RubyConf Mini 2022 MFA: The Past, Present and Future

What do Ruby’s rest-client, Python’s ctx, and npm’s ua-parser-js have in common?

They all suffered account takeovers that were preventable. Attackers aim to take control of a legitimate user account and then use it to upload malicious code. It might dial home. It might steal your keys. Perhaps it will encrypt your disk. Or all of the above! Don’t you wish it couldn’t happen?

MFA prevents 99.9% of account takeover attacks. Come learn about MFA, the history of MFA support, the new MFA policy for top gems, and what’s on the horizon.

RubyConf Mini 2022

00:00:00.299 foreign
00:00:12.679 I hope you're all having a fantastic
00:00:15.059 Wednesday so far thank you for joining
00:00:17.220 and listening
00:00:18.779 um hopefully you're excited to learn a
00:00:20.580 little bit about ruby gems MFA and its
00:00:23.640 past present and future I'm Jenny I'm a
00:00:28.140 developer at Shopify
00:00:30.480 under review dependency security team
00:00:33.440 where we help secure its Ruby supply
00:00:36.180 chain I also recently became a
00:00:38.760 maintainer on which is kind
00:00:41.579 of exciting
00:00:43.260 um what's
00:00:45.000 even more exciting is that this is my
00:00:48.000 first ever time get giving a talk at a
00:00:50.640 conference and I'm so glad that rubycon
00:00:53.160 mini is the place where I'm doing it
00:00:57.480 um so just recently some of you may have
00:01:00.180 seen this in June ruby gems announced
00:01:03.300 that they're requiring
00:01:04.820 owners of popular gems to have MFA
00:01:08.040 enabled some folks from Shopify and I
00:01:10.860 helped create this change so today I'm
00:01:13.740 just going to tell the story on how this
00:01:16.020 policy came about this includes why is
00:01:19.080 MFA even important and why do we need it
00:01:22.380 for ruby gems accounts
00:01:24.420 how do we how did we implement the
00:01:26.759 policy this includes like figure out the
00:01:29.159 details and getting consensus from the
00:01:31.439 community and lastly what's next in
00:01:34.500 store uh in the next couple months and
00:01:37.079 Beyond
00:01:38.220 with that being said let's dive right
00:01:40.619 into it
00:01:42.299 um so a bit of a random question raise
00:01:44.880 your hand if you ever heard of the term
00:01:47.579 goiter and know what it is
00:01:50.700 oh okay we got a couple got it give
00:01:53.820 yourselves a pat on the back
00:01:55.820 for those who don't know uh goiter is a
00:01:59.340 condition that makes your thyroid gland
00:02:01.520 abnormally large which makes your neck
00:02:04.740 appear a bit swollen the cause of this
00:02:08.340 condition is iodine deficiency
00:02:10.640 apparently I found out yesterday I've
00:02:14.040 been saying that word wrong
00:02:16.020 some people say iodine but I say I
00:02:20.099 didn't so
00:02:21.440 bear with me when uh when I say that
00:02:25.520 iodine is essential for thyroid hormone
00:02:28.860 production and goiter can be the result
00:02:31.260 of this insufficient production of the
00:02:33.959 hormone
00:02:34.980 up until the past Century iodine
00:02:37.980 deficiency was a global public health
00:02:40.140 issue in ancient times the treatment for
00:02:44.040 goiter was consuming seaweed or sea
00:02:48.120 sponge
00:02:49.400 it wasn't until the 19th century that
00:02:53.459 the element iodine was discovered and
00:02:56.459 found to be the Cure it was then found
00:02:59.220 that iodizing salt was an effective way
00:03:01.860 to add iodine into people's diets as a
00:03:05.940 simple preventative measure since then
00:03:09.920 120 countries have made salt iodization
00:03:13.640 mandatory and areas that made this
00:03:16.680 mandatory like Canada has removed the
00:03:19.620 need to monitor iodine levels in the
00:03:22.440 population since it removes so much of
00:03:25.260 the risk they don't need to think twice
00:03:28.019 about this being an issue
00:03:33.840 okay so why have I been talking about
00:03:37.099 goiter in the last few minutes
