Ruby Unconf 2018

The Importance of Cross Cultural Competency

Ruby Unconf 2018

00:00:11.380 Thank you for being here. I plan to speak for about 15 minutes, and then I would like to hear your thoughts and any questions you might have. I don’t have all the answers.
00:00:19.279 I attended the Jeaious Unconference two weeks ago, where I spoke about a product related to the Android boot camp for diversity in our mobile team. I realized that at the JSON conference, many people approached me with questions about speaking with candidates.
00:00:30.830 So, developers obviously, and I sat down on the second day to draft a lightning talk, aiming for five minutes on this topic. I felt there was a genuine interest in it, and now I've extended it to a 15-minute talk followed by a discussion with you.
00:01:07.090 First, let me address a common challenge we face: speaking with candidates. No matter how different our roles may be or what we are looking for in candidates, we often share one common question.
00:01:19.520 We all want to know what kind of impact a person might have when working with us. We want to be able to assess this impact effectively. There are, of course, technical interviews, pair programming, and various tools to evaluate a candidate's capabilities.
00:01:32.209 However, communication is a crucial component that can significantly affect our understanding of a candidate's potential impact, and communication can be quite fragile.
00:01:45.350 Many factors interact and interfere with communication, especially in cross-cultural settings. That’s why I want to discuss various elements that might hinder effective communication.
00:02:02.030 It’s essential that we listen to what someone is saying and also communicate in a way that they can clearly understand our messages.
00:02:10.040 The interview setting itself can be intimidating, particularly if it is not designed thoughtfully. An office space that feels inviting and casual to one person may feel overwhelming to another who comes from a more formal environment.
00:02:22.130 This discomfort can significantly affect how candidates express themselves during interviews. Understanding these dynamics is crucial.
00:02:36.030 Demographic differences can also impact communication. For instance, if an interviewer is significantly younger than the candidate, or they come from different cultural backgrounds, these factors can create barriers to understanding.
00:02:52.610 Body language also plays a vital role. For example, nodding does not universally indicate agreement; it can be interpreted differently across cultures. Similarly, how we maintain eye contact varies and can lead to misunderstandings.
00:03:06.080 Take for instance sitting cross-legged, which is acceptable in many Western cultures but may be viewed as disrespectful in others. Additionally, how close we stand to someone while speaking is also subject to cultural interpretation. During my recent visit to Germany, I noticed that people did not tend to move aside on the sidewalk as I expected, which felt strange to me.
00:03:39.909 These observations highlight that cultural norms influence our expectations and experiences of personal space. If we consider topics typically discussed in interviews, such as about personal backgrounds and achievements, it's crucial to recognize the cultural sensitivities involved.
00:04:03.760 The line between personal and professional can be gray in different cultures. In certain contexts, anything unrelated to the job might be considered private, whereas in others, discussing personal trajectories might be normal.
00:04:28.599 This is similar when a candidate's past experiences are questioned. For instance, when reviewing resumes, a history of job-switching might raise concerns regarding loyalty or commitment. Yet, in some cultures, discussing career transitions can be taboo.
00:04:58.090 Achievements may also be a complex topic. While some candidates are comfortable taking personal credit for their contributions, others may feel obliged to acknowledge team efforts only.
00:05:10.780 This cultural nuance in discussing personal versus collective achievements can hinder an interviewer's understanding of a candidate's capabilities.
00:05:24.190 In the same vein, motivations for career choices can differ remarkably. While someone from a Western background might attribute their career path to personal passion, others may simply follow a family tradition without questioning it.
00:05:41.629 Furthermore, financial discussions often exert cultural weight. Some candidates may approach salary negotiations from a position of caution, heavily influenced by their cultural upbringing.
00:05:59.649 As uncomfortable as these topics may feel, an open dialogue regarding adaptation and experience should not be avoided. Adaptation is a fundamental skill that individuals can develop over time.
00:06:13.070 In the face of unfamiliarity, we should work towards fostering an environment where each person's discomfort is acknowledged and embraced, allowing for adaptation.
00:06:26.800 This adaptability benefits teams, enabling them to create products that resonate with wider audiences beyond those similar to themselves.
00:06:36.679 Ultimately, I urge you to welcome discomfort as part of the adaptation process for both the candidates and your teams. This is fundamentally about growth.
00:06:57.820 I would love to hear your thoughts and engage in a discussion, and I encourage everyone present to share.
00:07:05.140 Thinking about how cultures perceive passions and motivations reveals considerable differences. For instance, someone might feel pressured to follow a career track set by their family rather than pursuing their interests.
00:07:26.130 As we evaluate candidates, we should recognize that openness can come through diverse pathways. In one context, a multi-disciplinary approach might indicate adaptability and interest. In another context, it might not yield confidence in a candidate's resolve.
00:07:50.800 When we consider the balancing act between passion, cultural upbringing, and professional aspirations, we must remain mindful of these shifts.
00:08:07.140 One perspective is that as we age, our complexity increases, and passion can sometimes diminish. However, I believe we can still cultivate passion and interest over time.
00:08:32.090 As we share our experiences, I would love to continue the conversation about how these factors can impact team dynamics.
00:08:56.730 Do you think it’s possible for people to develop passion through integration into teams?
00:09:02.260 Additionally, are there indicators that suggest it might be more challenging to motivate certain individuals or integrate them into team dynamics?
00:09:25.490 My perspective here is that while I am not a recruiter, I believe how candidates articulate their experiences can reveal nuances influenced by cultural backgrounds.
00:09:52.390 It can be tough when someone struggles to communicate individual achievements due to cultural conditioning. This can complicate how we assess candidates and their competencies.
00:10:16.650 However, it’s vital to maintain awareness of these nuances to avoid making hasty decisions based solely on initial impressions.
00:10:38.480 Regarding predictors of success, different companies have their own criteria. It's important to be aware of what those predictors are and recognize that they can vary widely.
00:10:59.110 This understanding will help you conduct more thoughtful interviews and assessments. Eliciting deeper conversations can provide insight into a candidate’s adaptability and capacity for learning.
00:11:25.799 Understanding how candidates articulate their past experiences is critical; it can reveal their capacity for learning and personal growth.
00:11:42.060 It’s essential to recognize that different cultures influence how individuals present themselves and their backgrounds.
00:11:53.840 Ensuring that we remain open-minded and acknowledging potential variances will drive stronger communication and understanding during interviews.
00:12:11.430 As we navigate these interview processes, fostering an encouraging environment for candidates to discuss their experiences openly will yield better insights.
00:12:29.289 At the end of the day, our individuals adapt, and we shape our cultures through our shared experiences and learnings.
00:12:46.240 In summary, I would like to encourage you to stay attuned to these dynamics as we invite diverse talent and perspectives into our teams. Your insights are crucial as you refine your approaches.
00:13:05.349 I appreciate your engagement today and would welcome any additional thoughts or questions you might want to explore.
00:13:23.479 Understanding the nuances of cultural communication continues to be vital as we seek to build diverse teams. It’s a process of evolving with one another.
00:13:46.220 As you reflect on these concepts, consider how cultural criteria shape your perspective on candidates and their diverse experiences.
00:14:06.750 Thank you for sharing this time with me. I would love to continue this dialogue by hearing each of your thoughts. It’s important to look at things through different lenses.
00:14:30.999 Let’s explore together how we navigate these spaces and validate each other’s perspectives.
00:15:00.789 How our signals intersect, and how we can align teams around shared understanding will shape our future interactions.
00:15:15.550 Let’s step back and engage deeply with the intricate dynamics that emerge. Thank you.