Vaidehi Joshi

The (Non-Perfect) Mathematics of Trust

The (Non-Perfect) Mathematics of Trust

by Vaidehi Joshi

In the talk titled "The (Non-Perfect) Mathematics of Trust," delivered by Vaidehi Joshi at the Rocky Mountain Ruby 2017 event, the main focus revolves around the concept of trust through the lens of mathematics, specifically graph theory, and its implications in technology and real-world scenarios.

Joshi begins her presentation by introducing herself and providing a humorous context about her sunny Portland home before diving into the topic. She discusses her background in writing rather than computer science and explains her recent project of teaching herself computer science concepts. This journey led her to explore the historical narrative of trust in the context of mathematics.

The key points in her talk include:
- Historical Origin of Graph Theory: Joshi traces the story back to 1735 in Königsberg (modern-day Kaliningrad), where residents attempted to cross seven bridges without crossing any bridge twice. This problem intrigued mathematician Euler, leading to the establishment of graph theory, which abstracts problems into nodes (points) and edges (connections).
- Eulerian Paths: The conditions for defining an Eulerian path are detailed. Joshi explains that a path can be drawn through every node without repetition under specific degree conditions, thus establishing foundational principles for graph theory.
- Applications of Graph Theory: Joshi cites various practical applications in modern computing such as the knight's tour in chess, Rubik's Cube solutions, Google’s PageRank algorithm, and biogenomics. Each example demonstrates how graph theory helps solve complex problems by establishing efficient pathways or relationships.
- Social Networks and Behavioral Influence: The exploration extends to sociological studies, notably by Nicholas Christakis on how social networks can affect behaviors like health and lifestyle based on interconnectedness.
- Trust in the Sharing Economy: The concept of trust emerges as a crucial factor in today’s sharing economy, particularly in platforms like Airbnb, where user interactions are facilitated by trust metrics based on networks.
- Biases in Trust Algorithms: Joshi warns of the mathematical difficulties in discerning biases in algorithms that govern trust within frameworks of prominent platforms such as Facebook, highlighting the necessity for human oversight in interpreting fairness.
- Königsberg’s Historical Irony: Concluding her talk, she revisits the fate of Königsberg, which transformed through history, ultimately leading to the realization that constructing an Eulerian path finally became possible after World War II due to the destruction and reconstruction of bridges.

Takeaways: Joshi’s talk emphasizes the intertwining of mathematics with trust dynamics in technology and society, showcasing how historical mathematical challenges laid the groundwork for contemporary applications. The central message is that while mathematics offers tools for understanding complex networks, human interpretation remains essential for navigating trust and biases in these systems.

