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The Dark Side of Ruby

Gautam Rege • June 26, 2014 • Singapore • Talk

In the video "The Dark Side of Ruby," Gautam Rege takes the audience on an exploration of Ruby programming's idiosyncrasies and complexities that often puzzle developers, regardless of their experience level. Delivered at the Red Dot Ruby Conference 2014, Rege emphasizes that while Ruby is a beloved language, it comes with its quirks that developers must learn to navigate. Here are the key points covered in the talk:

  • Introduction to Ruby's 'Dark Side': Rege draws an analogy between a relationship and working with Ruby, noting that every language has its intricacies.
  • Interactive Learning: He encourages audience participation by asking questions throughout his slideshow, aiming to create a collaborative learning experience.
  • Key Features Discussed: The presentation outlines several features of Ruby that contain unexpected behaviors:
    • Infinity: Ruby's handling of infinity and the definition of missing infinity.
    • Splat and Argument Handling: The unpredictability of using splat operators and the consequences of varying input formats.
    • Equality Operators: Differences between ==, ===, eql?, and equal?, and their implications in comparisons.
    • Module Behavior: Insights into how module inheritance and method visibility operate, particularly with private and protected methods.
  • Engaging Examples: Rege uses practical examples, such as the behavior of numeric conversions and lambda functions, to illuminate concepts. He illustrates the splat operator by showcasing its varied outputs based on context.
  • Humorous Narrative: He intersperses humor into his explanations to keep the audience engaged, which helps lighten complex topics.
  • Learning Ruby: The talk concludes with a reminder that understanding the foundational aspects of Ruby is crucial, especially for Rails developers, who may overlook some of these idiosyncrasies.

Overall, the presentation offers a deeper dive into Ruby’s complexities while promoting an appreciation for its quirks, aiming to heighten the audience's awareness and understanding of Ruby programming’s subtleties.

The Dark Side of Ruby
Gautam Rege • June 26, 2014 • Singapore • Talk

I love Ruby! But as in any relationship, to love means that you (often) have to accept the "dark side" too! Ruby is human in nature and has a lot of gotchas, tricks, weirdness and sometimes scary features that I plan to highlight. This talk aims to provide the "Ah-ha!" moments when working in Ruby.

This talk is for beginners and experts alike - in fact, I tag slides to mark their level and beginners can choose to tune out of the heavy stuff! My talk shall cover the dark side of the following features of Ruby (in no particular order)

Keyword wierdness
method missing
Module inheritance! (huh?)
Accessor righteousness
Curried Procs for the hungry
Base Conversions
Cherry picking module methods
Oniguruma games
Object id weirdness
procs, blocks and our friend stabby.
==, ===, eql? and equal?
and more...
As with most of my talks, humor plays an important role and I shall aim to get everyone high on Ruby with a deep dive!

