
The NixOS project and deploying systems declaratively

The NixOS project and deploying systems declaratively

by Sander van der Burg

In this video, Sander van der Burg presents on the NixOS project and its vision for declarative system deployment during the wroc_love.rb 2016 conference. The talk offers an introduction to NixOS, emphasizing its approach to system configuration that allows for constancy and ease of deployment.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Introduction to NixOS: Sander introduces the audience to the NixOS project, including its functionality and benefits in the realm of system administration.
  • Declarative vs. Imperative Deployment: The distinction between declarative programming (focusing on what to achieve) and imperative programming (focusing on how to achieve it) is discussed, with definitions and examples like HTML and CSS offered to clarify these concepts.
  • Challenges of System Deployment: Sander notes the complexities of deploying systems, including diverse technology stacks, dependency management, and handling existing configurations during upgrades.
  • NixOS Advantages: NixOS automates deployment through declarative specifications, allowing system configurations that can easily be versioned and rolled back if necessary.
  • Package Management and Isolation: The Nix package manager's unique storage method helps avoid package conflicts and allows atomic upgrades without disrupting user services.
  • User Environments: NixOS offers a mechanism where users can create environments that unify access to packages, facilitating user interaction while maintaining isolated configurations.
  • Networking: Sander mentions how NixOS can manage deployments across distributed systems seamlessly, enabling effective communication between multiple machines.
  • Other Tools in NixOS Ecosystem: Additional tools such as Hydra for continuous integration and NixOps for microservice deployment are mentioned, highlighting the comprehensive capabilities of the NixOS ecosystem.
  • Future Considerations: Some barriers to wider adoption of NixOS are discussed, including the unconventional concepts it introduces and challenges experienced by users unfamiliar with functional programming.


In summary, the NixOS project offers a powerful alternative to traditional deployment methods by embracing declarative specifications, robust package management, and automation tools. The flexibility, reliability, and efficiency of its system make it suitable for modern software deployments across various environments. Sander encourages interested individuals to explore NixOS, which supports various platforms beyond its core distribution, thus allowing broader accessibility to its innovative features.

00:00:16.789 Okay, thank you. So first of all, I'd like to say that I really like being here. For me, it's the first time visiting Poland as well as attending a Ruby language conference.
00:00:23.130 I'm quite familiar with a dozen programming languages, but Ruby is not one of them. However, that doesn't really matter for this talk. I basically have two objectives.
00:00:34.350 The first objective is to give you a brief introduction to the NixOS project, tell you what it's about, and highlight its advantages.
00:00:47.070 The other objective is to explain the underlying vision of NixOS. With the tools in the NixOS project, we aim to deploy systems declaratively. This declarative approach can be found in any tool that's part of the NixOS project, but it's not limited to tools from the NixOS project.
00:01:03.390 So, what does it mean to be declarative? If I say I want to do something declaratively, what am I implying? I searched the internet and found a nice presentation about linguistics.
00:01:11.100 In natural languages, there are basically four kinds of sentences, one of which is declarative sentences. A declarative sentence states facts, for instance, 'the dog in the neighbor's yard is barking.' Another class of sentences is imperative sentences.
00:01:38.250 This XKCD comic illustrates an example of imperative sentences; they are essentially commands or polite instructions. In programming, we find similar concepts. You can also be declarative in programming.
00:01:57.299 One definition I found is that in declarative languages, you express the logic of a computation without describing its control flow. This vision mainly applies to languages like Prolog. In practice, people tend to use a more pragmatic definition.
00:02:25.049 For example, a programming language researcher stated that in a declarative language, you describe what is to be computed rather than how to compute the result or behavior. In contrast, imperative languages involve describing computations, typically modifying mutable state and performing input/output operations.
00:02:53.400 Interestingly enough, it's challenging to draw a clear line between how and what. In some contexts, like Prolog, you don't need to describe the control flow to evaluate a predicate; the language runtime takes care of that. It acts more like a what specification rather than how.
00:03:20.880 Familiar examples of declarative languages are HTML and CSS. With HTML, you express the structure of the page by defining individual elements such as paragraphs, divs, etc., while in CSS, you describe the styles for those elements.
00:04:02.190 For instance, you might say you want the outer div to be centered or have a border around it. You can specify that an inner div should have a certain width without needing to explain how to render it, as the browser's layout engine handles that.
00:04:26.370 Ultimately, with just two files, you can render a functioning page. However, this example is quite simplistic. As many of you know, in web application development, once your application is complete, you want to make it available to end users.
00:04:39.930 This means deploying it to a production environment. Typically, development occurs on a local machine, and it's essential that the application runs on a server or a collection of servers, possibly in a cloud environment. Deploying a system generally involves executing several activities.
