Who Are You? Delegation, Federation, Assertions and Claims
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Who Are You? Delegation, Federation, Assertions and Claims

by Lyle Mullican

In the video titled "Who Are You? Delegation, Federation, Assertions and Claims," Lyle Mullican discusses the complexities of user authentication and the protocols associated with it. The session highlights the importance of understanding authentication from a developer's perspective, particularly in an environment that demands single sign-on capabilities across different domains. Mullican emphasizes two main reasons for developers to care about authentication systems: the foundational role these systems play in overarching security measures, and the inevitable failure of abstractions leading to the need for deeper understanding of lower-level details.

Key points discussed include:
- Authentication Basics: Mullican elaborates on the challenges in establishing identity, drawing analogies to physical scenarios like airport security processes.
- Local Authentication: He explains local authentication with username and password, describing it as simple yet increasingly problematic in complex applications, particularly those requiring access to multiple systems.
- Federation and Single Sign-On: He defines federation, which centralizes user information, and single sign-on (SSO), which allows users to authenticate once and access multiple applications without the need for multiple credentials.
- Protocols Overview: The presentation reviews several key protocols:
- SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language): The first widely adopted SSO protocol that enables assertions between identity providers and service providers, along with its operational workflows.
- OAuth: While primarily an authorization protocol, OAuth allows for credential delegation, but is not ideal for pure authentication needs.
- OpenID Connect: A modern layer built on OAuth for handling authentication specifically, providing simpler JSON structures and workflows suited for modern applications.
- Security Implications: Mullican discusses the critical importance of security in implementing these protocols, particularly common pitfalls in their configurations, such as defects in trust relationships and assumptions about data.
- Practical Implementation: He encourages developers to engage with these protocols by building local instances of identity providers or utilizing online tools to better understand the processes.

In conclusion, while protocols like SAML, OAuth, and OpenID Connect offer valuable frameworks, they require careful implementation and awareness of security risks involved with each method. The key takeaway is that developers should not only leverage existing gems and libraries for these protocols but also remain vigilant about the assumptions they make regarding user data and the trustworthiness of the identities being handled.

00:00:06.020 Hi and welcome! Today we're going to be talking about delegation, federation, assertions, and claims.
00:00:11.059 A little introduction before we get started: My name is Lyle Mullican. You can find me on most social networks under the handle @Mullican.
00:00:17.760 I've been working with Rails for a long time, since version one. I'm currently a principal engineer at PayNearMe.com.
00:00:23.520 We are hiring, so feel free to come talk to me in the Discord chat if you're interested in exploring opportunities there.
00:00:29.460 Today, I'm going to be talking about user authentication, specifically the protocols we use for single sign-on.
00:00:35.880 Before we dive into that, I think it’s worth starting with the question of why we should care about these things as developers.
00:00:42.420 I’m probably not in the business of implementing protocol-level details on a daily basis, so why should I care how they work?
00:00:48.660 I think there are two answers to that. The first is that almost all of the security controls we have depend on having a reliable authentication system in place.
00:01:01.920 If there’s a way to impersonate a valid user, especially a privileged user, then a lot of the other security controls that we’ve carefully put in place to protect our applications become irrelevant.
00:01:14.280 So I believe that security is a shared responsibility, and every developer should be as educated about it as possible.
00:01:20.280 The second reason, though, is more practical. The law of leaky abstractions applies very much to the concept of user authentication.
00:01:32.880 If this isn’t a term that you’ve heard of before, it was coined almost 20 years ago by Joel Spolsky.
00:01:38.880 It states that all non-trivial abstractions, to some degree, are leaky.
00:01:44.520 So what this means is that as programmers, we benefit from all kinds of abstractions that are meant to protect us from details.
00:01:50.700 This allows us to focus on solving the problems that we care about, but there’s always some point at which those abstractions fail us.
00:01:57.320 The concerns we’re trying to avoid end up leaking through.
00:02:03.000 For Rails developers, one of the most obvious examples of this principle is Active Record.
00:02:09.660 It’s an abstraction meant to protect us from the database so that we can interact with it without needing to understand SQL.
00:02:16.260 However, most of us have encountered cases where that abstraction fails.
00:02:22.560 For performance reasons or other issues, database concerns leak through, and we find that we need to understand things at a lower level.
00:02:29.760 The same is true of authentication systems. Even if the gems or services we use abstract away many concerns around user authentication, at some point those concerns are likely to leak through.
