
Ruby Heroes Awards 2011

RailsConf 2011: Ruby Heroes Awards

RailsConf 2011

00:00:02.240 we're going to go over the Ruby hero
00:00:03.360 Awards tonight I've got Nathaniel bi
00:00:05.400 here to be my Vanna White for the
00:00:10.360 evening right uh we've got three
00:00:13.080 different parts first we're going to do
00:00:14.360 the Ruby hero Awards um then I've got my
00:00:17.160 announcement you know I got to do my but
00:00:19.359 just one more thing sort of thing um and
00:00:22.119 then talk a little bit about validation
00:00:23.439 and recognition but like uh Chad said
00:00:26.160 this is the fourth year we've been doing
00:00:27.679 the Ruby hero Awards and as you can see
00:00:29.759 some of the people here up on the screen
00:00:31.199 that have received Awards in the past
00:00:32.960 couple years and what's really
00:00:34.600 interesting is that you look at some of
00:00:36.239 these people here and some of them you
00:00:38.760 go oh they're really welln why did they
00:00:40.640 win an award but really when they won
00:00:43.120 the award they weren't that well known
00:00:46.399 and now a lot of these people have gone
00:00:47.879 on and everybody knows their
00:00:50.239 name so the Ruby hero Awards was sort of
00:00:53.160 put together you know I was doing this
00:00:55.399 podcast and realized there was some
00:00:56.920 people that didn't get as much
00:00:58.120 recognition as they might deserve um
00:01:00.480 people who you know went above and
00:01:02.640 beyond who you know were working
00:01:04.360 tirelessly in their spare time not
00:01:06.040 getting much thanks people who weren't
00:01:08.840 very wellknown or not wellknown enough
00:01:11.960 um people who deserved a little extra
00:01:13.680 recognition that they weren't getting
00:01:15.960 otherwise so we decided to put the Ruby
00:01:18.040 hero Awards together and here's how it
00:01:19.520 works in case you're not familiar we put
00:01:21.840 put out this website called Ruby Heroes
00:01:23.640 Ruby and we put out a call to
00:01:26.479 people to nominate people they think
00:01:29.240 deserve an award so anybody can go on
00:01:32.240 there put who they want in there and
00:01:34.680 they have to give a description so they
00:01:35.920 have to type in two or three sentences
00:01:38.240 of why they think they deserve a reward
00:01:40.520 um this year we got
00:01:42.600 465
00:01:44.240 nominations pretty good um but we don't
00:01:47.119 want to this to turn into a popularity
00:01:48.880 contest that's the last thing we want
00:01:50.240 this to turn into so what's worked every
00:01:52.640 year is then we take who the public
00:01:54.759 votes for we bring it back to the
00:01:56.880 previous year's Ruby Heroes and we let
00:01:59.439 them of duke it out right and make an
00:02:01.560 intelligent decision come to an
00:02:03.560 unanimous decision of who which six
00:02:06.119 should get these Awards which you can
00:02:07.960 see here um if they all arrived there
00:02:12.160 should actually be um oops I click
00:02:15.480 through there should actually be six
00:02:17.959 Award winners five of them should
00:02:19.760 actually be here tonight one of them
00:02:21.360 couldn't make it but five of them should
00:02:23.160 be sitting here amongst us this evening
00:02:26.680 before we get into it um I want to take
00:02:28.440 a moment to thank l r for sponsor
00:02:29.879 sporing the awards and having this
00:02:31.360 awesome event um let's give just a small
00:02:33.959 hand for
00:02:40.000 O'Reilly cool um if I call your name and
00:02:43.519 you're a hero please come up here we'll
00:02:45.200 give you an award and sort of stand up
00:02:46.599 here then once everybody gets up here
00:02:48.080 we'll do the group shot so I'm going to
00:02:50.920 start with a guy who's not here today um
00:02:54.040 so the guy who's not here today worked
00:02:56.360 on ruby summer of code specifically the
00:02:59.519 simp simpler Ruby deployment project
00:03:02.480 where he got him an opportunity to work
00:03:04.640 with Wayne Seguin on rvm he did a bunch
00:03:09.799 of stuff with rvm supporting it helping
00:03:13.720 build it all all this stuff you see
00:03:15.560 listed on the screen and eventually
00:03:17.319 helping release rvm
00:03:19.599 1.0 he's also an active uh in this Youth
00:03:23.360 Organization called youth tree who
00:03:25.080 donates his time for developing websites
00:03:27.640 uh um to this local organization whose
00:03:30.159 mission is to use creativity and fun to
00:03:32.319 involve young people in
00:03:34.760 volunteering and all of a sudden we're
