allow learners to acquire foundational principles without spending thousands of dollars on university courses or intensive programs.
00:04:09.680 This accessibility opens doors to individuals who may not have the financial means or time to commit to traditional programs. Over the past year or so, I've also noticed the introduction of online curricula that includes mentorship. This allows for one-on-one interactions similar to university settings, providing support on concepts like recursion when students need extra help.
00:04:40.000 So, a person living in North Dakota can theoretically receive the same quality of education as someone living in San Francisco, where there are more options available. This ease of access significantly benefits those with irregular job hours, limited economic means, or those who can only commit part-time.
00:05:04.400 The popularity of these curricula is largely due to the dramatically lower barrier to learning new technologies. We’ve developed cloud development environments, which many professional developers do not typically use daily but they reduce costs and complications.
00:05:40.680 My work computer, which I could never have afforded in college, demonstrates this—while I couldn't afford a powerful device, I could have learned cloud development on a simple Chromebook or an old PC, even something given to me for free.
00:06:06.080 These cloud development environments also simplify the learning process, removing the complexities of setting up a development environment. It’s incredibly frustrating for beginners when they lack the needed tools to write code due to technical barriers. With these platforms, you can learn in a more effective way.
00:06:40.720 The Y Web Academy in Madison, Wisconsin, offers a free program to underprivileged youth and people of color to learn full-stack Rails and JS development using $300 Chromebooks. This nine-month program enables them to learn everything they need within a cloud development environment, making tech education much more accessible.
00:07:10.640 Additionally, learning simpler programming languages has been beneficial. Ruby and Python are more beginner-friendly as they do not have complicated syntax. Teaching JavaScript, however, can be challenging for beginners due to its syntax—syntax that should not block someone from learning programming.
00:07:33.440 Those learning to code can overcome technical barriers by becoming proficient in Ruby or Python before progressing to more advanced languages. This process allows them to gain understanding without being overwhelmed by syntax.
00:08:04.240 Moreover, individuals now have more choices in what they want to learn, with an increased emphasis on user experience within mobile applications. This flexibility allows learners to pursue areas that interest them rather than simply focusing on what may lead to employment.
00:08:29.120 This shift started around five to eight years ago and has made it easier for people to find their niche within the field. Additionally, in December of last year, Obama spoke about jobs in the US and encouraged young people to learn how to program instead of just using technology passively.
00:09:04.640 He challenged everyone to participate in an hour of code, generating significant engagement across various settings—classrooms, workplaces, and homes. I even received an email from my CEO asking if I completed my hour of code, which made many people view coding as a viable option.
00:09:40.480 This initiative, however, highlights a discrepancy between the marketing of coding as accessible to everyone and the actual lived experiences of many individuals. It's essential to pause here for a moment to share a bit about my background to provide context for my comments on this topic.
00:10:12.960 Growing up, I originally aimed to be a high school teacher, convinced that I could make students love reading and history. However, my path took a turn when I went to a coding boot camp. So, I still teach people programming, but I ended up there due to the allure of big promises made from the marketing surrounding coding.
00:10:31.520 After being stuck in a dead-end startup role, I sought something more challenging. I learned HTML and CSS, thinking coding couldn't be that hard. I learned my first programming language in 2013, and despite my lack of a technical background, it was one of the hardest challenges I've faced.
00:11:03.480 I was accustomed to technology to some degree; I’d practiced typing on my father's DOS computer, immersed in a non-technical family background. My parents were blue-collar workers, and I never envisioned tech as a career option despite their importance.
00:11:42.080 Even when I started using email in college, I had a naive understanding of how the tech operated—thinking it involved someone manually delivering messages. My real enlightenment came while working at a startup; I realized the internet was not powered just by data sheets—it was a complex ecosystem.
00:12:15.760 I decided to learn coding because it was the trend: 'Anyone can learn to code.' Yet, I found that learning to code is not the same as learning to program—these are two different skills. Nobody mentions this distinction when you’re first learning to code.
00:12:47.280 Learning to code can be likened to pattern recognition, while understanding how to program requires a deeper comprehension of concepts. So, writing code can seem like simple typing if you miss the analytical aspect—akin to just recognizing words without truly understanding their meaning.
00:13:32.160 Being good at coding comes from learning from others’ experiences and strides. However, the learn-to-code movement, while commendable, can often lead to students receiving inadequate instruction. Their learning experience may shift from actual programming to merely learning how to type code.
00:14:10.000 Frustration can ensue if students are left confused by untrained instructors or ineffective curricula. When faced with complex challenges, students often hear statements like 'It's easy,' which shifts the learning responsibility onto them rather than acknowledging the educator's role.
