
Using Rails Engines to Supercharge Your Team

Using Rails Engines to Supercharge Your Team

by Austin Story

In the video titled 'Using Rails Engines to Supercharge Your Team,' Austin Story, an engineering director at Doximity, discusses how his team successfully implemented Rails engines to facilitate the rollout of GraphQL Federation within their Ruby on Rails application. The talk emphasizes the benefits of using Rails engines as self-contained modules that can encapsulate complex functionality and expose well-defined APIs to streamline development processes. Story shares insights based on his experience from conception to deployment, highlighting key aspects such as:

  • Definition of Keywords: The presentation starts with defining fundamental concepts such as Ruby gems and Rails engines. A Rails engine is a specialized type of gem that integrates seamlessly with Rails applications, having the ability to share useful code and functionality.

  • Introduction to GraphQL: Story explains the components of GraphQL, emphasizing its utility in representing and querying data across various applications. GraphQL Federation is introduced as a method to unify multiple microservices, allowing them to respond to queries as a cohesive system.

  • Doximity Background: He provides context about Doximity, a professional medical network that operates a Rails-based web application. With 80% of US physicians on their platform, they must cater to numerous domains such as telehealth and news.

  • Transition from Monolith to Microservices: The talk describes Doximity's evolution from a monolithic architecture to a service-oriented architecture, detailing the challenges faced with resiliency issues, particularly in mobile-native environments.

  • Implementation of GraphQL Federation: The integration of GraphQL Federation allowed Doximity to overcome complexities associated with managing multiple microservices, enhancing the mobile developer experience while maintaining internal standards for back-end teams.

  • Rails Engines for Streamlined Code: Story highlights the importance of using Rails engines to manage complexities, thereby focusing teams on delivering essential features without being bogged down by the intricate details of the underlying systems. He emphasizes building an intuitive configuration system within the engine framework to facilitate ease of use.

  • Developer Experience Enhancement: The final part of the presentation emphasizes the importance of the developer experience, where by implementing standards, enhancing documentation, and providing notifications, teams can mitigate risks and streamline workflows effectively.

Story concludes by articulating the significant improvements in developer efficiency and system integration achieved through this approach, ensuring developers can deploy changes quickly and confidently.

Overall, the talk presents valuable strategies for leveraging Rails engines and GraphQL Federation to foster team agility and productivity in software development.

