Sweta Sanghavi

Schrödinger's Error: Living In the grey area of Exceptions

Schrödinger's Error: Living In the grey area of Exceptions

by Sweta Sanghavi

In the talk "Schrödinger's Error: Living In the Gray Area of Exceptions" delivered by Sweta Sanghavi at RubyConf 2021, the focus is on the challenges developers face when managing exceptions in complex systems. The session acknowledges that while encountering exceptions is inevitable, the key lies in how effectively developers respond to them.

Key Points Discussed:

- Understanding Exceptions: Developers operate in systems where understanding every potential failure point is impractical. Exceptions serve as feedback mechanisms to reassess code assumptions.

- Initial Challenges: At BackerKit, the team initially faced disorganization in addressing exceptions, relying on a Slack integration that resulted in missed notifications due to lack of defined ownership and unclear priority among exceptions.

- Process Experiments: The team experimented with a structured approach to manage exceptions, initiating a weekly "Badger Duty" where team members took ownership of triaging exceptions, leading to better exposure and alignment on priorities.

- Goals for Improvement: Key goals identified by the team included filtering meaningful signals from the noise of exceptions, fostering collective ownership, and proactively addressing user-impacting exceptions.

- Daily Triage Duty: This included setting a clear rotation for exception triaging, defining tasks to categorize bugs, and promptly determining the urgency of issues, thus creating a continuous feedback loop.

- Learnings and Iterations: The team learned that continually iterating on the process helped maintain clarity and focus on actionable items within the backlog. For example, using dashboards for visualizing errors simplified the triaging process while providing data for future actions.

- Case Studies: The presentation included specific examples such as handling a "Faraday timeout error" and a "missing correct access error"—emphasizing the importance of understanding error contexts, prioritizing issues based on frequency and user impact, and determining effective responses.

- Concluding Thoughts: Sweta highlighted that creating a systematic approach to exception management not only clarified responsibilities but also encouraged team collaboration and knowledge sharing, ultimately driving the team towards a more disciplined, resilient, and responsive approach.

The talk concluded with an invitation for attendees to reach out for further discussion on exception management strategies and to connect on shared experiences, emphasizing the importance of community collaboration in improving processes.

