Masafumi Okura

Reading RSpec — a journey of meta programming

Reading RSpec — a journey of meta programming

by Masafumi Okura

The presentation titled "Reading RSpec — A Journey of Metaprogramming" by Masafumi Okura at Euruko 2023 explores the intricacies of RSpec, an essential testing tool for Ruby developers. The speaker reflects on the significance of RSpec, its readability, and its underlying metaprogramming principles, aiming to enhance the attendees' understanding of Ruby's dynamic capabilities.

Key Points Discussed:
- Introduction to RSpec and Metaprogramming:

- Masafumi shares his personal experience with RSpec, emphasizing its daily usage and acknowledging the recent keynote by RSpec's original author.
- He introduces metaprogramming as programming that writes programs, noting that while it may appear more complex, it remains fundamentally just programming.

  • Domain-Specific Language (DSL):

    • The talk addresses DSLs, describing how RSpec uses simple, English-like syntax (e.g., 'describe', 'let', 'it', and 'expect') to define test structures while actually being executable Ruby code.
  • Code Reading and Community Engagement:

    • Masafumi describes his passion for reading code and his efforts to promote it through meetups where participants analyze notable gems like FactoryBot and Webrat.
    • He shares the experience of having the original author of Webrat join discussions, accentuating the importance of community in mastering tools like RSpec.
  • Understanding RSpec Internally:

    • A significant portion of the talk involves practical examples, beginning with a simple RSpec file to dissect how RSpec's keywords function, particularly 'describe' and 'let'.
    • Masafumi explains how one can use Ruby's 'method' method to retrieve the definition of 'describe' and demonstrates how it sets up contexts for tests.
  • Dynamic Class and Method Definitions:

    • He elaborates on how RSpec dynamically generates classes and methods, discussing the lazy evaluation characteristic of the 'let' method that allows retrieval of results without repeated computation.
    • The session covers how context alterations can affect functionality, involving critical Ruby methods tied to RSpec.
  • Final Thoughts:

    • The discussion concludes with a strong emphasis on the importance of reading code, understanding Ruby's object-oriented nature, and the effective handling of test instances in RSpec.
    • Masafumi encourages developers to embrace metaprogramming, read comments in the code diligently and grasp the context of RSpec's constructs to become more proficient in their Ruby development.

This talk serves to inspire Ruby developers, reinforcing that a deep understanding of RSpec not only enhances coding capabilities but also engenders a greater enjoyment of the craft.


- Embrace metaprogramming and be practiced in reading complex examples.
- RSpec's design aligns with Ruby's principles, offering an efficient workflow in testing practices.
- The community plays a critical role in enhancing knowledge through interaction and shared learning experiences.