00:03:40.500 this is rubycon and not goiterkov but
00:03:45.840 there are loads of similarities between
00:03:49.440 um goiters and supply chain attacks
00:03:52.799 there has been an exponential increase
00:03:55.260 in software supply chain attacks over
00:03:58.019 the past few years it's been reported by
00:04:00.659 sonotype that there's an average
00:04:02.459 increase of
00:04:04.760 742 percent year over year in the past
00:04:08.400 three years
00:04:09.540 for those who don't know the supply
00:04:12.599 chain is basically all of the components
00:04:15.900 that help make a piece of software
00:04:18.479 a supply chain attack is when a
00:04:21.000 malicious actor attempts to attack
00:04:22.979 specific components in the supply chain
00:04:25.740 so some examples of this is an
00:04:28.979 undercover employee pushing malicious
00:04:31.440 code to Maine by passing any code
00:04:33.660 reviews
00:04:35.340 um someone getting access to the Ci or
00:04:39.180 deployment infrastructure and inserting
00:04:41.759 a malicious code there or the one that
00:04:44.940 we're most interested in is your piece
00:04:47.940 of software using a package or gem with
00:04:51.300 malicious code
00:04:53.100 the second most common attack is
00:04:56.820 account takeovers the first one is typo
00:05:00.960 squatting but I won't be going into
00:05:02.759 detail about that if your enlisted
00:05:05.040 interested in learning more I highly
00:05:07.080 recommend Ashley Pierce and Betty Lee's
00:05:09.660 railsconf talk gem install what can go
00:05:12.120 wrong and mashes Rubik on how to take
00:05:17.340 over a ruby gem but back to account
00:05:20.820 takeovers if a malicious actor gets a
00:05:24.600 hold of your account by
00:05:27.360 cracking your password that might be
00:05:29.940 reused they are able to sign in which
00:05:33.300 produces a key that has the ability to
00:05:36.300 publish gems as you can see here
00:05:39.660 or if the attacker has a hold of your
00:05:42.780 key through some other means like your
00:05:45.240 git history they are able to set an
00:05:47.699 environment variable gem host API key to
00:05:50.940 authenticate as you
00:05:52.860 they can then release a new version of
00:05:54.900 the gem with malicious code by
00:05:57.139 downloading the gem contents inserting
00:06:00.600 the code in the file of their choice
00:06:04.500 bumping the gem version
00:06:07.440 um
00:06:08.400 building the gem by running gem build
00:06:10.860 which packages all of the contents into
00:06:13.380 one file and pushing that package gem up
00:06:17.160 to Ruby Jones
00:06:18.720 anyone that installs this gem is
00:06:21.060 affected
00:06:22.440 um and an example of this is the rest
00:06:24.720 client gem in 2019 someone took over the
00:06:28.860 job maintainers account and insert a
00:06:31.979 code that would execute code from a
00:06:35.280 paste bin URL
00:06:37.199 in that paste bin a file a lot of bad
00:06:40.680 things are happening first of all it
00:06:43.680 sends the URL of the effective host to
00:06:46.919 the hackers define endpoint
00:06:50.100 um it will also send all of your secrets
00:06:53.340 to that Hacker's defined endpoint
00:06:57.440 it'll also set and if your app has any
00:07:01.199 clients I'll send over the user uh the
00:07:04.440 email and passwords by overloading the
00:07:07.680 authenticate method in identity and
00:07:10.800 worst of all if the attacker sends a
00:07:13.800 cookie that matches the regex defined
00:07:16.259 the contents of the cookie will be
00:07:18.660 executed essentially the that hacker can
00:07:21.720 do whatever they like
00:07:23.940 but rest client isn't the only gem she
00:07:26.940 strong password was taken over and had a
00:07:30.840 similar injection by evaluating from a
00:07:34.080 paste bin file and that evaluates
00:07:38.280 um contents of a certain cookie as well
00:07:45.560 and this is just a few out of many
00:07:48.780 instances in Ruby but this also happens
00:07:51.780 in other package ecosystems like npm and
00:07:55.740 Pi Pi
00:07:57.479 there is a simple preventative measure