00:05:52.560 Depending on the programming language you use, you may need to compile your software. For Ruby, this typically isn't required, but if you're using Java, for example, you need to compile class files.
00:06:10.350 You also need to package your software, often building it into a JAR file for Java. Afterward, you must transfer these packages from your development machine to the target machines on the network, which may also require activating components and modifying configuration files.
00:06:45.300 Moreover, if you have an existing version of your web application that needs an upgrade, this process often entails removing obsolete parts and replacing them with newer versions.
00:07:06.570 Deploying systems turns out to be far more complicated than many people assume. One reason for the complexity of deployment is the choice of technology.
00:07:20.880 When developing a service-oriented system or one composed of microservices, you may want to utilize various technologies. This could include different databases or programming languages for implementing individual services and diverse operating systems as needed.
00:07:54.360 As a result, having diverse technologies also leads to many types of deployment procedures, turning deployment into a potential nightmare. Similarly, deploying in production is typically done on a much larger scale.
00:08:13.140 While you develop on a single machine, if you've built a successful application, more than one server will likely be required to handle the traffic from millions of users.
00:08:29.940 Additional complexities arise, including connectivity between machines, which must also be accounted for. If you upgrade the system, things might go wrong, such as breaking your configuration.
00:08:48.600 In such cases, you'd prefer to revert to a previously working configuration, but this can be challenging. At some point, you might find yourself unsure about what changes made your configuration fail.
00:09:01.290 This usually leads to a frustrating cycle of attempting fixes without ever being able to discern what went wrong or how to revert to the previous state, which can result in downtime for your application and upset clients.
00:09:38.370 To deploy a system—particularly a large web application, or a collection of services—you need automation. There are many automated deployment solutions available; some are designed for specific technologies while others are more general-purpose.
00:09:55.530 An example tool is Chef, which implements Ruby. Is anyone using Chef in production? A few hands went up. Great! Is anyone using Puppet? Any users of Nix? I see just one. Cool.
00:10:32.700 Among these tools, some utilize declarative deployment specifications. What does that mean? Essentially, when I develop a system on my machine, I want that same system to run in the production environment.
00:10:51.080 But I don't want to have to explicitly dictate the activities required for deployment. I expect the system to determine what needs to be done.
00:11:15.960 For instance, I took an example from a Chef tutorial showing how to deploy a WordPress application. In this configuration file, you describe the outcome of changes.
00:11:40.410 For example, you might want to obtain the latest WordPress from the WordPress website and create the target folder on the remote machine to extract the WordPress tarball. Chef tries to achieve that outcome.
00:12:11.580 Instead of specifying step-by-step tasks, such as creating a directory, you express that you want this directory to exist, with specific attributes like ownership and permissions. The deployment system determines the necessary steps.
00:12:38.320 For instance, if the directory is already present, Chef won't recreate it. That's an optimization to avoid unnecessary actions.
00:12:58.730 However, Chef has limitations. It captures only a subset of changes, such as deploying WordPress, but deploying it also requires an Apache web server and PHP, which may not be included in the configuration.
00:13:13.960 If you try deploying this configuration to a machine that doesn't have Apache installed, it won't work. Therefore, Chef specifications aren't guaranteed to be complete.
00:13:27.830 Additionally, upgrading WordPress involves overwriting files, which could lead to downtime for the site, much to the annoyance of users.
00:13:52.300 Now, let's discuss the NixOS project. I am a contributor to NixOS, and its central component is the NixOS Linux distribution, built on the Nix package manager. In NixOS, the deployment of machine configurations is entirely automated from declarative specifications.
00:14:24.290 As an example, I can describe a specification that captures the configuration of my notebook. This includes specifying the bootloader on a partition, defining the root and swap partitions, and indicating which end-user packages, such as Firefox, to run.
00:15:00.450 You can also specify that you want to use the KDE desktop and run certain system services, like OpenSSH. With one simple command, you run 'nixos-rebuild switch', and the entire configuration is deployed.
00:15:12.590 The system figures out the necessary steps to reproduce that configuration, downloading all needed dependencies, building everything required, and composing configuration files accordingly.
00:15:43.650 Additionally, if you upgrade an existing configuration, NixOS always stores multiple versions of packages alongside the older versions. This means that if an upgrade fails for any reason, you can instantly revert to the previous version.
00:16:11.790 The bootloader in NixOS allows you to select any previously deployed configuration that hasn't been garbage collected. For example, if an NVIDIA display driver fails and prevents you from booting into your desktop, you can easily revert to an older, stable configuration.
00:16:45.260 This is one of the most powerful features of the NixOS Linux distribution compared to traditional distributions like Debian or Fedora.
