Hello! Yes, I bought this; I'm enjoying it.
I'm from Austin. First, I'm Yusuke Endoh, and my Twitter account is a bit meta.
I've been a Ruby committer since 2008.
Some of my main contributions to Ruby include the implementation of keyword arguments.
I just implemented the design, and I also worked on the Ruby itself and a design and implementation coverage measurement library.
That's a back-end tool that helps create benchmarks for Ruby. Last year, I joined Cookpad as a three-time Ruby committer. My current job is to develop Ruby's safety.
But now, let me share some information about Cookpad.
Currently, Cookpad supports 22 languages and operates in 68 countries. We aim to be number one in 100 countries, and to maintain such a high-intensity service, we need many great engineers.
So if you are interested in working at Cookpad, please let me know.
The reason why I am here today is not just because I'm a good Ruby committer, but also because I'm one of the most peculiar Ruby programmers.
Today's topic is transcendental programming. I guess few people have heard of transcendental programming because I created this name.
By this term, I mean the act of enjoying programming regardless of practicality. I'm sure many of you enjoy programming, but most of you likely have practical objectives, like creating a useful web application or tool.
That’s great, but sometimes you may miss the pure joy of programming itself. We can enjoy programming without focusing solely on its practical uses.
In this talk, I want to explore the essence and joy of programming. We can utilize a powerful programming language like Ruby to write completely useless programs.
Today, I will demonstrate some of the useless programs that I have created in the spirit of transcendental programming.
Let me show you the first program. This is a simple Ruby program that prints "Hello, Hiro." It’s just a basic "Hello World" example.
Yes, it’s a "Hello World" program written in Ruby. As you can see, it’s a straightforward program, and everyone knows the phrase. It is the most famous program, but do you need anything more complex?
Next, I will show you a technique to encode and decode any given string, in this case, a Ruby program, into a natural number and vice versa.
There are many approaches to encoding and decoding, but in this case, we hold fragments of data that relate to encoding and decoding, respectively.
I will show you how to encode and decode a Ruby program into hexadecimal. This encoded format allows us to execute the Ruby program.
After this, all you need to do is process the generation. For instance, we can take a number and decode it to yield the original code.
Then, you can pass the decoded code to execute it again. However, it still won't work without defining certain constants.
Next, here's a little trick: we need to ensure all parts of the code have been defined properly, or else the code will not execute correctly.
I made a gem available for this, and the next part involves a QR code that you can scan.
If you have a smartphone, please try to read the QR code I've provided. It might be difficult to scan correctly, but don’t worry!
The next step is to ensure your device can read the QR code correctly. If it works, you'll receive a simple Ruby program.
This QR code contains a Ruby program that executes properly. Let me show you the inner workings of this program.
The program utilizes three parts: a QR encoder, a pink generator, and an analysis module that reads each part of the code.
The essence of this program is that it generates output that represents itself. It's fascinating how simple it is.
For instance, by adding a few lines of code, we can transform it significantly to create fun output.
We can create various outputs based on what we want. The ultimate goal is to show how creative programming can take shape.
Next, I'll talk about another example, which is much like the core idea of transcendental programming.
This involves taking a simple program and turning it into a piece that generates interesting outcomes using animations.
The following program represents a blend of traditional programming with visual outputs.
The program features animated outputs, showcasing how programming can also convey images and delightful experiences.
Next, I will demonstrate a musical theme combined with animations. This particular program is simple yet expresses joy.
With the musical aspect, you can create many genres of sound. Adjust the pattern, and you can play any song you desire!
It's important to see how animation and sound synthesis can work together to create a joyful experience.
Now, allow me to present one last program that combines many of the concepts we've discussed, evolving the idea of a simple QR code.
This program will showcase how we can take traditional concepts of programming and make them interesting and engaging.
We can also see designs merging programming logic with visual outcomes.
Let’s explore how enjoyable programming can be when combined with artistry.
I hope you've been entertained so far and that this illustration gives a glimpse into the kind of joy programming can bring.
Thank you for attending, and I invite you to explore the world of transcendental programming.
Remember, programming can be fun even without focusing solely on practical outcomes.
If you're interested in practical tasks, consider joining Cookpad, where there are plenty more opportunities.
In closing, continue to embrace the joy of programming and keep exploring interesting codes!
One more thing: this last program demonstrates the number of ways Ruby can create intriguing output.
This program exemplifies the relationship between data and programming to challenge traditional programming paradigms.
If you're interested, I have a book discussing more artistic programming examples. It illustrates how to push the boundaries of creativity with Ruby.
Thanks for joining me today, and I hope you enjoyed this presentation of transcendental programming.
Keep exploring the artistic side of programming, and take care!