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Red Dot Ruby Conference 2014

00:00:19.050 alright good afternoon welcome to the
00:00:23.050 dark side of ruby and since it's just
00:00:26.589 before lunch it's my job to build up
00:00:28.869 your appetite well I've flown in from
00:00:32.470 India and my company's name is Joe
00:00:35.379 software we've been doing this for the
00:00:37.570 past seven years and it's been fun but
00:00:41.010 after seven years you realize that like
00:00:44.859 in every marriage the going is good in
00:00:48.370 the start kochi sons about for that but
00:00:52.570 after a few years you start to
00:00:54.039 understand that there is another side to
00:00:56.800 your spouse so my aim here is not to
00:01:02.129 ridicule or not to you know chastise
00:01:06.550 ruby but to see the cured the weirdness
00:01:11.200 of ruby so that's exactly what i'm going
00:01:13.570 to talk about it's nothing scary I still
00:01:18.760 love Ruby I still work in Ruby every day
00:01:21.240 but it's the weirdness that I want to
00:01:25.030 point out and if any one of you all get
00:01:29.350 the ha moment then we are in sync now
00:01:37.960 I've been seeing that not many people
00:01:40.900 are asking questions after the talks so
00:01:44.980 I said let's reverse the tide most of my
00:01:49.390 slides are actually questions for you
00:01:51.640 all so there's no brownie points for
00:01:55.720 getting the answer right or wrong but it
00:01:58.690 is for you to understand so I might ask
00:02:00.730 you array what do you think we don't
00:02:02.260 raise your hands and try to be as
00:02:04.570 interactive as you can now such a kind
00:02:08.740 of talk is sometimes difficult because
00:02:10.210 we I don't
00:02:11.220 no the the audience come from a broad
00:02:13.710 spectrum which is either beginners or
00:02:15.810 some experts but you know I realized the
00:02:20.610 slides where the slide is the dark side
00:02:23.160 of ruby in it lined with the dark side
00:02:25.230 of the moon so I tagged my slide and I
00:02:29.550 have my transformer friends to help me
00:02:33.150 bumblebee for all the sign of questions
00:02:35.550 which are like a beginner level
00:02:36.900 questions and Optimus Prime for all
00:02:40.740 kinds of little crazy stuff so in case
00:02:43.290 you need to tune out during these
00:02:45.090 questions that's ok so without further
00:02:47.670 ado let Christian let's talk about the
00:02:52.650 infamous infinity now everybody let's
00:03:00.540 time I'm being either you can see
00:03:01.980 bumblebee there it's not simple stuff
00:03:03.300 first everyone knows the output of this
00:03:07.640 no points for that we all know its
00:03:09.840 division by zero but what about this the
00:03:13.860 hint is in the slide guys infinity
00:03:17.660 alright so let's see what is infinity
00:03:20.370 and infinity turns out to be alright so
00:03:26.760 that's interesting so like hmm but then
00:03:29.790 most of us already know that infinity is
00:03:32.160 a constant defined in the flawed class
00:03:34.340 well alright so I said let's go find it
00:03:37.170 I actually went and dug into the cord
00:03:40.680 and found it infinity is defined like
00:03:44.310 that a ruby but you know the interesting
00:03:46.260 part here is defining missing not H so
00:03:49.769 that's pretty cool so I had no idea
00:03:51.830 infinity was actually missing well these
00:03:56.820 the kind of things are not going to keep
00:03:57.930 talking about i'm going to ask a lot
00:03:59.370 more questions so I'm just warming you
00:04:01.260 up into the game the adrenaline rush
00:04:05.959 anyone knows the output of this on what
00:04:09.780 this really does it's a number
00:04:12.630 conversion to a string as an octave so
00:04:20.310 far so good no problems at all what
00:04:23.160 happens if i push the limit that's still
00:04:29.400 a number so any one of y'all next time
00:04:34.140 sees you know names like a Strix publix
00:04:37.530 get a fix it could be a number well
00:04:42.930 let's push it let's push it further what
00:04:46.530 happens now that's an invalid radix now
00:04:54.810 that seems strange but here's the trick
00:04:57.890 radix 36 actual you work because I have