00:08:00.240 to solve account takeovers though feel
00:08:03.419 like you might know what it is if you do
00:08:05.819 you can say it with me it's
00:08:08.780 multi-factor authentication oh that
00:08:11.759 that's really good I'm impressed
00:08:14.639 um also known as MFA adding another
00:08:17.400 Factor during authentication makes it
00:08:20.340 harder for someone else to sign in and
00:08:23.340 act like you and after the incidents I
00:08:26.879 mentioned gem maintainers rotated
00:08:28.680 passwords and enabled MFA
00:08:32.459 um I set out to start this that there's
00:08:34.860 many similarities between goiters and
00:08:37.380 account takeovers well what are they
00:08:39.719 Jenny
00:08:41.159 um they're both a widespread problem
00:08:43.320 iodine deficiency was a global health
00:08:47.000 issue and supply chain attacks are a
00:08:50.459 growing issue in the world of software
00:08:53.100 for both instances there's a effective
00:08:56.339 and simple preventative measure so
00:08:59.519 iodization and multi-factor
00:09:02.279 Authentication
00:09:04.920 um though for both of these counter
00:09:06.300 measures this requires changes from a
00:09:09.000 certain group of people producers of
00:09:11.399 salt must spend money to buy equipment
00:09:14.040 hire staff and materials or for MFA
00:09:17.339 package maintainers might need to spend
00:09:20.160 more time to publish and maintain their
00:09:23.040 gems and that could be kind of
00:09:25.019 burdensome
00:09:26.279 so why Implement laws and create a
00:09:29.940 policies for both these cases the answer
00:09:32.820 is simple the cost to prevent these
00:09:36.000 issues is significantly smaller than the
00:09:38.640 cost to deal with them when people get
00:09:40.980 sick because they're iodine deficient
00:09:43.500 they need to seek medical help which is
00:09:46.080 costly on the patient and the Health
00:09:48.240 Care system when malicious packages are
00:09:51.420 released time and effort needs to spend
00:09:53.820 on removing the gem drafting your
00:09:55.980 advisory and communicating the incident
00:09:58.320 this can have a more Dental mental
00:10:01.680 effect on consumers of the gym they need
00:10:04.440 to make sure that their application is
00:10:07.680 safe by rotating their secrets if they
00:10:11.399 have clients they might need to say that
00:10:13.920 there might be a breach somewhere and
00:10:16.019 downgrading the gem
00:10:19.320 hopefully I convince you the importance
00:10:21.959 of creating an MF MFA policy on Ruby
00:10:25.740 Jones accounts now
00:10:28.320 um
00:10:30.060 in this next portion I'll be going over
00:10:32.339 how a policy like this is made
00:10:41.640 but while we're talking about MFA let's
00:10:44.339 take a second and talk about the state
00:10:46.560 of MFA our ruby gems before any policies
00:10:51.180 were enforced
00:10:52.740 so Ruby Jones currently has MFA in the
00:10:56.100 form of time-based one-time passcodes or
00:10:58.880 totp or OTP which you can install an
00:11:03.660 authenticator app like Google
00:11:04.980 Authenticator or one password once
00:11:08.760 enabled there's three levels for UI only
00:11:12.959 you'll be required to enter a code when
00:11:16.440 you log into your account on the web
00:11:18.839 for UI and John sign in along with UI
00:11:22.440 only you'll be required to enter OTP
00:11:25.380 code when you publish your Gem and for
00:11:28.079 UI and API along with signing in like a
00:11:32.579 UI and Gem sign in you'll also need to
00:11:36.060 enter a one-time passcode for all
00:11:39.000 privileged actions like gem pushes you
00:11:41.880 can see here some other privileged
00:11:44.700 actions include yanking and Gem version
00:11:46.740 and managing owners of your gem
00:11:50.220 you may be thinking
00:11:52.800 um why are there so many levels it's
00:11:55.260 kind of confusing
00:11:57.120 um the main reason is that continuous
00:12:00.060 integration and deployment systems make
00:12:02.700 it harder to
00:12:04.519 heart I can't really uh MFA and at
