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SOLID Design Principles in Ruby

Anil Wadghule • June 27, 2014 • Singapore • Talk

In this talk at the Red Dot Ruby Conference 2014, Anil Wadghule presents an in-depth discussion on the SOLID design principles within Ruby, emphasizing how these principles enhance code quality and maintainability. The SOLID principles are critical methodologies that help developers manage software design and dependencies effectively, ensuring code is extensible and reusable. Anil explains each principle in detail, illustrating their significance through various examples:

  • Single Responsibility Principle: This principle states that a class should have only one reason to change, meaning it should encapsulate a single responsibility or behavior. An example given involves refactoring a class handling multiple methods into separate classes focused on distinct responsibilities.

  • Open/Closed Principle: Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. Anil illustrates this with a parser example, where adding new parsers could be accomplished without modifying existing code, thus adhering to this principle.

  • Liskov Substitution Principle: This principle mandates that objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of a subclass without affecting program correctness. Anil uses a rectangle and square example to explain how breaking this principle can lead to bugs in the code.

  • Interface Segregation Principle: It is better to have multiple client-specific interfaces than a single general-purpose one. Anil gives examples related to different types of models (like TVs) to clarify that tailored interfaces increase cohesion and reduce unnecessary dependencies.

  • Dependency Inversion Principle: Higher-level modules should not depend on low-level modules but rather on abstractions. This is illustrated with a coding scenario that shows the importance of inverting dependencies to enhance flexibility in the code.

Anil concludes by emphasizing that following these principles can transform rigid and fragile code into flexible, robust, and maintainable systems. He reinforces that design comprises more than just adhering to practices such as DRY and TDD; it requires thoughtful structuring and management of dependencies for successful software evolution. Overall, the talk motivates programmers to focus on good design practices to ensure code that is clean, understandable, and adaptable for future changes.

SOLID Design Principles in Ruby
Anil Wadghule • June 27, 2014 • Singapore • Talk

This talk covers following SOLID design principles in Ruby with live code examples.

Single responsibility principle: an object should have only a single responsibility. Open/closed principle: an object should be open for extension, but closed for modification. Liskov substitution principle: objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program Interface segregation principle: many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface. Dependency inversion principle: depend upon abstractions, do not depend upon concretions Talk will have live code example which will be evolved step by step to use all SOLID principles. This talk will also answer the question why just following these principles will make your code more clean readable, extensible and better. Also make you better programmer.

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Red Dot Ruby Conference 2014