00:05:00.450 26 alphabets in 10 digits so I can go up
00:05:04.200 to 36 so if any one of y'all is lucky or
00:05:07.680 smart enough to get a new alphabet
00:05:09.000 introduced in the English language we're
00:05:12.390 going to have radix 37 well let's move
00:05:16.860 on to our star of the show the splat
00:05:22.140 expander we always use the star in lots
00:05:24.870 of places multiplication but anyone
00:05:26.580 knows the output of this sound pretty
00:05:32.820 simple it looks I have said it's a hash
00:05:34.380 so it should be a hash which looks
00:05:36.420 pretty straightforward but it gets a
00:05:39.480 little more weird after this what about
00:05:41.850 this now I got not pretty simple stuff
00:05:45.210 man what do any takers for this one good
00:05:51.450 thing will it be three arrays of one two
00:05:53.880 and three anyone will it be one array of
00:05:58.080 1 1 1 2 2 2 and 3 3 3 or will it be one
00:06:02.669 two three yeah I see some warning heads
00:06:05.310 and that's perfectly fine which see
00:06:07.530 makes logical sense right what about
00:06:09.900 this hmm
00:06:16.500 the same array interspersed with percent
00:06:19.220 pop swing concatenation so what you see
00:06:24.690 is not always what you get let's do a
00:06:29.640 little more stuff here some more fun
00:06:31.380 this is a lambda what if I call this
00:06:38.660 what is the output here and this is
00:06:42.810 straightforward Ruby stops really
00:06:44.250 there's nothing weird in this it's five
00:06:46.830 yep because you're looking in the first
00:06:48.840 I gave the hinge their middle second
00:06:51.450 last and last and the outputs pretty
00:06:53.430 straightforward but the interesting part
00:06:55.950 here is in the call we all know that we
00:07:00.720 call block like this right what happens
00:07:03.000 if I do something like this pay close
00:07:04.680 attention to this part is that a syntax
00:07:09.150 error anybody syntax error that actually
00:07:15.419 works because that is a syntactic sugar
00:07:17.100 for calling a block and we will see a
00:07:19.410 little bit of it later now speaking of
00:07:22.620 syntax this should be interesting and
00:07:25.890 now we'll actually see how many were
00:07:28.950 really paying attention to Kochi sounds
00:07:30.990 talk in the morning we're all used to
00:07:33.930 seeing functions like this right hey
00:07:38.340 coach is unsure is this early in the
00:07:40.740 morning let me what argument introduced
00:07:44.490 in Ruby tu lado use it because when
00:07:47.910 you're looking at variables a and B what
00:07:51.300 looked like parameters there can be
00:07:52.770 actually accessed as local local
00:07:55.050 variables inside the function foo and
00:07:57.470 then special attention to this part have
00:08:05.460 you written a syntax like this anyway
00:08:10.020 takers if this is going to be a syntax
00:08:11.400 error but this is a mandatory keyword
00:08:14.460 argument it's part of the show because
00:08:17.100 of the morning talk but this is the
00:08:20.160 mandatory ultimate introduced you to be
00:08:21.419 to drop one well let's see some more
00:08:26.490 syntax
00:08:29.420 again pretty simple stuff
00:08:31.620 straightforward method nothing fancier
00:08:34.200 right how do i invoke this method this
00:08:39.840 works right right but when i try this i
00:08:45.110 get a syntax error now why do i get a
00:08:50.130 syntax error here did that look a little
00:08:55.290 weird now i say oh okay let's do it
00:08:57.360 again and all I've done is close the gap
00:09:03.440 and this works perfectly fine why did
00:09:07.260 this happen it's Ruby we say that you
00:09:11.460 can call a method without passing the
00:09:14.190 round parenthesis so if I put a space
00:09:17.280 there the parts is actually going to
00:09:18.930 interpret that as some sort of
00:09:20.850 evaluation and then if I written that as
00:09:24.510 1 plus 2 it would evaluate and pass 3 2
00:09:27.630 method foo but since it came across of
00:09:29.760 karma he says dude I have no idea what
00:09:31.920 you're doing so sometimes what you think
00:09:35.220 works should what doesn't really work
00:09:38.210 well I've used the title syntax but now
00:09:43.950 is a simple question for you guys and