00:03:37.680 grooving all right okay okay we've got
00:03:41.519 uh he joins the uh helps support the
00:03:44.560 rubyan rails uh local groups in his area
00:03:48.120 he's also one of the organizes
00:03:50.280 organizers of the Rails Rumble the
00:03:52.640 person I'm talking about if you haven't
00:03:54.239 figured it out yet is Darcy Lok let's
00:03:57.239 have a round of applause for him
00:04:10.200 hopefully he's watching live at home um
00:04:13.840 cool the next guy the next hero wrote a
00:04:17.320 bunch of Open Source projects you might
00:04:18.880 be familiar with if you're actually a a
00:04:21.359 coffee script early adopter this first
00:04:24.160 project you might have used it's called
00:04:26.160 beastro car anybody woo anybody out
00:04:29.960 there yeah okay yeah feel free to to
00:04:32.160 show your appreciation with your voices
00:04:35.039 um the next one was liability which is
00:04:37.320 an asset packaging library for rack
00:04:39.280 applications the third one is Evergreen
00:04:41.880 to run JavaScript unit test inside
00:04:44.800 JavaScript the fourth one is Carrier
00:04:47.160 wave a simple and extremely flexible way
00:04:49.400 to upload files in your Ruby
00:04:52.360 applications this is not the Ruby
00:04:56.080 hero but does anybody know what this is
00:05:00.639 right so he's the guy behind Kappy Bara
00:05:04.080 the person I'm talking about of course
00:05:06.240 is Jonas
00:05:23.440 Nicholas all
00:05:26.160 right the next two Heroes both revolve
00:05:29.840 their work around documentation one
00:05:32.520 who's written a lot of documentation and
00:05:34.600 one who wrote a tool to create better
00:05:37.120 documentation um some of these uh Heroes
00:05:39.759 I'm actually going to show you on the
00:05:41.080 screen what people wrote when they wrote
00:05:43.520 in to nominate them because I think some
00:05:45.000 of them are really powerful so for this
00:05:46.960 guy here's uh here's what somebody wrote
00:05:48.720 about him up here this dude has helped
00:05:50.639 me on at least 15 different occasions
00:05:52.800 with odd syntax questions or general
00:05:54.759 advice on IRC and he doesn't even know
00:05:57.319 who I am he deserves a godam damn
00:06:02.639 metal this dude okay the next one his
00:06:06.120 tireless dedication to making
00:06:07.599 documentation not suck is commendable
00:06:11.240 this next line I'm not making it up he
00:06:13.880 also he's a
00:06:19.000 dude it's a pattern apparently um I
00:06:22.440 checked this guy's score on stack
00:06:24.400 Overflow I think this is pretty
00:06:26.000 impressive
00:06:30.039 right so he's like helping people out
00:06:31.599 every day um if you look on Real's
00:06:34.080 contributors he's about here he's number
00:06:36.000 12 above Rick Olsen jamus Buck Michael
00:06:38.919 karski and most of the commits you look
00:06:41.080 at that he's done all revolve on adding
00:06:43.560 documentation to rails he's done a ton
00:06:45.440 of work on the rails guides he's even
00:06:48.240 written to brand new rails guides which
00:06:50.280 aren't small you've got the rails
00:06:52.280 initialization process active record
00:06:55.120 query interface he even put out on his
00:06:57.599 blog uh asking for donation so he can do
00:07:00.400 more documentation for rails he's
00:07:03.080 hardcore he's also working on um a book
00:07:06.000 with Yuda cats um on Rails 3 in action
00:07:09.120 and I even like have heard from people
00:07:11.720 who have bought the pre-release version
00:07:13.319 and have been like interacting with him
00:07:14.759 and he's been revising the book and
00:07:16.039 taking feedback I was like that's that's
00:07:18.199 killer he's also a big supporter of
00:07:20.160 reals Camp the person I'm talking about
00:07:23.319 is Ryan big
00:07:41.000 okay the next guy is I mentioned also
00:07:43.160 nominated because of what he's done for
00:07:45.319 documentation but it's not so much about
00:07:47.240 writing documentation but more about how
00:07:49.599 easy he's made it to write good
00:07:52.599 documentation and to make it available
00:07:55.639 how many people here are familiar with
00:07:58.360 yard
00:08:00.440 lots of people all right very cool um
00:08:03.479 here is something that someone wrote
00:08:04.759 when they nominated this
00:08:08.479 person yard is yeah I'll let you guys
00:08:10.960 read it I actually do it that says
00:08:14.280 something right there um so yard led to
00:08:17.879 another project which I'm also curious
00:08:19.879 to see how many people use called Ruby
00:08:22.919 do.