00:00:19.800 alright guys i'm an invertible a I work
00:00:24.909 in company name equal experts which is
00:00:27.880 in Pune India and I'm going to talk
00:00:30.909 about qualities and principles in to be
00:00:33.239 so so this topic is about design
00:00:40.210 principles which I realized helped me to
00:00:42.820 improve my code and ultimately right
00:00:47.289 good object-oriented code which is
00:00:49.530 extensible and like reusable
00:01:00.170 so all of us are software developers so
00:01:03.290 initially when we write our code or
00:01:05.990 application it is all good
00:01:08.570 version 1 dot o is very good there are
00:01:12.140 no issues but after some time your
00:01:17.000 application becomes like this with off
00:01:19.220 changes you keep changing your code you
00:01:22.340 keep modifying your code because of
00:01:24.409 client requests and that makes your code
00:01:28.700 bad so your application will change and
00:01:37.060 it will become messy and developers will
00:01:40.940 hate to work on it it's very it will
00:01:43.789 become very difficult to actually go and
00:01:47.149 add features though mostly I have seen
00:01:49.729 this happening in most of the project so
00:01:52.429 why that happened it happened because of
00:01:54.399 bad design so if your application does
00:01:58.369 not have good design if it doesn't have
00:02:01.479 like good object-oriented code it will
00:02:05.270 be very difficult to add like new
00:02:08.660 features to it software time it becomes
00:02:13.190 bad so writing model code doesn't mean
00:02:15.709 writing good design so most of the Ruby
00:02:21.530 programmer actually follow Ruby Adams
00:02:23.600 some of the model rarity concepts so
00:02:26.450 just because you follow dry or TDD
00:02:32.769 doesn't mean you are following good
00:02:37.489 design so good design is about managing
00:02:40.670 dependencies Ruby's object-oriented
00:02:43.850 programming language so everything is
00:02:45.680 object into B so whatever you write are
00:02:48.380 nothing but objects and how those
00:02:50.180 objects are interacting with each other
00:02:52.299 that makes a good design and that will
00:02:56.030 make your code extensible and like ready
00:02:59.480 for change so these are this in this
00:03:04.549 diagram is dependent on X Y Z so
00:03:07.310 exercise it depend on M
00:03:09.770 this subclass of T so all these are
00:03:12.510 dependencies and if you don't manage
00:03:14.400 these dependencies well in your
00:03:15.930 application
00:03:16.530 it is going to hurt in future so
00:03:19.380 unmanned managed dependencies are
00:03:20.970 killing your application and a good
00:03:23.670 design might save you so what are smells
00:03:28.140 of bad design first is rigid rigid means
00:03:30.450 your application is difficult to change
00:03:32.600 one change is causing too many other
00:03:35.340 changes in your system if that's the
00:03:37.380 case it's rigid second is fragile
00:03:39.750 fragile means your application is easily
00:03:42.180 breakable so if you change one part like
00:03:47.130 if you change controller and suddenly
00:03:48.540 worker is breaking so something is like
00:03:51.090 messed up so that's fragile design
00:03:54.050 immobile so whatever you write should be
00:03:56.940 reusable if you are writing code which
00:03:58.560 is not reducible then it's not of any
00:04:01.140 use so if your code is hopelessly
00:04:04.230 entangled with each other that makes
00:04:06.540 your application immobile and viscous so
00:04:10.080 viscous means you probably have followed
00:04:13.020 good design but it's very easy to add
00:04:16.980 hacks then actually follow good design
00:04:18.750 if that's the case then that means your
00:04:21.090 application is viscous so initially it
00:04:26.580 was good so like whenever we write a
00:04:29.580 patient for the first time it was good
00:04:31.410 but after many changes after like new
00:04:35.100 changes new requirements it becomes bad
00:04:37.290 and that's a pattern actually that
00:04:38.550 happens many times so change is killed
00:04:40.830 it so software development is not a game
00:04:43.530 of Jenga right we don't keep adding
00:04:45.270 features so if we keep adding features
00:04:47.910 without actually thinking about design
00:04:50.070 it will work for like some time but
00:04:52.980 after some time it will become very