00:09:45.750 I'm pretty sure you'll be able to answer
00:09:47.280 what is a in this particular slide let
00:09:54.870 me give you some multiple choice how
00:09:57.510 many think it's an array is an array you
00:10:00.720 can raise your hand you're not wrong oh
00:10:03.950 come on how many think it's an array it
00:10:06.540 is an area right but can it be something
00:10:09.120 else can it be hash it can be a hash
00:10:15.590 right because it Ruby keys can be
00:10:18.480 anything can it be something else of
00:10:23.220 course it can be a string but that was
00:10:24.600 obvious right something else how about
00:10:28.710 it being a proc that actually works
00:10:33.450 because I can call a proc using square
00:10:36.390 brackets well
00:10:39.850 let's get to some sort of case
00:10:42.529 complexities all right there pops up
00:10:46.190 optimus prime time to take a break well
00:10:50.480 we look at the we all used to using K
00:10:53.810 statements typically we use it for
00:10:56.120 simple stuff checking that you know if
00:10:58.370 if some value exists if there's a number
00:11:01.190 of the string but you know what I can
00:11:03.560 actually use and call a method here this
00:11:07.850 particular method effectively turns out
00:11:10.610 to be evaluated like this so I can
00:11:14.029 actually have a method with the case
00:11:16.250 equality which is passed the parameter
00:11:18.470 in the case statement so using this I
00:11:21.529 can use this case equality operator to
00:11:26.600 actually evaluate something but then
00:11:28.000 what is it the case equality operator is
00:11:31.399 just an alias to the call method so
00:11:34.540 that's how we get the output and this is
00:11:36.980 the evaluated form of that case of
00:11:39.410 equality operator which in effect means
00:11:41.870 that if I really want to change the way
00:11:43.699 I want to compare two objects all I have
00:11:46.639 to do is override the method and I can
00:11:50.420 just do what I want but speaking of the
00:11:54.440 case equality operator speaking of
00:11:56.029 equality let's have some more fun what
00:12:03.860 is the output of this don't think too
00:12:07.699 much if this was not true would you even
00:12:11.930 use this language it's true all right
00:12:15.649 don't worry about it's true what about
00:12:17.540 this and he take it javascript people
00:12:26.320 somebody that's type check come on guys
00:12:29.470 how can it be false I just said it was a
00:12:33.250 case equality operator so it just
00:12:35.440 compares the two a common mistake made
00:12:38.200 in Ruby because typically because of a
00:12:40.930 JavaScript bias if we feel that it's a
00:12:43.660 type equality check you check the data
00:12:45.520 type of the object stuff oh it's as
00:12:47.860 simple as that it's just a case equality
00:12:49.270 operator it's true Oh what about this
00:12:52.770 eql does seem like equal it's true but
00:13:01.210 with some caveats it's just an alias for
00:13:03.670 the generic equality operator however
00:13:08.400 however it's overloading only for the
00:13:11.470 numeric class most most classes just
00:13:16.000 alias it off to the generic equality
00:13:18.430 operator what about this it's got to be
00:13:23.590 something different right when in doubt
00:13:27.180 choosing their true or false what's the
00:13:31.540 output people nil that is not binary man
00:13:37.620 but what else it's got to give some
00:13:40.360 output this is anyone for true raise
00:13:45.040 your hands don't be shy anyone for false
00:13:50.250 and the rest no this is actually an
00:13:57.910 object identity check so when you're
00:14:00.700 using equal ? it's actually checking the
00:14:03.760 object identity which is why it's
00:14:05.770 different so what's the output Europe a
00:14:12.090 people have been listening and what's
00:14:15.040 the output yer now come on he'd not be
00:14:19.960 listening true or false the two
00:14:24.130 different objects true false well in
00:14:28.000 this case it's true cheese why because
00:14:33.070 object ids for fixed nom are calculated
00:14:37.690 like that so if you have an object
00:14:40.080 for a string it gives you some big
00:14:42.210 number but object ids for a fixed num