00:08:24.720 info yeah great stuff the person I'm
00:08:28.240 talking about of course
00:08:30.080 is Lauren
00:08:43.600 seel all right so a lot of you know
00:08:47.040 hopefully everybody knows here I know
00:08:48.880 there's a lot of new people in the
00:08:49.880 community about why the lucky stiff and
00:08:51.839 about some of the projects that he's put
00:08:53.320 forward and the next hero that we're
00:08:55.279 bringing out has sort of picked up on
00:08:57.800 some of these projects out there
00:09:00.079 um he sort of helped uh maintain and
00:09:02.600 keep up to date and improve the shoes
00:09:05.720 Library he picked up and he helps
00:09:07.760 maintain hacky hack he also helped put
00:09:10.600 out version 1.0 of hacky hack and if you
00:09:13.519 haven't tried out hacky hack I strongly
00:09:15.880 recommend you take the time to do it
00:09:17.440 just to play around with it because if
00:09:19.519 you do the next time you have that
00:09:20.920 friend or that friend's son or even your
00:09:23.279 son that says you know what is Daddy
00:09:25.320 doing at work every day you're going to
00:09:27.839 want to point him at hacky hack you're
00:09:29.079 going to end up pointing him at hacky
00:09:30.560 hack because it's a great way for people
00:09:32.720 to learn programming and have fun follow
00:09:35.160 a tutorial um definitely recommend it
00:09:38.519 this person also is a contributor to our
00:09:41.480 status which is an open- Source sort of
00:09:44.399 status website kind of like Twitter he's
00:09:47.160 also contributor to the Timeless
00:09:49.160 repository um an online blog he's
00:09:51.680 contributed lots of great articles he's
00:09:53.640 a contributor to the change log
00:09:56.480 podcast and he is also a big contributor
00:09:58.760 to the Ruby mendicant University which
00:10:00.680 I've been really impressed with over the
00:10:02.240 past two years that it's been going on
00:10:04.160 with all those um educating new Ruby
00:10:06.279 developers and contributing to open
00:10:08.000 source the person I'm talking about is
00:10:10.720 Steve
00:10:17.640 kabnick
00:10:21.800 agress all right so we've got one more
00:10:25.000 person if you're keeping count here um
00:10:27.880 this next guy I didn't know this till I
00:10:29.839 did some research on him he's got a PhD
00:10:32.720 in theoretical physics it's like o he
00:10:35.800 even wrote some papers I'll let you guys
00:10:37.440 read these uh these titles these are out
00:10:39.440 there makes you want to go and read them
00:10:41.959 but I'm like wow um and so once I found
00:10:45.279 this out about him it made perfect sense
00:10:48.399 that his first big rails book that he
00:10:50.720 put out a couple years ago was rail
00:10:53.040 space I like oh railpace right makes
00:10:55.560 sense railpace so if you've if you've
00:10:57.839 been in rails for a while there's
00:10:59.680 probably at least a few people in this
00:11:01.200 room here that got inspired to learn
00:11:03.079 rails from railpace it actually
00:11:04.920 supported I think it was rails
00:11:07.839 1.2.3 the book was written for um but
00:11:11.600 every year we've done Ruby
00:11:13.360 Heroes if you take out the people who
00:11:15.320 already won awards he's probably got the
00:11:17.399 most nominations from anybody just
00:11:19.680 because so many people are grateful for
00:11:21.000 the work that he's done I went back and
00:11:22.720 grabbed one of the nominations from like
00:11:24.360 the first year that he got nominated
00:11:26.399 from somebody who was inspired by this
00:11:28.279 book um so here's what you know somebody
00:11:30.399 said about him it's pretty
00:11:34.240 awesome right and I was hearing about
00:11:36.440 this in the community people were like
00:11:37.880 yeah I read this book I'm doing it and
00:11:39.360 I'm part of this community and the
00:11:40.440 author is helping and everyone's helping
00:11:41.680 each other and I just heard nothing but
00:11:43.760 great things um after railpace came an
00:11:47.360 application called inosi which was which
00:11:50.160 I served as a great example of a rails
00:11:52.880 app I used to tell people to go look at
00:11:54.320 inosi if they wanted to read some good
00:11:55.880 rails
00:11:57.600 code and then
00:11:59.760 he started a new project um in April
00:12:03.160 2009 he started it by writing this into