00:12:09.360 Shopify we use the ship at engines to
00:12:12.300 ship it engine gem to push our gems so
00:12:15.899 after clicking the deploy button it'll
00:12:18.300 trigger a script to build a gem add and
00:12:22.680 you get tags and publish it to ruby gems
00:12:26.220 there's no way to enter an OTP code in
00:12:30.000 this workflow other than ship it a good
00:12:32.940 portion of maintainers also use GitHub
00:12:35.399 actions
00:12:37.019 and along with like account level mfas
00:12:39.540 one Nifty feature of ruby gems is that
00:12:42.779 gem maintainers can Define that all
00:12:45.480 owners of your gem
00:12:47.480 must have MFA enabled by defining the
00:12:51.420 ruby gems MFA required field to true in
00:12:55.079 your gems gem spec
00:13:00.959 okay so now that you know a little bit
00:13:04.560 about how MFA Works in ruby gems let's
00:13:07.740 go back and talk about how this policy
00:13:10.620 came about
00:13:12.060 there are many things to think about
00:13:14.399 when figuring this out looking back I
00:13:16.980 would categorize this into three main
00:13:19.620 areas
00:13:20.760 how many people should we be required to
00:13:24.000 enable MFA
00:13:25.740 what does MSA enforcement look like and
00:13:30.899 um
00:13:31.980 how do we ensure that this change is
00:13:34.980 seamless for Gen maintainers
00:13:37.680 that's a lot of decisions to be made but
00:13:40.500 how do we make sure that the decisions
00:13:43.139 that are made are right for the
00:13:44.760 community
00:13:45.720 well we got the community to help us and
00:13:49.019 weigh in
00:13:50.339 like many open source projects and
00:13:53.220 package managers ruby gems has a refresh
00:13:57.420 for comments process or RFC for large
00:14:00.540 and fundamental changes for ruby gems
00:14:04.100 their rfcs live in a GitHub repository
00:14:07.560 and before opening a formal proposal
00:14:10.740 many open uh discussion as an issue to
00:14:14.579 gauge interest in ideas
00:14:16.620 my colleague Jacques opened an issue
00:14:19.320 with these questions to get initial
00:14:21.360 thoughts the feedback was overall really
00:14:23.700 positive it validated the views that the
00:14:26.519 team had and people gave good
00:14:28.560 suggestions for the first draft of the
00:14:31.320 proposal and I'll be mentioning them as
00:14:34.440 we bring up those three main areas that
00:14:37.260 I brought up
00:14:39.000 first off how many people should be
00:14:41.279 required to enable MFA
00:14:43.980 well of course the north star of this is
00:14:46.620 all users however it might not be best
00:14:49.320 to do so immediately
00:14:51.380 an iterative approach may be better as
00:14:54.899 we can learn from each iteration so a
00:14:58.380 better question would be how many users
00:15:00.540 should we enforce MFA first
00:15:03.560 it was agreed upon that these gem
00:15:06.720 maintainers that should be enforced
00:15:08.880 should be the ones that have the biggest
00:15:11.220 impact if taken over a good measure for
00:15:15.420 that in ruby gems is the total gem
00:15:18.660 download count luckily Ruby jams shares
00:15:22.019 a Daily Dump of gem or information for
00:15:24.420 anyone to use and using data from last
00:15:27.300 year there was 10.6 billion downloads in
00:15:31.320 ruby gems in its lifetime I query for
00:15:34.920 the number of total downloads given the
00:15:37.620 X number uh top X number of gems where X
00:15:42.060 is just numbers I pulled from there I
00:15:45.779 found that the increase in number of
00:15:48.600 downloads drops after the top 100 gems
00:15:52.620 it covers more than a third of total
00:15:56.279 downloads with uh which out of 100 and
00:16:00.420 more than 180
00:16:02.820 000 gems was kind of shocking to hear
00:16:05.639 I recently went back to grab more data
00:16:08.100 points and plotted it on a graph and
00:16:10.260 such a beautiful curve
00:16:12.360 um you can see that
00:16:14.480 after at the top 10 000 gems it covers
00:16:19.079 most of
00:16:20.420 ruby gems as total downloads