00:00:14.670 Okay, I know I have the afternoon slot, but it's like 2:50 and we have two more talks after this. I have 88 slides, so no pressure, no intimidation.
00:00:21.009 It's going to be fine. Hi everyone, let's do that again. My name is Vaidehi. You can find me most places on the internet as @vaidehijoshi.
00:00:34.590 I come to you from sunny Portland, Oregon, where I work at a company called Tilde. I think today is the last day I can say 'sunny Portland, Oregon,' because it's supposed to start raining tomorrow, and then it’s going to rain for six months.
00:00:48.010 But 'rainy Portland, Oregon' just doesn't have the same ring to it, so I prefer to say 'sunny Portland, Oregon.' At Tilde, I work on a product called Skylight, which is your favorite Rails profiler.
00:00:59.920 So, if you work on a Rails app and you're looking for a profiling service, come talk to me afterward. But when I'm not working on Skylight, I like to spend my free time writing. My background is not in computer science or tech; it's in writing.
00:01:19.330 I try to fuse the two together by doing a yearly project every year. I write once a week every year, and this is year three. This year, I decided I was going to teach myself computer science, which is a really big commitment.
00:01:46.180 I didn't know how big it would be in January, but the project is called Base CS, and it covers the basics of computer science. I write every Monday, which also leads me to think a lot about abstraction, theory, and applying it to practice.
00:02:09.670 Again, my background is not in CS, so I'm teaching myself as I go. The interesting thing is that if you come across a concept enough times, you start to see it everywhere. When Jeff asked me to talk about trust, I thought, 'Aha! I have to figure out how to connect this to computer science,' and I think I found a way.
00:02:48.150 The story of trust, as we know it in computer science and software, and in our entire tech industry, is actually a pretty old story. To tell this story, we have to go back in time to the year 1735, so I mean really back in time.
00:03:09.780 We need to go back to a town that was in medieval Prussia called Königsberg. It's not called Königsberg anymore, so you will have a hard time finding it on a map, but it used to be four different settlements.
00:03:22.560 The way the town was structured, there was a river called the Pregel River that ran through it. As time went on, those four settlements got turned into a single city. It became difficult for people in the city to cross from one side of the river to the other, so they built bridges.
00:03:47.270 They actually built seven bridges. I don't know why seven, but it ended up changing the course of history forever. The town of Königsberg eventually became the city of Königsberg. Residents would go on long walks in the evening and cross these bridges, which was probably a fun activity in 1735.
00:04:08.250 They came up with a really interesting game: you had to try to cross each of these seven bridges once and only once. The reason this game was so interesting was that no one in the town could seem to do it, and word spread to neighboring towns.
00:04:27.300 A mathematician from two towns away, named Carl Gottlieb Euler, heard about this game. He thought it was an interesting bridge problem, and he got a bit obsessed with it because he couldn’t solve it. As a mathematician, this drove him kind of mad.
00:04:52.990 He decided to rope his friend Leonard Euler into this. He wrote to Leonard, saying, 'Hey, this is a really interesting problem. Do you think you could solve it?' At first, Leonard thought it wasn’t worth his time, saying it was just a bridge problem.
00:05:19.270 But then, he also started thinking about it and realized he couldn't come up with an easy solution. He wrote back to Karl, saying, 'I know I said no, but this is really interesting. Why can’t I figure this out?'}.
00:05:52.630 Leonard Euler took his obsession and put it on paper, sketching out Königsberg, the land masses, and the bridges. He abstracted the problem of the bridges into something more mathematical, essentially laying the groundwork for the branch of mathematics we now know as graph theory.
00:06:45.620 Today, when we talk about graph theory, we're generally referring to two parts of a graph: nodes, which are points sometimes called vertices, and edges, which connect the nodes.
00:07:12.100 There are two types of edges: undirected edges, which allow movement between nodes in both directions, and directed edges, which have a defined flow—an origin and a destination.
00:07:51.960 The formal mathematical definition for a graph is G equals (V, E), where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges. For example, a simple graph with three nodes and three edges can be described in mathematical terms with a set of vertices like A, B, C.
00:08:09.610 The edges here would be unordered pairs if it's undirected; similarly, if it's directed, edges would have a directional flow. Another important concept in graph theory is the degree of a node, which tells you how many other nodes it is connected to.
00:09:04.420 For instance, if node A is connected to four other nodes, it has a degree of four; if another node is connected to only one other node, its degree is one.
00:09:30.529 Euler's main concern was finding paths between nodes. A path is essentially a way to get from an origin to a destination without repeating any vertices, which means crossing all the bridges and touching all the land masses without crossing any bridge twice.
