
Successful Speedy MVP Website Development

Successful Speedy MVP Website Development

by Xdite

In the presentation titled "Successful Speedy MVP Website Development" by Xdite at Rails Pacific 2016, the speaker discusses strategies for efficiently building a market-ready product, differentiating between the initial expectation of rapid development with Ruby on Rails and the realities faced in professional projects. Key insights revolve around managing time and resources to create a successful minimal viable product (MVP) in a limited timeframe.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Misconception of Speed: Although Ruby on Rails enhances development speed, many developers discover that they still face overtime and unmet expectations in real-world projects.
  • Hackathon Strategy: Xdite shares valuable tips on how to effectively manage time and deliver a project within tight deadlines, emphasizing the importance of a well-structured approach.
  • Pitching and Presentation: A great pitch is crucial. Projects often fail at the demo stage if they do not present well to judges. A strong focus should be on how the product aligns with user needs and addresses specific problems.
  • Focus on One Feature: Instead of attempting to build many features, Xdite advises teams to concentrate on delivering a single, well-executed feature that solves a particular problem within the designated time frame.
  • Time Management: The speaker outlines how they broke down their project into manageable milestones, allocating time efficiently to ensure they finish before the final presentation.
  • Continuous Deployment: Setting up reliable deployment processes early to avoid last-minute failures is highlighted as a crucial aspect of ensuring project success.
  • Iterative Testing and Feedback: Engaging peers for feedback and testing during the development process helps identify issues early and refine the product.
  • Final Pitch Preparation: Spending sufficient time on the presentation itself is essential, as it can significantly impact the judges' perception of the project.


Xdite concludes that success in hackathons and projects lies in clear focus, strategic planning, and the importance of presentation. The most impressive product isn’t just the one that is complex and feature-rich, but the one that is delivered successfully within a tight timeframe and effectively communicates its value to the audience.

Overall, this talk serves as a guide for developers and teams wanting to enhance their efficiency and success rates in rapid product development, especially in competitive environments like hackathons.