00:02:44.580 Having some knowledge of what's going on at a lower level can serve us well.
00:02:56.580 Today, we’re going to talk about some authentication protocols specifically relevant to web applications.
00:03:09.120 We’ll also step back and discuss considerations for developers when integrating them and where they might cause problems.
00:03:15.000 Authentication aims to answer the question: who is sitting at the other end of a keyboard?
00:03:20.580 It’s a fundamentally hard question to answer and comes in two parts: how a person establishes their identity first, and then how they prove they are the same person when they return.
00:03:27.540 Most of what we think of as authentication falls in that second category.
00:03:34.440 There are analogies to this in the physical world. If this were an in-person conference, most of us would have had to board a plane to get here.
00:03:39.599 Consider what happens when I walk up to the gate to board a flight. An agent who’s never seen me before has to decide if I’m allowed to be there.
00:03:47.160 In early days of air travel, it was a simple process—anyone could walk up to the gate with a ticket.
00:03:54.960 Now, airport security is much more sophisticated; there’s a clear separation between secure and public areas.
00:04:05.940 To enter the gate area, I need to provide a government-issued ID, typically a passport or driver’s license, which is a long-term credential.
00:04:12.240 Then, at the gate, I show a boarding pass, which is a short-term credential valid only for my flight.
00:04:19.320 Most web applications do something similar—each request made to access a protected resource has to include a token that must be trusted.
00:04:27.180 Traditionally, this is done with a long-term credential like a username and password, similar to a government ID.
00:04:36.060 Providing this once gives me a session cookie, acting as a short-term credential for other requests in that session.
00:04:42.960 This creates a separation between the validation of a long-term credential and the short-term credential it’s exchanged for.
00:04:50.820 Often, different parts of the same application handle these roles, but such separation allows for different authentication models.
00:04:57.600 If I were to create a new Rails app, I might implement local authentication, where my application has direct access to users’ long-term credentials.
00:05:11.100 This means storing passwords as hashes. I hope securely!
00:05:17.160 The application takes user input, computes the hash, and verifies it.
00:05:23.880 Local authentication has a long history; it’s been in use since the early days of Unix and boasts many advantages.
00:05:30.840 It’s simple, reliable, easy to test, reason about, and understand.
00:05:38.640 However, just as the threat model for air travel evolved since the 1960s, the threat model for software has too.
00:05:45.120 In modern contexts, storing a local database of password hashes involves a lot of supporting infrastructure.
00:05:56.640 It’s really a lot to take on, and maybe not every app wants to deal with all those things.
00:06:02.820 Additionally, software architecture has evolved, leading to many cases where local authentication becomes problematic.
00:06:09.780 Use cases include multiple applications with a common user base, which necessitates seamless transitions between them.
00:06:18.480 In cases where client-side JavaScript runs in the browser or a native application accesses private data from multiple sources, local authentication can become a challenge.
00:06:26.520 Another use case is when you land a huge enterprise client who has 30,000 users that they don’t want to create accounts for.
00:06:34.200 They want those users to click a link on their intranet and transfer their internal identities to your product.
00:06:41.220 Identity validation can be handled by a centralized system you own or by a third-party you’ve outsourced.
00:06:51.840 There are a couple of related terms that you’ll hear in these conversations that I think are helpful to define up front.
00:06:59.520 Federation means that, within a defined environment, there’s a central source of information about users.
00:07:08.040 Other systems can rely on this single source of information.
00:07:15.180 Single sign-on means that, as a result of federation, users can access many different applications with one set of credentials.
00:07:21.120 Let’s take a look now at how that’s done and what implications these protocols have for building software.
00:07:28.440 The first one we’ll look at is SAML, which stands for Security Assertion Markup Language.
00:07:36.840 It’s been around for almost 20 years, and whether or not you’ve worked with it directly, you’ve probably heard of it.
00:07:45.099 This is a standard maintained by an organization called OASIS, which stands for the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards.
00:07:52.440 SAML is probably the protocol they are best known for.
00:07:59.220 It was the first single sign-on protocol for web applications to achieve widespread adoption.
00:08:07.620 By the mid-2000s, many large organizations like Google and Oracle were using SAML in their products and promoting its adoption.
00:08:14.700 Like all new standards, early versions had some issues, leading to a couple of revisions.
00:08:20.640 Version 2.0 is what everyone typically refers to today.
00:08:27.059 Now, I think the name of the protocol is somewhat misleading because SAML is much more than just a markup language.
