Ruby Community

Ruby Hero Awards 2013

We believe great work deserves recognition. The Ruby/Rails dev community is full of amazing contributors and unsung heroes who are busy producing educational content, developing plugins and gems, contributing to open-source projects, or putting on events to help developers learn and grow.

The Ruby Hero Award gives recognition to influential devs in the Ruby/Rails community and announces the winners at RailsConf.

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RailsConf 2013

00:00:16.640 so uh in the spirit of creating more
00:00:19.199 value than you capture um i'd like to
00:00:21.359 bring up greg pollock from envy labs
00:00:24.320 so this is the eighth rails comp we've
00:00:26.560 had um and for the la for the last the
00:00:29.840 five previous rails comps um we we've
00:00:32.960 been lucky enough to have greg and his
00:00:34.880 team
00:00:35.760 and a bunch of people
00:00:37.440 contribute uh to the recognition and
00:00:40.559 appreciation of the ruby heroes so this
00:00:43.360 is the ruby heroes awards
00:00:46.320 all right
00:00:50.320 all right
00:00:52.960 thank you guys thank you for the
00:00:54.079 introduction appreciate it um so like
00:00:56.879 ben said this is now the sixth year of
00:01:00.079 the ruby hero awards right in case
00:01:02.879 you're wondering last year um these are
00:01:05.040 the 2012 award winners
00:01:16.240 and then if we go back in time
00:01:18.640 you can see here's some more award
00:01:20.320 winners now what's cool about looking
00:01:22.080 back
00:01:22.960 at these ruby heroes is that some of
00:01:24.960 these people are really well known now
00:01:27.600 but at the time
00:01:29.920 they weren't getting as much recognition
00:01:31.920 as they deserved
00:01:33.600 right so that's really why we created
00:01:35.840 these ruby hero awards in my mind it
00:01:37.840 started with
00:01:39.119 doing a podcast who here just out of
00:01:41.600 curiosity who here listens to ruby5
00:01:44.159 oh i love you guys
00:01:45.680 awesome twice weekly ruby news podcast
00:01:48.799 and when you do this sort of thing and
00:01:50.799 you're covering people who create great
00:01:52.799 open source work you start to recognize
00:01:54.479 that there's certain people
00:01:56.079 that week after week or month after
00:01:58.240 month are putting out a ton of content
00:02:01.280 and open source
00:02:03.680 and not getting paid for it this is what
00:02:05.520 they love to do in their spare time and
00:02:07.680 we end up covering it on ruby five
00:02:10.640 and so
00:02:11.599 this is where the idea for the ruby hero
00:02:13.520 awards came out of was how can we give
00:02:16.000 back to these people how can we give
00:02:17.599 some of these people to go above and
00:02:18.879 beyond for the rest of us that make our
00:02:20.480 community better a little more
00:02:22.239 recognition and a round of applause on
00:02:24.560 stage and an award
00:02:26.959 so a couple months ago this is how we do
00:02:28.800 it in case you're not familiar
00:02:30.319 we put up this website
00:02:32.480 anybody can go on there and nominate
00:02:34.560 somebody who they believe deserves an
00:02:36.879 award and it's not just you know you
00:02:39.120 type in their github name you actually
00:02:40.560 have to type in a reason why you think
00:02:42.160 they should win type in a couple words
00:02:44.560 and then because we don't want it to be
00:02:45.840 a popularity contest either it's not the
00:02:48.239 person who gets the most votes that wins
00:02:50.160 what we do is we take some of the top
00:02:52.319 like 20 or 30 nominated people we go
00:02:55.040 back to oh we got 100 890 nominations
00:02:58.000 this we were bought this year by the way
00:02:59.360 it's
00:03:00.159 pretty great so we go back to these
00:03:02.159 people these ruby heroes and together we
00:03:05.440 come up with the consensus of who
00:03:06.800 deserves to win an award just by looking
00:03:09.040 at that list people suggest new people
00:03:11.040 and then we vote
00:03:13.440 so normally
00:03:15.280 we have six heroes every year
00:03:17.760 but this year we actually have eight
00:03:21.120 that's because there's five individuals
00:03:24.000 and one organization
00:03:26.000 and there's three people behind that
00:03:27.200 organization that are gonna get some
00:03:28.799 awards today
00:03:30.720 but before we get into it i've got a few