00:17:10.090 So, how does NixOS accomplish this? NixOS uses the Nix package manager to carry out deployments. The Nix package manager isolates packages, storing them in a unique manner.
00:17:35.450 In NixOS, we have a special directory called the Nix store, where packages are stored. As you can see, the file names of each package are prefixed by a hash code, derived from all build-time dependencies involved in compiling the package from source.
00:18:06.060 This includes the sources, libraries, compilers, and build scripts. For instance, if you build Firefox with a newer version of GCC, it will produce a path in the Nix store with a different hash code.
00:18:40.250 This allows you to store it alongside existing variants without conflict. NixOS can deploy entire machine configurations from declarative specifications, and this methodology extends to individual packages.
00:19:02.720 For example, the expression shown describes how to build OpenSSH from source. In this function definition, the parameters correspond to the dependencies required to build the package.
00:19:36.950 To build OpenSSH, you need OpenSSL and certain utilities. The function fetches the OpenSSH source tarball from the official website, and in the remainder of the function, you execute build commands.
00:20:06.490 While building the package, we always create isolated environments, clearing all environment variables and restricting access to the file system. If you forget to specify an OpenSSL dependency, the build will fail.
00:20:32.500 This strict mechanism ensures that if the build succeeds, it will also succeed elsewhere. The hash codes associated with packages also ensure that they will be identical regardless of when or where they were built.
00:20:57.360 If you were to build the same package twice and its hash code already exists, NixOS will skip rebuilding it by recognizing that the result will always be the same, improving deployment efficiency.
00:21:19.470 In NixOS, you can compose expressions to create package sets, including all dependencies. By importing the expression that specifies how to build OpenSSH, you can declare its dependencies while building it.
00:21:38.359 As mentioned, in NixOS, the entire package set is bootstrapped, compiling essential packages like GCC, make, etc., isolating them within the Nix store.
00:21:59.750 To build OpenSSH, you would provide a composition expression as a parameter, producing the necessary path in the Nix store, with the hash code reflecting dependencies.
00:22:20.650 The isolated Nix store can be inconvenient for end users, as every package resides in its unique directory with a hash code prefix. For instance, if you want to launch Firefox, you shouldn't have to provide the full path.
00:22:55.420 To address this, NixOS employs a mechanism known as user environments. Users can select their desired packages, and the Nix package manager constructs a unified view, so all packages appear in a single location.
00:23:10.380 When user environments are created, the system generates a symlink that points to the currently used version. Adding this symlink to the path allows users to easily execute programs.
00:23:30.480 For instance, when upgrading OpenSSH, the system builds the new version and stores it alongside existing ones. After the upgrade, the symlink pointing to the current version is updated to the new one.
00:23:49.360 By doing so, if a user runs SSH, it resolves to the new version. The advantage of this method is that it allows atomic upgrades, as the old and new versions exist side by side until the symlink is flipped.
00:24:17.920 At any time, you can remove older generations of packages by executing a command to trigger garbage collection, ensuring that old packages are marked obsolete, allowing safe removal.
00:24:49.280 The architectural organization of NixOS allows for comprehensive management of everything, including kernel modules and configuration files. For instance, if you deploy Apache with PHP, the configuration file becomes a package that depends on the PHP module.
00:25:14.050 NixOS doesn't use traditional directory structures, like /bin or /usr. Instead, everything is contained within the Nix store, although minimal directories exist in the file hierarchy.
00:25:39.290 NixOS's deployment approach can extend to distributed systems. An example of such a system is Trac, which integrates a subversion server with a ticketing system, and can host components across multiple machines.
00:26:04.830 With NixOS, you can run the application components on separate machines and link them over the network. This is possible through a network configuration, allowing multiple machines to communicate effectively.
00:26:40.480 The NixOS tools can facilitate this whole process. By executing just a couple of commands, NixOS can build the configurations for all machines and transfer dependencies and configurations to the remote machines.
00:27:06.700 Once completed, NixOS can switch the machines to their new configurations seamlessly by flipping symlinks, ensuring that if any step fails during the process, it can revert quickly.
00:27:34.580 The NixOS project encompasses more than just the Nix package manager, and NixOS is more than just a Linux distribution. There are additional tools to support this ecosystem.
00:28:04.720 Hydra is a continuous integration server built around the Nix package manager. Additionally, NixOps is an ingenious tool for deploying microservices across networks of machines.
00:28:28.150 While I won't delve into details about these tools today, I wanted to make it clear that NixOS offers a comprehensive range of capabilities.
00:28:42.479 These tools all share the commonality of being driven by automated deployment specifications. They support a variety of programming languages, enabling reproducible deployments and reliable deployments.
00:29:10.409 Because we can store multiple versions of packages and switch almost atomically, the NixOS approach is less destructive compared to traditional methods, while also being efficient.