00:08:34.560 The specification covers both the message format and the way they’re communicated between systems, making it a true protocol.
00:08:41.640 There are a few other terms specific to SAML that I think are helpful to define as well.
00:08:48.240 An identity provider is the system holding the user information and checking passwords.
00:08:56.040 A service provider is the entity the user is trying to access.
00:09:03.000 An assertion is a statement the identity provider makes to the service provider about the user.
00:09:10.200 An assertion can be positive, recognizing the user, or negative, stating that login failed.
00:09:16.920 Here’s an example of an assertion—this is the simplest version. As you can see, they’re XML documents and generally quite large.
00:09:24.540 This can sometimes cause problems, which we’ll discuss later.
00:09:31.459 Importantly, authentication can be initiated at either end.
00:09:37.440 As a user, I can start with the identity provider and ask it to authenticate me for a service.
00:09:44.220 Alternatively, I can start with the service and request that the identity provider authenticates me.
00:09:51.840 Both of these workflows are valid.
00:09:57.720 Messages are exchanged between systems via SAML bindings.
00:10:04.560 SAML is designed for web applications, thus everything occurs over HTTP.
00:10:10.560 This can involve a GET request, POST request, or a more complex process called artifact resolution, which we’ll detail shortly.
00:10:18.300 Let’s try a practical illustration to make this concept more concrete.
00:10:27.180 Imagine we have a library of rare books and a patron named Alice who wants to see one.
00:10:32.640 Alice goes to the fiction desk and asks to see their first edition of The Hobbit.
00:10:40.860 Bob, the friendly librarian, isn’t permitted to check library cards, so he redirects her to Carol.
00:10:49.740 Carol is responsible for validating library cards.
00:10:56.400 Alice approaches Carol, provides her library card, and Carol verifies Alice’s record.
00:11:04.740 Carol checks if Alice is a registered patron in good standing, ensuring she doesn’t have excessive fines or other issues.
00:11:10.560 Satisfied that Alice is a good patron, Carol writes a signed letter to Bob.
00:11:16.020 This letter informs Bob that Alice’s card has been verified.
00:11:23.520 Alice takes this signed letter back to Bob, who recognizes Carol's signature.
00:11:31.100 As a result, he grants Alice access to the book.
00:11:39.180 This is how a service provider-initiated SAML login may work, using HTTP redirect or post bindings.
00:11:45.960 For an identity provider-initiated process, Alice would approach Carol first.
00:11:52.320 After identifying herself, Carol would give Alice a signed letter to present to Bob.
00:12:01.560 In this case, Bob must only check the letter.
00:12:09.420 In both cases, Alice carries and delivers a communication that Bob relies on to verify her identity.
00:12:16.200 Though convenient, this introduces risks because Alice controls the document.
00:12:22.440 We’ll later discuss how this can lead to interesting vulnerabilities.
00:12:30.240 For SAML, there's also a method to transfer the assertion called artifact resolution.
00:12:37.200 In this case, Carol files the letter under a number after signing it, just providing Alice this number.
00:12:45.720 When Alice presents this number to Bob, he can request the letter from Carol directly.
00:12:52.260 He retrieves the letter without Alice seeing it, mitigating some risks.
00:12:58.740 However, this setup is a bit more complex, requiring the identity provider to store assertions.
00:13:07.420 The identity provider must communicate directly with the service provider, which is often not possible.
00:13:15.840 Now, the fundamental question in such a system is, what makes an assertion trustworthy?
00:13:24.780 Unlike passwords, assertions do not require a pre-shared exchange of secret knowledge.
00:13:34.320 Thus, the service provider must ensure that assertions aren't forged.
00:13:41.100 If anyone can create valid assertions, they could easily impersonate any user.
00:13:49.800 The service provider also needs assurances that an assertion cannot be reused if access is revoked.
00:13:58.260 Assertions must reliably maintain specific attributes that confirm their trustworthiness.
00:14:06.240 SAML supports both encryption and signing of assertions, but encryption alone doesn’t suffice.
00:14:16.440 Digital signatures ensure integrity, but incorrect implementations of digital signatures can lead to vulnerabilities.
00:14:23.160 XML signatures require careful handling, as even a single altered byte renders the signature invalid.
00:14:31.320 To correctly sign an XML document, it must first undergo a specific canonicalization before signing.
00:14:37.320 You can sign all or only parts of the document, complicating SAML's signature process.
00:14:44.520 This complexity leads to potential vulnerabilities, as shown in research papers.