00:12:06.680 a a rail's mailing list he writed he
00:12:08.680 wrote this you know I'm working on a new
00:12:09.959 idea for rail's tutorial book hoping to
00:12:11.720 get some feedback from this list he
00:12:13.240 wanted to make sure people were cool
00:12:14.360 with his
00:12:15.560 idea and he was going through with it
00:12:17.480 and he wanted to make it sort of uh
00:12:19.120 Creative Commons make at least you know
00:12:20.920 as much of the book hopefully the whole
00:12:22.320 book Creative Commons and then he got a
00:12:26.399 offer from a big book publisher that
00:12:29.199 said hey you know
00:12:31.160 um we want you want to publish your book
00:12:33.760 but you know I think what it sounds like
00:12:35.120 they did I hope he doesn't mind that I'm
00:12:36.199 giving away all this stuff happen but I
00:12:37.680 think it's it shows his character so he
00:12:40.040 got offered you know a good deal from a
00:12:41.560 book publisher but they wanted almost
00:12:44.440 50% of it not to be released for free
00:12:47.720 and so he emailed sort of me and a
00:12:49.240 couple other people and he said is this
00:12:50.680 okay you know I want you know the people
00:12:52.519 who I respect to really endorse the book
00:12:55.240 um and I and I but is this so is this
00:12:57.040 cool and my response to was you know I
00:13:00.880 can't really say one way or the other
00:13:02.360 actions speak louder than words sort of
00:13:04.120 use your use your best judgment do
00:13:05.560 whatever you can just do it um and what
00:13:08.720 he ended up doing he wrote another email
00:13:10.279 to us and he said Bas basically I
00:13:13.720 decided not to do the book deal I'm
00:13:16.880 going to turn it down so that I can
00:13:18.639 release this 100% for
00:13:25.120 free um and I just wanted to I I just
00:13:29.240 want to share that because you know that
00:13:30.680 one action shows me you know that that
00:13:32.639 makes me look at him as sort of a ruby
00:13:35.240 hero in my heart I think that was killer
00:13:37.199 and I think it really worked out in the
00:13:38.360 end because the rails Community got an
00:13:40.120 awesome free online tutorial book out of
00:13:43.279 it so that's the Ruby un rails tutorial
00:13:46.079 some of the stuff that people have
00:13:47.360 written about that are just um amazing
00:13:50.600 um if you take a look here's a couple
00:13:51.880 examples of
00:13:55.240 that
00:13:57.880 right yeah I mean it's really amazing
00:14:00.199 when you see the sort of feedback um and
00:14:03.360 of course the person I'm talking about
00:14:04.639 let's give him a big round of applause
00:14:06.399 is Michael
00:14:15.839 harle you got
00:14:20.040 it all
00:14:21.839 right so let's give one more round of
00:14:24.639 applause to your 2011 Ruby Heroes
00:14:39.600 got congratulations
00:14:42.120 guys so but just one more thing no just
00:14:46.440 kidding um so I wanna I want to talk a
00:14:50.040 little bit about um screencasting
00:14:52.560 because I think um our community has
00:14:54.600 always been rich in lots of screencasts
00:14:57.440 I mean it all started out with with that
00:14:59.399 one all I have to say is whoops and
00:15:03.079 everybody knows what I'm talking about
00:15:05.120 um that one screencast David Hein Hansen
00:15:07.959 created and since then the community has
00:15:10.120 sort of blossomed all these
00:15:15.360 screencasterz cast you've got um the
00:15:18.759 prag pragmatic Studio you know put out
00:15:21.160 the screencast they got a bunch of great
00:15:22.759 screencast con freaks you might not
00:15:25.000 think of them as screencasting but like
00:15:27.440 all of these like uh talks that have
00:15:30.600 happened at all these conferences would
00:15:31.920 have been completely lost if they
00:15:34.199 wouldn't have put out a model that would
00:15:35.519 allow conference organizers to record
00:15:37.440 them in an affordable way um also like
00:15:40.880 thinko TV you've got Tech Pub did some
00:15:44.519 you've got the SD Ruby group put out
00:15:46.560 this podcast they've been doing forever
00:15:48.040 I think goes back to like 2006 they've
00:15:49.920 been putting out videos of their talks
00:15:52.440 um teach me to code um Charles maxwood
00:15:54.759 has been doing some killer work over
00:15:56.120 there with screencasting putting out so
00:15:57.839 much work for free um you've got Remy