00:09:50.310 Euler solved this problem cleverly by proving that it couldn’t be done, specifically by outlining the paths and the conditions under which they could be formed. Today, this is known as an Eulerian path.
00:10:33.180 The first rule for an Eulerian path is that all vertices must have a non-zero degree, meaning you must have connections. Secondly, in any graph, two vertices must have an odd degree because they can act as either the starting or ending point of your path.
00:11:08.589 Alternatively, all vertices could have an even degree, allowing the possibility to start and end at the same point. Euler proved that it was impossible to cross all the bridges without repeating them under these conditions.
00:12:02.100 His problem was significant not only for its complexity but also because it created a new branch of mathematics known today as graph theory. So what happened to Euler's findings? He paved the way for various applications in computer science.
00:12:41.340 For the past hundred years, graph theory has found some remarkable applications. One well-known example is the knight's tour on a chessboard, where the objective is to move a knight so that it touches every square without repeating a move.
00:13:21.020 Another interesting implementation can be seen in Rubik's Cube solutions. Every time you change a piece of the cube, you change its state. If you represent each state as a node in a graph, you can depict all possible states and transformations of the cube.
00:14:07.640 There have also been studies focusing on mapping all permutations of a 2x2 Rubik's Cube to find an optimal solution path, highlighting the enormity of advanced mathematical problems in computer science.
00:15:03.270 We can also look at Google's PageRank algorithm. This algorithm, responsible for Google's rise, analyzes and ranks web pages based on the number of links and the quality of those links.
00:15:55.030 What Google refers to as 'weighted graphs' evaluates how often a page is linked to, determining its importance. As you explore graph theory, you’ll notice its application in every click to a URL, as each link represents an edge in a graph.
00:16:32.460 Graph theory also permeates the field of bioinformatics, particularly in sequencing the human genome. To resolve the complexities of DNA sequencing—which often results in jumbled, overlapping segments of DNA—researchers applied concepts from graph theory.
00:17:21.010 They used a type of graph called the De Bruijn graph, pulling out overlaps while reconstructing the genome sequence. By employing graph theory, these researchers successfully sequenced the genome over two decades, proving its critical role in modern biology.
00:18:21.160 In a similar exploration, Harvard sociologist Nicholas Christakis studied how people influence each other within their social networks. He applied graph theory to measure connections and how they affect behaviors such as obesity and happiness.
00:19:13.790 His research revealed that individuals connected to others who were fit were also likelier to have a healthier lifestyle, demonstrating through a graph that human behavior is profoundly shaped by our networks.
00:19:59.640 Pop culture even intersects with this concept. The 'six degrees of Kevin Bacon' phenomenon stemmed from three college students joking about the idea of connecting actors back to Kevin Bacon, leading to an exploration of actor networks.
00:20:46.360 This notion highlights the concept of connectedness between people as it leads us to realize that when you add someone to your professional network, you're effectively creating a connection.
00:21:32.400 The sharing economy is a product of our interconnectedness, changing how humans transact with trust as the driving force. In instances such as Airbnb, evaluating measures of trust helps forge connections that might not have existed previously.
00:23:31.480 Interestingly, recent studies indicate a greater likelihood for job seekers in tech to secure employment through second and third-degree connections rather than directly through first-degree connections.
00:24:20.510 This phenomenon illustrates the fundamental impact that our networks have on our opportunities and lives, not just in personal relationships but also in how we choose governance, as reported in findings around election meddling.
00:25:18.790 In the context of Facebook's massive user database, algorithms play a role in connecting nodes—individuals—in conducts that affect society significantly. The reliance on mathematics can lead to difficulty discerning the presence of biases or inaccuracies, impacting how trust is placed.
00:26:09.300 Trust remains a complex mathematical problem, requiring human involvement to evaluate fairness, reliability, and potential biases in frameworks. Every time Euler faced a problem, he recognized that the necessary tools weren’t reliable enough, thus, creating innovative solutions that worked.
00:27:05.110 That leads to one last question—whatever happened to Königsberg? History has a humorous irony; after Prussia fell, Königsberg became part of Russia and endured destruction during World War II.
00:27:52.250 Following the destruction of many bridges during the bombings of World War II, what remains of Königsberg today is now known as Kaliningrad, and you’ll notice there are only five bridges. Ironically, now it is possible to form an Eulerian path within the city.
00:28:51.800 And for all the irony in history’s tale, I like to think that Euler would have gotten a kick out of that. Thank you.