00:00:12.719 Hello everyone, my talk today is titled 'Reading RSpec — A Journey of Metaprogramming.' This presentation will primarily focus on RSpec, partly because there was a significant amount of interest in RSpec on the Euruko website.
00:00:20.720 I wanted to discuss RSpec because I use it every day, and it's truly an awesome tool. However, I didn't realize that yesterday we had a keynote speech from the original author of RSpec. This is a rather bizarre experience for me, talking about some code in front of its original creator.
00:00:38.719 This is my first experience doing so. Additionally, my talk today will cover DSL, or Domain Specific Language, which is a popular topic. We have another talk tomorrow from Tom about DSL, so I expect we will learn a lot about it.
00:00:57.840 Domain Specific Language is intended to be readable, especially like English. In RSpec, we describe it using 'it' and 'expect.' However, what exactly do these expressions do? Although they appear to be written in English, they are, in fact, Ruby code that is executable. To fully understand them, we need to engage in code reading.
00:01:24.439 Thus, this talk is centered on code reading. There are many takeaways to be had from this discussion. The first takeaway is that reading code is enjoyable; it's one of my hobbies. In fact, I've organized a meetup specifically for reading code.
00:01:55.880 In that meetup, we have read some notable gems, such as FactoryBot and Webrat. For the Webrat meetup, we even invited its original author, Takahashi-san, known for the Takahashi method, who explained the intricacies of Webrat, making it a fascinating session.
00:02:18.519 This talk is going to be rushed because I only have 40 minutes, so please bear with me. By the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Masafumi; you can call me Masa.
00:02:46.760 I work as a freelance web developer in Japan. I've been involved in organizing meetups and communities, including Ruby jams and code reading groups. Additionally, I run a domestic conference that started three years ago, and this year marks its first in-person format.
00:03:14.879 I'm the chief organizer of this conference, which I founded. Moreover, I have developed Alba, a Ruby gem that functions as a JSON serializer, akin to ActiveModel::Serializer, but it is much faster and results in shorter code. I actively maintain it.
00:03:41.640 I read source code using Vim, where I have been a loyal user for about ten years. I also planned to create new documentation, as I mentioned in the pitch for my UNC conference talk; unfortunately, that talk was not accepted. I'm a coffee lover as well, so if you have any recommendations or advice for this area, it would be greatly appreciated.
00:04:19.639 This is my first time at this conference, and I didn't reserve any hotels yet, so I am still gathering information on that.
00:04:36.520 Now, an important note: This talk is about metaprogramming. But what exactly is metaprogramming? Simply put, it is programming that writes programs.
00:04:49.199 That is the simplest explanation I can provide. The second takeaway is that metaprogramming is fundamentally just programming. It may be harder to read than normal code, but it remains readable. I aim to prove that in this talk.
00:05:23.160 You will learn a lot today, and don’t worry, we will wrap everything up at the end of the talk. Additionally, as you might know, in Ruby, everything is an object. This includes classes, modules, and even methods.
00:05:56.880 I will demonstrate how RSpec utilizes this functionality. Let's get started.
00:06:21.599 Let’s begin with an example of a simple RSpec file. Here we typically use 'describe' and 'let.' The 'let' variable is here; everything seems normal.
00:06:39.920 In this talk, I won’t discuss 'expect' because it’s technically implemented in a separate gem, making it cumbersome to shift back and forth between different gems and directories.
00:07:12.800 What I will focus on is the 'describe' and 'let' keywords. What does RSpec do with 'describe'? This raises our first question: What exactly does 'describe' do?
00:07:37.440 Imagine you want to learn what's happening inside a method; take a moment to think about it. There are several options available, but my favorite is to ask Ruby.
00:07:57.919 Ruby knows almost everything or, at least, much about our code. We can call the 'method' method on RSpec and fetch the argument 'describe' along with its source location.
00:08:19.440 This approach reveals the line number where 'describe' is defined, including the file location. This demonstrates that the 'method' method can be used to find the source location of any method.
00:08:56.520 The class being defined here calls for the class of the RSpec itself. Like every class, RSpec has its own class called the Singleton class. Within this class, it defines new class methods.
00:10:03.520 The method we're looking at is an alias for exposed example group. When the 'describe' method is executed, it sets up the context for our tests.
00:10:33.440 In this example, the string or symbol we provide as an argument indicates the nature of the tests. The 'example group' class should respond to the 'describe' method.
00:11:06.039 Let's investigate the example group class to find how it works. This method exposes the example group alias method, which should be invoked somewhere within the code.
00:11:40.440 Searching for its occurrences yields several results, but many belong to the same file, dsl.rb. The correct line of execution reveals the 'define example group method,' which you'll see reflects this functionality.
00:12:08.120 In Ruby, defining methods of methods is a unique concept, such as the ability to define multiple methods simultaneously.
00:12:35.760 Moving forward, we can delve into the 'let' functionality, a method definition that also creates methods, similar to the 'describe' method.
00:13:02.079 This 'let' method, like 'describe,' is a method intended to define other methods but with powerful behaviors. It exhibits lazy evaluation, storing results to be fetched later without re-evaluating.
00:13:35.679 As we continue understanding RSpec's mechanisms, pay attention to how class names alter with different contexts. The generation of classes happens dynamically with the arguments passed to 'describe.'
00:14:10.480 This new class can inherit from another, further demonstrating how RSpec utilizes Ruby’s features to allow complex but organized test structures.
00:14:42.799 When creating subclasses or self-references in RSpec, knowing when the context shifts is critical. The 'modu exact' method will be invoked, altering the self-parameter for block execution.
00:15:14.440 This block will execute under the altered context as defined through the methods we've discussed.
00:15:52.579 The essence of meta programming in Ruby requires familiarity with such constructs, as they will show up frequently within RSpec code.
00:16:15.859 From our previous examples, we have seen how self can change in RSpec during its processing, providing important clues toward its underlying design.
00:16:54.560 Another critical takeaway is that in Ruby, almost everything is a method, making understanding how methods are invoked and defined crucial to mastering Ruby.
00:17:27.680 As we explore through the code of methods like 'let,' remember that this is simply a method to define additional methods on-the-fly.
00:18:12.200 Let's analyze what takes place within defined methods. In these definitions, you'll notice patterns that emerge, showing lazy retrieval of previously defined methods.
00:18:52.840 This laziness is key; it saves processing time as you can access results that have already been computed when the block is first executed.
00:19:36.440 Returning to our overview of obtaining the definitions of methods, reading comments within the library can be incredibly helpful.
00:20:02.400 There’s an entire module that contains the definitions of 'let,' demonstrating Ruby's ability to dynamically include and include methods efficiently.
00:20:45.800 We may not fully grasp every detail immediately, but with comments and structured reading, the intent of each code section starts to become clearer.
00:21:31.360 Finally, let’s link everything back to how we invoke these class methods and understand the types of objects being created.
00:22:15.680 This facilitates the setup of examples within our tests, and as each class defines itself, it sets up its container with example instances.
00:23:05.000 Ultimately, understanding RSpec boils down to following these deeply nested calls, keeping a keen eye on how each context modifies itself and defines methods.
00:23:59.760 The takeaway here is that great Ruby developers like you should be practiced in reading and executing complex examples—each adding to a more significant body of work within our understandings.
00:24:41.760 I want to reiterate that the essence of RSpec is about automatically handling instances and grouping tests effectively, making it a vital tool in any Ruby developer's toolkit.
00:25:33.680 As I conclude this talk, I hope you’ll take many insights away. Remember to always read comments diligently, grasp the context of your objects, and embrace metaprogramming in your Ruby development.