00:14:51.240 Remember that assertions are usually large documents, and additional signatures further increase their size.
00:14:57.720 Parsing XML is resource-intensive, making processing SAML assertions a performance problem.
00:15:06.420 As a result, SAML isn’t ideal for apps with heavy JavaScript.
00:15:10.680 Nonetheless, for enterprise scenarios, SAML might be your only option.
00:15:20.520 Not long after SAML 2.0, OAuth emerged as another identity-related protocol.
00:15:27.840 Rooted in Twitter's needs, OAuth became an IETF standard.
00:15:33.840 It's essential to note that OAuth primarily deals with authorization, not authentication.
00:15:41.520 With OAuth, you delegate your identity on one site to another.
00:15:48.540 For example, if I have a WordPress blog, I could authorize it to tweet on my behalf with OAuth.
00:15:55.860 I log in to Twitter, get a token representing my identity, and this token can be used by WordPress.
00:16:04.560 This setup seems like single sign-on, but it leads to misconceptions.
00:16:11.700 It's like if Alice gave Bob a key to her apartment to verify her identity, which isn't the intended use.
00:16:18.540 OAuth isn't suitable for scenarios focused purely on identity verification.
00:16:25.320 However, it does have advantages over SAML, including smaller, JSON-formatted messages.
00:16:34.200 It also supports mobile and browser-based workflows that SAML doesn't adequately address.
00:16:44.400 The creators of these protocols designed OpenID Connect, layering it over OAuth to encompass authentication needs.
00:16:52.800 It's different from the earlier OpenID standard, which OpenID Connect mostly replaces.
00:17:01.560 OpenID Connect shares many concepts with SAML.
00:17:08.040 Relying parties still rely on identity providers to validate users.
00:17:15.360 OpenID Connect introduces the ID token, containing information about the user, akin to a SAML assertion.
00:17:22.740 User attributes in OpenID Connect are known as claims, while SAML generally refers to them as attributes.
00:17:30.720 Messages in OpenID Connect are formatted in JSON, which is more efficient and easier to process than XML.
00:17:38.040 Another advantage of OpenID Connect is its discovery protocol that allows identity providers to publish configuration info.
00:17:45.120 This reduces the setup work when integrating different systems compared to SAML.
00:17:52.320 Here we have Google’s OpenID Connect metadata, which provides essential information for integration.
00:18:01.200 OpenID Connect’s main advantages over SAML are smaller messages that are faster to parse.
00:18:08.520 It’s easier to set up integrations and anticipates more modern use cases for JavaScript-heavy applications.
00:18:16.200 OpenID Connect offers various ways to authenticate users, each with different security implications.
00:18:24.660 The first is the authorization code flow, existing in both OpenID Connect and OAuth 2 workflows.
00:18:30.780 It resembles the SAML artifact resolution protocol.
00:18:37.680 After authenticating with the identity provider, the user receives an authorization code upon redirection.
00:18:45.300 The relying party uses this code along with a secret to obtain an access token and ID token.
00:18:52.020 This flow fits traditional server-to-server interactions.”
00:18:58.860 JavaScript or native apps can't keep secrets from users, making this flow non-ideal for those contexts.
00:19:06.960 Nonetheless, access tokens remain useful, including calling a user info endpoint for more user attributes.
00:19:14.040 ID tokens typically contain minimal information about a user.
00:19:21.360 In cases where code can’t maintain a secret, different flows exist.
00:19:29.640 Historically, the implicit flow was popular, but it’s now largely considered deprecated.
00:19:38.880 This flow allows ID tokens to be included in the redirect after user authentication.
00:19:46.200 While the process isn’t inherently broken, it poses security trade-offs.
00:19:53.520 The client cannot prove its identity to the identity provider; only redirect URLs are pre-registered.
00:20:01.560 Tokens can be passed via query strings or URIs and are more at risk of leaking through the front channel.
00:20:09.840 JWTs support various signature algorithms, not all of which are safe in every configuration.
00:20:16.920 For instance, HMAC-based signatures require a pre-shared secret while public key signatures are generally recommended.
00:20:25.560 The implicit flow can create several challenges due to the lack of security.
00:20:32.520 A modern approach is the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE), which allows public clients to create temporary, single-use secrets.
00:20:40.740 This bolsters security and is preferred when possible.
00:20:48.960 A hybrid flow combines elements of both implicit and authorization code flows.
00:20:56.220 Its use cases are narrow, mainly for apps requiring early user identification, along with the need for access tokens.