00:03:32.480 people to thank
00:03:34.080 first i have to say thanks to ben and
00:03:35.920 ruby central for putting on this amazing
00:03:37.840 conference and also they helped getting
00:03:39.440 some of these ruby heroes here today to
00:03:41.040 accept awards and they should all be
00:03:42.400 here in this room with any luck
00:03:52.080 also got to say thanks to everybody here
00:03:53.920 who took the time to vote
00:03:56.000 for your ruby heroes
00:03:57.760 i got to say thanks to
00:03:59.360 code school and everybody works there
00:04:01.920 previous years i've on the stage when
00:04:04.319 i've announced these awards i've also
00:04:05.760 used it as an opportunity to launch some
00:04:07.519 of my own sort of community initiatives
00:04:10.720 in case you might remember there was one
00:04:12.720 year that i did the rails 3 videos
00:04:14.560 announced those on stage there was one
00:04:16.720 year where i'd put up this free
00:04:18.239 screencasting video which is still up
00:04:19.919 there if you want to learn how to do
00:04:21.040 screencasting
00:04:23.040 and then this year i've got something to
00:04:24.720 announce as well which i'm pretty
00:04:26.000 excited about
00:04:27.199 see a few months ago
00:04:29.440 about a month ago now we put out this
00:04:31.120 rails 4 zombie outlaws course up on code
00:04:34.400 school
00:04:35.840 and today
00:04:37.040 we took all the videos and we're putting
00:04:38.960 them up for free
00:04:40.639 so anybody can get access to 10 videos
00:04:43.199 that cover
00:04:44.320 all these great topics on rails 4.
00:04:54.960 um the easy way to get to them is i i
00:04:57.520 just basically replaced the rails three
00:04:59.120 videos so we can forget we can forget
00:05:00.800 that ever happened and move on to the
00:05:02.320 rails four videos um
00:05:04.639 uh how how does that happen though i
00:05:06.560 have to also thank um for the bandwidth
00:05:09.759 because these are big videos to pay for
00:05:11.680 all that bandwidth for all the downloads
00:05:13.360 i've got to thank viddler um which does
00:05:15.600 online video hosting for businesses
00:05:18.000 they're the ones that are helping pay
00:05:19.520 the bill for all that bandwidth for all
00:05:20.880 those videos
00:05:22.880 oh we clap for them too
00:05:24.400 okay
00:05:26.240 all right
00:05:27.520 okay enough for that
00:05:29.120 um let's get back to the ruby hero
00:05:30.479 awards so i've got directions for the
00:05:32.720 heroes and directions for you if you're
00:05:34.240 one of the heroes that's announced
00:05:36.080 um please come up and we're gonna have
00:05:38.160 you come up on stage stand back here get
00:05:40.160 a round of applause your job of course
00:05:42.560 is to give them all a very big round of
00:05:44.800 applause and also continuing forward
00:05:47.199 throughout the conference um
00:05:49.120 gratitude is a really powerful force
00:05:52.160 it's this sort of gratitude doing these
00:05:53.759 awards and taking the time to say thank
00:05:55.759 you that i think drives a lot of people
00:05:57.360 forward to do a lot of great things for
00:05:59.199 the community
00:06:00.720 to be very selfless
00:06:02.319 so if you see these people in the
00:06:04.400 hallway for the rest of the conference
00:06:06.000 please do take the time to go out of
00:06:07.840 your way if they helped you in some way
00:06:09.600 to say thank you and for that matter if
00:06:11.680 you see other people in the community
00:06:13.440 here that have you know educated you or
00:06:16.080 created an open source project you used
00:06:18.319 please do take a moment to go out of
00:06:20.319 your way introduce yourself and say
00:06:21.759 thank you
00:06:23.840 all right
00:06:25.120 let's jump into it
00:06:27.600 hero number one
00:06:29.919 some of these heroes i realized you know
00:06:31.680 i looked on the web and tried to figure
00:06:33.039 out which ways that kind of show you the
00:06:34.720 contributions they give back to the
00:06:36.479 community and github
00:06:38.800 has this really interesting open source
00:06:40.800 contributions thing which i put up here
00:06:42.800 so this is the first heroes sort of
00:06:44.639 contribution chart to open source
00:06:47.280 you can kind of see the patterns through
00:06:48.639 github
00:06:50.000 this person is a very active contributor
00:06:52.639 to rescue
00:06:54.960 he's also been a coach at many rails
00:06:57.360 girls events around the globe