00:29:35.170 To summarize my earlier question about being declarative, the tools in the NixOS project solve technical problems. For example, the Nix package manager provides a declarative specification of a package.
00:30:06.480 In my company, we are developing a service that allows conference attendees to use an app to explore the conference program, speaker details, and venue maps.
00:30:34.540 We create customizable apps for clients, enabling them to incorporate their branding, logos, and references to their homepages. Instead of dictating technical requirements, we developed a custom tool leveraging the Nix utilities.
00:31:09.700 This allows us to express specifications, such as the conference name, home page, icon set, and background images. The deployment system takes care of producing the necessary iOS and Android apps and other configurations.
00:31:39.540 This philosophy applies to our backend services as well. We have a configurator backend, allowing users to customize content. For larger clients, we also support integrating third-party information systems with our conference app.
00:32:08.520 Instead of manually entering conference details, the system can automatically extract data from clients' existing systems, facilitating a smooth deployment process.
00:32:32.370 In conclusion, I've covered three key aspects: the vision behind declarative deployment, the workings of Nix OS and the Nix package manager, and the possibility of creating domain-specific solutions on top of these systems.
00:32:55.550 For those interested in learning more about Nix OS, everything is available for free and open source on our website, so feel free to experiment with it.
00:33:37.910 To clarify, the Nix package manager can be used on other systems apart from Nix OS, meaning if you’re interested in trying these concepts without switching, you can utilize it on various Linux distributions.
00:33:48.700 You can also implement it on macOS and to some extent on FreeBSD, though support may not be as robust. That's it for my presentation, and now I welcome any questions.
00:34:11.220 I heard about NixOS years ago, and I'm curious if there are any barriers preventing wider adoption of Nix and what challenges the project faces.
00:34:49.510 As for wider adoption, one challenge I've noticed is that many people find the concepts quite unconventional. Several system administrators may not have programming knowledge and may prefer manual control over configuration.
00:35:22.780 Additionally, the Nix package manager relies heavily on functional programming concepts, which can be challenging for some users to grasp. Over the past three years, contributor growth has substantially increased, leading to additional practical challenges.
00:35:43.450 For instance, our build server cluster is overwhelmed with requests, delaying our ability to address bugs effectively.
00:36:08.060 You mentioned Chef being imperative, but the examples provided may illustrate a misunderstanding of Chef's approach. In Chef, configurations are more declarative by declaring the desired end states.
00:36:45.610 The explicit transformation of past states into desired states might give an impression of imperativity, but fundamentally, Chef aims for a balanced method blending both paradigms.
00:37:20.560 Speaking of NixOS, it configures services statelessly, meaning it produces new configurations from declarations, irrespective of past conditions.
00:37:42.680 So, when configuring something like Xorg, it generates the configuration without consideration for the existing state, guaranteeing a clean output based on specified needs.
00:37:58.250 While companies may struggle with the integration of declarative principles like Nix, distinctive strengths lie within how effectively it maintains unique versions of libraries.
00:38:09.890 One of the advantages of using NixOS is the power of package sharing and how package management eliminates duplication. Sharing packages can minimize storage requirements remarkably.
00:38:33.840 However, the need for expressions for deployments could be restrictive. The advantages are compelling for those who are willing to adjust their approaches.
00:39:00.760 It's difficult to generalize a speed difference between Nix and other solutions like Chef for installs or upgrades, as it varies by the nature of the task.
00:39:23.830 Typically, Nix may operate slower due to its unique build and deployment methods compared to the relative speed of Chef.
00:39:43.890 Furthermore, if your systems require high-frequency interactions and constant rebuilding, traditional imperative approaches like Chef may prove invaluable.
00:40:15.700 Nevertheless, when applying Nix principles, the resultant deployments draw from a more assured state of stability ultimately ensuring user satisfaction.
00:40:40.270 NixOS is not strictly limited to managing states on a single machine; concepts extend to facilitate deployments in dynamic cloud environments.
00:40:55.640 Even if deploying starts anew, the benefits of isolated environments and dependency management remain salient long-term.
00:41:27.749 As for the building of packages, no, Nix does not mandate building each package from source; it consults binary caches to provide optimized interactions.
00:41:58.260 Thus, situations where built versions exist in the caches can expedite installations considerably without including unnecessary overhead.
00:42:29.870 The concept of atomic upgrades refers to the atomized handling of package operations, meaning that while individual package management occurs discreetly, a holistic approach must still contend with system-wide characteristics.
00:43:05.100 Consequently, upgrading vital components such as kernels may invite practical complexities alongside the need for reboots, yet NixOS strives to mitigate these concerns to optimize user interaction.
00:43:59.720 Thank you, Sander.