00:16:25.139 nope
00:16:29.220 okay next question what does MFA
00:16:33.300 enforcement look like for a user
00:16:36.360 that might be a simple question on the
00:16:38.339 surface just make users enable MFA right
00:16:41.660 but we need to decide on what MFA level
00:16:45.540 do you require users to be at and what
00:16:49.740 actions should we protect if users don't
00:16:53.519 have MFA enabled but is required to
00:16:57.300 for the first one we mentioned that UI
00:17:01.740 and API is the best along with needing
00:17:05.100 to MFA to create an API key to actually
00:17:09.839 push a gem you also need to enter a code
00:17:12.360 as well
00:17:13.620 for UI and Gem sign in to sign in and
00:17:17.520 create a key you need to MFA but if
00:17:20.699 someone already has access to a key they
00:17:23.220 can publish a gem without needing to MFA
00:17:26.419 UI and Gem sign in was selected because
00:17:29.820 of the continuous integration case I
00:17:32.700 mentioned before
00:17:34.340 but for that use case we received some
00:17:37.440 suggestions from the discussion to add
00:17:41.940 more scoping features to API Keys like
00:17:45.320 enabling MFA on specific keys so if you
00:17:48.960 have a few keys that use for automation
00:17:52.620 you don't want to turn MFA on for those
00:17:55.020 but if you do some manual maintenance
00:17:58.080 you can enable MFA for those keys
00:18:01.799 another one is scoping keys to a
00:18:04.260 particular gem so sometimes I mean here
00:18:08.340 will would just do maintenance on one
00:18:11.100 gem so they don't really need access to
00:18:13.320 all of them and adding expiries to a
00:18:17.820 sale key so they'll be removed in a
00:18:20.340 certain period of time
00:18:22.460 After figuring out what level we want to
00:18:25.440 enforce MFA at it's time to decide what
00:18:28.320 actions should we be
00:18:30.200 protected if users don't have MFA
00:18:33.240 enabled but is required to we decided to
00:18:37.100 protect all authentication authenticated
00:18:40.679 pages on the web the reason why we went
00:18:43.919 with this approach is that
00:18:46.940 if there was a change needed to be on my
00:18:50.039 account I would like that to be clear so
00:18:52.740 when someone signs in all of those pages
00:18:55.559 would not you wouldn't be allowed to
00:18:58.620 access
00:18:59.580 for the command line it made the most
00:19:01.919 sense to protect actions that required
00:19:04.140 and OTP code for those actions those
00:19:08.100 actions modifies your account in some
00:19:11.340 way which is the things we want to
00:19:13.500 protect the most
00:19:15.419 okay
00:19:16.380 so we're down to the last question how
00:19:20.700 do we make make requiring MFA the most
00:19:24.299 unsurprising and seamless change
00:19:31.080 like deprecation of features
00:19:34.140 um it's good practice to allow some time
00:19:36.059 for users to onboard before we make any
00:19:39.000 breaking changes not saying that
00:19:41.460 everyone would do it before I'm guilty
00:19:43.740 of not updating my Mac until my company
00:19:46.860 doesn't let me doesn't allow me to do
00:19:50.100 anything that's nice it's nice to let
00:19:53.340 people have the time to onboard first
00:19:55.320 before blocking any
00:19:58.740 um gem pushes if they don't have MFA
00:20:01.140 enabled
00:20:02.640 but that time wouldn't actually do
00:20:04.799 anything if users don't do uh if jumping
00:20:07.919 here is not do not know about it to do
00:20:11.160 this during this time period job
00:20:13.679 maintainers will see a warning
00:20:15.059 Wednesdays first sign in and on certain
00:20:18.120 actions on the command line
00:20:20.340 okay cool
00:20:21.980 unknowns
00:20:23.539 are now known and an RC was drafted with
00:20:28.200 what was talked about for the community
00:20:30.179 to provide feedback on
00:20:32.640 there was some great feedback
00:20:34.380 suggestions and refinements to make this
00:20:36.960 policy better one of which is that the
00:20:40.380 number of gems
