Nickolas Means

Warning: May Be Habit Forming

Warning: May Be Habit Forming

by Nickolas Means

In his talk titled "Warning: May Be Habit Forming" delivered at RailsConf 2017, Nickolas Means shares his personal journey of achieving health and fitness goals while maintaining a busy lifestyle. He emphasizes the importance of building proper systems and nurturing habits to succeed without relying solely on willpower.

Key Points Discussed:

  • New Year's Resolutions: Means begins by discussing the common failure rates of New Year's resolutions, where only 8% of people actually follow through on their goals. He argues that a shift in approach is essential to improve these odds.
  • Motivation and Willpower: He explains that relying on sheer motivation is not sustainable. He references Dr. Roy Baumeister's research, illustrating that willpower can be exhausted like a muscle, leading to failure in long-term goals.
  • Cycle of Non-Finishers: Means introduces the concept of the "cycle of non-finishers," describing how initial enthusiasm can wane, resulting in self-doubt and giving up on goals.
  • Building Effective Goals: He presents strategies for creating achievable goals, noting that goals should be specific, measurable, and structured. He shares his own experience starting with small, manageable goals, like drinking a green smoothie daily for a month.
  • Importance of Systems: Means highlights the significance of systems over motivations. He supports this with BJ Fogg's concept of "motivation wave," urging people to do preparatory work when motivation is high.
  • Habits Formation: He explains the anatomy of habits, referencing Charles Duhigg's work on how habits are formed through cues, routines, and rewards. He uses the habit of drinking smoothies as a keystone habit that enabled him to develop a fitness routine and lose significant weight.
  • Self-Understanding: Means advocates for being honest with oneself about motivations and commitments. He emphasizes the need for planning and making health goals a priority.
  • Final Outcomes: Means shares his personal achievements, including losing 50 pounds and completing his first 10K race, attributing these successes to the systems he adopted rather than motivation alone.


Nickolas Means concludes his talk by reinforcing that anyone can achieve their goals when they learn to work around willpower limitations and focus on building effective habits and systems. This insightful talk provides a practical roadmap for individuals aiming to improve their health and personal achievements, emphasizing that consistency and intentional planning are key to success.

By working smarter through proper systems, individuals can become their own best allies in reaching personal goals, whether related to fitness or other life pursuits.

00:00:11.750 Thanks for the intro, Roy. Good morning, everybody! Thank you all for being here. I have a question to start this talk.
00:00:18.260 How many of you made a New Year's resolution this year? Raise your hand.
00:00:23.939 All right, that's about what I'd expect. Keep them up for a second.
00:00:29.490 Actually, put them down. I'll have you put them back up in just a minute, except you, Sam, keep yours up.
00:00:35.250 So, 40% of Americans, on average, either always or usually make a New Year's resolution, and another 17% do so every once in a while.
00:00:42.570 Okay, so hands back up if you made a New Year's resolution and you're still on track with that resolution.
00:00:48.390 Keep your hand up; otherwise, put it down. So, what percentage of people do you think actually follow through on these resolutions?
00:00:54.180 Shout out some answers. The answer is eight.
00:00:59.719 Eight percent of people who make a New Year's resolution manage to follow through on it and do what they set out to do.
00:01:04.850 So if you had to put your hands down just now, you're far from alone. That's normal.
00:01:12.510 To give you some context, your odds are about the same as taking a deck of cards, shuffling it, and pulling an ace off the top.
00:01:20.549 Those are your odds of hitting your New Year's resolution. You have a 92% chance of failure.
00:01:27.659 So, let's talk about what we can do to shift those odds in our favor.
00:01:34.740 But first, a disclaimer: I want everyone in this room to know that you are a beautiful person just as you are.
00:01:42.659 I'm going to talk a lot about health and fitness in this talk.
00:01:47.869 I'm discussing those things because that's my story, and that's how I learned all of this.
00:01:54.420 But I'm not telling you that you need to go out and lose weight or get fit. That is a very personal choice.
00:01:59.520 Only you can make that decision for yourself, and I’ll get into why that is here in a minute.
00:02:05.369 The principles I'm sharing can apply to anything you want to do in your life.
00:02:11.670 Secondly, if you do want to lose weight, please remember I am NOT a doctor.
00:02:17.520 So don’t take anything I’m about to tell you as the gospel truth. Don’t do it because Nick said to.
00:02:24.060 When you're lying on the side of the road with a torn Achilles, I don’t want to hear anybody say, 'But Nick said to go run.'