00:00:20 Everybody, my name is Austin Story. I am an Engineering Director at Doximity.
00:00:26 I've been there for six and a half years, and the things that I'm going to be talking to you about today are a project that I was part of.
00:00:31 This project has gone from idea to implementation to deployment, and it's been in production for about a year now.
00:00:39 I do want to say, as I'm getting started here, thank you for taking the time to come to this talk.
00:00:45 I am both honored and humbled to be here.
00:00:51 First, I absolutely love Rails; this community is amazing.
00:00:58 It's the thing that keeps me programming and excited every day.
00:01:04 And, you know, I'm humbled that you are all choosing to be here.
00:01:11 I know it’s day three, and many of us are feeling pretty smug.
00:01:18 Some of you were out pretty late doing karaoke last night.
00:01:23 There are several other fantastic talks occurring right now, some of which I wanted to attend.
00:01:29 And finally, I know you’re all here even though there are chair massages available.
00:01:36 I will do my best to live up to that standard of being at least as good as a chair massage.
00:01:42 So, to get started, let's have a high-level overview of what we're going to be discussing.
00:01:55 This is a story about how Doximity, a Rails-based web application, used engines to deploy a complex system called GraphQL Federation.
00:02:01 We did this very intentionally, enabling integration without developers needing to get too involved with the system's details.
00:02:01 This is not a talk about GraphQL; I am not going to advocate for or against it.
00:02:08 GraphQL can be a controversial topic.
00:02:13 Instead, this talk focuses on the important considerations I keep in mind whenever I implement a system like this.
00:02:19 I aim to ensure that we deliver integrated solutions aligned with the Rails philosophy.
00:02:25 I want to address who this talk is applicable to.
00:02:31 There are two main groups of people.
00:02:38 Firstly, this is relevant for those getting started or further along in their careers.
00:02:43 I hope you walk away with a deeper understanding of intentional Rails knowledge.
00:02:48 I want you to know the built-in features of Rails that can help you integrate systems effectively.
00:02:56 And for the later-stage developers, I hope you glean insights about scaling your team.
00:03:03 Speeding up your team can often be accomplished using tools that integrate smoothly with existing Rails systems.
00:03:08 Now, let’s start with some definitions to make sure we're all on the same page.
00:03:13 The first one is something that everybody's probably familiar with: what is a Ruby gem?
00:03:14 To me, a Ruby gem is just some shared Ruby code that is quite useful.
00:03:20 You can add this to your project without worrying about creating database connections, thanks to ActiveRecord.
00:03:27 So what’s an engine, and why did I define gem before this?
00:03:33 An engine is really just another type of gem.
00:03:39 However, it's an enhanced gem that is more aware of Rails and its ecosystem.
00:03:45 It knows how to integrate with the Rails ecosystem, allowing for both useful code sharing and integration with web applications.
00:03:50 We'll discuss how we did this at Doximity with GraphQL.
00:03:56 So, what is GraphQL? It represents a way to query data from your servers.
00:04:03 GraphQL consists of three components.
00:04:09 First, there's a way to describe your data.
00:04:15 For example, we can define a project type with a name that is a string and a tagline that is a string.
00:04:22 Any language that can implement the specification can handle this, not just Ruby.
00:04:30 Libraries are available for Go, Node, and other languages.
00:04:37 The server implements the specifications, allowing clients to query what they need.
00:04:45 This creates a trade-off between benefits and costs.
00:04:50 GraphQL empowers mobile developers to retrieve exactly what they need.
00:04:57 For instance, in this example, we request the project and grab its tagline.
00:05:01 The response comes back predictably, which is crucial for mobile native applications.
00:05:06 Now, what is GraphQL Federation? It extends GraphQL further.
00:05:13 As a query language, GraphQL represents and responds to the requests for data.
00:05:19 Federation provides a unified API primitive.
00:05:26 In a microservices architecture, each microservice can respond to related requests.
00:05:32 Then, you combine these responses into a single endpoint.
00:05:38 This allows for requests to be routed efficiently to the appropriate microservice.
00:05:44 I have a video here that illustrates this concept—fingers crossed that the internet works!
00:05:52 In this example, we have a gateway that interacts with three microservices: a users microservice, a product microservice, and a review microservice.
00:06:05 On the left side, we see a query being sent.
00:06:11 The request includes the product ID and its associated reviews.
00:06:17 The gateway acts as a smart router, directing parts of the query to the appropriate microservices.
00:06:25 The responses are then collated and served back to the client.
00:06:31 To explain how we arrived at GraphQL and its Federation within Doximity, let me provide some context about our organization and the constraints we face.
00:06:43 Doximity is a 13-year-old Rails-based web application, and we’re a founding member of the Rails Foundation.
00:06:56 Rails is not only near and dear to our hearts, but it's something we want to support and continuously push forward in the community.
00:07:08 We are a professional medical network, which I like to describe to developers as a fusion between GitHub and LinkedIn, but exclusively for healthcare professionals.
00:07:16 We have 80% of US physicians on our network and provide an array of tools.
00:07:27 For instance, Telehealth capabilities enable voice and video calls.