00:07:01.039 he's also
00:07:02.479 a friday hugs superhero
00:07:05.280 what's cooler than taking a picture of
00:07:07.360 yourself giving a friday hug
00:07:09.599 because well that's pretty hard to top
00:07:11.520 but what's cooler than that is getting
00:07:13.199 people around the world
00:07:15.120 to do big
00:07:16.479 group
00:07:17.360 friday hugs
00:07:19.599 and i found that this character
00:07:22.080 has done this
00:07:23.199 a few times
00:07:25.039 here heroku
00:07:26.560 rails girls helsinki
00:07:28.400 ruby on ales rails girls la
00:07:32.000 frozen rails
00:07:33.680 and i gotta tell you if you look closely
00:07:35.199 at this picture you're gonna notice
00:07:36.960 there's that one guy oh it's ruby it's
00:07:39.360 friday hug time what i gotta put down my
00:07:41.280 water well okay here oh
00:07:46.479 that's commitment
00:07:49.039 but
00:07:50.160 this one person is probably most well
00:07:52.879 known and most deserves our most thanks
00:07:56.639 for the contributions
00:07:58.800 that he's done with bundler it helped
00:08:00.560 maintain bundler one of the most complex
00:08:02.879 but important ruby projects
00:08:05.440 in case you don't know by now the person
00:08:07.520 i'm talking about
00:08:09.280 is terence lee let's give him a round of
00:08:10.960 applause
00:08:25.280 okay yeah
00:08:29.840 all right
00:08:31.520 all right moving on hero number two
00:08:34.560 now some of the time i'm going to
00:08:36.240 actually read some of you guys the
00:08:38.560 comments that people put when they
00:08:40.000 nominated some of these people because
00:08:41.760 they were really powerful
00:08:44.000 this next person
00:08:45.680 she's a role model speaker and makes
00:08:47.279 people feel at ease while learning
00:08:48.880 non-trivial development related skills
00:08:52.160 her video on solid ruby design
00:08:53.680 principles has improved my coding
00:08:55.279 quality
00:08:58.080 her ruby book is the best addition to
00:09:00.320 programming literature
00:09:01.920 in quite some time
00:09:05.440 the book that i'm talking about here who
00:09:08.160 here out of curiosity who here has read
00:09:10.000 this book
00:09:12.240 all right a lot of people one of the
00:09:14.480 really good book and you might have been
00:09:16.399 lucky enough to see an amazing talk that
00:09:18.480 she gave yesterday at railsconf on
00:09:21.120 testing
00:09:22.560 the person i'm talking about
00:09:24.399 here is sandy metz let's give her a
00:09:26.399 round
00:09:39.360 you guys
00:09:44.160 all right
00:09:45.519 next up
00:09:47.519 oh this is a good quote my goodness his
00:09:50.160 significant open source contributions
00:09:51.920 have made a major difference in the
00:09:53.360 quality and capability of our apps he's
00:09:56.080 friendly willing to teach and embodies
00:09:58.399 the spirit of progression and
00:09:59.680 cooperation that ruby is all
00:10:02.839 about some great great quotes
00:10:06.079 again this is a
00:10:07.760 really big open source contributor
00:10:10.720 also a really great blogger
00:10:12.800 and he's been around in our community
00:10:14.399 for a really long time and he's kept his
00:10:16.800 open source contribute contributions
00:10:18.560 going pretty strong
00:10:20.160 i remember some of his work starting
00:10:21.680 back with the memcache client
00:10:24.640 and then that recently got sort of
00:10:27.519 replaced by the dolly memcache client
00:10:30.160 which he also created this is the
00:10:32.240 default memcache client on rails 4
00:10:36.320 now
00:10:37.600 also another piece of work
00:10:39.360 that i remember lots of people using
00:10:42.000 is the data fabric gem for scaling
00:10:44.560 active record with sharding and
00:10:46.880 replication support i've done some
00:10:48.880 tutorials on that
00:10:51.040 he's done lots of other open source
00:10:52.399 projects including connection pool
00:10:54.560 pooling for ruby
00:10:56.079 he's also been a big proponent for
00:10:58.480 explaining how threading and fibers work
00:11:01.279 in ruby
00:11:02.560 and most recently
00:11:04.320 you might know him because he's the
00:11:06.079 maintainer and creator of the sidekick
00:11:09.200 library
00:11:11.360 the person i'm talking about here of
00:11:13.040 course is our third ruby hero which is
00:11:16.000 mike perham
00:11:30.399 all right good job
00:11:33.360 all right on to number four
00:11:37.440 all right
