Josh Susser

Ruby Rogues - Live Podcast!

Ruby Rogues - Live Podcast!

by James Edward Gray, Charles Max Wood, Josh Susser, David Brady, and Avdi Grim

Ruby Rogues Live Podcast: What Rails Developers Should Care About

The video features a live episode of the Ruby Rogues podcast recorded during RailsConf 2012 in Austin, Texas. The episode is led by presenters James Edward Gray, Charles Max Wood, Josh Susser, David Brady, and Avdi Grim, who are experts and advocates in the Ruby programming community. The main theme revolves around what Rails developers should prioritize in their work, encompassing best practices and essential principles of coding in Ruby on Rails.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Good Object Oriented Design: The speakers emphasize the importance of good Object Oriented Programming practices, which lead to more maintainable and understandable code.
  • Design Patterns: They discuss the relevance of design patterns in Rails applications to solve common problems and improve code reuse.
  • Test Driven Development (TDD): The presenters highlight TDD as a critical approach that ensures the reliability and quality of code through rigorous testing before implementation.
  • The Law of Demeter: They introduce the Law of Demeter as a guideline for reducing dependencies and promoting loose coupling between components.
  • Tell, Don’t Ask Principle: This principle encourages developers to write code that commands objects to perform tasks, rather than querying them for information and acting on that data externally.
  • Open Source: The speakers are advocates for contributing to open-source projects, which fosters community collaboration and learning.
  • Beautiful Code: The importance of writing aesthetically pleasing and efficient code is discussed, promoting readability and maintainability.
  • Pair Programming: They share insights about pair programming as a practice that enhances teamwork and knowledge sharing between developers.
  • Code Metrics: The role of code metrics in assessing and maintaining the health of codebases is explored, enabling developers to make informed decisions based on quantitative data.
  • Scaling Performant Code: The presenters discuss strategies for writing code that scales effectively, ensuring applications can handle increasing loads without sacrificing performance.

Audience Interaction

As a live event, the podcast also involves audience engagement, encouraging attendees to ask questions directly either live or via the internet. This fosters a community-driven dialogue around the topics discussed.


The Ruby Rogues live podcast at RailsConf 2012 provides valuable insights into the principles and practices that Rails developers should focus on to enhance their skills. The session underscores the community's collaborative spirit and the importance of writing high-quality, maintainable code while adhering to best practices in Ruby on Rails development. The promises of humor, interaction, and the unique flair of the Rogues, including their amusing hats, add a delightful charm to the technical discourse.

The episode serves as an enriching experience for both new and experienced developers involved in the Ruby on Rails ecosystem.