00:00:10.719 All right.
00:00:12.000 Hello everyone.
00:00:15.280 Our applications live in complex systems with points of failure that span space and time.
00:00:20.960 As developers, we write code that is executed in systems that we rarely fully understand. It would be a poor use of our time to try to anticipate all the ways in which our code can fail.
00:00:30.800 The errors that our code raises give us feedback on the code paths that have certain assumptions baked into them, which require us to re-examine our understanding.
00:00:40.399 It's our superpower to make reasonable assumptions, let our tests guide us, and allow our systems to tell us how and where they are breaking down, rather than trying to predict those failures.
00:00:57.280 This also means that sometimes we must put on our gear, step into our spaceships, and identify which issues will cause us harm and which we can let slide.
00:01:03.039 We may all share the understanding of the importance of reacting to uncaught exceptions. However, some of our processes—or lack thereof—can make these notifications elicit a sense of dread.
00:01:24.560 Welcome to Schrödinger's Error: Living in the Gray Area of Exceptions. I’m Sweta Sanghavi, a developer at BackerKit. I've become really interested in why exceptions are so difficult to manage and what we can do about it.
00:01:40.720 Today, I'm going to walk you through some process experiments we've tried on my team at BackerKit and highlight the learnings we've surfaced. Then, we're all going to engage in triage duty together and look at some tools we can use to help manage exceptions effectively.
00:02:01.920 Alright, put on your helmets and your space boots. Keep your arms inside the vehicle at all times.
00:02:08.399 To lay some groundwork, at BackerKit, we support creators in fulfilling their crowdfunding projects. If you’ve backed a crowdfunding campaign, you may have received your survey through BackerKit.
00:02:18.720 We are a small, lean team. Our daily flow involves pairing up in the morning and working down a backlog or queue of features, chores, and bugs.
00:02:35.840 We surfaced a problem that, despite knowing the importance of reacting to impactful exceptions, we weren't very effective at doing so. Upon thinking more critically about our process, we realized it was pretty light on addressing these exceptions.
00:02:51.920 We had a Slack integration that surfaced unresolved or ignored errors into a channel. Still, while pairing, someone who was either soloing or had a spare moment may not look at that channel when something important was happening.
00:03:01.120 This setup required context switching from prioritized queue work. Furthermore, there was no owner or designated developer for issues, resulting in only a few people regularly checking it and many others not really paying attention.
00:03:18.239 We realized we had low alignment on which process to use for managing exceptions and not a shared understanding of what effective management looked like, which exceptions were high priority, and what actions to take in response.
00:03:36.000 There was also a significant backlog of errors, making it challenging to scan through quickly or to surface urgent issues that needed addressing.
00:03:48.879 So, we started to experiment with some process changes to improve our exception management. Our first experiment was affectionately called "Badger Duty." We utilize Honeybadger as our observability tool, so Badger Duty involved each of us managing exceptions for the week.
00:04:05.279 We tracked how long it took to triage and address any significant exceptions. This was our first attempt at chipping away at the errors and also at desiloing exception management. As we each became more familiar with exception management, we began to identify our pain points and understand why it was difficult for us.
00:04:25.040 Firstly, priority was unclear. It was difficult to gauge when something was urgent just by scanning exceptions, and in comparison to our high-value feature work, addressing exceptions could seem low-priority. Internally, we weren't aligned on which exceptions were of high priority.
00:05:10.160 Additionally, many exceptions had low actionability; we lacked a well-aligned response strategy, which often left us feeling stuck when encountering problematic exceptions. We also discovered a lack of alignment on our overall goals, highlighting the need for this initial experiment to establish a base for future iterations.
00:06:06.080 Through this first experiment, we recognized that having a structured process gave us clarity on who was tackling exceptions and helped identify areas of misalignment. We realized the significance of getting aligned on our goals as we continued to iterate on this process.
00:07:03.680 Also, Badger Duty provided a foundation for us to explore disagreements during pairing sessions while triaging exceptions, facilitating the first steps towards alignment.
00:07:51.440 I’m going to take you through the goals we arrived at as a team. Our first goal was to enable visibility of signals through the noise when managing exceptions. It should be apparent when something requires attention and surface above the more noisy exceptions.
00:08:05.440 Part of achieving this involves addressing some of that noise to allow important signals to come through. Our goal isn’t to reach zero exceptions or achieve an inbox zero mentality.
00:08:59.679 We also aimed for collective ownership of addressing exceptions. We acknowledge that having everyone exposed to exception occurrences in the app fosters involvement in finding solutions, sharing knowledge, and leveraging different perspectives.
00:09:33.760 Finally, we want to proactively address exceptions and prevent unfavorable user impacts. For instance, we should identify when a user finds themselves in a state they can't escape from before we receive those user reports.
00:10:07.760 In line with this, we proposed another process change. The next step was to implement rotating pairs to triage exceptions daily. Having a clear owner allowed for focused attention on managing exceptions.
00:10:38.720 This setup also permitted resource decisions to be made at the start of the day by looking at schedules, high-priority work, and workload capacity.