00:11:38.720 now this
00:11:39.920 person has contributed to many different
00:11:42.240 open source projects
00:11:43.920 i found that he did some work on he
00:11:46.160 created the async sinatra library
00:11:49.040 he's contributed to projects like zero
00:11:50.880 mq
00:11:53.040 but mainly
00:11:54.480 what i've heard from lots of people and
00:11:56.160 why he deserves an award is for his work
00:11:58.000 maintaining and contributing
00:12:00.079 to the rack project and sure enough when
00:12:03.200 i looked online i found so many
00:12:05.839 commits from him and so much support
00:12:07.760 that he's given to the mailing list
00:12:10.800 supporting rack
00:12:12.720 here's oh here's a good quote that
00:12:13.839 somebody put in here
00:12:15.440 i don't think people know that rack is
00:12:16.959 mostly maintained by one person talk
00:12:18.959 about a heroic effort
00:12:22.480 this person
00:12:26.320 is james tucker let's give him a round
00:12:27.680 of applause
00:12:40.079 hey
00:12:41.040 thanks
00:12:42.639 all right on to number five
00:12:46.240 all right this person has also been
00:12:47.839 someone who's continuously given to our
00:12:50.240 community over the last couple years
00:12:53.120 most well known for his contribution to
00:12:55.680 rubinius one of the most ambitious ruby
00:12:57.920 projects
00:12:59.120 and you know is being increasingly used
00:13:01.040 in production and it really opens up
00:13:03.120 ruby vm experimentation to many people
00:13:07.040 also he helped build the ruby spec
00:13:09.519 project which is incredibly important in
00:13:11.680 the future of ruby his efforts to set up
00:13:14.000 a process for further development of the
00:13:15.680 ruby language and formalize its features
00:13:18.000 is also of huge importance for everyone
00:13:20.000 who wants to keep programming ruby i
00:13:22.079 mean years to come
00:13:23.600 out of that also came the great
00:13:26.240 m-spec project right which is the r-spec
00:13:29.120 syntax
00:13:30.399 for
00:13:31.200 you know framework for running ruby
00:13:32.399 specs
00:13:34.560 the person here that i'm talking about
00:13:36.720 you may know him as brian ford
00:13:39.120 but now he's brian shirai
00:13:58.560 congrats
00:13:59.680 thank you
00:14:01.120 all right
00:14:03.120 okay as i mentioned
00:14:05.440 the last one we have heroes six seven
00:14:07.839 and eight they all get it together
00:14:10.079 um
00:14:10.959 right so we're gonna start with some
00:14:12.160 interesting quotes that i found
00:14:13.920 um
00:14:15.440 this in my opinion is by far the most
00:14:17.519 relevant thing that happened in the ruby
00:14:19.279 community in 2012.
00:14:22.720 that's good quote
00:14:24.160 what started as one workshop in helsinki
00:14:26.240 to gather women together and expose them
00:14:27.760 to ruby on rails has spiraled into
00:14:29.519 inspiring thousands of women and men all
00:14:31.600 around the globe to come together and
00:14:33.680 work to close the tech gender gap and
00:14:36.160 since that meeting in helsinki i noticed
00:14:38.240 that there were
00:14:39.519 76 more events around the world
00:14:43.600 we have a bunch of events coming up
00:14:47.199 and of course the organization that i'm
00:14:48.639 talking about
00:14:50.720 is rails girls
00:14:52.880 how about a round of applause for rails
00:14:54.160 girls first
00:15:01.760 and
00:15:03.920 and out of curiosity who here has been
00:15:05.839 to a rails girls event
00:15:08.240 all right
00:15:09.360 more of you got to get out
00:15:11.600 and help out or be a coach and help
00:15:13.360 these events so there's three people
00:15:16.160 that we're recognizing that have helped
00:15:18.000 a lot with rails girls helped make this
00:15:19.920 happen
00:15:20.880 the three people here
00:15:22.480 are linda lycus carrie sarinan
00:15:38.160 all right thanks
00:15:40.399 kari sorry
00:15:41.839 yeah
00:15:42.720 thank you
00:15:43.839 sorry
00:15:47.920 and i should get an award for trying to
00:15:49.519 pronounce those names right
00:15:51.440 so it's kari saarinen and let me try it
00:15:54.320 one more time henrietta
00:15:56.560 kakay
00:15:58.320 the klein lineup
00:15:59.680 i don't know it's close enough did i get
00:16:01.519 close close enough all right so let's
00:16:03.680 give one more round of applause to your
00:16:04.880 2013 ruby hero awards winners
00:16:16.800 all right
00:16:17.839 go ahead oh
00:16:55.440 you