00:07:35 Many of you have likely used a telemedicine service for video calls.
00:07:41 There’s a high chance that the system you utilized was powered by Doximity.
00:07:49 We facilitate hundreds of thousands of calls every day and prioritize a physician-first experience.
00:07:56 Thus, we structure our teams around distinct domains.
00:08:01 Telehealth, for example, is its own business unit with unique goals and scalability requirements.
00:08:08 As a result, we adopted a service-oriented architecture to allow each domain the flexibility needed for rapid change.
00:08:16 Physicians are busy; we aim to meet them on their terms and usually that's via mobile.
00:08:22 They have many appointments throughout the day, which is why we prioritize a mobile-native approach.
00:08:29 We support 30 application teams and have over 140 web developers.
00:08:36 Our system manages around 9,000 GraphQL requests per minute with 7,000 fields defined in our models.
00:08:44 Initially, we worked with a monolith.
00:08:51 Everything was fine until more domains like Telehealth emerged that required swift changes.
00:08:58 As this expansion occurred, we began facing resiliency issues.
00:09:03 We decided to start decoupling functionality into microservices.
00:09:10 Additionally, we aimed to address mobile native challenges by implementing GraphQL.
00:09:16 This transition began around 2017, which is about six years ago.
00:09:23 To visualize it, our monolith received requests from iOS, Android, and web clients.
00:09:30 If those requests were made to GraphQL, we routed them either to microservices or processed them internally.
00:09:37 Other teams also began implementing GraphQL on their services.
00:09:45 The perspectives of mobile and back-end teams differed significantly.
00:09:52 Mobile developers appreciated the API structure GraphQL provided.
00:09:59 It grants them easy access to documentation and ensures type responses.
00:10:06 This leads to fewer crashes caused by unexpected nil responses.
00:10:14 We stored every type of request made by mobile, allowing us to monitor changes.
00:10:20 Developers could identify if their changes would impact existing functionality.
00:10:28 On the other hand, the back-end perspective found GraphQL demanding.
00:10:35 It required more intentionality at the decision-making level.
00:10:43 Internal standards were challenging to implement since every team followed different conventions.
00:10:50 Moreover, service isolation was increasingly difficult.
00:10:55 For example, if our Newsfeed service relied on the monolith, outages could extend across the system.
00:11:02 Each service had to stand resilient, but dependent services tied too closely together hampered that.
00:11:09 The developer experience was considerably compromised.
00:11:16 Those working in the monolith were satisfied, while microservices developers struggled with multiple changes just to release one feature.
00:11:24 This led us to question whether maintaining GraphQL was worthwhile.
00:11:30 Ultimately, mobile developers confirmed its value.
00:11:35 We set out to streamline deployments in a way that Rails developers wouldn’t have to grapple with the complexity introduced by our decisions.
00:11:43 This led us to implement GraphQL Federation.
00:11:50 The changes in the flow presented here depict our transformation.
00:11:58 iOS, web, and Android clients now make requests via GraphQL Federation, functioning as an edge router.
00:12:04 Our microservices subsequently expose a GraphQL representation.
00:12:16 As for the benefits of this approach, we can now create internal standards.
00:12:23 Developers can still work independently within Rails whilst utilizing standard GraphQL features.
00:12:30 Each team can change their service without worrying about or needing to understand someone else’s work.
00:12:36 New changes mean better developer experiences.
00:12:42 We were able to deliver projects on time, as the complexity necessitated fewer overall changes.
00:12:49 To accomplish this focus, we had to mitigate the intricacies that developers must face.
00:12:54 The next steps meant integrating Rich functionalities with Rails.
00:13:01 I firmly believe in building integrated systems.
00:13:07 To achieve that, I turn to the Rails guides.
00:13:14 Even after a single day, I find rereading documentation beneficial.
00:13:19 It saves me countless hours on future projects.
00:13:26 Next, we must plan our approach, given the options to build a Rails engine.
00:13:34 Initially, our monolith will host GraphQL.
00:13:39 Our goal is to gradually migrate features into the new engine.
00:13:46 The dream is that we can simply drop the engine into a microservice, and everything will work.
00:13:53 The first thing we do is set up our engine.
00:13:58 Next, we implement GraphQL Playground and discuss key GraphQL concepts.
00:14:07 Afterward, I'll talk about how we integrated everything with Federation.
00:14:12 I’ll have a lot of code samples to share.
00:14:19 To initiate creating a Rails engine, check out the guides.
00:14:26 An engine is a mountable plug-in, requiring specific class names.
00:14:34 This generates code, but the most impactful aspect is the included test harness.
00:14:42 I emphasize having a dummy application that utilizes every feature from my engine.
00:14:51 This way, I can test changes in a live environment.
00:14:57 Having extensive request specs helps me avoid breaking functionality during updates.
00:15:04 Additionally, I focus on configuration.
00:15:11 Configuring how users can change runtime behavior is essential.
00:15:18 I generally use a standard approach to expose ways for users to alter configurations.
00:15:25 For instance, I might create an error based on invalid configurations.
00:15:32 These errors notify users of potential pitfalls in production.
00:15:38 Now, let's talk about GraphQL Playground and why it's beneficial.