00:04:55.230 difficult to manage that application and
00:04:56.790 in enterprise world this is a pretty
00:04:59.040 common pattern so so why solid So Solid
00:05:03.650 helps us to write loosely coupled highly
00:05:07.770 cohesive easily composable context
00:05:10.740 independent reusable easily testable
00:05:13.890 code so ultimately it makes your code
00:05:18.270 easy to maintain and extend over time so
00:05:22.530 Robert
00:05:23.430 my teen who is famous as Uncle Bob has
00:05:27.330 written this paper in early
00:05:29.670 two-thousands design principles and
00:05:31.440 design patterns which mentions about
00:05:33.240 dispensable and also a michael feathers
00:05:36.750 coined this term solid so s means single
00:05:41.880 responsibility o means open closed
00:05:44.340 principle L means Liskov substitution
00:05:46.920 principle
00:05:47.760 I mean Enterprise Solution principle
00:05:50.300 demas dependency inversion principle
00:05:52.520 let's look at these principles in detail
00:05:56.060 first is single responsibility so this
00:06:00.840 principle says a class should have a
00:06:02.670 single purpose class should serve a
00:06:05.400 single purpose there should not be more
00:06:06.990 than one reason for a class to change if
00:06:09.120 there are multiple like behaviors that
00:06:12.120 you have wrapped in a class that means
00:06:14.130 it's not single responsible the ways of
00:06:17.880 achieving this principle are revealing
00:06:19.590 intent like find out what is the intent
00:06:23.310 of your code renewal rename the
00:06:25.530 variables in whom the method names
00:06:28.230 rename the introduced constants and
00:06:30.450 extract methods into other methods
00:06:32.750 extract behavior to other classes
00:06:35.700 extract methods to other classes if you
00:06:38.460 do that it will make you like it will
00:06:42.750 induce new classes and that will have
00:06:44.520 single responsibility so far length saw
00:06:47.370 a single response to decode generates
00:06:49.860 highly cozy code and removes the
00:06:52.410 mobility smell so let's say our client
00:06:56.130 asked us to implement filter server
00:06:58.020 application so let's see how we can
00:07:00.480 apply for single responsive principle
00:07:03.090 there
00:07:19.700 so a developer could go and write like
00:07:26.930 these methods so food is our application
00:07:28.490 basically fetches food from a feed URL
00:07:30.440 parses that food and serves the feed to
00:07:32.960 database so one class can actually have
00:07:35.600 these three methods a normal developer
00:07:37.520 could go and write code like this this
00:07:39.470 will work but this class is not
00:07:41.240 following single response and principle
00:07:42.740 so to our choosing the responsible in
00:07:44.690 Sippel we could really factor like this
00:07:46.730 so we could extract methods into
00:07:48.470 different classes which are single
00:07:50.810 responsible so feed fetcher will fetch
00:07:53.090 feed RSS parcel will parse the RSS feed
00:07:56.990 and feed server will save the field so
00:08:00.560 if you do that we can reuse this classes
00:08:04.010 from other parts of your code and your
00:08:07.550 code will become cohesive and also
00:08:10.030 immobility smell will go away so this is
00:08:12.890 how we are chuh single responsive
00:08:14.630 principle so next principle is open
00:08:24.020 closed principle as you see in this
00:08:25.940 image to wear a coat you don't have to
00:08:28.730 do heart surgery
00:08:29.710 so the principle says the same software
00:08:33.260 entities classes model method should be
00:08:36.050 open for extension but close for
00:08:37.460 motivations is it practically possible
00:08:40.280 to write such code which is open for
00:08:42.170 education but practically sorry closed
00:08:44.120 for moderation
00:08:55.960 it can be achieved using inheritance and
00:08:58.610 composition and if your code has lots of
00:09:03.110 fulfills cases or long switch cases that
00:09:05.150 means there is a chance you do this to
00:09:07.370 be dispensable that's the example for
00:09:12.290 this so now clients want to like
00:09:21.250 introduce atom parsing so previously
00:09:24.920 used to it used to do RSS parsing now it
00:09:28.220 is also parsing RSS so it is like a
00:09:32.180 developer could go and add he fills case
00:09:35.270 and just delegate the atom parsing to
00:09:38.690 atom parser but this cell field has now