00:20:42.140 that a number of the top num uh top 100
00:20:47.059 gems can change over time so if your gem
00:20:52.160 100 and you become gem 101 all of a
00:20:56.220 sudden you wouldn't be required to have
00:20:58.980 MFA enabled well and on the other hand
00:21:02.760 if your job becomes more popular if your
00:21:05.640 gem is Gem 101 and becomes gen 100 all
00:21:10.140 of a sudden you are required to have MFA
00:21:13.559 enabled Joseph Ruby Jones maintainer
00:21:17.039 suggested that we use that download
00:21:19.260 thresholds as the metric so once a gem
00:21:22.679 surpasses a certain threshold they'll be
00:21:25.200 required to enable MFA and once they are
00:21:28.320 close to that threshold we can notify
00:21:31.080 them that they'll be required to enable
00:21:34.080 MFA soon I recommend them to enable it
00:21:37.380 now now
00:21:38.780 another piece of feedback what received
00:21:41.640 was surrounding the communications
00:21:44.760 some users might not use the platform
00:21:46.919 during the transition period and see
00:21:50.460 that they need to enable MFA
00:21:53.059 Aditya a ruby Jazz maintainer mentioned
00:21:55.919 that it's good practice to also post a
00:21:59.460 blog post send emails and share it on
00:22:02.520 social media
00:22:04.620 um along with logistical feedback there
00:22:07.500 was just an underlying hesitancy to
00:22:09.720 actually push this forward there were
00:22:12.360 some things that ultimately leave the
00:22:15.000 uneasiness with this type of change
00:22:18.900 um the easiest thing to do is to listen
00:22:21.419 there are valid concerns to the pushback
00:22:24.360 like um it's gem maintainers are often
00:22:29.039 volunteers and that we don't want to add
00:22:31.860 more uh that's they are volunteers that
00:22:34.799 spend their free time maintaining their
00:22:36.900 the gems and we don't want to add more
00:22:40.020 time and cause a burden to them this
00:22:44.700 makes a lot of sense and listening to
00:22:47.039 these concerns we can address them and
00:22:49.200 help look at help them look at the
00:22:52.260 bigger picture though it's quite time
00:22:55.799 consuming for maintainers upfront when
00:22:58.919 an incident occurs it takes a
00:23:01.080 significantly more time to diffuse the
00:23:03.600 situation education and affects all
00:23:06.179 consumers of the gem and not just the
00:23:08.820 gem maintainer
00:23:10.860 another thing that helped is the point
00:23:13.020 that others are doing the same it's
00:23:15.240 becoming an industry standard no one
00:23:17.820 wants to feel like they're the odd ones
00:23:19.860 out for our case along with ruby gems
00:23:23.340 other package managers are implementing
00:23:25.980 this policy like npm release their
00:23:29.220 policy to require MFA for the top 100
00:23:32.100 gem indicators Pi Pi was going ahead
00:23:35.220 with their policy and GitHub announced
00:23:38.039 that they'll require MFA
00:23:40.500 to all their users by the end of 2023
00:23:44.960 when they one other thing that helped
00:23:47.880 was that there was a support from
00:23:51.539 trusted people from the community it's
00:23:54.059 human nature to trust someone if they're
00:23:56.700 known to the Ruby community and it was
00:23:59.940 great that people like that added their
00:24:02.700 support and with doing all of those
00:24:05.220 things the RSC was merged in March yay
00:24:11.039 um and in June we announced the policy
00:24:14.520 to everyone and we notify users that own
00:24:18.299 a gem with more than 165 million
00:24:21.600 downloads that they should think about
00:24:25.919 uh enabling MFA so they'll see
00:24:28.760 recommendations on the web and command
00:24:32.100 line we also set emails to these
00:24:34.919 affected users and in August we started
00:24:38.640 to require users that own at least that
00:24:42.360 have a gem that has at least 180 million
00:24:46.260 downloads to have MFA enabled
00:24:51.500 we again announced this change and
00:24:54.360 started to protect actions if users
00:24:57.000 don't have MSA enabled