00:15:44 GraphQL Playground is a full-featured HTML and JavaScript interface.
00:15:52 It exposes meaningful schema that describes what the server can do.
00:16:02 With this, we can provide crucial developer metrics.
00:16:09 This allows developers to see what data they can request without bugging the back-end team.
00:16:15 They gain a clear overview of how to interact with the API.
00:16:22 The live playground aspect also allows for autocomplete and querying in real time.
00:16:29 This delivery model vastly reduces developer friction when requesting information.
00:16:37 Ultimately, our goal is to create a tailored Rails application that simplifies interactions.
00:16:43 Everything should seamlessly integrate to simplify developers' tasks.
00:16:50 The Playground controller decides how much the engine interfaces with the application.
00:16:56 For our purposes, we aim for little influence on how it operates.
00:17:03 This helps maintain flexibility while allowing users to leverage our engine's capabilities.
00:17:10 Including default access tokens simplifies integration for developers.
00:17:18 We can’t allow developers to mess up access control, so we enforce strict checks.
00:17:25 Our focus rests on ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience.
00:17:33 Next, our routing logic is straightforward.
00:17:40 We configure the Playground controller to manage incoming requests.
00:17:46 We also ensure that this setup is flexible and can be modified if needed.
00:17:53 Following this, we update the configuration process.
00:18:00 This encompasses enabling or disabling the Playground as necessary.
00:18:07 The implementation is straightforward and concise.
00:18:13 This can entail simply providing options in the configuration process.
00:18:19 The final code here shows how to build a GraphQL playground quickly and seamlessly.
00:18:27 We want the integration for the developers to be as low friction as possible.
00:18:33 Once the engine is feature complete, we need to explore installation options.
00:18:39 Developers often struggle with installation if the barriers are too high.
00:18:46 What I often see is an overwhelming array of steps that ail developers.
00:18:52 First, they are told to install the engine, copy configurations, and create it correctly.
00:19:01 That said, we can do better.
00:19:07 Instead, step one can be to run a generator that automatically configures setup.
00:19:15 This promotes user engagement and benefits both parties.
00:19:22 The installation flow combines simplicity and efficiency.
00:19:29 We want developers to be excited to utilize our engine.
00:19:35 Moreover, generators are a significant part of Rails and engines.
00:19:42 They help scaffold out the necessary defaults.
00:19:48 This equips us to guide users without overwhelming them.
00:19:54 Creating a default initializer ensures that users have access to vital information.
00:20:01 We emphasize thorough documentation available right at their fingertips.
00:20:07 The generator simplifies handle initializations and provides clarity.
00:20:14 Ultimately, our goal is to deliver the functionality inherent in these conversations.
00:20:20 This brings us closer to our mission of seamless integration.
00:20:26 Next, we move on to extracting the GraphQL classes.
00:20:34 This involves managing features unique to Doximity.
00:20:40 After we establish the Playground, the second step includes extracting the relevant code.
00:20:46 By moving components over into the engine, we simplify standardization.
00:20:53 Additionally, security measures must be integrated.
00:21:01 Ensuring that security practices are maintained is a powerful feature of GraphQL.
00:21:08 We want to ensure that sensitive data is always safeguarded.
00:21:14 Following this, we incorporate RSpec for testing.
00:21:20 Integrating our personal testing practices is crucial.
00:21:27 We want a seamless experience for developers as they test GraphQL functionality.
00:21:34 Moving forward, we generate the types within GraphQL.
00:21:41 This is to keep the heavy lifting behind the scenes, enabling smooth updates.
00:21:48 We aim to reduce the complexity every developer must deal with.
00:21:55 They can focus on defining their schema without struggling with the underlying code.
00:22:02 The key is to facilitate greater abstraction within our system.
00:22:09 As we steer through this journey, we also prepare for integration with Federation.
00:22:15 This integration facilitates streamlined workflows among microservices.
00:22:22 We consider the requests collectively to maintain uniformity.
00:22:29 As we initiate requests, we can ensure they're processed uniformly.
00:22:36 Centralized routes clearly define how requests are structured.
00:22:42 Our goal is to manage incoming queries across all microservices.
00:22:49 For changes to propagate effectively, we need a clear schema.
00:22:56 This defines the structure and rules for interaction.
00:23:03 Lastly, we must define the deployment process as we push changes live.
00:23:10 Live changes require oversight to ensure compatibility.
00:23:16 Verification processes ensure accuracy within our ecosystem.
00:23:22 As we continue with Rake tasks, we're able to run validations throughout the process.
00:23:30 Each task is aligned with the goal of maintaining operational integrity.
00:23:38 It's crucial that we follow through properly to avoid potential issues.
00:23:46 Connecting these pipelines confirms efficient operation as we roll out changes.
00:23:53 In conclusion, we integrate systems and maintain a seamless experience in our development lifecycle.
00:24:01 Doximity now enjoys nine microservices that effectively utilize our new architecture.
00:24:09 Our work ensures simplicity in deploying and managing these changes.
00:24:16 This approach empowers developers by streamlining their tasks.
00:24:23 I truly appreciate your time today.
00:24:30 If you have any questions, please feel free to raise your hand.