00:11:05.760 Regular exposure for everyone in the team to the nuances of exception management further supported alignment as different people encountered the same issues and discussed the pain points, thereby facilitating solutions collectively.
00:12:00.240 Now, I’ll illustrate what it looks like to be on triage duty at BackerKit. When you start, you begin at the top of the unaddressed errors queue. You have a 15-minute timebox to determine the priority level of the bug.
00:12:47.920 Generally, you have three options: either determine that it should be fixed but not immediately addressed (so you note it down), or acknowledge it, indicating that there’s nothing actionable at the moment but noting you'll want to be aware if it happens again.
00:13:31.440 The third option is if you conclude it’s a high priority and you need to fix it right away, in which case you would create an immediate bug ticket and start working on it.
00:14:15.280 For particularly high-priority exceptions, a tool we'd use during bug duty is the dashboard to get a quick glance at unaddressed exceptions. This transforms the errors from our Slack integration into a more user-friendly interface.
00:15:00.560 Using the dashboard allows us to make informed decisions about our backlog, as we can better understand the volume of errors and the rate at which they require attention.
00:15:50.080 I also want to elaborate on what it means to acknowledge an issue. Acknowledgement in our process implies we recognize the error but do not require immediate action.
00:16:05.440 We’ve initiated auto-resolving weekly, meaning if an acknowledgement isn’t revisited within a week, it will show up again, compelling the team to reassess its priority.
00:17:12.560 Establishing categories for why we might acknowledge exceptions has proved helpful in discussions about the priority of different exceptions.
00:18:05.440 One key learning from our latest process changes was that exceptions can be tackled collectively over time. When you’re limited to 15 minutes for triaging, you learn to focus on making progress rather than fixing everything at once.
00:19:24.960 It reshaped my perception of how to address an issue. Sometimes it simply means adding information to breadcrumbs or parameters for the next person who might handle it.
00:19:42.720 You can also take small actions, such as refactoring to clarify the source of an error for future developers, or logging the incident to keep track of recurring issues.
00:20:10.560 Another critical learning was the art of crafting bug stories that are compelling enough that developers would actually want to pick them up. Providing sufficient context for the next person to understand what you've found is essential, without allowing unrefined theories into the ticket.
00:20:45.760 Useful practices include linking to logs, explaining how to replicate the exception, and attaching any relevant information discovered during the investigation.
00:21:27.520 Moreover, writing a test that showcases the same system causing the exception can be incredibly beneficial for linking to a bug ticket, affirming your understanding of the underlying issue.
00:22:11.920 Another discovery from the triage duty process was that while we were good at creating bug tickets, we weren't always picking them up, causing our backlog to grow.
00:22:34.960 To counter this, we made it a part of our process to pull a set number of bugs over each sprint. Having that commitment means we inherently prioritize bugs by creating dedicated space in our sprint planning.
00:23:48.000 If no one advocates for specific bugs to enter a sprint, it suggests to us that those issues might not be of high importance, and allows for a natural culling of the lesser priority bugs.
00:24:28.960 Additionally, by analyzing our top occurring errors, we've noted that a small number of exceptions often account for a significant portion of the total. Regularly addressing these can be particularly effective in reducing overall error noise.
00:25:25.440 Finally, it’s crucial to identify levers for improving efficiency. Prioritizing to allow faster triaging has illuminated what has historically slowed us down, and given us a better understanding of the context required for addressing exceptions.
00:26:00.640 Now, I’d like to go through two specific errors from our app as part of our triaging process. The first is a Faraday timeout error; we'll walk through understanding its context together.
00:26:57.440 Our priority will involve determining the nature of the error: this NetReadTimeout error lets us know that data is not being read within the expected time threshold. It's important to understand the implications and frequency of the occurrence.
00:28:28.720 From our investigation, we know this error occurs infrequently but when it does, it is accompanied by user actions trying to retrieve data.
00:29:11.600 In light of the fact that our retry procedures on this issue will have a less than beneficial outcome without addressing the root cause, deciding when/if to implement a fix is essential.
00:30:05.680 Moving on to our second error: a missing correct access error from the project vector worker, which seems to frequently occur in situations where external integration credentials are involved.
00:31:00.800 Again, analyzing the context of this error lets us identify its source and determine whether implementing a preventative measure or workaround could alleviate this problem.
00:32:34.200 In our experience, optimizing how we handle recurring low-value exceptions impacts our product quality and user experience.
00:34:00.960 Ultimately, I'd like to share that addressing exceptions is a continuous process involving cooperation, patience, and the right tools.
00:35:20.000 I appreciate everyone joining me on this exploration of exceptions. If you have further questions or thoughts, please reach out to me on Twitter or find me outside after the session.
00:36:08.000 Thank you to my coworkers who inspire me to continue experimenting and to everyone at RubyConf 2021 who helped shape this discussion. If you’re interested in learning more about TDD, experimentation, or crowdfunding, do reach out to BackerKit—we’re hiring!