00:14:58.000 This leads learners to feel inadequate, as if their struggle is proof of their intelligence or capability, which isn't fair. It happens not just in programming education but across all fields of instruction—forcing students to carry the weight of their education’s quality.
00:15:38.000 The narrative that learning depends solely on innate talent overlooks the impact of exposure and previous opportunities. For instance, early access to computers can give a head start in the tech field, while those from working-class backgrounds may lack such experiences.
00:16:27.000 Now, turning to the broader educational landscape in America—education generally focuses on performance metrics rather than holistic skill development. A past system of 'leveling' categorized students based on their perceived abilities instead of challenging them to improve.
00:17:21.000 For example, if a student consistently performs at a lower reading level, they may remain stuck, which stunts their overall growth. This lack of challenge hinders learning. Fortunately, recent initiatives like Common Core standards aimed to address these issues by establishing unified educational benchmarks across diverse districts.
00:18:09.000 However, these standards are ineffective if teachers aren't sufficiently trained in delivering them. Many parents find their children struggling with homework that seems nonsensical, and the educators feel unequipped to guide their students, perpetuating a cycle of unpreparedness.
00:18:54.000 The result is students are often not truly learning what they're supposed to, and the traditional leveling system persists—effectively leaving many students behind. The metrics for president-influenced changes like Common Core didn’t adequately prepare those responsible for teaching.
00:19:35.000 Lastly, looking at the demographic distribution in STEM education shows disparities. The top five STEM high schools report higher representation of minorities compared to national averages, but still fall short of true inclusivity, particularly with Native American and impoverished students. Less than one percent of their student body is impoverished.
00:20:31.680 In fact, searching for statistics about the worst schools in the US is challenging—there are no compilations, and few want to confront the reality of underperforming educational institutions. This absence of transparency makes it difficult to understand the full scope of challenges disadvantaged students face.
00:21:05.560 While we can't identify the worst schools easily, we can observe the ongoing struggles with literacy among students in fourth and eighth grades. Approximately one-third read below their grade level. Among minorities and impoverished youth, the statistics are even graver, indicating an ongoing crisis in educational equity.
00:21:52.640 In this light, it raises questions about the logic behind promoting computer science education when so many students struggle with basic literacy. Encouraging more educational priorities would ideally start with ensuring students can read before introducing additional complexities.
00:22:48.920 Transitioning to discussions around the American Dream, a concept coined during the Great Depression, its original meaning centered around rising economically and realizing personal potential. Yet, in this contemporary landscape, the definition seems to have shifted heavily towards financial wealth.
00:23:36.560 When I asked various people their thoughts on the American Dream—common reactions included owning a house, becoming a millionaire, or achieving financial independence. These responses reflect a growing fixation on financial success, contrasting sharply with the dream’s original ideals.
00:24:23.080 Adams, the author who popularized the concept, emphasized the dream of developing one’s capacities freely, unencumbered by societal restrictions. This nuanced view contrasts sharply with modern narratives focused solely on financial triumph or personal profit.
00:25:09.320 It is crucial to recognize the limitations of the modern interpretation of the American Dream. Many startups focus exclusively on individual achievement, often overlooking the systemic barriers that can impede those not among the privileged.
00:25:58.000 This trend informs how we educate programmers today, with the narrative 'anyone can learn to code' ignoring those lacking access to necessary resources. The reality is that barriers exist even for those who wish to break into programming.
00:26:32.880 To say 'anyone can learn to code' stems from a place of privilege and access to education. For marginalized groups, particularly those without adequate support systems or basic resources, learning to code remains an unrealized dream.
00:27:19.440 The insistence that 'anyone can code' often fails to acknowledge the complex socio-economic barriers in play. The tech industry must confront these issues and redefine how educational opportunities are structured to truly embody the principles of the American Dream.
00:28:09.360 It’s imperative to set realistic expectations for those seeking to enter the tech field, balance the hype surrounding coding boot camps with the reality of perseverance, and address the systemic discrepancies in education.
00:29:00.560 Some suggestions for improvement include redefining success in educational pursuits, reframing boot camp promises to highlight not just monetary success, but the journey toward mastery, as well as recognizing the necessity for educational reform in supporting foundational literacy.
00:29:47.680 If society can shift focus from merely achieving wealth to nurturing a love for learning, the true essence of the American Dream could thrive—not as a transactional, privileged ideal but as an inclusive opportunity available to all.
00:30:28.160 Therefore, we can work towards equity by advocating for our communities' educational initiatives and recognizing the value of teaching foundational skills. The American Dream should be a shared vision encouraging collective progress and reminding us that it is a journey meant for all, not just the few who can access it.
00:31:01.160 Thank you for your time!