00:14:45.180 are just x 2 plus 1 interesting right
00:14:49.710 now i urge you to go and ask few of the
00:14:52.470 core ruby committers here why is the
00:14:54.690 soul because this is pretty complex
00:14:57.620 actually not quite here's another
00:15:00.450 snippet which I was just pushing the
00:15:02.100 limit to find out on a 64-bit machine if
00:15:05.690 I do that to raise to 60 2-1 it gives me
00:15:10.440 a fixed number 2 raise to 62 gives big
00:15:12.570 num two different classes now anyone 62
00:15:18.450 I'm sure it's nothing to do with a
00:15:20.640 random number because it could have been
00:15:22.170 able to beam 42 and should have been the
00:15:24.570 answer to life universe and everything
00:15:25.710 but we chose 62 it's a 64-bit machine
00:15:30.000 the last bit of fixed number actually
00:15:33.270 determined whether that is going to be
00:15:34.680 used as an object ID or not for other
00:15:36.840 fixed nozzle so you have only 63 bits to
00:15:40.620 play with and that's why that's how it
00:15:44.250 works well let's try and see if we have
00:15:50.550 hit a jackpot today so I wrote some code
00:15:56.030 and my code is simple it's three pools
00:16:00.600 for a jackpot three poles should tell me
00:16:04.670 whether I have actually got a jackpot or
00:16:07.050 i am the sucker but I've written the
00:16:09.900 code in a slightly different way with
00:16:11.250 special mention about the curry method
00:16:16.520 now seem different and here you can
00:16:20.400 notice that I've actually called a block
00:16:22.260 of code using square brackets I am
00:16:26.360 calling the same method but the
00:16:31.260 evaluation is slightly different when I
00:16:32.760 use the curry recipe with curry unless
00:16:38.160 all the parameters but the block
00:16:40.380 parameters are satisfied it's not going
00:16:43.020 to evaluate it is only retain you
00:16:44.340 another proc so it evaluates it twice
00:16:48.780 when all the third time the parameter
00:16:51.270 actually comes in
00:16:52.540 it's the block well there you have it go
00:16:56.560 and cut it and so so you think you can
00:17:05.350 tell protected from private somebody can
00:17:13.560 okay well what do you think of this your
00:17:21.120 will I save Private Ryan traditional
00:17:28.240 object-oriented methodologies tell us
00:17:31.180 that private methods are not inherited
00:17:33.990 right in Ruby all methods are inherited
00:17:38.910 private methods are indeed inherited and
00:17:42.600 though this sounds very simple though
00:17:47.560 this sounds a little astounding to a few
00:17:49.240 people here my entire Park my
00:17:52.810 preparation the dog started off at this
00:17:54.310 point because let me take a simple pole
00:17:57.820 how many of you do not work in rails but
00:18:02.560 work in Ruby there be a I could count on
00:18:07.570 my fingers the problem is all of us
00:18:09.610 started working in rails and when you
00:18:13.090 start working raised it's so cool it's
00:18:14.830 so awesome that we tend to forget that
00:18:17.980 it's also very important to learn Ruby
00:18:20.320 so when I started digging deeper with
00:18:23.380 some of our developers yes we had a ruby
00:18:25.210 on rails development company and I
00:18:27.100 started quizzing a few people I realized
00:18:29.290 that people did not know this and I was
00:18:32.290 I was stopped because if we do not know
00:18:34.690 Ruby then we cannot be good rails
00:18:36.190 programmers but since Reyes just makes
00:18:39.130 it work the rails magic people continue
00:18:41.530 hence the essence of my talk was to open
00:18:44.470 your eyes to these things having said
00:18:46.720 that and we know that private methods
00:18:48.730 are inherited then what is the
00:18:52.210 difference between protected and private
00:18:54.070 anyway we come to it before that quick
00:18:59.320 thought we always use include read for
00:19:02.980 any including any module but what is
00:19:06.080 include is it a keyword is it a method
00:19:12.100 it's a method which is defined as a
00:19:16.549 private method private instance method
00:19:18.950 in the class module that's how you can
00:19:21.620 actually use it there well like I
00:19:25.850 mentioned earlier if all private methods