00:09:42.380 if Phil's case and that is changing
00:09:44.960 behavior so tomorrow if our clients
00:09:47.660 wants another type of field to be parsed
00:09:49.390 he has to go and modify this code so
00:09:52.040 this method is not open for extension
00:09:53.810 and also not close for more modification
00:09:56.930 so to achieve open closed principle what
00:09:59.690 we could do is that so we could abstract
00:10:15.590 this behavior of if-else is we could
00:10:18.770 introduce a parcel abstraction and that
00:10:21.080 parse our abstraction we could just in
00:10:24.020 Ruby we don't have to add that parser
00:10:25.790 class because Ruby's duck type but now
00:10:30.050 we have RSS parser and atom parser and
00:10:32.900 we can just call this like we can just
00:10:37.250 pass this parcel to the our sale field
00:10:40.370 class so now our method is open for
00:10:43.610 extension and close for motivation we
00:10:45.440 can just add another type of parser if
00:10:48.350 required and pass it puts a field and
00:10:50.510 that way we can achieve open post
00:10:53.180 principle
00:11:03.029 basically you have to like if there is
00:11:06.970 branching you have to replace that with
00:11:08.740 delegation you have to inject changing
00:11:13.029 dealer don't have changing beer in your
00:11:15.279 class just inject that from outside and
00:11:18.270 wrap behavior with abstraction so if
00:11:21.610 there is if your there are different
00:11:25.060 types of ApS for the dependencies you
00:11:27.550 could actually wrap that dependencies
00:11:29.440 into a one abstraction and then pass
00:11:31.690 that dependency to the user of that
00:11:35.470 dependency so that's how we achieve on
00:11:38.350 post principle so we saw the code
00:11:44.410 example and this is how we are to
00:11:46.540 abstraction abstraction with parser and
00:11:49.470 followed open-closed principle okay
00:11:52.899 let's see next principle which is Liskov
00:11:54.880 substitution principle as this image
00:11:57.760 shows if it looks like that
00:12:00.190 quacks like that but needs back to this
00:12:02.470 it might be a wrong extraction this is
00:12:06.880 very different principle actually this
00:12:09.970 was written by Lister Barbara and there
00:12:15.579 is a rule for this people firstly the
00:12:18.700 subtype must be substituted for their
00:12:20.500 base types and this rule is like that
00:12:24.190 like this let qfx be a property provable
00:12:26.800 about objects X of type T then U of Y
00:12:29.649 should be true for objects Y of type s
00:12:33.399 where s is subtype of T basically
00:12:37.079 subclasses should not modify the Europe
00:12:40.029 of their parent class this line also
00:12:42.850 tells more about this principle if a
00:12:45.160 piece of client code works for our type
00:12:47.050 then it must work for all Arab or
00:12:49.839 variant types a new type new subtype
00:12:53.079 should not screw up client code rules
00:12:58.240 implement inheritance based on behavior
00:13:01.029 do not wanna let be R of your parent
00:13:05.350 class do not do less than your parent
00:13:07.630 class it's okay to extend behavior but
00:13:10.180 it's not okay to actually
00:13:12.610 stop the beer of your parent class and
00:13:15.310 also lists kibarim mentions about pee
00:13:19.300 and postconditions rule we will see what
00:13:21.579 are those instead of our RSS parser
00:13:32.829 example we will take this classical
00:13:34.930 example for Liskov substitution
00:13:37.170 principle suppose our application using
00:13:41.610 instances of this rectangle class so
00:13:44.290 rectangle has width and height and
00:13:46.440 rectangle also has method called area so
00:13:49.930 this is what you find it's like there
00:13:53.019 are thousands of inches of rectangle
00:13:54.490 linear application and now suddenly our
00:13:57.430 client says I want to do this square so
00:14:00.209 a developer could thing a square is
00:14:03.339 perfect triangle and he could into the
00:14:06.790 square like this where he could just
00:14:08.980 override like he could just pass side
00:14:12.640 and instead of width and height because
00:14:15.790 square does not have good tonight and
00:14:17.079 square this perfect rectangle so he just
00:14:20.529 changes initialize method to pass side
00:14:22.089 and this could work fine but there is a
00:14:26.980 high chance that some other developer