00:16:01.160 he's been doing some cool stuff with
00:16:02.279 screencasting you've got bdd casts our
00:16:05.600 community really is awesome at this um
00:16:14.480 their blog um you know
00:16:17.440 anybody from like Fabio aita um has put
00:16:20.399 out like tons of these you know free
00:16:21.720 screencasts played around with it engine
00:16:23.279 yard has been putting out lots of free
00:16:24.360 screencasts as well I don't write much
00:16:27.120 open source software I've got a lot of
00:16:29.000 of people that work with me at mvy Labs
00:16:30.399 that are a lot smarter than me that
00:16:31.560 produce open source software probably
00:16:32.800 most people in this audience are smarter
00:16:34.920 than me when it comes to writing code
00:16:36.519 but what I really enjoy is educating
00:16:39.519 people and putting together educational
00:16:41.240 material that teaches people how to
00:16:43.120 write better code that that makes me
00:16:44.440 feel good to put it out there um and
00:16:46.680 last year when I was up on stage for the
00:16:48.319 Ruby hero Awards I announced these uh
00:16:50.440 rails 3 screencasts I think I checked
00:16:52.399 before we got up there and each one of
00:16:54.720 these screencasts was probably viewed I
00:16:56.519 think about 15,000 times I'm just so in
00:16:59.800 awe of that that's so ridiculous to me
00:17:01.800 um but you know it feels really good to
00:17:03.720 to to contribute and to see that um and
00:17:08.000 uh when I put these out actually when I
00:17:09.360 was in the the speakers Lounge right
00:17:11.400 before I was putting these out I was
00:17:12.799 having a conversation with David hinm
00:17:14.360 Hansen showing them showing him these
00:17:16.120 screencast which I really wanted to put
00:17:17.640 out I didn't really ask permission to do
00:17:20.079 everything that I was doing so I was
00:17:21.319 like I really hope he likes it really
00:17:23.079 hope that this is cool and sort of you
00:17:24.559 know making some assumptions um and I
00:17:26.919 showed it to him and uh he thought it
00:17:29.080 was cool but his first reaction or his
00:17:31.120 second reaction was um we really need
00:17:34.280 more introductory content I didn't
00:17:37.000 realize at the time what I was creating
00:17:38.440 was more for intermediate rails
00:17:40.720 developers to go from rails 2 to rails
00:17:42.559 three not really for new people um and
00:17:46.080 he made a really good point if we want
00:17:47.520 to keep this community strong we need to
00:17:49.919 be continuously creating new educational
00:17:52.880 material especially with how fast rails
00:17:54.880 is moving we have to keep on doing it um
00:17:57.799 so in response resp to that I was like
00:17:59.679 okay what can I do what can we build um
00:18:02.000 and so that what we did in November of
00:18:04.240 last year was kind of response to that
00:18:06.080 which is rails for
00:18:07.760 zombies we put out this free uh website
00:18:11.600 where people can learn rails and I think
00:18:13.919 uh we checked stats on that um 42,000
00:18:17.679 people have signed
00:18:19.159 up over nine almost 9,000 people have
00:18:22.480 finished the corpse the
00:18:25.919 course but uh I think just it's just
00:18:29.039 amazing um that sort of has evolved into
00:18:32.200 something bigger um rails for zombies we
00:18:34.400 we were like wow that's awesome we need
00:18:35.799 to do more of this sort of Interactive
00:18:37.159 Learning material and that's sort of
00:18:38.799 where code School evolved at that a lot
00:18:40.600 of us that we're working on right now um
00:18:42.600 producing more educational content we
00:18:44.559 did rails best practices which again is
00:18:46.200 for more intermediate rails developers
00:18:47.919 to learn more program in the browser and
00:18:50.840 learn and become better rails developers
00:18:53.760 um but I've been thinking more lately
00:18:56.600 you know I'm only one guy you know it's
00:18:59.000 like we're only one team um how do we
00:19:02.159 get more people creating this new medium
00:19:05.520 of screencasting which I think is only
00:19:07.440 going to get more popular and more and
00:19:09.640 more developers are going to learn that
00:19:11.320 way H how can I take that knowledge and
00:19:14.960 spread it and get more of you guys
00:19:16.880 screencasting right and what keeps
00:19:18.960 people from not doing it I talked to a