00:19:28.700 are inherited then what is protected in
00:19:32.419 Ruby because again traditionally we've
00:19:35.659 been taught that Oh protected methods of
00:19:39.080 deals with inheritance all protected
00:19:41.720 methods are inherited in the subclasses
00:19:43.669 but you cannot call them on the object
00:19:45.590 but our private methods also inherited
00:19:48.169 they cannot be calling the object so
00:19:50.600 what is the difference between the two
00:19:52.149 Ruby takes a very pragmatic approach and
00:19:56.740 protected works with objects and not
00:19:58.850 classes so you can invoke a protected
00:20:03.080 method on an object if it's in the same
00:20:04.909 lineage and then you go what well it's
00:20:12.080 better with an example so check this out
00:20:14.240 I actually have initialized optimus
00:20:17.870 prime here but can i call the protected
00:20:21.169 method on it i have an activity accessor
00:20:27.860 nique there for nickname for brevity can
00:20:32.059 i call the protected method on this
00:20:33.380 object that it does what it does work
00:20:38.600 because it's suppose it's not supposed
00:20:40.399 to work you cannot directly call an
00:20:41.960 object you cannot call a protect method
00:20:43.639 on an object however what happens if I
00:20:49.010 change my code a little bit I've
00:20:51.230 actually defined a public method called
00:20:53.210 fights as passed it another Autobot
00:21:02.919 special attention again this particular
00:21:05.090 piece of code have I just called a
00:21:10.610 protected method there so is possible to
00:21:14.990 call protected method on an object if
00:21:18.700 both the objects
00:21:20.419 come from the same hierarchy the same
00:21:22.309 lineage so if two objects have the same
00:21:26.149 parent class or the same class or their
00:21:28.309 hierarchy you can actually call him as
00:21:30.200 long as you're within the class well
00:21:34.269 moving on hmm this Ruby have any
00:21:39.739 keywords yeah ruby has keywords so then
00:21:45.259 I want you all to tell me whether I'm
00:21:47.149 serious or I'm joking can i define a
00:21:52.909 method called true this code actually
00:22:01.009 works and it's not that i can define a
00:22:03.799 method true i can define a method called
00:22:05.450 death i can define a method called if i
00:22:08.889 can define a method by any freaking name
00:22:12.590 the high part whether it we use it in
00:22:14.720 standard ruby or anything but try
00:22:17.029 defining method with end def end and
00:22:19.850 then you're going to have a little bit
00:22:22.669 of what we call problems because i got
00:22:26.840 to banish my tongue here ok so if you
00:22:29.989 try and define any keyword as a method
00:22:32.480 inside your class it works but again it
00:22:36.259 will work only in your class try this on
00:22:38.029 I RV and it won't work try this on i RV
00:22:42.440 it won't work put it inside a ruby file
00:22:44.899 it works because I RV itself is a ruby
00:22:48.679 program so evaluating this outside its
00:22:51.470 scope so put it inside a class and
00:22:54.320 everything works fine well who thought
00:22:58.369 it was tacked to deep end went into a
00:22:59.960 recursive loop well it doesn't but can
00:23:02.570 it can i how can I make this can I make
00:23:06.859 it go into stack too deep if I had
00:23:10.509 self-taught true inside my method fault
00:23:12.710 if I had written self dot true and
00:23:14.799 inside my method def true I'd written
00:23:17.330 self-taught false it would actually go
00:23:19.369 into a recursive loop and have a stack
00:23:21.200 too deep error all right super up there
00:23:26.869 you have it we all know what super dues
00:23:31.070 right
00:23:32.850 super if I try to try out the score
00:23:36.730 you're here I've written a class in
00:23:39.309 which have defined a method called
00:23:40.390 search and in the child class i define
00:23:44.470 another method called search in which i
00:23:46.990 take a mandatory keyword argument and I
00:23:49.570 call super should it work I thought it
00:23:54.370 should work but it gives me an error
00:23:57.040 which I couldn't quite follow in the
00:23:58.809 start wrong number of arguments 140 now