00:14:28.600 could override this height method and if
00:14:33.250 you see right square is square will
00:14:35.920 return areas hundred normally but if
00:14:39.100 somebody overrides this height it will
00:14:41.230 return 300 so that's that's breaking
00:14:44.560 Liskov substitution principle so you
00:14:46.329 should follow Liskov substitution
00:14:47.170 principle for better cool let's see what
00:14:51.459 are pre and post conditions here we will
00:14:56.709 take example of base calculator base
00:14:59.079 calculator actually calculates past
00:15:03.370 input the bearer of best class is that
00:15:06.630 it the input should be greater than 0
00:15:10.750 and less than 20 so a valid subclass can
00:15:18.820 actually so the rule is pre conditions
00:15:23.410 cannot be strengthened in a subclass so
00:15:26.380 surplus can actually weaken the
00:15:29.380 preconditions but it cannot strengthen
00:15:32.110 precondition so let's see another
00:15:34.440 surplus so here you can see this is
00:15:39.090 weakening precondition thats allowed but
00:15:41.380 if it starts standing preconditions it's
00:15:44.680 breaking Liskov substitution principle
00:15:45.850 so whenever you write subclasses you
00:15:48.070 should take care that you are actually
00:15:50.620 not engineering the preconditions so
00:15:53.650 that's how we are chuh precondition rule
00:15:57.120 is not by not breaking the so by not
00:16:10.000 breaking the behavior of parent class so
00:16:12.580 this rule is about boost conditions it
00:16:15.970 says that post conditions cannot be
00:16:17.470 weakened in surplus so we have best
00:16:20.410 calculator the contact is it will always
00:16:23.230 return positive numbers so currently a
00:16:25.720 base class is returning positive numbers
00:16:27.280 but if you write a surplus which will
00:16:30.930 starts returning any kind of number
00:16:34.840 which is passed
00:16:35.470 suppose if you first when you are doing
00:16:36.850 the per if you start returning that if
00:16:38.860 you're breaking count contract and you
00:16:41.860 are weakening your post conditions so if
00:16:44.260 that's the case it means that you're
00:16:47.470 breaking Liskov substitution principle
00:16:48.720 so so I I gave this classic examples
00:16:53.650 because in the normal way this principle
00:16:57.010 is hard to explain in the regular
00:16:58.990 application but if you follow these
00:17:00.400 rules it is easy to for forest Liskov
00:17:04.360 substitution principle
00:17:17.740 okay so next principle is Enterprise
00:17:21.279 decoration principle right there is a
00:17:25.360 USB port there are use report and here
00:17:28.299 there is a USB so this principle says
00:17:31.570 that many clients specific interfaces
00:17:35.289 are better than one general purpose
00:17:36.669 interface so it's better to have a
00:17:39.159 client specific interface separate
00:17:41.890 client specific class so you know you
00:17:44.409 don't have interface we have models and
00:17:46.390 classes so we can say that many client
00:17:49.210 specific models are better than one
00:17:51.010 general purpose model or class client
00:17:56.500 should not be forced to depend on method
00:17:59.020 that they do not use so so following
00:18:04.960 this principle helps us to write a
00:18:06.640 highly cohesive and highly corrosive
00:18:09.159 code and removes immobility smell let's
00:18:12.909 see like two examples which will convey
00:18:17.020 this principle
00:18:27.940 so we have a common model TV which has
00:18:31.730 on of select channel up-down record and
00:18:34.640 play methods and we have the HDTV on
00:18:39.590 normal TV so lttb includes the TV model
00:18:42.050 which is fine and normal TV includes
00:18:44.570 this TV model but normal TV doesn't need
00:18:47.840 the record and play methods so what we
00:18:50.240 could do is that we could overwrite
00:18:51.620 these methods and say okay those are
00:18:53.690 disabled so like this works but it's
00:18:59.120 working interface aggression principle
00:19:00.740 so you should segregate your methods
00:19:02.960 into two different models actually
00:19:04.850 instead of common TV model you could add
00:19:07.820 a model limb DVR and a model TV so DVR
00:19:12.800 model will have record and play methods
00:19:14.870 and TV model will have other methods
00:19:17.990 other than techadon play which are