00:19:20.799 couple people at the conference while I
00:19:21.799 was here like what what keeps you from
00:19:24.799 from throwing together screencast have
00:19:26.440 you ever thought about that and most of
00:19:27.559 them have right most of say yeah I've
00:19:29.400 thought about it but I wouldn't know
00:19:30.720 where to start I wouldn't know what
00:19:32.200 tools to use how to use them um you know
00:19:35.200 so I so I've been wanting to but I
00:19:36.480 didn't want to but I I didn't have the
00:19:38.720 time or something like that um
00:19:41.840 so I started thinking to myself what if
00:19:44.679 there was a framework what if just like
00:19:47.520 um David hmer Hansen created rails as a
00:19:49.360 framework forting websites what if I
00:19:51.039 could create a framework that sort of
00:19:52.679 took all the knowledge that I have and
00:19:54.640 made it as easy as I know how to create
00:19:57.080 really good screencast
00:19:59.200 what would that look like how could I
00:20:01.320 teach people to do that and so the one
00:20:04.240 thing I wanted to sort of announce today
00:20:06.440 um I spent the last two weeks working my
00:20:08.159 ass off on this um is creating some
00:20:11.679 documentation and a video that we're
00:20:13.559 putting out for
00:20:14.919 free to teach people how to screencast
00:20:18.039 we're calling it The Code School
00:20:19.080 screencasting
00:20:20.320 framework and if you ever want to really
00:20:22.320 learn how to do it um this is sort of
00:20:24.720 everything that I've learned about how
00:20:26.080 to do it well in a you know an hour
00:20:28.799 screencast and I've got a big document
00:20:30.559 that I put together that shows how to do
00:20:32.000 this so that more people can create
00:20:34.840 screencasts and we can keep this
00:20:36.559 community strong and
00:20:38.600 growing you know and that's
00:20:47.159 just thanks really appreciate that um so
00:20:51.640 that's the code School screencasting
00:20:53.760 framework it's kind of an experiment to
00:20:55.520 see sort of you know what we can do I
00:20:58.320 you know appreciate the uh guys in M
00:21:00.200 Labs tolerating this experiment to see
00:21:01.840 if we can get more people doing
00:21:03.360 screencasting definitely check it out so
00:21:05.480 I want to get back to more the Ruby
00:21:07.159 Heroes theme so validation appreci
00:21:09.200 appreciation right some people come to
00:21:12.000 conferences and get it to get it some
00:21:13.679 people speak to get these things and
00:21:16.000 people contribute to open source
00:21:17.279 projects everybody needs it a lot of
00:21:20.240 people need it to keep on doing what
00:21:21.440 they're doing especially if they're not
00:21:22.960 getting paid for they're doing it in
00:21:24.159 their spare time right so the Ruby hero
00:21:26.440 Awards that's just one way that we you
00:21:28.240 know hopefully all those guys that we
00:21:29.559 brought up on stage tonight will keep on
00:21:31.039 doing what they're doing and you know
00:21:33.440 for a long time forward to keep our
00:21:34.880 community
00:21:36.600 strong um
00:21:39.279 but what more can we do I was trying to
00:21:42.520 think what can what can you do to do
00:21:44.080 your part obviously you can keep on
00:21:46.240 contributing keep on doing what you're
00:21:47.600 doing but I was starting to think what
00:21:49.520 can you do like even now what could you
00:21:52.080 do at this conference to show your
00:21:53.679 appreciation and contribute back to our
00:21:56.679 community well if if if you're one of
00:21:58.919 these guys one of these speakers or one
00:22:00.799 of these L what I would consider
00:22:02.720 luminaries sitting in the front row over
00:22:04.559 here you know where you are for example
00:22:07.200 these guys you know you could make
00:22:09.159 yourself more accessible right it's like
00:22:12.039 if I was David he Hansen I would go
00:22:14.279 through and I would make it my mission
00:22:16.480 to meet every single person in this
00:22:18.480 conference there's a challenge right
00:22:20.840 shake their hand and just get to know
00:22:23.520 them because I know it probably make
00:22:25.400 some of those people's you know whole
00:22:26.960 sort of travel here worthwhile right one
00:22:29.320 guy who does this one guy who totally
00:22:31.200 does this is Gary vanderchuck who was
