
Software Developers Are People Too

Software Developers Are People Too

by Miha Rekar

In the talk titled 'Software Developers Are People Too,' Miha Rekar emphasizes that developers lead diverse lives beyond their programming tasks. Opening with an engaging crowd activity, Miha challenges the stereotype of the solitary programmer and showcases that developers have vibrant hobbies and interests.

Key Points Discussed:
- Engagement with Developers: Miha discusses how he dislikes the stereotype of developers as isolated individuals. He launched a podcast called 'Parallel Passion' to share stories about developers' lives and interests outside of coding.
- Podcasting Tips: He highlights the benefits of podcasts as a medium, suggesting they can be consumed easily during daily activities. Basic equipment is affordable, and the podcast format allows for interesting conversations with guests who have unique experiences.
- Unique Developer Hobbies: Miha shares anecdotes about guests on his podcast, such as a Rails developer who races cars, a master chef turned coffee enthusiast, and others with eclectic interests like skydiving and writing children's books.
- Coffee Enthusiasm: Miha dives into his passion for coffee, discussing his journey to discover its nuances, such as coffee bean quality and brewing methods, while addressing coffee farmers’ challenges due to market demands.
- Running as a Passion: He recounts his experience with running, detailing how it improved his fitness and mental health. Miha offers advice for beginners and suggests joining clubs for support.
- Mental Health in Tech: With the rise of remote work, Miha stresses the importance of maintaining real-life interactions and setting boundaries for productivity. He suggests strategies to manage online communication effectively.
- Technical Tips for Developers: Transitioning to technical insights, Miha shares key git commands that can enhance workflows, such as creating branches and troubleshooting with reflog and bisect.
- Photography Tips: He discusses photography as another creative outlet, emphasizing the importance of experimentation in improving skills.
- Philosophical Insights: Miha concludes with a brief discussion on Stoicism, advocating for perspective management and self-reflection through journaling as tools for maintaining mental well-being in stressful times.

Conclusion: Miha Rekar's presentation encourages developers to embrace their whole selves, highlighting the importance of hobbies, mental health, and personalized productivity strategies. He leaves the audience with actionable tips and insights that emphasize a balanced approach to both professional and personal life.