00:19:20.390 common and HDTV model will include this
00:19:25.390 HDTV class will include these two models
00:19:27.920 and normal TV class will include just TV
00:19:31.490 model so that's how we achieve interface
00:19:33.950 aggression with models let's see another
00:19:37.070 example where it's with classes so let's
00:19:42.290 say we have a class called car car has
00:19:46.730 theme these three methods opened or
00:19:49.030 FATCA change engine driver is making use
00:19:52.970 of only two methods open door and start
00:19:54.950 car and mechanical mechanic will use
00:19:58.930 change engine so the same object of the
00:20:03.980 class is shared between two different
00:20:05.570 clients so instead of right so this is
00:20:09.650 braking interface aggression principle
00:20:10.790 so you should have two different classes
00:20:13.630 like this
00:20:27.640 now a driver is making use of car object
00:20:31.429 which is fine because the object now has
00:20:32.990 only two methods which a driver will use
00:20:36.710 and mechanic doesn't need this car
00:20:39.289 object it can have separate class which
00:20:41.690 it which is carry internals and that has
00:20:44.870 this change engine method so this rule
00:20:48.860 is like seems okay why we should do this
00:20:52.100 but this actually makes your code highly
00:20:54.710 cohesive and immobile and extensible oh
00:20:58.490 for the future okay next principle which
00:21:08.210 is last principle which is dependency
00:21:10.520 inversion so as the image shows instead
00:21:14.630 of connecting wire directly we we are
00:21:17.120 using switch and the principal says
00:21:21.169 depend on abstraction do not depend on
00:21:24.169 conclusions there is another definition
00:21:31.460 of this principle which is more
00:21:33.559 theoretic higher level models should not
00:21:36.740 depend on the low level models both
00:21:39.470 should depend on abstractions
00:21:41.020 abstraction should not depend on details
00:21:43.190 details should depend on abstractions
00:21:45.409 like this seems very difficult to
00:21:50.360 understand but let's see how this is
00:21:52.399 achieved with a classic example so let's
00:21:57.020 say there is a program which is up here
00:21:58.779 which is reading from keyboard and
00:22:01.159 writing to printer so a copier program
00:22:05.120 could be written like this let's see
00:22:15.100 which has now hardcore dependencies
00:22:17.650 keyboard and printer so this works but
00:22:20.740 to follow dependency inversion principle
00:22:27.390 so then name of the principle is
00:22:30.850 dependency inversion right so how to
00:22:33.100 invert dependencies currently in
00:22:34.960 dependency direction is on down
00:22:37.030 downwards direction so to revert
00:22:39.820 dependencies so tomorrow if you want to
00:22:45.400 use disk instead of printer it's
00:22:48.100 impossible with this because you have to
00:22:49.810 change the code we can achieve that with
00:22:52.180 this dependence like inverted
00:22:55.000 dependencies we could introduce
00:22:57.630 abstraction copier should depend on
00:23:01.720 these two abstractions with which is
00:23:03.370 first is reader abstraction second is
00:23:05.710 writer abstraction and as the principles
00:23:09.670 says high level model should not depend
00:23:12.070 on Lowell Lowell models but you depend
00:23:13.900 on objections so you can see both are
00:23:15.910 now depending on these two abstractions
00:23:18.010 reader application writer abstraction
00:23:19.780 and abstraction should not depend on
00:23:22.210 details details should depend on
00:23:23.410 objections so that is also attune so
00:23:26.130 this is how we invert dependencies and a
00:23:30.570 common like we can implement this using
00:23:35.320 dependency injection a common pattern to
00:23:37.780 do but this can be very like abstract
00:23:41.470 like you can have common contact which
00:23:45.070 is common abstraction in like rest
00:23:48.310 services we write contract right so we
00:23:51.310 are not depend on actually
00:23:52.630 implementation we mostly have contacts
00:23:55.390 there so this is pretty abstract you
00:23:59.710 know like principle but if you follow
00:24:02.800 this principle you again make your code
00:24:04.990 very clean and easy
00:24:16.240 so let's see that same example where now
00:24:24.790 this code shows it has used these