00:24:59.820 during this period as well we dedicated
00:25:02.460 some time to add features to API keys
00:25:05.700 that was suggested so now you can scope
00:25:08.760 an API key to a particular Gem and
00:25:12.600 toggle if that key would have MFA or not
00:25:18.059 and the feedback from the community was
00:25:20.700 shockingly very positive most if not
00:25:23.580 everyone saw the need for this change
00:25:25.679 and happy that this is one of the first
00:25:28.020 steps we're taking to secure the supply
00:25:30.539 chain
00:25:32.520 um so it's out the top 100 geminine
00:25:36.419 heaters are required to enable MFA
00:25:39.480 but what's next in store as mentioned
00:25:43.140 before this is just the start of rolling
00:25:45.480 out MFA and preventing account takeovers
00:25:48.539 in ruby gems one piece of feedback that
00:25:52.679 was raised during the release was people
00:25:55.559 want Securities key support using
00:25:59.340 security keys and biometric devices are
00:26:02.400 easier to use than totps because it's
00:26:06.120 just a simple touch rather than
00:26:08.340 frantically memorizing a six digit code
00:26:11.159 and typing it in the field they are also
00:26:15.299 safer because they are harder to fish
00:26:18.919 and to roll out the policy to other
00:26:22.919 users we want to make sure that MFA
00:26:25.799 enabling MFA is seamless as possible we
00:26:29.940 are working on adding the support
00:26:31.679 currently another aspect that needs to
00:26:35.400 be investigated is exploring ways that
00:26:38.340 for C CI in automations to safely
00:26:42.059 perform actions on behalf of the user
00:26:45.000 doing this would help raise the bar and
00:26:47.880 make sure all privileged actions would
00:26:50.100 be secured and lastly before we roll out
00:26:53.820 to more users gem maintainers are just
00:26:56.279 humans they can lose their second factor
00:26:58.760 to require MFA to potentially all users
00:27:03.000 there needs to be a sustainable process
00:27:05.460 to support these MFA resets
00:27:08.480 Ruby John's currently responds to these
00:27:11.279 requests on a voluntary basis
00:27:14.419 yeah and to fund this work just recently
00:27:19.860 Ruby Central announced a partnership
00:27:22.440 with Shopify where Shopify is donating 1
00:27:25.559 million USD over four years to fund a
00:27:29.640 security work on Ruby Johnson this is
00:27:32.039 included
00:27:33.299 so yeah that's all I have for you we
00:27:36.539 explored the past of ruby gems MFA and
00:27:40.020 why it's important the present what the
00:27:43.500 MFA landscape looks like now with the
00:27:46.260 policy rolled out and we talked about
00:27:48.179 the future and what's next
00:27:51.240 at the beginning of this talk we saw
00:27:53.520 that not many people knew what goiter
00:27:55.980 was
00:27:56.760 the reason for that is that it's become
00:27:59.279 something so rare for someone to have
00:28:01.880 hopefully one day in the future we can
00:28:04.919 say the same for account takeovers and
00:28:07.799 supply chain attacks so if there's
00:28:10.919 anything you can do after this talk is
00:28:13.320 to enable MFA
00:28:15.260 no matter how many gem downloads your
00:28:18.059 gem has enabling MFA is the best
00:28:21.179 practice and if you're not even a gem
00:28:23.520 maintainer just enable MFA on all your
00:28:26.580 accounts
00:28:27.740 since you're since you all made it to
00:28:30.600 the end of my talk I also got some
00:28:33.179 stickers to give out for those who have
00:28:36.120 who enable MFA they were designed by my
00:28:39.600 colleague Betty and they're honestly so
00:28:41.640 cute so enable MFA
00:28:43.980 um feel free to grab one after and yeah
00:28:46.860 thank you for listening um I like to
00:28:48.840 thank Ashley Betty and jock from my team
00:28:51.659 and the Ruby Jones maintainers at dtn
00:28:55.080 Joseph for helping
00:28:57.059 um roll this out if you have any
00:28:59.820 questions or like to chat I would love
00:29:02.520 to me afterwards yeah thank you