00:00:08.580 First things first, we're going to do a Mexican wave. Don't be that guy. Just try to follow along. We're going to start from this side and then move back, so if you have anything in your lap, please put it down. I'm not joking; we are really going to do this. Okay, let's go!
00:00:35.579 Alright, round of applause! So, as Anna said, they invited me to come here. The challenge is, I don't have anything prepared. I thought I could just talk about stuff I like, and one of those things is engaging with other developers. The stereotype of a developer is often just some guy in a basement hacking away, and I really dislike that perception because I'm not that guy. Whenever I tell people I'm a programmer, they say, 'Oh, you're one of those.' No, I have a life too.
00:01:00.240 Because of that, I wanted to start showcasing that developers are more than just their work. I began a podcast called 'Parallel Passion,' combining my interests with tech discussions. I enjoy many hobbies like photography, I'm obsessed with coffee, and I also run. When I give conference talks, I rarely talk about programming. I prefer to discuss the interesting things people do outside of development. That's why I thought about starting a podcast and sharing those stories.
00:01:47.009 So, who listens to podcasts? If you're not, you should definitely start. There are so many great ones that delve into various topics. Podcasts are an excellent medium because you can consume them while doing chores, driving, or even washing dishes. It’s much better than radio, with quality content and almost no ads. I had the idea of expanding on that, and I even came up with the name 'Parallel Passion,' which I love.
00:02:21.959 For podcasting, all you need are a microphone and some basic equipment which costs around a hundred euros. I have had numerous interesting guests. For example, I know a rails developer who also races cars for fun. It's fascinating how the skills in software repair can translate to car mechanics. Then there's Kathryn, known for her amazing talks about culture and parenting. She even makes gems as a hobby in Portland.
00:03:25.700 Speaking of unique hobbies, I met someone who created 'Codable,' a platform like Toptal but for WordPress, and he's also a skydiver. Unusual hobbies abound, and then there's Linda, who founded 'Rails Girls.' She’s now writing children's books, which seems like such a great challenge. When I asked if she wanted to be on my podcast, I was blown away when she said yes!
00:04:13.160 I also spoke with a master chef who competed on the first BBC 'Master Chef' and worked with Gordon Ramsay before anyone knew who that was. He runs a coffee subscription service that I signed up for, which helped fuel my coffee obsession. In 2013, I traveled to Portland, a city known for its quirky character and exceptional coffee.
00:05:37.170 I never really liked coffee before, finding it too dark and bitter. But one day while searching for tea in a café, I discovered an incredible coffee drink—filled with vibrant flavors like strawberries. It completely changed my view of coffee. I learned about the differences in coffee beans and the rise of third-wave coffee, which is usually hand-picked and lighter roasted to achieve unique flavors.
00:06:32.430 The realities of coffee preparation include understanding the importance of hand-picking the beans for quality. I've also had my share of coffee from various regions. Often, lower-quality coffee comes from machine-picked batches that are overly roasted, which can be a huge difference in taste. If you’re looking for a richer experience, consider single-origin coffee, as its unique growing conditions affect the flavor.
00:10:20.700 However, I have noticed a troubling trend where coffee farmers are switching to more profitable crops like avocados due to rising demand, which can impact coffee production negatively. On that note, coffee varieties vary in flavor based on factors like soil quality and how they are processed—much like wines. I found out about the more commonly known Arabica and the often less desirable Robusta beans.
00:12:03.240 Once you decide on quality beans, proper preparation is key. For instance, natural processed coffee is often the best. As a coffee enthusiast, I love to experiment with different brewing methods, investing considerable time into perfecting my coffee preparation at home.
00:12:50.630 Running has become a big passion of mine as well. I started training in June 2014 for the Ghanim marathon happening in October. I remember the struggle I faced running those first few kilometers. However, despite the challenges, I trained through the pain. I ended up signing up for the Berlin marathon the following year. It was a crazy experience, but it taught me so much about discipline and perseverance.
00:15:57.950 Afterwards, I began to run consistently, accumulating about 2,600 kilometers each year. Running has been a great way to stay fit, enjoy junk food, and clear my head. While running, I often listen to podcasts, which helps me disconnect from stressful situations.
00:19:15.560 If you are starting with running, consider joining a running club or hiring a coach to avoid bad habits. Apps like Couch to 5K help beginners build their stamina gradually. It's essential to pace yourself, especially when you are starting. Going slowly is key, so you don’t hurt yourself and can maintain a conversational pace with others.
00:21:10.480 In addition to physical health, mental health is also vital. Team retreats and real-life interaction with colleagues help improve relationships. Working remotely can lead to isolation, so creating opportunities for face-to-face communication is important. Substantial online communication, like using slack, can become very distracting.
00:23:08.830 In conclusion, some simple practices can enhance productivity in remote work. Establish boundaries for communication through channels like Slack, limit channels you participate in, and manage notifications. It’s essential to have a workspace that suits you, whether it's a co-working space, an office, or your home.
00:23:55.850 Finally, meetings should be kept to a minimum, and agendas should be clear, allowing attendees to remain focused. Reducing unnecessary meetings protects your time and avoids interruptions in workflows and productivity.
00:26:00.990 Now, for the technical stuff that everyone expects at a conference, let me share some quick git commands that can significantly improve workflow. For instance, using 'git checkout -b' creates a new branch and switches to it in one step. This is much simpler than dealing with two separate commands.
00:29:54.120 Another extremely useful command is 'git diff --cached', which lets you see staged changes. Additionally, if you want to have local versions of files that won’t be shared, consider using 'info/exclude' rather than adding it to 'gitignore'.
00:31:23.300 Also, if you ever face issues after conducting a rebase, don't forget about 'reflog,' which serves as an undo mechanism. Lastly, 'git bisect' can help identify when or where a bug was introduced, allowing for a straightforward debugging process.
00:32:35.980 To switch gears a bit, photography has been another meaningful pursuit for me. A simple trick in photography is using the grid option in smartphones to enhance photo composition.
00:33:46.100 By following the Rule of Thirds, you can significantly improve your images and create visually appealing shots. For example, instead of centering your subject, try moving it to one side for better balance.
00:35:49.590 I preach the importance of experimentation in photography; don't hesitate to make mistakes because that's how you learn. Overall, my point is that engaging with creative practices, like photography and running, can help balance developer work life by fueling self-expression and personal joy.
00:39:07.290 Now, moving to philosophical dimensions, I want to touch upon Stoicism, a philosophy that emphasizes perspective and control. It's extraordinary how awareness can alter your reaction to problems, reminding you that some events aren't as burdensome as they seem.
00:41:49.060 Stoicism teaches you to accept life’s challenges, treat others kindly, and most importantly, focus on the elements in your life that you can control. Practicing Stoicism has helped many find clarity in stressful times, pushing them to prioritize their well-being and relish every opportunity.
00:43:51.810 Lastly, I encourage writing a journal, reflecting on your day, expressing gratitude, and noting positive events. This can greatly enhance your overall perspective and provide a mental boost.
00:45:38.670 Thank you for your attention, and I welcome any questions!
00:47:51.390 Speaker finishes, audience applauds.