00:24:26.770 abstractions and tomorrow we can change
00:24:30.160 printer to disk so common spells of this
00:24:39.810 principal are a new keyword if you see
00:24:42.250 new keyword in your code it means that
00:24:44.080 there is a chance you can do like
00:24:46.900 dependency inversion and directly static
00:24:50.860 or class method calls if you have that
00:24:53.140 that that also is breaking this
00:24:55.330 principle so what what does applying
00:24:58.720 solid principles lead it it converts you
00:25:01.810 a rigid fragile and scary code to
00:25:03.660 flexible robust and curly code and I
00:25:07.930 recently came across this to it which
00:25:10.450 says you cannot teach software design
00:25:12.280 but this is wrong
00:25:15.070 actually by learning these principles I
00:25:17.530 have one example to share so in my
00:25:19.960 company a fire descended say had join
00:25:22.570 and they were writing they were solving
00:25:25.030 some problems using object-oriented code
00:25:27.820 but that code was not good enough since
00:25:31.450 they since the day they learn about this
00:25:33.370 solid principles they the code they
00:25:35.980 wrote and therefore tried to follow
00:25:37.840 these principles it is not always
00:25:40.300 possible to apply all five principles
00:25:42.940 but if you follow at least four
00:25:44.320 principles your code is good enough to
00:25:46.390 go to production and ultimately it
00:25:50.260 becomes extensible and reusable so so
00:25:55.510 the TDD is not enough like doing TDD
00:25:57.720 people say it helps to your design but
00:26:00.930 it not it does not and drys also not
00:26:04.210 enough if you just follow try it's not
00:26:06.580 that you are writing it might be like
00:26:09.400 just model code but it's not about
00:26:11.020 design so design because you expect your
00:26:13.480 application to succeed because whatever
00:26:15.880 we write today if he succeeds we have to
00:26:18.640 change the code and if your change is
00:26:20.230 not ready for if a code is not ready for
00:26:23.740 change then you have problems also if it
00:26:27.100 is
00:26:28.010 having bad design it is also bad for the
00:26:30.410 feature of the application so do design
00:26:35.179 and design patterns so design patterns
00:26:39.860 are reusable solutions to commonly
00:26:41.510 occurring problems so if you follow
00:26:46.010 design patterns blindly it's a problem
00:26:47.929 but if you followed design principles
00:26:50.090 blindly I think it will definitely help
00:26:52.070 so I used to like I read about design
00:26:56.390 patterns so long time back and I used to
00:26:57.980 forward
00:26:58.580 apply design patterns but it was
00:27:01.000 complicating my code but further in
00:27:03.230 design principles never complicated my
00:27:04.970 pole it actually helped to write code
00:27:07.370 with better design so finally as in the
00:27:10.400 last studies by constantin abstraction
00:27:15.320 is the key you have to abstract things
00:27:18.340 you know all the principles somewhere
00:27:21.950 there abstraction is there and if you
00:27:27.140 abstract the things out it will
00:27:29.929 automatically follow these principles so
00:27:33.100 follow solid principles thank you I do
00:27:41.690 recommend reading this book by sandy
00:27:43.730 mates
00:27:44.059 my talk is inspired from her talk so and
00:27:47.240 also thoughtbot has this weekly
00:27:49.460 attrition like when on screen has this
00:27:52.130 discussed about this principles in
00:27:54.200 detail and uncle bob has this site
00:27:58.280 called clean coders where he also
00:27:59.809 discusses about these principles so a
00:28:01.760 Ruby programmer we always believe in
00:28:04.070 that typing on all the things but I
00:28:05.809 think if you are working as application
00:28:07.520 developer big appellation we follow
00:28:09.350 these principles will help your future
00:28:12.610 it will make you happy developer yeah
00:28:19.130 thanks
00:28:21.020 so we're running a little short on time
00:28:22.990 but maybe you can take one question
00:28:30.880 think thanks for your talking though all
00:28:34.820 these principles sound great my question
00:28:38.270 is which one of these principles do I
00:28:40.760 need to apply to prove that rainbows are
00:28:43.130 real all of them okay so thanks a nail
00:28:50.360 again okay thanks
Explore all talks recorded at Red Dot Ruby Conference 2014