00:22:33.159 here last year if some of you guys were
00:22:34.480 here um did a killer talk but I saw him
00:22:36.600 at a conference one day he was a keynote
00:22:38.279 speaker at that conference he went to
00:22:39.679 the Afterparty I swear to God he was
00:22:41.919 going going around every single person
00:22:43.760 in that Afterparty and just saying hey
00:22:45.240 how's it going what are you working on
00:22:47.520 we all have one thing in common here for
00:22:49.159 rails we got you know we've got rails in
00:22:50.960 common right it's the easiest Icebreaker
00:22:52.880 ever so what are you doing with rails
00:22:55.600 right easiest thing ever if you want to
00:22:58.120 show your appreciation for speakers or
00:23:00.200 you see a really good talk really easy
00:23:02.480 way to show your appreciation you don't
00:23:03.799 have to approach anybody rate the talk
00:23:06.080 go on and rate the talk every time you
00:23:07.480 rate the talk really the speakers go
00:23:09.200 back and they read this stuff um so if
00:23:11.400 you see something that inspires you
00:23:12.559 please take the time go back rate the
00:23:14.679 talk another way that I've sort of said
00:23:16.760 every year I've done the Ruby hero
00:23:17.760 Awards up here that I've said you know
00:23:19.120 told people to do is make it your
00:23:20.840 mission to thank at least three people
00:23:22.159 while you're here at the conference
00:23:23.919 because no matter how much recognition
00:23:25.559 or appreciation you think that somebody
00:23:27.480 gets for the contribution they do it's
00:23:29.919 probably a lot less than you think right
00:23:32.559 it's lonely you know it's when you go
00:23:34.360 back you know people work in you know
00:23:36.559 dark places when they go home without
00:23:38.279 too many people right or even the people
00:23:39.840 they know know what they do so they
00:23:40.919 don't get that much feedback like great
00:23:42.640 job with that open source project so if
00:23:44.640 somebody did an open source project
00:23:45.919 which helped you in your job or helped
00:23:48.559 you in your spare time on a project
00:23:50.720 please take the time while you're here
00:23:52.720 go up to them and say thank you for
00:23:54.880 doing what you did or for you know
00:23:57.120 creating rails or creating yard hard you
00:23:59.039 know just thank you for doing that it's
00:24:00.279 really sort of you know helped me with
00:24:01.919 this one project and then meet
00:24:06.200 them um yeah so thank three people or if
00:24:09.840 they did a good talk or if they did
00:24:11.120 something nice thank three people it'll
00:24:13.559 really make the difference it'll make
00:24:14.799 this whole convention sort of uh
00:24:16.159 worthwhile Drive our community forward
00:24:18.240 increase that positive
00:24:23.960 energy
00:24:25.919 thanks thank
00:24:29.600 um lastly another way that I like to
00:24:32.360 give people recognition um me and
00:24:34.120 Nathaniel and a couple of guys at MV
00:24:35.840 labs and a couple guys uh you know Les
00:24:38.120 Hill and uh um the guys from Cod Shas
00:24:41.360 David boach and a couple of the other I
00:24:43.520 guess ex hashrocket guys help me put
00:24:45.919 together uh Ruby 5 it's a twice Weekly
00:24:48.159 News podcast another way that I like to
00:24:50.720 give people recognition is by telling
00:24:53.679 their story so if you've got a gem or a
00:24:56.440 you know some sort of driver or library
00:24:58.840 or a blog post or a tutorial or a
00:25:00.799 screencast that you want people to know
00:25:02.840 about that you put out this week not
00:25:04.679 enough people know about but you think
00:25:05.840 it's really useful I want to help you
00:25:07.840 get more recognition come find me during
00:25:09.720 the conference I've got a little
00:25:11.279 microphone I'd be happy to record you
00:25:13.399 get you on Ruby 5 get more people coming
00:25:15.880 back to your project watching your
00:25:17.320 tutorial contributing to your open
00:25:18.720 source project let me help you please
00:25:21.720 find me send me an email or send me a
00:25:23.960 tweet um but that's all I've got I
00:25:26.440 really appreciate you guys taking your
00:25:28.039 time to come and hear me speak and
00:25:31.320 thanks to all the Ruby Heroes and keep
00:25:32.880 on doing what you're doing and have a
00:25:34.720 great night thanks