00:00:14.210 Today, I will talk about speedy and busy development, specifically how to build a profitable product in a limited time frame, such as 10 hours or even one day. Given the estimated time, how can you develop the perfect product? Allow me to introduce myself: I am Xdite, the founder of a company called Costco where I teach Ruby on Rails. I am also the organizer of this event and the Rails Pacific conference. Currently, my full-time job involves coaching, and my primary programming language is Ruby on Rails. I've been using Rails since 2007, and in addition to that, I have competed in hackathons and even won back in 2012.
00:01:05.250 Why do I call myself a hackathon winner? Back in 2012, I created a product called Paperclip Data I/O, which served as a bookmark sharing service for Facebook. This idea stemmed from the fact that users frequently forget the amazing content they’ve saved on Facebook just weeks later. Thus, I aimed to help create an accessible service for those who want to keep track of their favorites, and today I will share insights about how to efficiently manage your project, especially when there’s limited time.
00:02:03.390 When speaking about Rails, the first thing that comes to mind is speed; many believe that it allows for faster development. You might think that using Rails means you won't have to work overtime. However, once you enter the field, you realize that there are still many challenges and variables to manage. Rails can guarantee rapid development but doesn't ensure a successful project delivery. In this talk, I intend to share strategies on winning hackathons and how to create manageable projects that meet deadlines.
00:02:52.530 To answer how to win a hackathon, my approach is to break down tasks and remain focused. It's crucial to understand that at hackathons, preparation and a great project pitch can make a significant difference. You need a compelling pitch, a solid product, and they must meet user expectations. If you can impress the judges with your idea and execution, you have a good chance at success. A good product should fulfill its intended purpose and meet market needs.
00:03:52.780 When we participated in the 2012 hackathon, we focused on a singular product idea and shaped our pitch into an engaging format. Part of our process included ensuring that the product addressed specific needs we identified beforehand. A big part of creating a viable product was finishing it, even if it meant working in a minimal viable product format. You must have a defined purpose for your product and ensure that it adds value to your target audience.
00:04:45.150 In deciding on our product, we spent significant time ensuring we focused on one clear feature that was simple yet compelling. After brainstorming, we found that we wanted to create a service that would help users manage bookmarks efficiently. We spent a short amount of time discussing ideas and ultimately agreed to build only one core feature. By doing this, we could maximize our efforts and ensure that we could deliver the intended product.
00:05:40.550 The setup phase of our project included significant planning that allowed us to prepare our deployment processes in case of emergencies. Failure to do so often leads to chaos at critical moments. I learned from past experiences that knowing how to efficiently navigate these issues provides an immense advantage. For our project, we built the main feature early on and ensured its stability before the first break. In addition, I dedicated time to testing throughout the hackathon, which proved essential for ironing out any bugs.
00:06:54.920 To save time during development, I made sure to address major issues during lunch breaks. I did not allow myself to become distracted and used that time effectively to test the product with users. By sharing my work with friends, I received immediate feedback and was able to identify many bugs. This helped us refine our algorithms and improve speeds significantly, which made all the difference.
00:07:57.100 As we progressed, the team focused on creating a user-friendly interface and final touches. I spent time further testing and gathering feedback from multiple users to ensure our service was robust. This proactive approach resulted in a more stable final product and helped us confidently prepare for our pitch. By the end, we had dedicated the right amount of attention to all necessary aspects of our project.
00:08:38.250 I noticed that many teams often struggled with their presentations and the execution of their ideas. They would neglect crucial factors during development, which would lead to incomplete or poor-quality presentations. My experience has shown me the importance of preparation and the ability to iterate quickly based on feedback. To overcome hurdles, teams should ideally spend the majority of their time creating a polished demo alongside their product within the timeframes they set.
00:09:39.500 Ultimately, success at a hackathon doesn't solely depend on the technology but rather the thought behind the presentation and the execution of the project. Many participants believe that delivering a fully functional product is the only measure of success. However, you can build a basic version and spend time perfecting how you communicate its value and functionality. In my experience, time management and understanding the core aspects of your product’s purpose lead to better results.
00:10:41.420 Preparing for the hackathon involves careful thought about how resources are allocated and managed. One needs to consider how to engage with stakeholders and tailor messages to their interests. During my planning, I typically create milestone checklists to monitor progress and maximize productivity, ensuring we can adapt as needed. This becomes increasingly important when the deadlines loom.
00:11:25.920 When setting your objectives, it's essential to define what success looks like, especially in a hackathon context. The judges often have limited time, therefore finding ways to impress them quickly is vital. Focus on building a compelling narrative for your product that allows the judges to gain insight into the potential impact quickly; they should feel excited about your offering within moments.
00:12:15.780 These guidelines generally help me whenever I take on new projects. I use various techniques to identify the core elements that should get priority and how to pitch successfully. Concentrate on delivering the essentials that will resonate with your audience and make them enthusiastic about what you provide. This will help you prevent failure by ensuring you have a solid foundation on which to build your project.
00:13:15.520 Some common pitfalls include getting carried away with unnecessary details. Teams may end up overcomplicating their projects, leading to additional frustrations when deadlines approach. It can be helpful to keep efforts streamlined and focused on MVP principles. Ultimately, the goal is to deliver value through the most streamlined approach possible, preventing burnout and delivering still impactful outcomes.
00:14:01.610 Most importantly, learning to leverage your team’s strengths can dramatically improve outcomes. Being flexible enough to adapt as you progress makes a huge difference. After concluding multiple hackathons, I’ve realized that maintaining focus on the team’s communications is crucial for project success, regardless of how polished the final product appears.
00:15:02.080 In closing, I want to stress that delivering value through your projects should remain the priority. You can handle the overheads of implementation later, prioritizing functionality over aesthetics. Knowing how to navigate these decisions as a group and focus on making progress with the limited time you have available is a meaningful investment. Thank you for listening to my talk, and good luck with your future projects.
00:15:47.100 As a little self-promotion, I have a new book called "Kousaka" that is currently a top seller. If you're interested, I have copies at the front desk, and I'd be happy to sign one for you. Thank you!