00:24:03.490 it's actually given me and ever exactly
00:24:06.550 where super has been called and it says
00:24:07.990 wrong number of arguments 140 I can pass
00:24:11.740 any arguments there so should a big 0
00:24:14.080 for 1 with ID pass any argument did I
00:24:17.800 pass they're not passing out dimension
00:24:20.640 but if i change my pole a little bit
00:24:24.540 again notice all of added is the
00:24:27.720 parentheses there and this code works
00:24:30.340 fine so if you really thought in ruby
00:24:34.300 that you never ever really need to use
00:24:37.090 the round brackets and it's always
00:24:38.470 optional think again think again well if
00:24:46.630 this was good enough sauce for you right
00:24:48.370 now let's move on to modules and see how
00:24:52.900 module mix-ins are sometimes pretty
00:24:54.309 funny and this is the sample piece of
00:24:56.679 code erase this sample is pretty simple
00:24:58.780 and nothing fancy here I've just defined
00:25:02.890 three superheroes Superman Batman and
00:25:06.790 Iron Man all having the fly method in
00:25:08.800 them alright this is how I invoke oh
00:25:14.890 this is how I call a method or it I
00:25:17.070 created new tiny man right I want him to
00:25:21.100 get the super powers of Superman Batman
00:25:23.500 and Iron Man and I want to make tiny
00:25:25.809 man's fly and this just works fine no
00:25:29.410 questions so far however if I go and
00:25:33.460 change my code in my modules I do the
00:25:37.240 unthinkable and add super in my module
00:25:42.450 what happens now
00:25:48.690 we know that modules are not classes we
00:25:52.060 know that modules cannot inherit from
00:25:53.980 other modules so if are all super in one
00:25:57.280 of the methods what happens lo and
00:26:02.380 behold this actually works and now I was
00:26:08.410 stopped how like to there's something
00:26:10.990 wrong here how can this really work so
00:26:16.600 what happens here is when this class is
00:26:20.920 instantiated the meta class hierarchy
00:26:25.030 that is built is actually done on the
00:26:27.010 fly so my inheritance hierarchy actually
00:26:30.400 flows in this particular order which
00:26:34.450 means that if I just change my module
00:26:36.820 inheritance structure I include a change
00:26:40.450 the inclusion order I actually get a
00:26:43.390 different inheritance hierarchy and that
00:26:47.170 is why super actually works this is to
00:26:51.370 be done with a pinch of salt this we
00:26:53.260 found out the hard way we found out we
00:26:55.960 found this out in actual production code
00:26:58.000 because somebody made a mistake and
00:26:59.740 somebody want to take a shortcut and had
00:27:01.240 it super in of the module methods and
00:27:03.180 hit the roof that we were wondering
00:27:06.070 how the hell can this happen till we dug
00:27:08.410 deep and found out all right there is
00:27:09.940 more to Ruby than meets the eye well if
00:27:13.590 this wasn't enough what about something
00:27:18.790 like this I want to share a pig no this
00:27:23.080 is my module Megatron who is powerful
00:27:26.590 what is evil now in typical Indian style
00:27:31.750 I have my own class called her new man
00:27:36.120 okay I want him to be as powerful as
00:27:39.550 Megatron but if I include him Hanuman is
00:27:43.660 going to be evil and i am going to be
00:27:46.210 kiddin so I cannot let this happen so
00:27:49.030 can I cherry pick from the Megatron
00:27:51.820 module I want the power but I don't want
00:27:54.760 evil
00:27:58.020 welcome unbounded methods so i can
00:28:03.130 actually cherry pick from my module find
00:28:05.980 the method it's an unbounded method i
00:28:08.440 bind it to my own object i can call it
00:28:12.670 and in this particular case Hanuman is
00:28:16.050 powerful but he's not evil and if this
00:28:23.680 has not been tier appetite there are a
00:28:25.210 lot of other things that happen in Ruby
00:28:27.040 but I have only half an hour for my talk
00:28:28.840 and I have a few minutes for questions
00:28:32.350 and if you are not gonna ask me
00:28:34.780 questions I could probably ask you a few
00:28:36.160 more well that's all folks
Explore all talks recorded at Red Dot Ruby Conference 2014