00:21:01.400 In conclusion, most single sign-on processes in production today use OpenID Connect or SAML.
00:21:08.640 Now, let’s step back and revisit the original question: why should developers care about these protocols?
00:21:14.580 Authentication, a challenging problem, is relevant to almost all web applications.
00:21:21.960 Understanding these protocols underpins several other security controls.
00:21:27.960 Each version update reflects researcher feedback, identifying flaws in their designs.
00:21:34.260 This maturation doesn’t eliminate potential problems; vulnerabilities often arise from implementation.
00:21:41.220 Thus, many developers shouldn't implement these protocols at a low level directly.
00:21:46.920 Instead, relying on thoroughly tested code is wiser.
00:21:54.240 Understanding is essential, though.
00:22:01.560 Let’s look at a simple example related to JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
00:22:08.180 A JWT has three parts—header, payload, and signature—separated by dots.
00:22:16.560 The header and payload are base64 encoded JSON strings.
00:22:23.520 To parse and validate a JWT, I could split the token and decode those parts.
00:22:30.140 Next, I’d determine the issuer and retrieve their signing key from their discovery info.
00:22:37.680 However, I need to know the specific signing algorithm employed.
00:22:44.640 If a symmetric algorithm was specified in the header of the JWT, trusting it could be problematic.
00:22:50.880 If I used a public key to verify it, anyone could submit a valid token.
00:22:58.720 Similar mistakes have been found in widely-used JWT libraries previously.
00:23:04.440 Additionally, an unsigned token claiming a none algorithm presents its own vulnerabilities.
00:23:12.660 These issues are not exclusive to OpenID Connect and JWTs; similar pitfalls exist in SAML implementations.
00:23:20.980 Thus, rather than avoiding third-party code, we should thoughtfully leverage trusted libraries.
00:23:28.340 As implementers, we must ensure the libraries we’re using remain maintained and patched.
00:23:34.520 When considering identity or authentication functions, especially if external systems handle them, we should analyze our assumptions.
00:23:41.900 Even with reliable codebases, each integration point necessitates careful evaluation of trust.
00:23:48.720 For instance, granting users the ability to sign in through several different providers leads to variability.
00:23:54.060 While the email claim is common, its handling may differ widely across providers.
00:24:01.800 Some might allow multiple accounts per email, while others may bypass verification processes.
00:24:07.860 Understanding how providers interpret claims is critical.
00:24:14.700 Even basic assumptions about email addresses can introduce risks if they diverge.
00:24:22.080 To summarize, protocols and cryptographic algorithms facilitate flexible authentication designs.
00:24:29.760 However, they must be used with caution.
00:24:36.480 An identity token, in most cases, is just another form of user-controlled input with specific trust boundaries.
00:24:43.320 While the signature validates message integrity, we must still verify message content.
00:24:50.520 Testing scenarios for potential failures is relatively uncomplicated.
00:24:56.840 For instance, what if a malicious token arrives containing unexpected information?
00:25:04.560 What if a token issued to a different application is processed by mine?
00:25:10.080 Consideration of various possibilities aids in mitigating risks.
00:25:16.680 Additionally, it's vital to keep third-party libraries up-to-date.
00:25:23.280 Systematically evaluating third-party dependencies is essential.
00:25:30.240 Asking questions about potential breaches, acquisitions, policy changes is imperative.
00:25:35.400 Bear in mind, single sign-on can create a single point of failure.
00:25:41.400 For more hands-on experience, especially with Rails applications, consider setting up local instances of both an identity provider and a service provider.
00:25:49.240 Observe how the messages are exchanged and experiment with it.
00:25:56.080 Using the Doorkeeper OpenID Connect gem can expedite establishing an identity provider.
00:26:02.840 Web-based tools like JWT.io assist in debugging JWTs, while oidc-debugger.com provides a sandbox for OpenID Connect flows.
00:26:10.300 Finally, here are several documents for further reading regarding these systems.
00:26:18.040 The specifications themselves are very readable and valuable for understanding protocols.
00:26:24.920 An article from oauth.net explains why OAuth doesn’t serve as an authentication protocol.
00:26:32.200 The original article on the law of leaky abstractions is worth the read.
00:26:40.200 Additionally, there are research papers analyzing various implementation issues in JWT and SAML libraries.
00:26:48.000 Lastly, PayNearMe is hiring, so please feel free to talk to me if you're looking for a new opportunity.
00:26:55.520 Thank you very much!
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